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js Called Asc molbr- The necessong Voltage axd Current in Circuit Are produced by the application Which is why is Called inoluction motor tthe Cost is low Comparedt to other types o. Moinldinane ig less 3 Simpte in Constraction - 4 ad is ae 2 Power faces is better 6: The eee torque Cox be Conbolledt "pe > Woken a thee phase Supply (5 given to the three phase Yo th Stalor bo ee » 0 wolaling magnetic field of Constant} waogrilinde is Produced - the Speed of this eles mognelic field 15 Synehvonous Speed No. ‘Y-p-m se = [Nev 3). Speed of aliting magnelic -fietd > This “olaling field produces am “Etat BE wotabin poles around a voter. > Let diveckion of vatation of this votalna maandze tae nel ie is Clock Wise ] q shy —— \ pireclfon ot oe: a oa stator | 1 a fata ie AS TAR Ran Aro Seine wiwcd il | 1 7 ' ! 70 Oop ete O DB Roto Concluclors induced Curent in voter Conductor re Weert Ake Curent > Now at “this inetact Sos Sfalionany and Stator lum RME is "lating - So il Obvious that there “Exish a ‘elative motion balwter the RMF and rolor Condudties), > LAtrenever Conduelsr Cuts the Slur mmf gels induced in it~ So, mf gob induced tm the voldr Conductors, Called olor induced “mb This ts “Eledio- magnetic induction ‘ > As rotor forms Closed Circuit, induced “Eo Civeulates verven’ =throush—rotor- Called volor- Current= -Leb-direction of this Curent as going into the paper denoted by a Cross AS Shown in Hw > Any Curent’ ay Conderatar produces ik Own fru So volor produces il fiux Called rotor ftux. for Assumed diveckion of volor Curent the divection of olor fous is Clock Wise as Shown im figtad- (obrotinn ok jures| TN RM Direction Addition / of fed 4K igh furore) i — cancellation Of tivo fiuxes Rotors ~ x bow fiur area) | Mechanical force > Both “the fluxes ithiacl with ‘Zach as Shown ix fiyta) > On left of rotor Conductor , two ftunes Ore in’ Some diveclion- hence ada Up to qt nia Sux area > On vight Side , tivo ftuxes Cancet “Lack Other toe Produces tow flux Oveo > As Sux tines, act as Stretched ‘rubber band, high fur density oven Exerb a push On olor Cals, fowards low ius densily ovea- $v rolor Conductor Experience a force from teft fo Tight in his Case, as Shown An Sq tad: due te taleraction of othe two Funes > As all the rotor Conductors “Capoience 0 forte, the Overatt molov “Expeiences a lovque ond Slack = Nolaling « $0 inleaction OF the fav -flures rs Ney Essential tor a motoring action - Cura Om (as (Mi OS y The divec tion OF induced “Emp's Orde Gteret ove ee an generator but Opposite in wolor. > the oliveclion of “Etecliomagnetic lorque and rotation Of shaft ave Opposite ia qencralor bub. Same in motor! > the direction of “Elechomagnelic lorque andl frictional borque are Some in generale but Opposite in motor De eteclictmoter ConveteacCrechi “Energy into “Eleckie “Energy. Y the Ceneralee generates the ‘“Electricily sbut motor — | ical Enegy inty mechanical Utiliges the fledety The molor is based On “the Principles that Curent — Cowiers the Conduclox Placed im magnelic teeld - “Expenmences 0 force but generator based on “the principle of “tof « 4 ile actial practice {Wied olen Can weve creates the Speed of the Stalor fietd: ‘ ik .does So, their will be no relative moment blw the Stator -field and yolor Conductor No inducel votor Current and therefore no borque to drive the olor. Hence the volor Speed is always less ther the Speed af Stator tield . The difference in Speed blw stator field and rotor Gepends on the load. the load is applied the walare! = ‘effect of the load or breaking forque ts te Slow down the ‘rotor » Hence Slip Increases and With iF increases athe Current cand lorque Hill ac torque of rotor of Dolanctes the na Torque of his load. This Phenomena delemines the Speed at Which the motor Nuns 6» load aie differences blw Sincvanalls Speed Ns and actual Speed of walor is Called Shp. Ve is dabually seleae as a percentage ef Sincranalls ed if Slip Cy Nu N yao Ns “the questity NENTS ee Cee tates teatted Slip Speed lee Jr is Apparent that the Yotor on motor Speed is N-Ns (t-3) e Change in Skip from Low load to futt Load is 3) -6| Poke the olor is at Stand Still, the eequenty of Vo tov (Grek ts Same as the Supplied frequency + Peo eies When thers is elated Speed blo the volor and Stotor’ fieta the Srequenty ©} induced Voltage and hence Garrent ta the olor Wastes wit the whey Speed: ie Costty.- Let at Bou Speed N of the volor the frequency ef olor Curent is 1 then rr af = Rotor frequency | Na = Sinevanall's Speed —— Be No of potes N= Rotor Speed Hue the frequency ef yotor Current way le applied. Obtained by rao tplying othe, Supplied Frequeney by - fractional Slip. \- Ce = i Gaagele ae Bars Consbuclion Simple Resislanee Cannot be Ealenally Slipsings brushes pbseat IMaistaneacs No weed Cost Cheap } ot Usage to > qo] Starting Torque Speed Conlral Biel Copper loss More less Applicalions added More -than © Equal Moderate Not possible haiths fans, Grinder pias machine ek = winding Complicated Can be added Ealermalty present requectly eee Co ca possible less More dé ‘ (rare [| RME Ir lef US Consider a 3phase induction motor. Let the delta Connected stator es we Supply from a three Poets: AG. fy o Re a Saeeuia noon & Tilee, nn eel. ie o ry i {________i DHalto Connectedt Stator TT : El | [ams rama) | GL) 3 Phase Sup ply Current ti FPgls) Phoxer | a he velative position of three Phase Wining Rs Bay | yy are Shown in tq. 3 As Soon a5 power Supply is Switched on Ac flow Simultaneously in Stator Winding - Each Curent Establshe) its Own mognelie fluc this fur due to the Curent ta |” 3 Hotodigs We The Qssumed +Ve divection of fluxes are Shown im Figty- 5 -Lebathe “Woximun Value of ee ie any One “the phases: (pm, the Yesultat ius by ae any tatantees qe | by tthe Vecbr Sum of the individual fiuxes or. aS) bs ge fe Chal te tee 6 We will Consider the Value of 4, at feainstant, ab erlemal of 60° Elechically marked 0, ¢, 4 3 as Shown ia ie tae a “the “i ctor the “3” tures ave que by Oe 5 Dee Sind dy = rn Sin (9-120) de 5 Dm sin (©- 24 0) 2) 8=0 eo) by* Bbw, ba: Ble dm $eom fq (sa) tet US Consider the angle Bop /eov Cosp = op = onla OB = "one a or» bs dr = 2 bp Cosd < oe Cos 30 8 Gb, or 15 bm Case & de- Bd. by. Bb. bh o4m —from tig 5(b) br- 15 Gm | Case) O2120° de: Gn dy =O On - Bly From +9 60 Qr= 1-5 bm Case (4) O= 180° de -o by = Bh bow de: fs bm fon ty sta) dy FAS dm Sol: 4ooV, SOHZ induction motor runs with a Speed Of tyoypm: Cateutate ik Slip > a | a - oS P= poles , f- sont, Vs hoo, Ne t40 rpm N= Ns (t-s) , Ns = of P = 1a0(5D) | ye Ns - 'Soormp N= Ns (1s) N= 1500(t-s) t4ho = 1500-15005 15005 = 1500 -l44o0 15005 = Go S$ > 0-04 6 poles 1 COHZ* induc |The Three phase , Srequaney jon moldy has - of sotor Curent ot full toad 6} battz. Find the Sincranalls Speed and Stip at fun toad - Ne-9 P= 6 poles F = Gonz Nee tao f P = tao(6o) 6 = [200rmp 13 60 = 003 Pole induction wolor is sottz and in a olor is ts Hz. What is the Slip and at What Speed the molor is = 12050) i = 1500 rmp sok NBeNig (ea) ee eee N- I500 (t -0-03) N= tyssrpm % the ral ave Elecko motive force in Stator of ang” poles induction molor as a frequeny o} 50HZ and that am vol 1-5 Hz ab what Speed is molor mon and What is Shpt v = SOHZ Sef t Ce AOS sh =e 50 = 0-03 Ns = bof P = 120 (50) 8 = 450 rpm Ne Ne tyr) {ee a ee lave 3 phase , soH2- G poles ae miolor Rasa: ult lpad Prveentage skp of 3, . Find Sincranalt Speed and the achal Speed . oh — a pre Ns = of 9) sok: = 120 (50) ¢ = 1000 Ympm = t000(1- 0-03) = Wo ype OY mes poles : eee ae motor Soplyng from nil pequenty sane Cates te Slip percentage 2 Speed of motor N” p= G poles f = 5OHZ S$) asne Ne lol = 120(50) 6 = tov0yYpm ee \e 50 = 0046 > Neli-9) = t000(1-0-046) asa Shp of ie ANE wo Lbod and 3 eae al fut load: 1 Siverarall Speed 2. No load Speed elermine 3 fut load Speed 4 Frequesty of rvotor ee ge frequency oh solorn- Curent” at fut load - Pp 6 poles f = sone f= f-50 wv) N. pelea (so) 6 —_=!000 rpm Sot} eee. = 1000 (1-o-01) 140; Tpm F 1000 (1-0:03) e as ty fi. f = soz / a See ly = 0:03x50 SleSuilize 8 poles Alternate yuns at Iso T pm . Supphes power to 4 poles induction motor . the frequenty of the volor is VSH2- What is “the Speed ofthe witor and What is the Slip: f' oH Ne tof 150 = 120F z : eee eee Aw 8p allemalor vuns ab Iso rpm and Supplies power to 6p induction molor Which ‘runs at 970 rpm. What is Slip et induction molbr pe 8 poles peaNi seals) “Is0 = tof & 6000 = tao} = 120x506 G = 1000 Ne- N= t20xf" uce tooo -N-= taoxf! Gi 1000-440 = 20x f! 2 80 = tort \ of =180 0] A@p-inctaclion motor is Suppled by top allemate of | Which is dkiven at 600 vp. 4 the motor is Yunning at Torpm .tZelemmine ifs skp percentage. st} IN, = bo F 600 = laof lo f= sonz Ns = laof P N= 120 (50) ¢ N = tooo e Ns-N x00 in Ns ic 1000 -V10 yigg 1000 = 3,

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