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2, APRIL 2022

Autonomous Source Term Estimation in Unknown

Environments: From a Dual Control Concept to
UAV Deployment
Callum Rhodes , Cunjia Liu , Member, IEEE, and Wen-Hua Chen , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In the gas source search and localisation problem, aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms, there is growing interest from
the use of autonomous robots is of increasing interest due to their both academia and industry into how to develop an autonomous
deployment speed and lack of human interaction with hazardous source search platform that is capable of operating in a wide
materials. This letter presents an aerial robotic platform for per-
forming source term estimation of an unknown chemical release in range of environments.
a challenging a-priori unknown and GPS-denied environment. The Due to the requirement of robust operation in varying con-
proposed system forms the search strategy using the state-of-the-art ditions, there is gain to be had in the development of small yet
control concept, dual control for exploitation and exploration, and computationally powerful drones. Whilst micro-drones have the
realises such a function in the aforementioned challenging scenario advantage of being able to operate in very tight spaces, they lack
using an RRT* based path planner. A novel downsampling process
the computational power to be able to execute intelligent and
on the RRT* is also proposed that addresses the computational
infeasibility of calculating the utility of a large number of sample robust searching, limiting their applicability only to small scale
states, whilst still maintaining sample state diversity. The proposed searches. On the contrary, large UAVs have the advantage of long
algorithm is tested in a high fidelity simulation environment un- flight times and the ability to deploy large sensors. However,
der a number of configurations, and compared against competing for gas source localisation the propeller interference with the
algorithms. The system architecture is also brought forward into plume can cause sampling issues [2] and they are limited to large
a bespoke UAV platform and experimentally tested in real-world
conditions. The proposed system is shown to be capable of perform- open environments. Based on this understanding, there exists
ing source term estimation robustly and efficiently, which provides a convergence wherein an autonomous UAV has the smallest
a step forward in showing the real world application of previously footprint possible and has the computational and physical power
academic functions. required to perform robust and efficient autonomous search
Index Terms—Robotics in hazardous fields, sensor-based in unknown environments. This is something we wish to also
control, planning under uncertainty. address in our work with a new compact platform.


IRBORNE chemical releases are an ongoing threat both in In recent years, the number of published works for chemical
A defence and industrial applications. The ability to manage
these situations quickly and in a stand-off manner is required
sensing using a small drone has increased from less than 5 papers
per year in 2010 to over 30 in 2020 [3]. This dramatic increase
to mitigate the risk to the surrounding area and to protect in research has coincided with the commercial development of
human lives. A prime example where first response robotics drone platforms in other sectors, which has led to more accessi-
were of vital importance was during the Fukushima nuclear ble and a wider range of platforms for use within a CBRN setting.
power plant disaster in 2011 [1]. Whilst remote intervention is An excellent review of the field of environmental chemical
currently required to deal with chemical, biological, radiological sensing using small drones by Burgues et al. [3] can be read for
and nuclear (CBRN) events, it is imperative that future work a more in-depth analysis (particularly on the chemical sensing
focus on making these systems autonomous so that they can be side). One area that has had less consideration is how to achieve
deployed as quickly as possible with little expertise. Due to these fully autonomous chemical sensing within varied environments,
growing concerns, and the development of small unmanned since most research has only been proven to perform in more
controlled situations (e.g. not considering operation in a-priori
Manuscript received September 9, 2021; accepted January 3, 2022. Date of
unknown and GPS-denied environments).
publication January 19, 2022; date of current version January 25, 2022. This In this paper we adopt a source term estimation (STE) frame-
letter was recommended for publication by Associate Editor H. Ryu and Editor work [4] for estimating the unknown source and focus on the
Y. Choi upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. This work was supported path planning of the system to achieve our goals (making use of
in part by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under
Project 2126619 and in part by EPSRC Established Career Fellowship to Wen- state of the art functions for the other aspects). The literature
Hua Chen under Grant EP/T005734/1. (Corresponding author: Cunjia Liu.) concerning motion planning for gas source localisation has
The authors are with the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive En- generally only been concerned with goal selection, i.e. the next
gineering, Loughborough University, LE11 3TU Loughborough, U.K. (e-mail:;; best place to take a chemical sample. This has been approached
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2022.3143890 in two ways: bio-inspired methods and information theoretic

2377-3766 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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methods. Bio-inspired methods such as anemotaxis [5] and under the proposed architecture. Using the developed platform,
chemotaxis [6], [7] seek environmental gradients in order to several real-world tests are undertaken that prove its efficacy and
dictate upstream travel. Due to their computational simplicity, to the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first UAV system
these algorithms are often deployed for swarm robotics where to perform GPS denied STE in an unknown environment.
computational resources are limited. A state-of-the-art example
of a bio-inspired method can be found in [8]. Information II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
theoretic strategies attempt to optimise the information gain,
which is used to quantify the uncertainties in STE inference, A. System Requirements
when choosing the next sampling location. Infotaxis [9], [10] In order to design the architecture of the platform, it is
and Entrotaxis [11] are two information theoretic strategies for prudent to consider the features that are required to successfully
directing an autonomous agent. perform autonomous STE in unknown environments. Since the
A recent development in the area of the goal-oriented con- robotic platform may be deployed in hazardous areas that are
trol, namely dual control for exploitation and exploration inaccessible to an unmanned ground vehicle, a UAV may be
(DCEE) [12], provides a hybrid strategy that jointly optimises more suited to these kind of applications. However, by selecting
the exploitative aspects of bio-inspired methods, which drives a UAV platform, more careful considerations must be taken for
the robot towards the source, and the exploratory nature of in- the onboard compute unit and the perception suite due to the
formation theoretic methods, which maximises the information payload limit and UAV dynamics.
gain, into a unified utility function. This new technique provides For UAVs operating in unknown and cluttered environments,
a promising direction for source localisation problems and is the lightweight solution of leveraging vision sensors to perform
leveraged in our proposed system. localisation and mapping is preferred. A stereo-inertial camera is
Whilst these strategies provide high level goals, they do not thus adopted since it has the ability to perform robust simultane-
take into account the geometry or traversibility of the problem. ous localisation and mapping (SLAM) to support UAV flight by
Some examples such as [13], [14] do consider this aspect, but fusing odometry from the onboard IMU with pose estimation
are myopic in their search and are not proven in larger scenarios. from the image data. In addition, the vision system generates
To address this, our recent work [15] proposes an information the traversability map to enable collision avoidance, where any
theoretic path planning technique using BIT* [16], with an inaccuracy may render the platform inoperable.
informed trajectory generation towards the expected source term Another key component of the platform is the autonomous
location. This work assumes a known map and therefore long search or sampling function. For a maximum take-off mass of
term trajectories could reasonably be planned. However, for an <2.5 kg, reasonably powerful compute units are available to
unknown map, this is not feasible until the majority of an area perform online inference of STE and therefore we do not have
has been covered. to rely on reactive methods e.g. anemotaxis and chemotaxis.
Furthermore, taking a large network of trajectories and re- This extra compute power over micro-drones allows the use of
ducing the sample space to allow timely computation of their more robust information-theoretic approaches based on STE,
utility for STE is non-trivial and must be addressed in an but how to generate effective and feasible search strategies is
information-theoretic framework. still an open problem.
To fulfill the system requirements, a new system architecture
B. Contributions is developed in this paper as shown in Fig. 1. The diagram sum-
Given the shortfalls in the literature, this paper provides a new marises the various functions and their dependencies required
system architecture that is capable of performing STE in GPS- to deliver an effective and reliable autonomous STE based on
denied and a-priori unknown environments. The contributions a UAV. The technical aspects of each function are explained as
to the field of CBRN robotics are as follows. follows.
Firstly, we design a novel path planning solution to realise the
DCEE search strategy in cluttered environments. Comparing to B. Localisation and Mapping
existing search strategies that use a pre-determined set of sam-
For small payload UAVs, an ongoing area of research is
pling actions (e.g. [10]–[13]), the proposed method combines
how to reliably and accurately perform real-time localisation
rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT*) and a new downsampling
without relying on computationally expensive algorithms or
process that can adapt to the environment and accommodate
offboard sensors. Campos et al. [17] overview many prominent
computation resources.
attempts to this end but the trade off between compute power
Secondly, we form a high fidelity simulation environment,
and the systems reliability, scale and accuracy, is still a choice
which can test the perception function, gas sensing capability
that is application specific. In this work, we consider an open
and robotic control simultaneously. We also make the simulation
source state-of-the-art stereo-inertial SLAM method, namely
setup available for benchmarking and future research.1
ORB-SLAM3 [17], which uses ORB features [18] in the stereo
Thirdly, on the practical side, we develop a UAV platform
pair of images to calculate real time trajectories in a sparse map.
with an onboard perception system that allows STE operation
ORB-SLAM has shown to be capable of tracking in 100m+
1 The industrial scenario (CAD, CFD, and dispersion data) for use in GADEN scale environments and therefore can suitably be applied to
is [Online]. Available: a CBRN scenario which exhibits similar scales. ORB-SLAM
env is also computationally lightweight, however, the sparse map

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Fig. 1. System diagram for the proposed chemical sensing UAV platform.

representation means that a dense local mapping layer must UAV to the next sampling location and the whole process can
be employed on top of ORB-SLAM in order to plan valid be iterated until the source can be identified.
trajectories through cluttered environments (i.e. mapping with
known poses). The Octomap [19] voxel grid representation of
the environment is chosen due to its efficiency of storing such
dense 3D maps. The UAV pose (denoted by xk ) and the 3D For a UAV platform performing autonomous STE in an un-
map mk are subsequently incorporated in the path generation known environment, it is inherently required that the system
process. is capable of self-dictating the sampling locations online by
incorporating the latest understanding of environment and the
C. Source Term Estimation belief of the source term. While the common approach to make
an informed sampling decision is to maximise an information
STE seeks to calculate the model parameters of a source theoretic utility function, this does not accommodate the obsta-
release by recursively updating a belief state of the source cles in the environment. Starting from the state-of-the-art DCEE
with new sensor measurements as the platform explores the utility function, this section outlines how the search strategy
environment. Unlike source localisation wherein only the source can evolve to account for obstacles by utilising RRT* based
location, s ⊂ R3 , is concerned, STE also estimates other plume trajectory generation to improve system efficacy. The method
parameters, such as release rate, diffusivity and wind parameters, for interfacing these two separate algorithms is also explained
denoted as Θ. Casting the estimation problem into a Bayesian by way of a binary tree set partitioning technique.
inference framework makes it more robust to unknown envi-
ronmental factors and scalable to different scenarios. This is a
proven technique for achieving gas source localisation, as the A. DCEE Utility Function
efficacy and applicability to real world STE scenarios have been Different from existing informative path planning methods to
shown in [20], [21]. maximise a measure of information gain, the DCEE formulation
In this work, we use the inference engine from [21], [22], offers an optimal trade-off between the objectives of driving the
where an isotropic plume model [23] with the source state platform to the source location and reducing the uncertainties in
vector Θ = [sT , qs , us , φs , ζ1 , ζ2 ]T , denoting for the source lo- the estimation process. The DCEE enabled autonomous search-
cation, release rate, wind strength, wind direction, diffusivity, ing strategy is formulated in this section.
respectively, is adapted. The particle filter solution uses an Consider the current UAV position in the search space, xk ∈
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) step to improve the nu- X and denote σkk+1 : [0, 1] → X a collision-free path that can
merical stability and contains Npf number of weighted particles be followed by the UAV to reach to the next sampling location
(i) (i) Npf (i)
{Θk , wk }i=1 , with wk referring to the normalised weight- xk+1 . Autonomous searching can be realised by optimising a
ing of the ith particle at time k. The STE inference engine utility function J(σkk+1 ) that captures the benefit from such a
provides the posterior probability of the source term p(Θ|Zk ), move.
given the gas sensor measurements up to time k, denoted as In STE, given an unknown source term Θ, a probability
Zk := {z1 , z2 , . . . , zk }. density function ρk|k := p(Θ|Zk ) can be used to represent the
With the localisation, mapping and STE functions onboard, belief of Θ at time k, conditioned on sensor measurements Zk . A
the remaining function to be developed is the autonomous search candidate path σkk+1 , that leads the UAV to a potential sampling
strategy, so that the system can determine the next sampling location xk+1|k would give a future new measurement ẑk+1
location in an optimal way and plan a safe path to reach there. (where ẑ distinguishes a predicted variable from a real variable).
The flight controller on the UAV is then employed to drive the A hypothetical posterior distribution ρ̂k+1|k := p(Θ|Zk , ẑk+1 )

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conditioned on this possible future measurement ẑk+1 can be

calculated by running the predictive inference.
In this case, the DCEE utility function for reaching an un-
known source s can be formulated as
J(σkk+1 ) = Eẑk+1 EΘ xk+1|k − s2 |Zk , ẑk+1 (1)
From this, the predicted source location s̄k+1|k is defined as the
expectation over the distribution ρ̂k+1|k , such that
s̄k+1|k := E sk+1|k = E s|Zk+1|k (2)
where Zk+1|k := {Zk , ẑk+1 }. With s̄k+1|k , an error variable
s̃k+1|k = s − s̄k+1|k , conditioned on Zk+1|k , can be defined.
Based on the above notation, the DCEE reward function can
be simplified into the following expression, for which a full
derivation and proof can be found in [12]. design a downsampling process to select a suitable number of
sampling locations that are more spatially uniformly distributed.
J(σkk+1 ) = xk+1|k − s̄k+1|k 2 + Pk+1|k (3) Algorithm 1 describes how the RRT* algorithm has been
integrated with the DCEE framework for the STE procedure.
where Pk+1|k = EΘ,ẑk+1 [s̃Tk+1|k s̃k+1|k |Zk+1|k ] is the predicted For full derivation and primitive function descriptions of the
covariance matrix of sk+1|k . RRT* procedure, please refer to Karaman et al. [25].
Equation (3) shows the exploitation (left) and exploration Given X ⊂ R3 is the state space of STE problem, let Xobs ⊂
(right) that are jointly optimised and this provides the spine of X be the states which are obstacles, and the set of obstacle
our decision making system. free states defined as Xfree := X \ Xobs . Xfree and Xobs are
typically obtained from an occupancy grid or octomap, mk .
B. Trajectory Generation First, the RRT* tree consisting of vertices and edges, τ (V, E),
Although DCEE provides a nice framework for designing the is grown as per [25], except for only sampling from within
utility function to evaluate a candidate path σkk+1 , it is still an a defined region. Due to the range limitations of the sensor
open problem how to find a set of candidate paths for the UAV configuration, this maximum search volume is set to a sphere
in a cluttered environment. The trajectory generation function of radius equal to the maximum range of the stereo camera
thus seeks to navigate the platform through the mapped envi- rvisible , around the UAVs current position xk . Since the UAV
ronment whilst avoiding any obstacles. Trajectory generation cannot ‘see’ beyond this region, this search heuristic is used to
is inherently tied to the utility function, in which the potential avoid wasteful exploration beyond this boundary. The maximum
location xk+1|k evaluated by the utility function must first be number of nodes in the tree Nrrt , and the step size, rstep taken
accessible; but equally, it can be said that the sampling location towards each sample in the steer function, are defined based on
should first be determined, followed by the construction of an expected environmental characteristics, e.g. the size of obstacles
obstacle-free path to reach it. In our case, it is argued that the expected to be traversed and the size of the maximum search
former case is preferable, since evaluating the utility function volume. An example of the fully grown RRT* tree is shown in
is much more computationally costly. Also, due to sensor con- Fig. 2.
straints and one-step sampling, the maximum likely travel cost
is low, which constrains the searching process to be in the UAVs C. Candidate Resampling
local area and therefore allows an initial undirected search to be
Given the tree growing criteria have been met, a set of can-
computationally feasible.
didate trajectories Σ, need to be extracted to pass to the DCEE
Let Σ be the set of non-trivial collision-free paths to be
reward function. Based on the geometry of the scenario, the
constructed. The search problem is then formally defined as
UAV should move a minimum set distance between sampling
finding, σ ∗ ∈ Σ, that minimises the DCEE utility function J(·),
events (sample heuristic), denoted rsample ∈ (rstep , rvisible ), in
such that
order to provide good coverage of the search area within the
σ ∗ := arg min{J(σ)|σ(0) = xk } (4) time budget. Based on this notion, any nodes of the tree that
have an associated cost ≥ rsample , are possible sampling loca-
To establish the set Σ needed for the search problem, we first tions to be considered. However, the RRT* procedure generates
employ the popular RRT* method to generate our candidate orders of magnitude more nodes than DCEE can evaluate for
trajectories in the environment map generated by the perception online computation. To overcome this issue, and to formally
system, which can also be extended to RT-RRT* [24] for use merge RRT* with DCEE, we must downsample the tree τ to
in dynamic environments. RRT* has the benefit of being fast to meet the requirement |Σ| = Ndcee , where Ndcee  Nrrt . The
generate paths but as stated in [16], is slow to converge to the requirements for downsampling are that the samples should be
optimal solution. For our application this is not an issue, since drawn from admissible vertices in τ (V), but also be peripherally
we are concerned with quickly generating exploratory sample sampled about xk upon this distribution (to give DCEE diversity
locations within the computational budget. To this end, we then of travel directions to evaluate). To achieve this, we employ

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Fig. 2. RRT* undirected trajectory generation across a cluttered area. The large blue cross marks the UAV position xk , with τ (V, E) shown with green edges
and small blue x nodes grown within the search boundary of rvisible . Binary tree set partitioning (centre) of the tree is shown with each coloured region depicting
a leaf node of the binary tree. The downsampled set Vdcee is shown with yellow circles (one per region) and σ ∗ (1) ⊂ Vdcee is shown with a magenta circle. An
example traversal through the scenario is shown on the far right figure.

a binary tree set partitioning technique wherein each node of simulation scenarios to show real world applicability. In recent
the tree contains a subset of its parent node (Algorithm 1, years, the GADEN 3D filament dispersion simulator has been
Line 8). The binary tree is initialised with V and then split developed by Monroy et al. [26] to address this issue. The
recursively until the number of leaf nodes in the binary tree simulator uses the principles of computational fluid dynamics
equals Ndcee . At each recursion, the set of highest cardinality is (CFD) and filament dispersion theory in order to model gas
bisected radially into two child nodes increasing the number of dispersion in 3D environments and is available as an open source
leaf nodes in the binary tree by one. If a node is an empty set robot operating system (ROS) package. GADEN is capable
after bisection, then this node is discarded (an empty set defines of showing basic visualisation and chemical sensor data but
non-traversable regions). After partitioning, the following vertex is not in itself an environmental simulator. This shortcoming
sets are established: has been addressed by Ojeda et al. in [27] by incorporating
GADEN data into the Unity graphics engine. However, we opt
{Vleaf }N
i=1 ⊆ V (5)
to use the popular Gazebo robot simulation software for ROS.
Once Ndcee number of sets have been established, one random Gazebo is also capable of graphically realistic scenarios and has
vertex from each set Vleaf is selected and added to Vdcee ⊂ V. wide support for a variety of robot models and sensors. More
Vdcee can then be traced through τ to give the set of trajectories importantly for our application, the PX4 autopilot (used on our
Σ (Algorithm 1, Line 9). With this method, a set of candidate physical platform) has full integration in the Gazebo environ-
sampling locations, drawn in a spatially even fashion from the ment and therefore we can specifically model our platform in
distribution of V, is guaranteed and applies to both the 2D and the simulation study.
3D cases. An example partitioning and subsequent sample draw
is shown in Fig. 2. A. Scenario Setup
Given a set of traversable trajectories in Σ, σ ∗ is calculated
as per (4). Since we assume stationary gas sampling and that no To test the proposed system, a mock industrial scenario is
data is collected while travelling, J(σ) ≡ J(σ(1)), where σ(1) built that contains large buildings, randomly placed shipping
is the end point of the trajectory. containers and oil drums (see Fig. 3). Ten different configura-
With the acquisition of σ ∗ this section has now outlined the tions are tested within our mock scenario which include two
environment aware search strategy block of Fig. 1 which in then source settings and five UAV start locations. This is to show the
in-turn passed to the flight controller for execution. flexibility and robustness of our system. For comparison (and
to reinforce the findings in [12]), basic Entrotaxis and original
DCEE are tested with no path planning additions (i.e. must have
IV. SIMULATION STUDY line of sight to the next sample) to demonstrate the requirement
Having firstly described the system architecture for the plat- for path planning integration in cluttered environments.
form, and then developed a new search strategy to address In Section III-A, we describe how to obtain traversable sam-
GPS-denied a-priori unknown environments, the framework and pling trajectories Σ by constructing the RRT* tree followed by a
algorithm must be quantitatively tested to prove its efficacy downsampling process. In the simulation, we select Ndcee = 10
over current state-of-the-art methods. Realistic experiments for trajectories within the sphere of rsample = 5 m. A larger or
CBRN scenarios are challenging to make. It is difficult to smaller selection of trajectories can be made based on compu-
recreate the type of industrial scenarios commonly associated tational resources available. The evaluation of sampling trajec-
with CBRN problems, notwithstanding the difficulty involved in tories can also be made parallel. For the particle filter, the same
dealing with hazardous substance releases. In order to overcome distributions as in [15] are deployed around the scenario ground
this issue, it is important to test algorithms in high fidelity truth values. Other simulation parameters are shown in Table I.

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Fig. 3. Left: Birds eye view of the 100 m × 100 m industrial environment in Gazebo. Source 1 filament dispersion is shown with blue particles and source 2
dispersion is shown with red particles. Base of each green arrow depicts the respective source location with its direction indicating the CFD inlet wind direction. ×1
to ×5 denote five starting locations tested for each of the two sources. Right: An example RViz output during a simulation run. Octomap shows the coloured voxels
and the occupancy grid from which path planning is calculated. Large green arrow depicts anemometry sensor reading and large red arrow depicts the forward
vector of the UAV. An image from the simulated stereo camera is shown in the bottom right corner.


B. Results
Table II shows the results from the simulations averaged for
each configuration (20 runs per configuration). The common
STE performance metrics of success rate (SR) (%) and the mean
search time (MST) (of the successful runs in seconds) are used.
The source is deemed to have been successfully estimated when
the weighted root mean square error (RMSE) of the particle filter
(6) is < 10 m of the true source location in the first instance.

n (i) (k)
RMSEk = i=1 wk (Θs − s)
2 (6)

Fig. 4 also shows the RMSE averaged across all configurations

for each algorithm.
Analysing Table II, it can be seen that the proposed DCEE
strategy with a dedicated path planner is capable of estimating
the source term in 91% of runs. Comparing this with simple
DCEE, which only fully estimated the source in 57% of cases, Fig. 4. RMSE over time, for each control method averaged across all simu-
the benefit of our system in the case of unknown cluttered lations for all source configurations. One standard deviation bounds from the
mean are shown in the corresponding mean line colour.
environments is clear. As both these methods use DCEE as the

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Fig. 5. Autonomous STE platform (left). Warehouse scenario Octomap built using ORB-SLAM3 (centre). Shown right, two trajectories from testing overlayed
onto the corresponding occupancy grid map. Blue circle shows the UAV starting location with the red line indicating its trajectories. Blue x indicates the UAVs
final location after convergence of the expected source location, s̄k+1|k (green circle). Red x shows the true source location.

core search strategy, they predictably exhibit very similar MST ppb range. The autonomous STE platform is shown in Fig. 5
across successful runs. Entrotaxis averaged 54% SR, slightly with a GPS antenna as we expect the platform to operate in GPS
lower than DCEE and with with a much slower MST, thus and non-GPS denied environments, fusing GPS data with the
furthering the findings of [12] that DCEE is more efficient vision system when available. However, since GPS driven STE
than Entrotaxis for STE. It should also be noted that there are has been proven in [21], we specifically test the new platform
particular challenging configurations for original DCEE, but the in a GPS-denied environment, a new frontier for autonomous
performance of the proposed method is very consistent across STE.
the board. For the test area, we use a warehouse scenario with shelves
By studying the RMSE over time in Fig. 4, the efficiency and and random obstacles placed in a search corridor. The source is
variance of each strategy can be appreciated over all runs. En- a container of acetone that is agitated using a small fan placed
trotaxis converges very slowly and also has the largest variance at ∼ 2 m above ground level. Several obstacles that must be
across the simulation time. Standard DCEE and our proposed mapped and navigated include, pallets, boxes and shelving units
algorithm initially have similarly quick convergence, but DCEE with a varying degree of clutter. Given this scenario, the UAV
shows an average terminal RMSE of 18.5 m compared to 6.2 m is tasked with navigating the a-prior unknown scenario and
of our proposed system. Whilst DCEE shows the quickest MST simultaneously performing robust SLAM, dense 3D mapping
in several configurations, since only line of sight samples are and finding the source location autonomously. General UAV
considered, the executed trajectories are simpler and generally parameters carry over from Table I with the exception that
shorter per sample than our proposed algorithm (in addition tbudget = 10 mins and rsample = 1.5 m due to the decreased
to a small reduction in computational complexity). However, area of operation and the need for finer resolution in resolving
not considering path planning means that DCEE (as well as the source.
Entrotaxis) can only use a fixed step size and can get stuck in
situations where its visible options are significantly reduced.
B. Results
This is shown with a large variance on Fig. 4. On the contrary,
the proposed DCEE with a new path planner exhibits narrower Fig. 5 (centre) shows the 3D Octomap voxel grid and the
variance with a converged RMSE obtained at around 20 mins. flanking shelving units with pieces of clutter in the sampling
corridor. Shown right are two example trajectories after STE has
V. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION been completed (defined when the source location is resolved
with RMSE <2 m, as per (6)). In an unknown search without
A. Platform and Scenario ground truth data, this can be defined as when the spread of
One of the main contributions of this paper is to demonstrate the posterior PDF has converged as per [10]. The weighted
a real-world UAV platform performing STE in a GPS-denied mean source location, s̄k , is shown by the green circle and has
environment. To test the proposed system architecture, we have converged to within 0.5 m of the true source location for both
developed a quadrotor based on a 450 mm wheelbase airframe trials. The average time for the UAV to converge the source
to facilitate operations in difficult to navigate areas. We combine location within the 180 m2 search area is 238 seconds, well
this airframe with a PX4 autopilot to handle low level control. within the flight budget of 600 seconds. The trajectories clearly
For the perception system, a Mynteye S210 stereo-inertial cam- demonstrate the initial exploitative effects of DCEE wherein the
era is used which has an 8 cm baseline and can be integrated UAV quickly towards the source and then samples laterally in
with ORB-SLAM3 to perform SLAM, as well as generating the the later stages to converge the source location to the ground
pointcloud from which the Octomap is built. An Intel i7 NUC truth value.
is used as the compute unit due to its small form factor and high To the best of the authors knowledge, this paper is the first
processing power. Finally, an Alphasense PID-AH2 sensor is working example of autonomous STE with a UAV in a GPS-
used for concentration readings which provides response times denied environment, and this experiment shows working proof
of <3 seconds and measures volatile organic compounds in the of our proposed algorithm in the real world.

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