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If the currents through the 2 magnetically coupled inductors have different

orientation related to polarized terminals, is the mutual inductance positive?
2. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase shift bewteen voltage and current?
3. For a RLC series circuit, if the circuit is at resonance, then the current is at
4. What are the parameters of the real inductor and what are the units of
measurement of these parameters?
Inductance in Henrys and Resistance in Ohms
5. Is the ideal capacitor a reactive element?
6. Does the current through an inductor have a continuous variation in time?
7. The quality factor Q0= R* sqrt(C/L) corresponds to a RLC series circuit?
8. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase-shift between voltage and current?
9. What is the equivalent capacitance of two capacitors with capacitances C1 and C2
connected in parallel?
10. Is the ideal inductor an active element?
11. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is smaller than the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
12. The quality factor Q0 = 1/R* sqrt (L/C) corresponds to a RLC parallel circuit?
13. What is the complex impedance of an ideal inductor?
14. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element. If the equivalent
complex impedance is Z=jwL, what type is the AC circuit?
15. Does the voltage along an ideal capacitor depend directly on the time derivative of
the current through the capacitor?
16. What is the internal resistance of an ideal inductor?
17. Is the ideal inductor a passive element?
18. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive
reactance, what type is the circuit?
19. What is the equivalent complex impedance for the two coupled inductors from the
following scheme?

20. What is the equivalent complex impedance Z of two passive elements (resistors,
inductors, capacitors) with the complex impedances Z1 and Z2 connected in
21. Is the ideal capacitor an active element?
22. For an ideal inductor, how are the phasors of current and of voltage positioned in
the complex plane?
Voltage phasor is in front of current phasor at an angle of 90o
23. Is the ideal inductor a reactive element?
24. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element (equivalent complex
impedance is Z). If the phasor of voltage and the phasor of current are in phase,
what type is the AC circuit?
25. If a RLC series circuit is at resonance, then:
a) Current phasor is in front of voltage phasor
b) Voltage and current phasors are in phase
c) Voltage phasor is in the front of current phasor
26. What is the reactance of an ideal capacitor?
27. What is the equation for a real capacitor?
i(t)=+-Cdu(t)/dt +-Gu(t)
28. How is the active power of an ideal inductor?
29. Is the ideal capacitor a symmetrical element?
What is the equivalent complex impedance for the two coupled inductors from the
following scheme?

30. If the currents through the two magnetically coupled inductors have different
orientation related to polarized terminals, is the mutual inductance negative?
31. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive
reactance, what type is the circuit?
32. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is smaller than the capacitive
reactance, what type is the circuit?
33. What are the parameters of the real capacitor and what are the units of
measurement of these parameters?
Capacitance in Farads and Resistance in Ohms
34. Is the coupled inductor a reactive element?
35. Does the current through a capacitor have a continuous variation in time?
36. Does the voltage through an inductor have a continuous variation in time?
37. Does the voltage through a capacitor have a continuous variation in time?
38. Does the voltage along an ideal inductor depend directly on the time derivative of
the current through the inductor?
39. Does the current along an ideal inductor depend directly on the time derivative of
the voltage along the inductor?
40. Does the current along an ideal capacitor depend directly on the time derivative of
the voltage along the capacitor?
41. The quality factor Q0= R* sqrt(C/L) corresponds to a RLC parallel circuit?
42. The quality factor Q0 = 1/R* sqrt (L/C) corresponds to a RLC series circuit?
43. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is smaller than the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase-shift between voltage and current?
44. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase shift bewteen voltage and current?
45. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is smaller than the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase-shift between voltage and current?
46. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive
reactance, how is the phase-shift between voltage and current?
47. For a RLC series circuit, if the circuit is at resonance, then the current is at
48. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the circuit is at resonance, then the current is at
49. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the circuit is at resonance, then the current is at
50. What is the equivalent capacitance of two capacitors with capacitances C1 and C2
connected in series?
51. What is the equivalent inductance of two inductors with inductances L1 and L2
connected in series?
52. What is the equivalent inductance of two inductors with inductances L1 and L2
connected in parallel?
53. What is the equivalent complex impedance Z of two passive elements (resistors,
inductors, capacitors) with the complex impedances Z1 and Z2 connected in series?
54. Is the coupled inductor an active element?
55. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
56. For a RLC parallel circuit, if the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
57. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
58. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
59. For a RLC series circuit, if the inductive reactance is smaller than the capacitive
reactance, the circuit is at resonance?
60. What is the complex capacitance of an ideal capacitor?
61. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element. If the equivalent
complex impedance is Z=-j*1/ШC, what type is the AC circuit?
62. What is the internal resistance of an ideal capacitor?
63. Is the ideal capacitor a passive element?
64. For an ideal capacitor, how are the phasors of current and of voltage positioned in
the complex plane?
The current phasor is ahead of the voltage phasor and they’re at a 90o angle
65. For an ideal resistor, how are the phasors of current and of voltage positioned in
the complex plane?
They are in phase
66. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element (equivalent complex
impedance is Z). If the phasor of voltage is in the front of the current phasor with
90 degrees, what type is the AC circuit?
Perfect inductive
67. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element (equivalent complex
impedance is Z). If the phasor of current is in the front of the phasor of voltage
with 90 degrees, what type is the AC circuit?
Perfect capacitive
68. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element (equivalent complex
impedance is Z). If the phasor of current is in the front of the phasor of voltage
with 45 degrees, what type is the AC circuit?
69. An AC passive circuit is equivalent with one passive element (equivalent complex
impedance is Z). If the phasor of voltage is in the front of the phasor of current
with 45 degrees, what type is the AC circuit?
70. What is the complex inductance of an ideal inductor?
71. What is the equation for a real inductor?
u(t)= +-Ri(t) +- L* di(t)/dt
72. How is the active power of an ideal capacitor?
73. How is the active power of an ideal resistor?
74. How is the reactive power of an ideal resistor?
75. How is the reactive power of an ideal inductor?
76. How is the reactive power of an ideal capacitor?
77. Is the ideal inductor a symmetrical element?
78. What is the equation of voltage on capacitor?
u(t) = 1/C *( integral from t0 to t of i(t) dt ) + u(t0)
79. What is the equation of current through inductor?
i(t) = 1/L *( integral from t0 to t of u(t) dt ) + i(t0)
80. How does the capacitor behave in DC circuits?
As an open circuit
81. How does the inductor behave in DC circuits?
As a short-circuit
82. In the case of ideal inductors, is the power transferred from circuit to element?
83. In the case of ideal capacitors, is the power transferred from circuit to element?
84. What kind of energy does the inductor store?
85. What kind of energy does the capacitor store?
86. What is the equation of the energy stored by the inductor?
87. What is the equation of the energy stored by the capacitor?
88. What is the coupling coefficient?
89. What happens if the coupling coefficient is 0?
There is no magnetic coupling, the inductors are independent
90. What happens if the coupling coefficient is 1?
There is perfect magnetic coupling
91. What is the magnetic trabsformer?
Two inductors with magnetic coupling
92. What does the letter B symbolize?
93. What does “S” mean?
Complex apparent power
94. What does the letter Y symbolize?
Complex admittance
95. What does the letter X symbolize?
96. How is the resonance of a RLC parallel circuit called?
Current resonance
97. How is the resonance of a RLC series circuit called?
Voltage resonance

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