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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN KVS RO, JAIPUR CLASS:-X- SUBJECT: - SCIENCE (086) Session: - 2020-2021 LAST MINUTE REVISION STUDY MATERIAL JeNiharika PoheD | “CHIEF PATRON: -8H B L Morodia Deputy Commissioner | KVS, RO, Jaipur | PATRON:- SH DIGG RAJ MEENA Assistant Commissioner | PATRON:- SH Mukesh Kumar i Assistant Commissioner CONVENOR: - MR. S N MEENA PRINCIPAL K V BEAWAR | Team Members: - 1. MR ABHISHEK SANWARIYA, TGT(SCIENCE), KV No 4, JAIPUR 2. MRS VINEETA SHARMA, — TGT(SCIENCE), KV No 4, JAIPUR 3, MRS SUNITA CHOUDHARY, TGT(SCIENCE), KV No 1, KOTA 4. MR BRAJESH BAGHERWAL, PGT(PHYSICS), KV BHILWARA 5. MR RAVI ARORA, PGT(PHYSICS), KV LALGARH JATTAN |, ver acne CHAPTER: 01: CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS . 1) Chemical reaction— Chemical changes or chemical reactions are the changes in which one or more new substances are formed. ions-Representation of a chemical reaction in te ‘eactants and products is known as chemical equation. : Sy Balanced Chemical equations~ The chemical equation in which the no. of atoms of different Shements is same on both sides ofthe arrow is called balanced chemical equation. Balancing of a chemical reaction is done by “Hit and Trial Method.” Balancing of a chemical reaction is depending on “Law of Conservation of mass.” %) The chemical reactions can be classified into different types such as— 2) Combination resction~ The reactions in which two or more substances combine to form a new substance are called combination reaction. For example- 2Mg{s) +02 (g) 32 MgO) +b} Decompostionseection: A single reactant breaks down to yield two or more products. ms of symbols and formulae of the 2) Chemical Equa + Thermal decomposition: 2Pb(NO:)» ~ 2Pb0 + 4NO; + Os + Electrolysis: 2H20 — 2H:+ O: + Photochemical reaction: 2AgBr—» 2Ag + Br: «) Displacement renetions-The chemical reactions in which a more reactive element displaces a less seactive clement from a compound are known as displacement reactions. For example, }) Za (s) +CuSOx(aq)>ZnSO«(ag)+Cu (5). ii) Cufs)+2AgNOs(aq) Cu (NO5)a(aq) +2Ag(s). £8) Double Displacement Reactions- The chemical reactions in which compounds react to form two different compounds by mutual exchange of ions are called double displacement reactions, ‘These reactions take place in solution two common types of this reaction are (i) Precipitation reactions and (ii) Neutralization reactions &) Precipitation reaction: In this reactions, aqueous solution of two salts are mixed where by some : salts precipitate due to mutual exchange of ions between the two salts. For example ‘BaCi{aq) + NaxSO{aq) + BaSOUs) (Precipliate) + 2NaCKaq) 2kis] + Pb{NOR) 2[s) > 2KNOR{aq) + PDIZAS) i) Neutralization reaction: In this type of reaction an acid reacts with a base ‘exchange of ions. NaOH (aq)+ HCI (aq) ->NaCl (aq)##20. ©) Redox reaction: Chemical reaction which shows both oxidation and reduction reaction, ‘Oxidation: Reaction that involves the gain of oxygen or loss of hydrogen. Reduction: Reaction that shows the loss of oxygen or gain of hydrogen. ‘Both oxidation end reduction take place simultaneously and hence called redox reaction., 220+C9 Zn+CO ZnO reduce to Zn--—reduction & C oxidize to CO—-—-oxidation Q. What does one mean by Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions ? Give examples. @) Exothermic reaction: A chemical reaction in which heat energy is produced. C+ 029 COr(g) + heat Gi) Endothermic reaction: A chemical reaction in which heat energy is absorbed. ‘CaCOs+Heat > CaO +CO2 5 Corrosion The process of slow conversion of metals into their undesirable compounds due to their reaction with oxygea, water, acids, gases etc. present in the atmosphere is called corrosion. ‘Rusting-Iron when reacts with oxygen and moisture forms red substance called rust. Q.Define Rancidity.How it can be prevented? ‘6 Rancidity — The taste and odour of food materials containing fat and oil changes when they are left exposed to air for longtime. This is called rancidity. Itis caused due to oxidation of fat and oil present in food material. it can be prevented by using various methods such as by adding antioxidants to the food materials, ‘Storing food in airtight container and by flushing out air with nitrogen, to form salt and water by & 1. The wor c ae rd acid comes from the Latin word “acere” which means sour. ids are sour in taste, tum blue litmus red, and dissolve in water to release H” ions > e.g. HCI, H2SO«, HNOsete. - Bases are bitter in taste, have soapy touch, turn red litmus blue and give hydroxide ions in solution. ©g. NaOH , KOH ete. 3. Asati A salt is a compound which is formed by neutralization reaction between an acid and base. ¢-. a chloride. Nac! See tea are substances which indicate the acidic or basic nature 6f the solution by their or change. The color of some acid—base indicators in acidic and basic medium are given below Sr. | INDICATORS ‘COLOUR IN COLOUR IN No. ACIDIC MEDIUM BASIC MEDIUM T_| Litmus solution Red Blue 2_| Methyl Orange Pink Orange _ 3 _| Phenolphthalein | Color less Pink ([4T Methyt red! ‘Yellow Red S, Chemical properties of acids: (@ Acids react with active metals to give hydrogen ges. : Zn+H:SOvZnS0e+H2 i) Acids react with metal carbonate and metal hydrogen carbonate to give carbon dioxide. ‘NaHCOs+HCI> NaCl + H20 +COz ii) Acids react with bases to give salt and water. This reaction is called as neutralization reaction ‘NaOH+HCI>NaCl +120 (i) Acids react with metals oxides to give salt and water. ‘CuO 4H:S0.>CuSOc+H20 6. Chemical properties of Bases: 3) Reaction with Metals-Certain reactive metals such es Zinc, Aluminum, and Tin react with alkali solutions on heating and hydrogen gas is evolved. ‘2NaOH+Zn->NaxZnOr+ Ha ii) Reaction with acids-Bases react with acids to form salt and water. KOH +HCI9KCH#H20 iii) Reaction with Non-metallic oxides ~ These oxides are genera bases to form salt and water. 2NaOH+CO2> NaxCOs+H20 +7, PH Seale: The full form of pH is Potential of Hydrogen. “He concentration of hydrogen fon in solution is expressed in terms of pH Te pH ofa solution is defined aa negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration in moles per Iter. pH=log(H") Importance of pH in Everyday Life:~ ( Our body works within the pH range lly acidie in neture. They react with 7.0 to 7.8. When pil of rainwater is less than 5.6, itis called acid ri {i HC! produces in our stomach which helps in the digestion of food. Sometime stomach produces t00 aed and this causes pain and ivtation (acidity). To get id of this pain people use antacids:- ‘Magnesium hydroxide ( Milk of magnesia) ; (ii) Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth is lower than 5.5. Tooth Enamel made up of calcium phosphate isthe hardest substance in the body. ie ye Formic acid ( Methanoic acid) which causes pain and irritation. Use of mild base ( (iv) Bee sting ‘ Baking soda) gives relief. oe For water neutral solutions, pH =7; For acidic solutions, pH <7; For basic solutions, pH >7 0) amt (a) Common Salt (NaC}) : i ‘ salt, Its main source is sea water, It also exists in the Sodium chloride is known as common form of rock sand is called rock salt. ‘Common salt is an important component baking soda, washing soda etc. 1 of our food. I is also used for preparing sodium hydroxide, () Sodium Hydroxide or Caustic Soda (NaOH) : It is prepared bypassing electricity through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride also known as brine solution, 2NaCl {ag)+2 120 (|) > 2NAOH (aq) +Cla(g) +H2(6) This process is known as chlor-alkali process, (©) Bleaching Powder (CaOCh) {ts chemical name is calcium oxy chloride, It is prepared by pas Ca (OH) 2#Ch>Ca0Chr+H20 Uses ~ 1. For bleaching cotton and linen in textile industry and wood pulp in paper industry’ 2. For disinfecting drinking water. (@) Baking Soda (NaHHCOs) Chemical name is Sodium hydrogen carbonate. ‘ Ieis prepared bypassing COzgas through brine solution saturated with ammonia. NaCl +C0;#NHs> NHiCI +NaHCOs Properties: 1. Itis white crystalline solid and sparingly soluble-in water at room temperature 2. Onsheating it decomposes to give sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide. 3. Itaeacts with acids to give carbon dioxide gas. 4, It aqueous sotution is weak alkaline due to hydrolysis. Uses: 1. It is used in soda ~acid fire extinguisher. 2. Itacts as mild antiseptic and antacid. 3. It is used as a componeat of baking powder .In addition to-sodium hydrogen carbonate baking soda contains tartaric acid (©) Washing Soda (Na2CO3.10 H20) ‘Chemical name is sodium carbonate deca hydrate. e Its prepared by heating baking soda, Recrystllisation of sodium carbonate gives washing soda. 2NaHCOs> NazCOs+H0 +CO2 NazCOs#10 iO >NexCOs. 10 H20 Uses: 1 Iti used for removing permanent harciness of water. 2iitis used in glass, sosp and paper industries. 3.ltcan be used as & cleaning agent for domestic purposes. 4 Plaster of Paris (CaSO«.12H:0) its chemical name is calcium sulphate hemi hydrates. It is obtained by heating Gypsum upto373K. CzS0..2H0 9 CaSO«.10H20 +i2Hz0 On treatment with water itis again converted into gypsum and sets as a hard mass. C2S0cygHxO+]iqHs0> CaSO42H:0 Uses:- 1. itis used-by doctors for setting fractured bones. 2. itis used for making statues, models and other decorative materials. sing chlorine gas through dry slaked lime. 14 FO CHAPTER 3: METALS AND NON-METALS Elements are classified broadly into two categories on the basis of properties: Metals, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum etc ‘Non ~metals: Chlorine, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur etc. A part from metals and non-metals some elements show properties of both metals and non ~ metals, eg. Silicon, Arsenic, Germanium They are called metalloids ‘+ Gold is the most ductile metal. + Silver and copper are the best conductor of heat. «Mercury is a metals which is present in liquid state, + Lithium, sodium and potassium can easily cut with a knife. Important t Versatility of Free state: Diamond, graphite and coal. ‘Combined state: 1, Solid state: All animals and plants products 2. Liquid state: Petroleum and vegetable oil. 3. Gaseous state: CO; in air, Methane, Ethane. Q.Carbon ean not form C# and C* Why? ‘ Carbon has 4 valance electrons. {t cannot form an anion C* by gain of electrons. It cannot forma action C** by loss of electrons. It can share its valence electrons with other carbon atoms or other Atoms of ‘non-metals to forms covalent bonding. ‘Compounds of carbon: Simplest compounds of carbon are hydro carbons. Hydrocarbons: Compounds which are consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms only. ‘Simplest hydro carbon és methane. Classification of hydro carbon: SATURATED HYDRO CARBON UNSATURATED HYDROCARBON — | ‘ALKENES ‘ALKENES ANDALKYNES ‘Gen. formula (CyHaee) “Alkenes (Callas) & allgynes. (Coie) ‘Compounds having single bond(C-C) “Compounds having double and tiple bonds(C=C) (C=C) ‘eg Ethane (CoH) ‘eg, Ethene CoH Ethyne: Cala Isomerism:-The phenomenon of existence of compounds in two-or more forms with same moleculsr formula but different structure. Vannite Nature of Carbon: The existence of such a large number of organic compounds is due to the following nature of carbon, + Catenation + Tetravalent nature. Catenation: The self linking property of an element mainly cazbon atom through covalent ‘bonds to form {ong straight, branched and rings of diffevent sizes are called Catenation, This property is due to «The small size of the carbon atom. + The great strength of the carbon-carbon bond. “Carbon cas eso form stable multiple bonds (double or triple) with itself and with the atoms of other elements. ‘Feravatent Nature: Carbon hes valency of four. It is capable of bonding with four other toms of carbon serene other hetero atoms with single covalent bond as well as double or tripe bons. Properties of Homologous Series: A series of compounds of same functional group in which two eee r mative members are differ by CH group in molecular formula and by 14 {a molecular juase Follow same general formula and ehemical properties, Covalent bond:-The bond which is formed by sharing of elestons is ealled covalent bond. Covalent compounds: The compound which is formed by covalent bond is called Covalent compound. Comparison of Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals:= T] Reaction wih Oxygen Amphoteric oxides Metal + Oxygen—>Metal oxide 4Na(s)#02(g)- 2Nax0(s) 4AN(s)+303(g) 92AL03 Metals form basic oxides Zn and Al form amphoteric oxides (they show the properties of both acidic and basic oxides) + aNeno, +140 ‘NOs +, 2NAOH ALO, +, GHC —+ 2AICI, +3H,0 gigging" algae Made Non-metal + Oxygen —> Non-metal oxide C401 COr S102» S02 ‘Non-metals form acidic oxides. CO and H20 are neutral oxides(they are neither acidic nor basic in nature) Non- metal oxidesfare soluble in water. They dissolve in water to form acids SOrHH,0 —H2S03 2 | Reaction with water ‘Metals react with water to form metal oxides or metal hydroxide and Ha gas is released. | 2Na(s)+2H20(|) 92NaOH+Ha(g)+heat 3 Non-metals do not react swith water, steam to evolve hydrogen gas. Because Non-metals cannot give electrons to hydrogen in water so that it can be released as Hz gas. 3 | Reaction with dilute Acids ‘Metal + Acid—>Metal salt + Hydrogen 2Na(s)+H2SO-> NaxSO«(ag) +H2(8) Metal + HNOs-> Hi gas is not released. Reason-HNOs is strong oxidizing agent ‘Mn +2HNOs>Mn(NOs)x+ Halizgas from) HNO: ‘Non-metals do not react with acids to release Ha ges. Reason- Non-metals cannot lose electrons and give It to Hydrogen ions ‘of acids so that the gas is released. 4 | Reaction with salt solutions ‘When metals react with salt solution, more reactive metal will . | displace a less reactive metal from its salt solution. zi CuSO4(aq) + Zn(s)->ZnSOx(aq) + Cuts) ‘When non-metals react ‘with salt solution, more reactive ‘non-metal will displace a less reactive non-metal from its salt solution. 2NaBr(aq) +Clx(e)> 2NaCl(aq)+Brx(2q) 5 | Reaction with Chlorine Metal + Chlorine > Metal Chloride Tonic bond is formed. Therefore Ionic ‘compound ‘Non-metal + Chlorine >Non-metal Chloride covalent bond is formed. Therefore covalent compound. FORMATION OF MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE (IONIC COMPOUND) Q. Show the formation of Magnesium Chloride by the transfer of electron. Mg* + 2cI- —+ Mg? 2cr Met + Properties of ionic compounds 1. Physical nature: solid and hard due to strong force of attraction. (generally brittle) also be showri as below: meer or MgCl — se*2[ 2h] or MgCl 2, Melting point and boiling point: have high M.P and B.P, as large amount of heat energy is required to break strong ionic attraction. 3. Solubility: soluble in water and insoluble in kerosene and petrol. 4, Conduction of electri Reason—lons cannot move due to rigid solid structure, (b)lonic compounds conduct electricity in molten state. Reason—Ions can move freely since the electrostatic forces of attraction between the oppositely charged ions are overcome due to heat. ity: (a) ionic compounds in solid state are does not conduct electricity. arithmetic mean of the atomic he atomic mass of the 4 in his law of triads that the Dobersin: ads:- Dobereiner stated triad would be approximately equal to th masses ofhe first and third element in @ na oe \ne Kote ‘Pebersnar coud nly roe ads, Ho wasn a ona® triads ofall the known elements. All Known elements dp not be arranged in the form of Wiad Newland’s Law of Octhves:- The law of octaves states that “Every eight element has similar properties when ighth element, when fhe olements are arranged inthe increasing order ‘of their atornic mé of octaves wore: () {ip itwas assumed tations of Nowlands' law (9 40 u,Le., upto calcium id be discovered in the fu aves:: The major li ments having atomic masses uPt nature and no new elemonts wou! “Properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic mass.” ACHIEVEMENTS OF MENDBLEEV PERIODIC TABLE: 1. is systematic study of elements 2.Itis based on similarity in chemidgl properties 53. He left some gaps for newly invented elements including Noble gases. LIMITATIONS OF MENDELEEV, RERIODIC TABLE: 1. Postion of hydrogen was nat assigned cofectly 2. Noseparate postion has been given to isdkopes of an element J Some coment having higher atomic mass ae placed before the elements with lower atomic mass. "MODERN PERIODICTABLE: Modern Periodic law:- “Properties of elements are 2 periodic function of their atomic number.’ perty instead by taking atomic number as the fundamental pro of atomic mass. ‘Modern periodic table jorizontal rows known & periods. consists of 18 vertical columiys known as group, and 7h Periodic Properties rere eS Detecei Chapter 6: LIFE PEOCESSES Autotropi Nutrition ‘Ris nd of nutrition in which inorganic materials ke CO2, water et areutited {o prepare organic food by the process of photosynthesis. Example ~ Green plants eterotrophie Nutrition Organisms donot poses the ability to synthesize ther own food They depend on autorophs + Example Animals, Fungi + Types Holozoie Nutrition Sapophytie Nutrition Paras Nutrition Equation for photorynthesi {C02 + 12120 - CEHI206 + 602 + 6H2O (nthe presence of sunlight and ehlorophy) Main Events Of Photosynthesis + Absorption of light energy by photos + Conversion of light energy into chemical energy + spliting breaking) ‘of water into hydrogen and oxygen + Reduction of erbon dionie 1o carbohydrates comate Stomate are the tay pores present on the surface ofthe leaves Eunctions of stomata + Exchange of gases 02/002 Moods synthesis trom single inorganic imaterat,cO2 a0d water 2ehlorophylis receusary incinectly from No plamentreauired Cane prepared | Srepared during | Snes aytine Eg al animals and ‘Ajegalgreen fu plants some bacteria closing 6f stomata opening of stornata + Loses large amount of water (water vapour) during transpiration NUTRITION IN AMOEBA: pice sem ee see food particle = " a AGE poeucopot Pe radi EB food vacuole comets intee TO = teakdoe — slanaie pends SUNCTIONS OF GLANDS AND DIGESTIVE ICES: “HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1.stareh fseonvered into glocose by salva (Salivary amylose) 2.Gastric juices: FUNCTIONS OF SMALL INTESTINE AND MILI. 1.Small intestine ~ itis the ste of the complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins ands, 2. intestinal enzyme converts carbohydrates into glucose, Tops re Fats in fatty aed + glyerol and Proteins into amino aids oo 2. has wl fi ich help in the absortion of ‘blood FUNCTION OF BILE JUICE: Bile salts break LARGE FAT PARTICLES into inte | smaller partes for enzyme action. ena Ny 2 RESPIRATION 1N-HUMANS poe te ‘sae rac arg intestine Choo) dapat ml DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AEROBIC &ANAEROBIC [ REROBICRESSIRATION —| ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION —| Tecuss ia. the) s)Occursin the absence of presenceof oxygen onygen Hoscus in tochonda | 2} Occurs in cytoplasm ducts arewater | 3) End products and lactic Tespiation a Plants andecarbon dioxide acid and alcohol, 1} Gases evenange cers throug ‘lmoreamountofenerry | 4) Less amount ofeneryis 2) Somat inenves feleased feleased 3) .etcelsn stem £2} General sac ofthe root ‘Blood pressure-The force that blood exerts agoinst the wall of a vessel is calledbiood pressure Systolic pressure Ventricle contract 120mm of He Hypertension ‘systolic range increase diastolic pressure Ventricle relax 80 min of HE, hypotension diastolic decrease 1. Double Circulation: Blood travels twice through the heart in one complete cycle of the body 2.Direction of blood flow through Human Heart Pulmonary Circulation ~ Blood moves from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart ‘Systemic Circulation ~ Blood moves fcom the heart to the rest of the body and back to the heart COMPONENTS OF BLOOt ‘AYBLOOD CELIS: ‘+ RBC (Red Blood Cells) ~It caries oxygen and carbon dioxide ‘+ WBC (White Blood Cells) ~ It provides body defense + Blood Plateless—it helps in blood clotting 5) Plasma ~ Yellow colored fluid with 90% water and 10% organic substances Lymph isa yellowish fluid which escapes from the blood capillaries into the intercellular spaces It contains less proteins than blood Transportation In Plants ‘xylem moves water and minerals obtained from soll {ijPhioem transports food from leaves to other plant parts Jon System In Human. FUNCTION OF EACH PART OF THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM: “The Kidneys ~The excretory organ ‘The ureters ~The duets which drain out urine from the kidneys “The urinary bladder ~ The urinary reservoir ‘The urethra~ The channel to the exterior Excretion: Excretion Is process by which nitrogenous wastes are removed from o Exeretory wastes: Urea uric acid ammonia, sweat « Fach kicney contains many fitration units called as nephrons. Functlons of Nephron + Excretion of nitrogenous wastes {To maintain the water and ionic balance 1) Process of urine formation (ease) 1 ae a PT hat ‘cemetary 71 tai tered ees pees bap ae a eek et ‘) Oxygen and carbon dioxide i diffused through stomats 2)Excess water is removed by transpiration $)Plants can alo lose some of thelr old parts like old ‘}leaves and bark of trees ‘STRUCTURE OF NEPHRON Differentiate berween BLOOD Red coloured RBC present LYMPH yellow coloured RBC absent ARTERIES VEINS Thick walled Valve absent thin walled valve present ur body. CHAPTER -8 HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE? Reproduction: It isthe process by which lving organisms produce new individuals si itar to themselves. Reproduction ensured continuity of life on earth. Q1. We are similar to our parents but not exactly copy to them. Why? We are not exactly copy of our parents because copying of ONAS isnot a foolproof exercise, even minute changes bring about variation nthe bve print ofthe off springs. Importance of vaitions-Variatons hel species to withstand drastic environmental changes, thus save the species from becoming extinct and promot ns-Veariations help the tests survival fora longer time. Q2.Show different types of Asexual Reproduction with example. ‘TYPES OF REPRODUCTION Binary | Amoeba Fission ASEXUAL Mutiple | Plasmodium REPRODUCTION Fragmentation | Spirogyra Regeneration Planaria Yeast, Pyare Budding Spore formation | Rhizopus Vegetative Bryophytlum Propagation Loot of pevontytioen wate bude ‘Sexual Reproduction in Plants- Pollination-The process of transfer of pollen gf ‘Two types of polation are: from an anther to the stigma of the flower is pollination. (i) Self-poltination: The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or another flower of the same plant. {il) Cross-pollination: The transfer of pollen grain from the Anther to the stigma of another flower or another flower of a different plant of the same species. Fertiization-Fextilization is the process of fusion of male ‘and female gamete to form a zygote during sexual reproduction. Post fertilization changes- Ovary- develops into Fruit Ovule- develops into seed Zygote- develops into Embryo yastery Micropyie dicowicdonous soot egure ta. Struccars of Redicle- future root Parts of Embryo Plumule -fulure shoot MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN HUMAN 0.3 draw wel labeted diagram of male reproductive system In human and wr parts. ite the functions ofits different Testes: A pair estes: pair of testes are situated in scrotum that le outside the abdominal cout. Testes proses “Be and yearanc atthe time of pube hormone, “Testosterons hormone. Testosterone bring’ about changes 3 as deferens: From each tsi, a duct arses whichis known 35 95 se eavehrifites with a tube coming from Uibry Bladder. brngs sperins trSAr ests. spavey blade Urethra Ves deferens tbe opens into a common tube called urethra? caine Jad ¢ Acceecens Glade, Glnds ke prostate and serial vskls and Cowper gland ade secretions pete {Fansport of sperms easier and this fluid also provides TUEition. ree vider oF oreter Fatopian tbe ‘ovary ‘conv one. Fig. Olagram of a female reproductive system ig. Cingram of « male reprecuctwe wystem: 10.3 brew wel abeled diagram of female reproductive sytem inhuman and write the functions ofits different parts. Parts of Female reproductive system Duatice: Prired ovaries are located in the abdominal cavity near the kidney, OvarI&s produce female gamete (ovum or egg) and secrete female hormones (estrogen and progesterone). One egg is produced every month alternately by one of the ovaries. Fallopian Tube: The eggis carried frome ‘the site of fertilization in femate body. fe known as the uterus. Developing foetus is attached Uterus: The two oviducts unite Into an elastic bag ike structur eters aval withthe help of Placenta. Placenta acts as Nutritive, Respiratory, Exeretory Organ of developing Embryo. Vagina: Uterus opens into the vagina Ga What happens when the egg /s not fertilized? aera prepare itself to receive the fertlized egg. I grows ick, re ete is not fertilized, te thick uterus lining breaks down. 7 ‘egg come out ofthe vagina as menstruation. Co set do you mean by STDs? Name any two STDs caused bY bacteria and virus. Reproductive Health:-A number of diseases occur 353 result of sexual intercourse if one of the partners is infected. These are known as sexually transmitted diseases {sT0’s). They can be caused by bacteria for example; syphili, gonorehea; or caused by a virus for example} HIV-AIDS, warts etc. The transmission of these diseases can Per voted by using birth control measures such as wearing 2 condom during the sexual act. hods of contraception. “They can be mechanical, chemical and surgical. Mechanical methods: Use of or ntraceptive Device (IUCD) oF oop Cehemical method Use of rgteal methods—Vasectomy, Tubectomy , Medical termination tre ovary to womb/uterus through a thin oviduct or fallopian tbe © is muscular and rich in blood and tissues. rhe blood, tissues and the non-fertilized 2.6 Write about different met ‘Methods of contraception: condoms ,Diaphragm, Intra Uterine spermicides, Oral contraceptive pills Su of pregnancy (MTP) CHAPTER: 09- HERIDITY & EVOLUTION. Heredity refers to the transmission of characters from parents to offs prings Mendel’s Experiment: Gregor Johann Mendel regarded as the ‘Father of Genetics’ performed his experiments .cted Garden Pea plant for his with garden peas (Pisum sativum) in the garden behind his monastery. Mendet experiments because It Is-easy fo grow,has short life perlod and seven pairs of contrasting characters. Mendel started his experiment on the pea plants. He conducted first monohybrid and then dit ford Monohybrid Gross: The cross in which Mendel showed transmission of single pair of contrasting characteris monobybrid cross and observed inheritance of dominant and recessive characters Conclusion: Phenotypic ratio—Tal : Dwart 3:4 Genotype ratio—Pure Tall: Hybrid Tall Pure Dwarf 1: Fa Law of Dominance: When parents having pure contrasting characters are crossed then only one character expresses itself in the F1 generation. This characteris the dominant character and the character/factor which cannot express ise is called the recessive character. ‘of contrasting characters, Dihybrid Cross: Mendel also carried out experiments to observe inheritance of two pal which is called dihybrid cross. This experiment a ee oe ‘shows that allel palrof gone get segregated independently during gamete formation. Conelusios 4 Phenotypié-ratio Round end jéllow seedé-@ Round and green seeds-3, 243] Wrinksed and yellow seede-3, ‘Wrinkied and green seeds-1. How isthe sex of a newborn individual determined? itis the process by which sex of @ newborn can be determined. Autosomes: Those chromésomes which do not play any role in sex determinations chromosomes: Those chromosomes which play a role in determining sex of the newborn, lithe sperm having X chromosome fertilizes with ovum with X chromosome then the baby will have XX chromosome and it will be female. Ifthe sperm having Y chromosome fertilizes with ovum with X chromosome then the baby will have XY chromosomes and it will be male, Sex determination in iaxmen befee low cnet) weslre Pees Soe Perence rs Gamers, "sey Zyreee net Oneerie soe CHAPTER: 15- : OUR ENVIRONMENT. Characteristics of food chain + Theraie.a unidirectional flow of energy from producers to consumers. + There are generally 3 to 4 trophic levels. + Itis always straight + Organism can occupy different trophic levels in diferent food chain. {A 10 percent law is followed in energy transfer which was given by eer Raymond Lindeman. This law states that “only 10 percent of energy Tropic levcts is transferred from one trophic level to another trophic level”. The remaining 80 percent will be used by the present trophic level in cifferent processes. Therefore, there are usually 3-4 trophic levels in a food chain. Biological Magnification ‘The concentration of harmful substances increases with every trophic level. This is known as Biomagnification. ‘Addition of pesticides in one trophic level increases the concentration of pesticides in other trophic level. {2}forest food chain (b) ingrassland — (c) ina pond Food web + Is formed by interconnections of different food chains. + Is a graphical representation of 'Who eats Whom’ in an ecosystem. Consequences of Ozone Depletion Exposure of UV rays causes skin cancer. UV-rays damage the eyes also. It affects humans, plants as well as animals. Garbage Disposal Waste materials are known as garbege. There are two types garbage - Biodegradable Garbage and Non- biodegradable Garbage. Garbage thet can be completely decomposed by the microorganism are called Biodegradable Garbage., such as fruit and vegetable peel, sewage. " Substances which cannot be decomposed through microorganisms are known as Non-biodegradable Garbage, For Exemple, Plastic, Glass, Pesticide, Metals, Radioactive Elements etc, Methods of Waste Management . Waste disposal is a very important part of day to day life, There are different methods of waste disposal menagement- sewage treatment plant, biogas plant, land filings, recycling, incineration, composting and reuse. CHAPTER Reflection of light: Reflection of light is the phenomenon of bouncing back of light in the same medium on striking the surface of any object ECTION AND REFRACTION Co scaen necro ~ LAWS OF REFLECTION OF LIGHT: ( The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection (isr) {iThe incident ray, the normal to the mirror at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, alle in the same plane, ‘SPHERICAL MIRRORS:- SNO ] MIRROR DIAGRAM 1 | CONCAVE (CONVERGING is curved inwards Reflecting surface Note:- Focal length fis negative 2 | CONVEX (DIVERGING): Reflecting surface is curved outwards Note:~ Focal length fis positive RULES FOR OBTAINING IMAGES FORMED BY SHPERICAL MIRRORS: = 1_| Rayincident on mirror parallel to principal axis Passes (concave) or appear to pass (convex) ‘through focus. 2 | Aray incident through the principal focus (concave mirror) or directed towards the principal focus (convex mirror), after reflection, will emerge parallel to the principal axis. 3 | Aray passing through the centre of curvatures reflected back along the same path. 4 | Aray incident obliquely to the pole of the mirror isreflected obliquely FORMATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF IMAGES BY A CONCAVE MIRROR:- Sino. | Position of object | Position of mage | Nature and size Diagram ¥ | Objecistinnny— [AtToour ‘ead verted, muchamaller a ° than the abject (or highly Ma To | diminished) m-< andnegatve oh | Odjectis beyond | Between F and © | real and inverted and the centre of smaller than the object (or ccurvature(C) diminished) | m< and negative 3 | Objeatatthe [arc Teal and inverted, same centre of size as the object curvature(C) cue + | objectisin Beyond real and inverted, larger ‘between focus(F) than the object or and centre of magnified ccurvature(C) m> 1 and negative 3 [Objects atthe | Atinfinity Real and inverted, highly i -, focustF). magnified {onhighly ~ ie enlarged) s m> and negative | Objectisin Behind the Virtua, erect and enlarged between P and F : ce m> and positive FORMATION OF DIFFERENT TVPES OF IMAGES BY A CONVEX MIRROR: Sino, | Position of object | Position of image _| Nature and size | Diagram T | Atinfinity ‘At focus Virtual, erect and | + F muchsmaller than | | 2 : the object (or re fighty diminished) | Bee —— m< and positive Z| Between P and | Behind the mirvor, | Virtual, erect and infinity Between? andF | smaller than the object (diminished) m<1and positive MIRROR FORMULA” —_a/f= 3/u+ dv height of the image / height ofthe object (GNT = The change In path of ight cone medium to another medium, [RerMACTION OF wen goes from TAWS 01 Tie Inadent ray, refracted ray and normal to the Interface atthe point REFRACTIVE INDEX: - The refractive index of a media ‘speed of light in the medium. It's represented by ". Relative refractive index: #2" "2/M1 and 70 = Note:- The medium with greater refractive index of incidence, allie in the same plane. is referred as opti JF REFRACTION: incidence to the sine of forthe light of a given This Is also Ti The ratio of sine of angle of i angle of refraction isa constént colour and for the given pair of media. known as Snel's law of refraction. Sintfsine = Constont cas defined a the ratio of speed of light in vacuum tothe So n=clv nz so tn2-a/?m ically denser medium and vice-versa. REFRACTIONS THROUGH A RECTANGULAR GLASS SLAB: 3] On passing trough a restangular las sab ray of ih Z| 3) Suffers two refractions, one while going from arto glass and the other wile going from glass to ar. Light emerges ffom slsb in erection parallel otha in which it Satered the pss slab, However the final emergent ry is slightly shifted sideways fom the directionof origina: incident ray by distance x called Lateral shift. = 1 Semaraec reer atria ney two surfaces, of which one or ‘ath surfaces are spherical, forms @ lens. ‘[sNo. | tens ~] DIAGRAM al 1 CONVEX [CONVERGING ) LENS: Itis thicker at ery the middle as compared to the edges. A Note:- Focal length fis postive gftitahts Sage toe 5] CCA VE DIVERGING) LENS ee eke atthe edges than atthe middle yo {emcee Res uote Focal length fis negative [Ray incident on lens parallel to principal axis Passes (convex) through F, or appear to Land negative - * = | Objectisathy | Atiafnty Real and inverted, highly magnified (or highty entarged) Sy m>land negative © | Objectisin Same side of | Viral, erect and between OandF: | object enlarged m>1and positive FORMATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF IMAGES BY A CONCAVE LENS: [Eno] Pestionot | Position of image | Nature and size | Diagram || object 4 1 [atinfinity | At Virtual, erect and much smaller than the object (or bighly diminished) me dand postive TT Baween Oand | Setween and | Virtua, erect and infinity smaller than the object (diminished) mé Land positive =iv=3u MAGNIFICATION - m= vit LENS FORMULA i/f The power ofa lense defined asthe reciprocal of ts Focal ength 15 represented by the letter The power Pofa lens of focal length fis given by..P ‘The Si unit of power of a-lensis‘dioptre’(D). Thus, 3 diontre Is Find the power ofa concave lens of focal length 2. Ansi- Power ofthe lens, P=1/f=1/-2=-0.5D the power of a lens whose focal length is 1 metre ‘CHAPTER: 11 - THE HUMAN EYE AND THE COLOURFULWORLD REFRACTION OF LIGHT THROUGH A PRISM: Prism isa transparent optical element, which rm faces with an angle between them. The angle between its two lateral faces is called the angle ofthe prism. The angle between Initial +] Gjrecton of incident ray and final emergent ray is called angle of deviation. TISPERSION OF WHITE LIGHT BY A GLASS PRISM :-The phenomena ‘of spliting of white light through glass prism Into it seven component colours (VIBGYOR). “The cause of dispersion the dependence of angle of deviation on colourwaveength) of Heh just have at least wo STAMTOSFHERIC REFRACTION Rimospheri refraction the shift n pparent Giredlion of a celestial object caused by are refraction fight ay as they passthrough Earth's atmosphere. TGigdoiias | Dueto atmospheric refraction stars twinkle Stars 276 ‘a3 |] twinkle, but ‘very far away from the earth, Hence, they are planets donot? | considered as point sources af ght. When the light ‘coming from stars enters the earth's atmosphere, it gets refracted at diferenteves because ofthe variation inthe air density at diferent levels of the atmosphere Planets do not twinkle because these are nearer to ‘earth and act as extended bodly so canbe assumed 35 sade up of large number of point objects. Thus overall effect is nullified. ‘Qa. | AOVANCESONNSE | The Sun vibe o ws about 2 minutes before the ‘ano evareo | actual suncise, and about 2 minutes after the actual Suet sunset because of atmospheric reaction, The time difference between actual sunset and the apparent sunset sabout 2 minutes. The apparent fatening of the Suns ds at sunrise and sunsets also due tothe same phenomenon GS. | Sey appears ss | Due to seattering of sunlight by tiny atmospheric blues from particles shy appears as blue because light with earth's surface | shorter wavelength scatters more. butasdarktoan_| an astronaut there is no atmosphere for scattering, “amount of scatering inversely ‘proportpal to the forth power of For | wavelength of tight astronaut, Why? ‘COLOUROF THE | Tight from the Sun near the horizon passes through SUN AND ‘thicker layers of air and larger distance in the earth's 24. | suRkOUNOIGAT | atmosphere while light from the Sun overhead would actin travel relatively shorter distance. Near the horizon, ‘most of the ble ight and shorter wavelen scattered away bythe parties. Therefore the light ‘that reaches our eyes i of longer wavelengths. This ‘ves rise tothe reddish appearance of the Sun. ‘TYNDALL EFFECT: The eath's atmosphere is a heterogeneous miture of minate particles. These particles include smoke, tiny water droplets, suspended purticies f dust and molecules of ar. When abeam of light steikes such ine particles, the path ofthe beam becomes visible, The light reaches us, after being reflected diffusely by these partes. ‘The phenomenon of scattering of ight by the colloidal particles gives ise to Tyndallefect. CHAPTER: 12- ELECTRICITY » Electric current: - the rate of flow of chare through a conductor is known as electric current, T= Q/t{1—current Q quantity of charge _t- time) The unit of electric charge is coulomb (C). ‘The unit of current is ampere (A). 1ampere = 4 Coulomb/ 1 second. (1 Coulomb= 6.25X 10* electrons) ‘The device which causes the flow of electrons through a conductor's called a call; Electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. Electric current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. This i called conventional current. €lectric Current is measured by an ammeter. ‘ {tis always connected in series ina circuit. » Electric potential and Potential difference: Potential difference between two points A and-B of a conductor is the amount of work done to move a tnt positive charge from A to B. Potential difference = V = W/Q, The unit of potential difference ts volt (V). ‘One volt is the potential difference when 1 joule of work is done to move a charge of 1 coulomb from ‘one point to the other. (1 VOLT= 1 JOULE /1 COULOMB) Potential difference is measured by a voltmeter. Its always connected in parallel across the two point between which the potential difference ito be measured. > Electric circuit: - isa continuous and closed path of an electric current, ofsomponents used sac onp —i meer = EE O- we ea ene OL tres we nll + yh =O + > Ohm’s law: According to Ohm's aw Proportional tothe potential difference between its Vator VeiR. or VieR Where Ris constant called resistance fora given metal > Verification of Ohun’s law: « “The current flowing through a co a on wee A esti Resistor Lamp oticht slabe Oe OH ite Battery d ductor is directly ds provided its temperature remains constant lc wire ata given temperature, ‘Setup the circuit as shown in fig First use one cell fand note the current (1) in the ammeter and the potential difference (V) in the voltmeter across the nichrome wire XY. Repeat by using to cell, three cells and four cells and note the readings in the ammeter and voltmeter. Then plot a graph between the current (1) and potential difference (V). The graph will bea straight line. ‘This shows that V aor R= Vil where R is 2 constant called resistauce of the conductor. Resistance:-The opposition offered by the conductor to the flow of current Is known as resistance. The unit of resistance is ohm (2). Rei A Mg eres 8 1. Ohm=1 Volt/ Amp Since 1=V/R The current flowing through a resistor Is inversely proportional to the resistance. So, if the resistance is doubled, then the current gets halved The resistance of a conductor (I) is i to Area of eross section( Ra 4 » Rae/A or R= pe/A Where p (tho Brresistvity is ohm meter (Or). Conductors ‘Dine insulators lke rubber, glass etc. have high { The resistivity s independent from the lene! istors in series = aH an earn a ete lace ete 3 Rutt eee an Tahoe a yy ct umole cs lech ctly proportional tots Length (R a ¢ ) a} il) also Gepends upon nature of the mater [ = rt Area of cross section isa constant of proportionality called Tike metal resistivity 10 Om to 10°” Om. hand area of cross section of a conductor Resistors in parallel = * yond Ryare connected ln eres across AB 1 Serce the restart eqaltth sum of he rt (i) is inversely proportional jal of the conductor Qn] ial of the conductor. The unit Resistivity of the materi 10% Omto 10% Is and alloys have low resistivity tit} When tas ator Ru Ryan Racor pr res AB, Wnty eto te same Te ei ate eto tte sn corn ech Monee toe heb ec eft sain tance etn en ot 4 Teepe sch sue VV VV RGR, « Me HR +0, » Heating effect of electric current: - When electric current passes through a conductor and conductor becomes hot this phenomenon is known as heating effect of current. itis used in Electri¢ iron, Electric heater, Immersion Rod & Electric Kettle ete, Ifa current flowing through a resistor R for time t. thenH al? HaR, & Hator H= PRt this law is also known as joules law of heating. Electrical energy and E i) Electrical eneray :-ls the work done to maintain the flow of current In a conductor. Weaxv. twast QnaIxt WELXtxV VSIR w=PRe The unit of electrical energy Is joule (J). ctric current Is us ii) Electric power :-is the rate at which Power = Work done =P = W_ were = Rt Time € t Power = 78 Rev =BxXvV =IXV t t jectric power or Power =1XV The St unit of power is watt (W). One wattls the powerwhen 1A of current flows across a potential ditference of 1V. {O00 W= TW UNIT = tkWh = 1000 watt x 2600 seconds ~ 9-6 * 108 The commercial unit of power is watt hour (Wh) or kilo watt hour (kWh)- ‘of power Is used for 1 hour. One kWh is the power consumed when 1W Q1. Vs graph for two wires A and B are shown in the figure. if both wires are of same length and ‘same thickness, which of the two is made of a material of high resistivity? Give justification for your answer. ~t ‘Ans. Greater than slope of V-I graph, greater will be the resistance of given metallic wire. In the given ‘oreph, wire A has greater slope then B. Hence, wire A has greater resistance. For the wires of same length ‘and same thickness, resistance depends on the nature of material of the wire, i.e. Hence, wire ‘A’ is made of a material:of high resistivity. CHAPTER: 13- MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT [MAGNETIC FIELD: -The space surrounding a magnet in which the force of attraction and repulsion is exerted is called, 2 magnetic field. [MAGNETIC FIELD LINES AND PROPERTIES: - The magnetic field lines are the lines drawn in a magnétic field along which 2 north magnetic pole would move. These are also known as magnetic lines of forces. 7. The magnetic field lines are from north south pole outside the magnet while these are from south to north pole inside the magnet so magneticfield lines a closed and continuous curve. 2.The magnetic field lines are closer near the poles of a magnet where the magnetic field is strong and farther apart where the magneticfield is weak. 3.The magnetic eld lines never intersect each other because in that case there will be more than one direction of magnetic field at point || > of intersection. 2 oe 4.4 uniform magnetic field is represented by parallel and equidistant > field lines. | [MAGNETIC RIELO DUE TO A CURRENT THROUGH ASTRAIGHT ‘The magnetic eld lines around a straight conductor carrying ‘current | are concentric circles whose centers lies on the wire. The magnitude | of magnetite produced by astraght current caring wire at 2 point-i}directly proportional to current passing in the wire. {inversely proportional to the distance of that point from the RIGHT-HAND THUMB RULI ‘When a carent carrying sraight conductor is holding in ight hand such thatthe thumb points towards the direction of current, Then fingers will wrap around the conductor inthe direction ofthe field lines of the magnetic field. MAGNETIC FIELD DUETO A CURRENT THROUGH A CIRCULAR L “The strength of magnetic field produced by a circular coll carrying current is diectly proportional to both number of turns(n) and ‘current() but inversely proportional to its radius). At the center, all the magnetie ied lines are in the same direction due to which the strength of magnetic field increase. MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO A CURRENT IN A SOLENOID: - The insulated copper wire wound on 2 ¢ylindrcal tube such that its length Is greater than its diameter i called a solenoid. ‘The strength of magnetic field produced by a carrying current solenoid is directly proportional to. {)number of turns(a) (i) strength of current( i material used in solenoid — use of soft iron as core in a solenoid produces the strongest magnetism. Frectromagnet: The strong magnetic eld Inside a curent-arT¥iNé. | electromagnet solenoid can be used to magnetize a plece of magnetic material Ike oft ron, when placed inside the sofenold. The magnet thus formed is called anelectromagnet. nature of core “a a carentearyng conductor placed in 2 magnetic field experenoss rane rcpt when tis placed paralletto the magnetic eld The force actS6 O88 aoe ary conductor ina magnet lds dec proportions 2 = (jeurrent ‘hrough conductor (i length of conductor (i) streneth of magnetic field Hater () The magnitude of forces maximum when conductor placed perpendicular to the magnetic field (0) The direction ‘ofthis force Is reversed I the per tlon of cutrentor magnetic field isreversed anditis even BY Fleming's left hand rule. FORCE OWA CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTOR IN A MAGNETIC FIELD: FLEMING’S LEFT HAND RULE:-It does state that if index finger, middle finger and thumb of left hand are stretched mutually perpendicular to each other in such a way ‘hat index finger points towards magnetic field, middle finger points towards current then thumb will point towards the direction of force or motion of conductor. ELECTRIC MOTOR: ‘An electric motor isa rotating device that converts electrical energy to ‘mechanical energy. Electric motor is used as an important component in electric fans, refrigerators, mixers, washing machines, computers, MP3 players ete Principle: The working principleof an électiic motor is based on the magnetic cffect of current. A current-carrying loop experiences a force and rotates, when placed in a magnetic field. The direction of rotation of the loop is given by the “Fleming's left-hand rule”. Notes: A device that reverses the direction of flow of current through a circuit is called a commutator. In electric | motors the spit ring acts as commutator. 2LECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION: - 4 [ The Sroduction’of elethriety from magnetism is called Electromagnetic | induction. When a straight wire is made to move rapidly between the poles of ‘magnet or the magnetic field is made to vary then a potential difference is developed across the conductor and an electric current is induced in the conductor wire. FLEMING’S RIGHT HAND RULE: The direction of this induced current is given by Fleming's right hand rule. It does state that if index finger, middle finger and thumb of right hand are stretched mutually perpendicular to each other in such 2 way that index finger points towards magnetic field, thumb points towards the direction of force or motion of conductor then middle finger will point towards direction of induced current.

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