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Case Study
Mr. Oscar Pascua hired his niece Ofelia to help him manage his construction business.
He assigned Ofelia to do administrative work. She enjoyed doing the various tasks she
was ordered to perform. Positive interactions with employees kept Ofelia busy and
contented with her work. She thought engineers, foremen, and construction workers are
people who easily understand instructions. For instance, when she asked them to fill out
the forms she distributed to each one of them, they complied without much fuss.
Mr. Pascua has a sister, Milagros, and she is operating her own entertainment
business. It was in her fold that some big stars in movies and television got their training
and involvement in the world of show business.
When Milagros saw how orderly the administration of Oscar's business was, she asked
Oscar if she could "borrow" Ofelia for a while. Obviously, Milagros wanted the
administrative aspects of her business straightened out.
Ofelia was only too glad to join her aunt Milagros. She thought that after doing real
work, she needed a break from her stint in the construction business.
When Ofelia began to work with her aunt, she found out that there are many things she
should attend to. For instance, employee records are not complete, and company
policies and procedures are not well documented. As a result, it is difficult to determine
employee performance.
When Ofelia distributed the required forms to the employees and the talents who are
undergoing training, she noticed that they were not too eager to accomplish them. After
two days, the janitor approached her and asked if she would dispose the contents of the
wastebaskets even if the forms she distributed are in them.
Ofelia tried hard to contain her anger. After a while, she regained her composure and
asked herself, "What kind of people are they? wish I'm back at my former job."

1. Do you think the situation is hopeless for Ofelia?
2. What will be your advice to her?

Analysis and Evaluation:

This case study focuses on Ofelia’s transition from a well-structured construction
business to a less organized entertainment business. The main issue she’s facing is the
resistance from employees when she tries to implement administrative tasks.
Ofelia, who was content working in her uncle’s construction business, decided to
join her aunt’s entertainment business. She thought it would be a refreshing change, but
she soon found herself dealing with incomplete employee records, unclear company
policies, and resistance from employees when she tried to introduce structure.
While Ofelia’s situation seems challenging, it’s not entirely hopeless. She’s
dealing with resistance from employees, indicating a lack of structure and discipline in
the organization. However, with strategic planning, patience, and persistence, she can
bring about change. She needs to have an open discussion with the employees about
the importance of administrative tasks and how it contributes to the smooth running of
the business. Conduct training sessions to help employees understand the importance
of maintaining complete records and adhering to company policies. Seek support from
her aunt, Milagros, to reinforce the importance of these administrative tasks. Having the
backing of leadership can significantly influence employee behavior. Change takes time,
especially in an organization that lacks structure. Ofelia should be persistent and
consistent in her efforts. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. This could be a
great learning experience for Ofelia to understand how to handle resistance and bring
about change in an organization.
This case study highlights the importance of structure, discipline, and effective
communication in an organization. It brings to light the critical role that a well-defined
structure plays in ensuring smooth operations and efficient management of resources. It
emphasizes the need for discipline among employees and adherence to company
policies for maintaining order and harmony within the organization.

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