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Class- 5th Session 2023-2024 Subject-English Final Exam Time- 3hours
MM: 80

• Read the passage carefully and answer the questions briefly: (1*5=5
Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air
like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly
fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to
the flowers! Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red, and orange. All bees are black
in some places. Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have
a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their
legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen. Bees live in many
places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only
continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they don’t live in Antarctica.
It’s too cold! Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not
bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer!

Answer the following questions:-

Q.1:What are bees?

A.Mammals B. Birds C. Reptiles D. Insects

Q.2: How do bees fly?

A.They use their legs B. They use their head C.They use their wings D. None of the above

Q.3:How many legs do bees have?

A.Two B Four C. Six D. Eight

Q.4:What is the stinger used for?

A.To eat food B. To defend against enemies C.Both A and B D. None of the above.

Q.5:Where do bees live?

A.North America B. Asia C. Antarctica D. Both A and B

• Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:

(1*5=5marks )

Robin sang so sweetly

When the days were bright.
“Thanks to God for summer days!”
He sang with all his might.
Robin sang so sweetly
In the autumn days:
“There is fruit for everyone;
Let us all give praise!”
In the wintry weather
Still we heard his song.
“Some little bird must sing,” he said,
“Or winter will seem too long.”
When the spring came back again
He sang, “I told you so!
Keep on singing through the winter:
It will always go.”

Choose the correct answer:

i) When does Robin sing with all his might?
a) in autumn
b) in winter
c) in spring
d) in summer

ii) How does Robin sing?

a) politely
b) happily
c) sweetly
d) sadly

iii)What did Robin sing in the autumn?

a)There is fruit for everyone
b)Thanks to God for summer days
c) some little birds must sing
d) winter will seem too long

Vi)Make Sentences:

V)Give the synonyms of these words:



• Write the meaning of these words: (0.5*6=3)

• 1.Trouble 2.Horrid 3.Plan 4.Generous 5.Boon 6.Enormous

4.Make the sentences of these words: (1*3=3)

1. Hungry 2. Curtain 3. Comfortable

5.Multiple Choice Questions: (0.5*4=2)


6.Fill in the blanks:


7.Very Short Answer type Questions: (1*5=5)

A)The little fish was talking to whom?
B)What was in Tom’s hand?
C)Who survived in the storm?
D)Who fell into King Shubi’s lap?
E)Who invented the steam engine?

8.Short Answer type Questions: (2*4=8)

A)What happened to the little fish when he tried to catch the fly?
B)What did aunt Polly want Tom to do?
C)Who infant, were the dove and the hawk?
D)Who was the first Indian scientist to go into space?

9.Long Answer type Questions: (2*3=6)

A)What was strange about the scale pan in which the dove was put?
B)Which is the most important achievement of science in astronomy?
C)Why is Arctic tern bird an extraordinary bird?

Section B Grammar(21 marks)

Section B Writing (15 marks)
• Write a descriptive paragraph on your Favorite Place (8)
Write a story The Farmer and the Magic Goose.
.............a farmer had a magic goose......................... . laid a golden egg ......... farmer
sold .......................a good price ...................became rich................... built a large house............
lived ............with wife and children ,...................... good food to eat.............. . ........ fine
clothes .................. one night a wicked idea................could be very rich ................... golden eggs
from the body of the goose . ................ next morning ..........................killed the
goose ...........................tore her body.............. went mad ................. goose was dead...........not get
golden egg .
• Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper’ The Times of India ‘describe about the
Education. (7)
Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper ‘The Hindustan ‘describe him
about the Traffic Jams.
Section C Grammar (20marks )
• Fill in the blanks with preposition. Choices are given. (6×0.5
• Humpty Dumpty sat __ a wall. (on/at)
• The police officer is __ the station. (at/on)
• The Sun will not rise __ 6 o’clock. (before/since)
• I know Jack ___ he was a little boy. (for/since)
• Priya’s house is ___ mine. (next to/after)
• I will have completed my task __ Friday. (till/by)
• Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions (4× 0.5=2)
• Write to me ______you can. (when, then, that)
• He arrived ______the meeting was over. (because, then, after)
• I shall punish you ______you tell me the truth. (unless, if, but)
• He sells _____ mangoes and oranges. (as well as, both)
• Circle the conjunctions in these sentences ( 4×0.5
• I wanted a puppy, but he wanted a cat.
• I jumped because Simon said to jump.
• We cleared the floor so we could dance.
• She’ll go to Chicago or Detroit on vacation.
• Choose the correct form of verb
( 6×0.5=3 )
• He is ______football (play/plays/playing).
• The shop ______at nine o’clock every morning. (open /opens/is opening).
• It ____ __since eight o’clock this morning. (is raining/was raining/has been raining).
• I ______next month (will be coming/am coming/shall be coming).
• That house ______to my uncle. ( belong/belongs/is belonging).
• You ______when I came to your house. ( are sleeping/were sleeping/slept).
• Fill in the blanks with suitable modals (4*0.5=2)
• I __ arrange the flowers for the bouquet. (may/can)
• __ I borrow this pen from you? (may/might)
• The teacher __ ask you to bring the homework. (might/can)
• According to the weather forecast, it ___ snow heavily tomorrow. (may/shall)
• Change the Active voice into passive voice (4*1=4)
• The police arrested the smuggler.
• Shiva was flying a kite.
• The hunter shot the deer.
• The lion attacked the zebra.
Section D Literature ( 30marks )
• Word Meanings

Almirah B. Thumped C. Resemble D. Imparted E. worth F. Crystal G.
• Make sentences (do any five) (5*1= 5marks)
• Behind B. Improve C. Sailors D. True E. Near F. Left
• Very short Answer type Questions. (5*1= 5Marks)
• Why can’t we touch the sun?
• Who predicted about Manu?
• What were the Firangis?
• Why can’t we touch the Sun?
• Name a few things that sink.
• Answer the following questions ( 4*2=8Marks)
• Who was the daughter of Moropant?
• Who predicted about Manu?
• What does the boy want to know about the wood?
• What did Moropant tell Manu about British?

• Answer the following questions ( 3*3=9Marks)

• What did the Djinn give to camel and why?
• According to the poet where are our colours of life?
• How did the messanger help the Pandavas?
• What did Dr. Losberne decide about Oliver?

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