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Principal Nezu Pattern

By: Atem/RhythmRender

–G-4.25mm Crochet Hook
–Yarn (White, Navy, Black, Pumpkin/shoe color, Pink, Maroon)
–Yarn Needle
–Buttons (for the vest)
–Felt (Black, Pink, White, Peach)
-Fine point black marker (for detailing)

This will take a lot of stuffing as the doll should be over two feet tall. STUFF LEGS AND BODY
VERY FIRMLY, shaping and stuffing as you go.
The number inside the final parenthesis of each round shows the final count of stitches on that
*Example on how to read Round 6: 4 single crochet and 1 increase. Make this sequence a total
of 8 times in this round. You’ll have a total of 48 stitches in this round.
*Example on how to read Round 12: Make 8 single crochet. Make the instructions on brackets
[1 sc, 1 dec(sc)] a total of 8 times. Make 16 single crochet. You’ll have a total of 40 stitches in
this round.
Stitch Code:
Ch: chain
YO: Yarn Over
MR: Magic Ring
St: Stitch
Sl st: Slip stitch
SK: Skip
Dec: Decrease single crochet
Inc(St): Increase indicated stitch type
Inc2: increase 3 single stitches in one stitch
Sc: Single Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
HDC: Half Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet
FO: Fasten Off

Leg 1:
Round 1: In MR make: [2 sc, 2 dc] x2 (8)
R2: Inc(sc) in every stitch (16)
R3: [1 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x8 (24)
R4: [2 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x8 (32)
R5: [3 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x8 (40)
R6: [4 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x8 (48)
R7-11: Sc around (48)
R12: 8 sc, [1 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x8, 16 sc (40)
R13: 7 sc, [1 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6, 15 sc (34)
R14: 6 sc, [1 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x5, 13 sc (29)
R15-16: Sc around (29)
R17: 4 sc, 1 inc(sc), 5 sc, 1 inc(sc), 1 dec(sc), 1 inc(sc), 5 sc, 1 inc(sc), 9 sc (32)
R18: Sc around (32)
R19: [7 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (36)
R20-22: Sc around (36)
R23: 16 sc, 1 inc(sc), 17 sc, 1 inc(sc), 1 sc (38)
R24-26: Sc around (38).
FO. Leave long tail.

Leg 2:
Work Leg 2 exactly as Leg 1, but do not fasten off.

Join the legs with a piece of yarn and tie a knot.

In round 27 we’re going to join legs with a round of single crochet around both legs. Place the
legs together with the feet pointing toward you. Continue where you left on leg two. At the end,
use the long tail from Leg one to stitch any hole between the legs.
Round 27: Single crochet in every stitch of the two legs together (total stitches in this round: 76,
as the last round of each leg had 38 stitches).
R28: [9 sc, 1 inc(sc), 8 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (84)
R29: [10 sc, 1 inc(sc), 9 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (92)
R30-37: Sc around (92)
R38: [44 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (90)
R39-42: Sc around (90)
R43: [13 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (84)
R44-46: Sc around (84)
R47-49: Sc around (84)
R50: [12 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (78)
R51-52: Sc around (78)
R53: [11 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (72)
R54-55: Sc around (72)
R56: [10 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (66)
R57-58: Sc around (66)
R59: [9 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (60)
R60-61: Sc around (60)
R62: [8 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (54)
R63-64: Sc around (54)
R65: [7 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (48)
R66-67: Sc around (48)
R68: [6 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (42)
R69-70: Sc around (42)
R71: [5 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (36)
R72: Sc around (36)
R73: [4 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (30)
FO. Leave a long tail to sew to head.
Round 1: Make 6 sc in MR (6)
R2: Inc(sc) in every stitch (12)
R3: [1 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (18)
R4: [2 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (24)
R5: [3 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (30)
R6: [4 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (36)
R7: [5 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (42)
R8: [6 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (48)
R9: [7 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (54)
R10: [8 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (60)
R11: [9 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (66)
R12: [10 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (72)
R13: [11 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (78)
R14: [12 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x6 (84)
R15-34: Sc around (84)
R35: [12 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (78)
R36: [11 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (72)
R37: [10 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (66)
R38: [9 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (60)
R39: [8 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (54)
R40: [7 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (48)
R41: [6 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (42)
R42: [5 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (36)
R43: [4 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x6 (30)
FO. Weave in tail.

(Make 4)
Ch 3
R1: 9 DC in 3rd ch from hook, sl st to first DC. (9)
R2: Ch 2, Inc(DC) in each st around, sl st to first DC. (18)
R3: Ch 2, [Inc(DC) in next st, DC in next] x9, sl st to first DC. (27)
R4: [Sk 1 st, (DC, 5 TR, DC) in next st, Sk 1 st, SC in next st] x4 (the toes), Sk 1 st, [Sc in 3 sts,
Inc(Sc) in next] x3, Sl st to beginning (40)
R5: [SC in next, Inc(Sc) in next, HDC in next, Inc(HDC) in next, HDC in next, Inc(Sc) in next, SC
in next, sl st in next] x4, [SC in next 5 sts, Inc(Sc) in next st] x2.

Pair up the halves and sew the toes together leaving a 30 stitch circle at the wrists of each paw

Continued from paws
R1: Sc around (30)
R2: [13 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (28)
R3: Sc around (28)
R4: [12 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (26)
R5: Sc around (26)
R6: [11 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (24)
R7: Sc around (24)
R8: [10 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (22)
R9: Sc around (22)
R10: [9 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (20)
R11-23: Sc around (20)
R24: [8 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (18)
R25: Sc around (18)
R26: [7 sc, 1 dec(sc)] x2 (16)
FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the body

Inner Paw Pad:

(Make 2)
Ch 3
R1: 15 DC in 3rd Ch from hook, sl st to first DC. (15)
R2: Ch 2, Sc in same st, then Inc around, sl st to the beginning to complete the circle (30)
FO. Leave long tail for sewing to paw

Toe pads:
(Make 8)
Ch 2
R1: [3 SC, 4 HDC, 3 SC] in 2nd ch from hook. Sl st to first st. (10)
FO. Leave long tail for sewing to paw

Sew the paw toe pads and inner foot pad to the paw, then sew the front and back paw together
and stuff it. Weave in all ends
You could also make another set for the feet but it's not necessary since there's shoes.

Use black yarn for the nose.
Round 1: Make 4 sc in MR (4)
R2: sc around (4)
Switch to white yarn
R3: Inc(sc) around (8)
R4: [1 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (12)
R5: sc around (12)
R6: [2 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (16)
R7: sc around (16)
R8: [3 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (20)
R9: sc around (20)
R10: [4 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (24)
R11: sc around (24)
R12: [5 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (28)
R13: sc around (28)
R14: [6 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (32)
R15: sc around (32)
R16: [7 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (36)
R17: sc around (36)
R18. [8 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (40)
R19: sc around (40)
R20: [9 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (44)
R21: [10 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (48)
R22: [11 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (52)
R23: Inc(sc), Sc 24, Dec(sc) 2, sc 24, inc(sc) (52)
R24: Inc(sc), Sc 24, Dec(sc) 2, sc 24, inc(sc) (52)
R25: [12 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (56)
R26: [13 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4 (60)
FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the head and stuff the muzzle as you go.
You may have to shape the nose and head into the proper shape.

(Make two in white)
Start with a long tail for sewing to the head.
Row1: Ch 23, turn (23)
Row2: DC in 4th chain from hook then in each chain all the way to the end, ch 3, turn (23)
Row3: DC in 4th chain from hook then in each chain all the way to the end, ch 1, turn (21)
Row4: Sc in 2nd stitch from hook then in each stitch to the end (20)
FO Leave long tail for sewing. Fold in half and sew together leaving the bottom open. You can
keep flat or add a little stuffing inside to thicken.
(Make two in pink)
Row1: Ch 11, turn (11)
Row2: DC in 4th chain from hook then in each chain all the way to the end (8)
FO Leave long tail and sew to the center of the white ear. Make sure you don't sew through the
back half of the ear.

R1: MR with 5 sc (5)
R2: Inc, sc4 (6)
R3: 1 sc, Inc, 4 sc (7)
R4: 2 sc, Inc2, 2 sc, Dec (8)
R5: 2 sc, Inc, 5 sc (9)
R6: 3 sc, Inc2, 3 sc, Dec (10)
R7: 3 sc, Inc, 6 sc (11)
R8: 3 sc, inc, 6 sc (12)
R9: 4 sc, Inc, 7 sc (13)
R10: 5 sc, inc, 7 sc (14)
R11-36: 6 sc, inc, 6 sc, dec (14)
R37: 5 sc, inc, 8 sc (15)
R38: 6 sc, inc, 8 sc (16)
R39: 6 sc, Inc, 9 sc (17)
R40: 7 sc, inc, 9 sc (18)
R41: 7 sc, inc, 10 sc (19)
R42: 8 sc, inc2, 8 sc, dec (20)
R43: 8 sc, inc, 11 sc (21)
R44: 9 sc, inc2, 9 sc, dec (22)
R45: 9 sc, inc, 12 sc (23)
R46: 10 sc, inc2, 10 sc, dec (24)
R47: 10 sc, inc2, 11 sc, dec (25)
R48: 11 sc, inc2, 11 sc, dec (26)
R49-50: 11 sc, inc,11 sc, dec (26)
FO Leave long tail for sewing
Stuff and shape as desires.

Now to the Clothing!

Use Navy
Leg one:
Ch 40 (41)
Start round by Sc into the other end of the Chain
R1-3: Sc around (41)
R4: 9 sc, 1 inc(sc), 7 sc, 1 inc(sc), 1 dec(sc), 1 inc(sc), 7 sc, 1 inc(sc), 12 sc (44)
R5: Sc around (44)
R6: 4sc, [7 sc, 1 inc(sc)] x4, 8sc (48)
R7-9: Sc around (48)
R10: 18 sc, 1 inc(sc), 17 sc, 1 inc(sc), 11 sc (50)
R11-12: Sc around (50).
FO Leave a long tail
Leg two:
Just like when making his actual legs, work Leg 2 exactly as Leg 1, but do not fasten off.

Join the legs with a piece of yarn and tie a knot.

In round 13 we’re going to join legs with a round of single crochet around both legs. Place the
legs together with the feet pointing toward you. Continue where you left on leg two.
Round 13: Sc in every stitch of the two legs together (total stitches in this round: 100, as the last
round of each leg had 50 stitches).
R14: Sc around (100)
R15: [18 sc, dec] x5 (95)
R16-24: Sc around (95)
R25: [17 sc, dec] x5 (90)
R26: [43 sc, dec] x2, ch 1, turn (89)
Continue in rows to make a tail hole
Row27-34: 80 sc, ch 1, turn
Don't turn on Row34, instead, continue as a round.
R35: Ch 8, 80 sc (88)
R36-38: Sc around (88)
FO Use the long tail from Leg one to stitch any hole between the legs.
Ch 95, sl the ends together
R1-2: Sc around (95)
R3: [17 sc, dec] x5 (90)
R4-5: Sc around (90)
R6: [16 sc, dec] x5 (85)
R7-8: Sc around (85)
R9: [15 sc, dec] x5 (80)
R10-11: Sc around(80)
R12: [14 sc, dec] x5 (75)
R13-14: Sc around (75)
R15: [13 sc, dec] x5 (70)
R16-17: Sc around (70)

The next part is going to form the sleeves and V-neck

R18: Ch 25, Sl st starting from the 8th stitch from beginning of the round this makes the arm
hole, 27 Sc, Ch 25, sl st in the 8th stitch from where the chain started, 27 Sc (106)
R19: 25 Sc, Sk, Dec, 25 Sc, Dec, 23 Sc, SK, 2 Sc, Dec, 20 Sc

This next section is long and complex to make the 'V' of the vest. Instead of rows, I'll go to the
next line after each turn.
Dec, 23 Sc, Dec, 12 Sc, Ch 1, turn
Dec, 9 Sc, Dec, 23 Sc, Dec, 11 Sc, Dec, 9 Sc, Dec, 23 Sc, Dec, 13 Sc, Ch 1, turn
10 Sc, 2 Dec, 18 Sc, 2 Dec, 2 Sc, Ch 1, 2 Dec, 19 Sc, 2 Dec, Sc 6, dec, Ch 1, turn
Dec, 5 sc, Dec, 19 sc, 2 Dec, Sc 2, Ch 1, Turn
2 Dec, 18 Sc, 2 Dec, Sc 4, Dec, Ch 1, 3 Dec, Sc, Ch 1, turn
Dec, Sc, turn
3 Dec, 14 sc, 2 Dec, 14 Sec, 2 Dec, 19 Sc, 2 Dec, 7 Sc, 1 Ch, turn
Dec, 5 Sc, 2 Dec, 18 Sc, 2 Dec, 10 Sc, 2 Dec, Sc, turn
Dec, 10 sc, 2 Dec, 17 Sc, 2 Dec, 3 Sc, Dec, turn
2 Sc, 2 Dec, Sc, turn
2 Dec, turn
2 Dec, 12 Sc, 2 Dec, 2 Sc, 2 Dec, Sc, turn
Dec, 8 Sc, Dec, sl st.

Sew on the six gold buttons to the front and done!

(Make 2)
Start with White
Round 1: In MR make: [2 sc, 2 dc] x2 (8)
R2: Inc(sc) in every stitch (16)
R3: [1 sc, inc] x8 (24)
R4: [2 sc, inc] x8 (32)
R5: [3 sc, inc] x8 (40)
R6: [4 sc, inc] x8 (48)
R7: [5 sc, inc] x8 (56)
Change to Pumpkin/shoe color
R8-13: Sc around (56)
R14: 12 sc, [1 sc, dec] x8, 20 sc (48)
R15: 8 sc, [1 sc, dec] x8, 16 sc (40)
R13: 7 sc, [1 sc, dec] x6, 15 sc (34)
R14: 6 sc, [1 sc, dec] x5, 13 sc (29)

Take black yarn and sew into the front top to make the laces.
(My lovely kitty assistant destroyed what was left of my black yarn so the examples have brown
laces but still XD)

Start with Maroon
Row1: Ch 51, turn (51)
Row2-3: Start in 2nd chain from hook 50 Sc, Ch 1, FO (51)
Change to White
Row4: sk 5, 40 Sc, Ch 2, turn (42)
Row5: Start in 3rd stitch from hook 39 DC, Inc(Dc), Ch 2, turn (43)
Row6: Start in 3rd stitch from hook Inc(Dc), 38 Dc, Inc(Dc), Ch 2, turn (44)
Row7: Start in the 3rd stitch from hook 42 Dc, Inc(Dc) (44)
FO Leave a long tail for sewing

Use Maroon
Ch 2
Row 1: Inc in second chain from hook, chain 1, turn (2)
Row 2: Inc across, turn(4)
Row 3: Inc in first stitch, 2 Sc, Inc in last stitch, turn (6)
Row 4: Inc in first stitch, 4 Sc, Inc in last stitch, turn (8)
Row 5: Sc across, turn (8)
Row 6: Dec, 4 Sc, Dec, turn (6)
Rows 7-10: Sc across, turn (6)
Row 11: 2 Sc, Dec, 2 Sc, turn (5)
Rows 12-15: Sc across, turn (5)
Row 16: 2 Sc, Dec, Sc, turn (4)
Rows 17-19: Sc across, turn (4)
Row 20: Sc, Dec, Sc, turn (3)
Rows 21 & 22: Sc across, turn (3)
Row 23: Dec, Sc, turn (2)
Row 24: Sc across, turn (2)
Row 25: 2 Inc, turn (4)
Row 26: Inc, 2 Sc, Inc, turn (6)
Row 27: Inc, 4 Sc, Inc, turn (8)
Row 28: Sc across, turn
Row 29: Inc, 6 Sc, Inc (10)
FO Leave long tail for sewing

Align the top of the tie to the maroon collar and sew the five stitches together.

Wrap the collar around the neck and lap the tie over the remaining maroon stitches from the
other side of the collar. There may be a little overload depending how firm the stuffing is but
that's fine, just sew together, tie off, and tuck the tails in between the tie and collar. Trim extra.

Fold down the white part of the collar and done!

Use White
(Make 2)
Row1: Ch 43, turn (43)
Row2: DC in 4th chain from hook then in each chain all the way to the end, ch 3, turn (43)
Row3: DC in 4th chain from hook then in each chain all the way to the end, ch 1, turn (41)
Row4: Sc in 2nd stitch from hook then in each stitch to the end (40)
Wrap around the wrist of the doll, flatten the ends together, and sew together. You can add a
button to be a 'Cuff Link' if you desire.
If you want to be able to easily remove the cuffs, you can instead sew Velcro or a snap button to
the inside of the ends.
I used peach Felt for the scar and a fine point marker to draw the scar lines.
Black Felt for the eyes with white felt glued on the black for the shine circles.
I cut a triangle out of the white felt and glued a small pink triangle to the bottom of the white for
the 'open' mouth then outlined both triangles in black marker to make them stand out.


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