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World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1525-8


Immobilized Sclerotinia sclerotiorum invertase to produce invert

sugar syrup from industrial beet molasses by product
Refka Mouelhi • Ferid Abidi • Said Galai •

M. Nejib Marzouki

Received: 8 May 2013 / Accepted: 12 October 2013 / Published online: 19 October 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produces Keywords Invertase  Purification  Inverts sugar
invertase activity during cultivation on many agroindustrial syrup  Immobilization  Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 
residues. The molasses induced invertase was purified by Bioreactor
DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The molecular mass of
the purified enzyme was estimated at 48 kDa. Optimal
temperature was determined at 60 °C and thermal stability
up to 65 °C. The enzyme was stable between pH 2.0 and Introduction
8.0; optimum pH was about 5.5. Apparent Km and Vmax for
sucrose were estimated to be respectively 5.8 mM and The conversion of industrial waste, in particular sugar
0.11 lmol/min. The invertase was activated by b-mercap- industry by-product, represents an important option for
toethanol. Free enzyme exhibited 80 % of its original both the exploitation of energy and the reduction of pol-
activity after two month’s storage at 4 °C and 50 % after lution. Several studies have already shown the ability of
1 week at 25 °C. In order to investigate an industrial invertase for the valorization of molasses (Shaheen et al.
application, the enzyme was immobilized on alginate and 2011; Ye et al. 2012). Therefore invertase also named (b-
examined for invert sugar production by molasses hydro- fructofuranosidase, EC which catalyses the
lysis in a continuous bioreactor. The yield of immobilized hydrolysis of sucrose into an equimolar mixture of glucose
invertase was about 78 % and the activity yield was 59 %. and fructose known as invert sugar offer an attractive
Interestingly the immobilized enzyme hydrolyzed beet alternative for molasses exploitation. The enzymatic
molasses consuming nearly all sucrose. It retained all of its activity of invertases has been characterized mainly in
initial activity after being used for 4 cycles and about 65 % plants (Alberto et al. 2004). Among microorganisms,
at the sixth cycle. Regarding productivity; 20 g/l of Saccharomyces cerevisae (Herwig et al. 2001), Candida
molasses by-product gave the best invert sugar production utilis (Belcarz et al. 2002), and Aspergillus niger (Gomez
46.21 g/day/100 g substrate related to optimal sucrose et al. 2000) have been widely studied. Several invertases
conversion of 41.6 %. have also been characterized such as those from Asper-
gillus niveus (Guimaraes et al. 2009).Invertase was also
produced from different yeast strains such as C. utilis
(Belcarz et al. 2002) and Rhodotorula glutinis (Rubio et al.
Ferid Abidi and Galai Said have contributed equally to this work.
2002). Extensive studies have been done by using synthetic
R. Mouelhi (&)  F. Abidi  S. Galai  M. N. Marzouki medium for preparation of invertase while little attention
Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Bioactive Molecules has been paid to its production from unconventional
(LIP-MB), National Institute of Applied Sciences and
inexpensive sources (Shaheen et al. 2011; Guimaraes et al.
Technology, University of Carthage, B. P. 676,
1080 Tunis Cedex, Tunisia 2009). Invertase is used for the preparation of invert sugar,
e-mail: which is largely applied as feed stocks in fermentation
M. N. Marzouki processes and sweetener in food and pharmaceutical
e-mail:; industries.

1064 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

Various techniques for improving the production of 10 % (w/v). The medium was sterilized by autoclaving at
invert sugar, including continuous culturing and immobi- 120 °C for 45 min. The culture was grown in 500 ml
lization cells have been evaluated (Kurup et al. 2005). erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 ml media. Biomass yield
Many methods namely adsorption, covalent bonding, was determined after 12 days incubation at 25 °C under
cross-linking, entrapment, and encapsulation are widely shaking at 150 rpm. Invertase production was measured at
used for immobilization. Among the different immobili- various intervals. The cell-free supernatant obtained by
zation techniques, entrapment in calcium alginate gel has filtration and centrifugation was used for the determination
been one of the most used methods for whole enzyme of extracellular invertase activities.
entrapment due to its simplicity and non-toxic character
(Haroldo and Hélia 2010). Alginate has been used for the Induction effect of various inducers
immobilization of microorganisms but it requires an addi-
tional process for the enzymes immobilization. In this aim The metabolite induction of the enzymes synthesis was
the present study deals with the production, purification investigated. The fungus was cultivated at 25 °C with
and biochemical characterization of invertase by the fila- agitation at 150 rpm in erlenmeyer flasks containing
mentous fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using molasses as 100 ml liquid medium adjusted at pH 5.5 supplemented
substrate. Thus the purpose of this work was to investigate with 1 % (w/v) of different invertase inducer substrates
the continuous process of invert sugar production in bio- such us molasses, hay, barley bran, straw, wheat bran and
reactor. As well as kinetic and rheological study of cores of date. The culture liquid obtained after mycelium
molasses hydrolysis by immobilized invertase was carried removal, as described below was used for invertase activ-
out. ities determination. Biomass was then measured in myce-
lium fraction.

Materials and method Preparation of crude enzyme extract

Materials and chemical Culture media and cells were harvested after 12 days by
vacuum filtration through Whatman No. 1 filter paper on
Filamentous fungi S. sclerotiorum strain used in this study Buchner funnel, and centrifuged at 6,000 rpm and 4 °C for
was purchased from the collection of the Laboratory of 15 min. The supernatant obtained was used as crude
Plant Protection, National Institute of the Agronomic enzyme preparation. Protein concentration was determined
Research of Tunisia, and maintained on potato-dextrose- by Bradford method using Bio-Rad kit (Bradford 1976).
agar (PDA) slopes. All other chemicals were obtained from Bovine serum albumin (Sigma) was used as protein
readily available commercial sources. standard.

Growth conditions and screening of invertase Fungal biomass measurements

producing fungi
Culture media were filtered through pre-weighed Whatman
Invertase production was initially achieved by fungi culture No. 1 filter paper. The filtrate was centrifuged as described
on complete medium potato dextrose broth (PDB). Mycelia above to recover mycelium. The mycelium was dried at
plugs (4 mm diameter) from a 3-dayold PDA culture, were 80 °C for 24 h and stored in the desiccators’ chamber
transferred to 20 ml of PDB and the culture was grown for before being weighed.
3 days at 25 °C, with shaking at 150 rpm, then used to
inoculate liquid basal medium used firstly for screening Enzyme assay
hyper-productive fungi of extracellular invertase. The
culture medium for fungal growth and invertase production Invertase activity was determined by incubating 10 ll of
used at this stage was composed of 2 g/l (w/v) yeast crude enzyme solution or partially purified ezyme with
extract, 1.0 g/l (w/v) KCl, 0.5 g/l (w/v) Mg(SO4), 6.0 g/l 490 ll of 0.3 M sucrose in 50 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.5)
(w/v) KH2PO4, 14.3 g/l (w/v) K2HPO4, 4.3 g/l (w/v) at 60 °C for 20 min. One ml of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent
NaNO3, 1.3 g/l (w/v) (NH4)2SO4, along with 1 % (w/v) was added and heated for 15 min in a boiling water bath to
sucrose as an inducer. To 1 l of this medium we added stop enzymatic reaction and quantify product. Finally the
1 ml of oligo-elements solution containing (g/l): CoCl2 absorbance was assayed at 540 nm in spectrophotometer
(2.0); CuCl2 (2.0); MnSO4–H2O (1.6); ZnSO4–H2O (1.4); (Miller 1959). One unit of invertase (IU) is defined as the
CaCl2 (2.0); FeSO4–H2O (5.0) (Smaali et al. 2003). The amount of enzyme which liberates 1 lmol of glucose/min/ml
initial pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.5 by adding HCl under the assay condition.

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073 1065

Kinetic analysis Influence of temperature on enzyme activity

and stability
Using soluble sucrose as substrate, kinetic parameters of
purified invertase were investigated in 50 mM sodium Invertase activity was determined at various temperatures
acetate buffer, pH 5.5, at 60 °C. The purified enzyme was between 50 and 75 °C in 50 mM sodium acetate buffer, for
added to 1 ml of reaction mixture containing 0.03 M of 30 min at pH 5.5, using soluble molasses as substrate and
sucrose. The initial kinetic parameters were then deter- the dinitrosalicylic acid method as described previously.
mined and, Michaelis constants (Km) and (Vmax), were The stability was investigated by measuring the residual
calculated using a Lineweaver–Burk plot. activity at 60 °C after invertase incubation for 30 min at
various temperatures between 55 and 65 °C in the presence
Enzyme purification: anion exchange chromatography or in the absence of substrate.

The extract was loaded onto a DEAE-cellulose chromato- Influence of pH on enzyme activity and stability
graphic column (25 cm 9 2.6 cm) equilibrated with
sodium acetate buffer, 25 mM, pH 5.5. DEAE-cellulose Optimum pH of the invertase was determined at 60 °C with
Fast Flow resin used was purchased from Pharmacia the standard assay at different pH values using the fol-
(Uppsala, Sweden). The enzyme was eluted with a linear lowing buffers: 50 mM citrate–phosphate buffers (pH
salt concentration gradient (NaCl, 0–1 M) in the same 2.5–7), 50 mM Tris–HCl buffers (pH 7.5–8.5), and 50 mM
buffer and 3.0 ml fractions were collected at a flow rate of glycine-NaOH buffers (pH 9.5–10.5). pH stability was
20 ml/h. The A280 and invertase activity were monitored. studied by measuring residual activity at pH 5.5, 60 °C,
Fractions showing invertase activities were pooled before after enzyme incubation at various pH values between 4
electrophoresis analysis and conserved at -20 °C for fur- and 8 at 25 °C for 24 h.
ther studies.
Effects of metal ions, detergents, and reducing agents
PAGE analysis and zymography on invertase activity

After exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose active For determining the influence of metal ions, the invertase
fractions were applied onto SDS-PAGE and analyzed by activity was assayed in the standard conditions in the
zymography as described below.SDS-PAGE was carried presence of 2 mM of various metal ions (Co2?, Mn2?,
out as described by Laemmli et al. (1970) in a discontin- Fe2?, Cu2?, Zn2? and Mg2); or 100 mM CaCl2; or 4 mM
uous system made of 5 % stacking gel and 10 % running of the following reagents (SDS, ethylenediaminetetraacetic
gel by using a Mini-Protein II gel system (Bio-Rad). Pro- acid (EDTA), b-mercaptoethanol (b-ME)) and 5 % (w/v)
teins bands were stained by silver nitrate method (Blum Glycerol or sorbitol or 100 mM-1 M NaCl. The activity
et al. 1987).The first step in purifying proteins from poly- assayed without metal ions was considered to be the ref-
acrylamide gels is to locate the active band of interest in erence value (100 %).
the gel by zymography. After renaturation of enzyme in gel The enzyme solution was preincubated at 60 °C for
with isopropanol and acetic acid; invertase was visualized 30 min in the presence of various chemical reagents and
by incubating gel in sucrose (1 %) at 37 °C for 30. then the residual invertase activity was measured under the
Immediately gel was put into the 2, 3, 5 Triphenyl Tetra- standard assay conditions. Invertase activity assayed
zolium Chloride (TTC) solution and heat for 3 or 4 min without denaturing agents was considered as control.
until red colored band corresponding to invertase activity
appeared and then washed with 7.5 % acetic acid. After gel Storage stability
electrophoresis; we used a clean scalpel to cut off a strip,
invertase is extracted from the gel after the grinding step, The stability of invertase during storage 25 and 4 °C was
suspension and centrifugation. An aliquot of the superna- investigated. Enzyme preparation was mixed with acetate
tant may be tested for the presence of purified invertase by buffer 50 mM (pH 5.5) and stored at room temperature and
subjecting it to SDS-PAGE. 4 °C. Then aliquots were withdrawn at desired time
The SDS low-molecular-weight standard mixture intervals to test the remaining activities.
(Pharmacia) was used in order to determine the apparent
molecular weight of the purified invertase. Molecular mass Molasses characteristics
markers (25–225 kDa; Sigma-Aldrich, France) were
included and invertase activity was detected in the gels as The composition of molasses varies with the variety of
previously described. sugar beet, the agro climatic conditions of the region, sugar

1066 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

Table 1 Characteristics of beet molasses used in the fermentation invertase. The effluent from the column was collected in
experiments the same flask which served as the product reservoir. A
Parameter value Value flow breaker was installed between the column and the
pump, which prevented the contamination of the feed tank.
Brix (degree) 72
The samples for analyses were taken from the outlet
Density (g/l) 1,290 compartment of column and the total reduced sugar con-
Total sugar, g/kg molasses 836 centrations were monitored during the course of continuous
Glucose (%) 7.59 ± 1.93 hydrolysis. About 70 % of the column was filled with the
Fructose (%) 5.05 ± 0.08 alginate capsules. The extra space was anticipated for bead
Sucrose (%) 50.39 ± 0.20 expansion by the fresh media. A packed-bed bioreactor was
used in continuous mode and closed cycle for hydrolyze of
molasses at 45 °C and pH 5.5. The working volume of the
manufacturing process, handling and storage (Shaheen et al.
reactor prior to packing was 179, 54 ml and the column
2011). Table 1 summarizes the chemical composition of
volume after packing was 25 ml. The hydraulic retention
sugar beet molasses provided by Sugar industry of Tunisia
time for the feed in the reactor column was 154, 91 h. The
(Beja, Tunisia).It contained 50.39 ± 0.20 % sucrose,
concentration of 20 g/l of molasses were used (the corre-
5.05 ± 0.08 % fructose and 7.59 ± 1.93 % glucose.
sponding sucrose concentration were measured to be about
10 g/l).
Enzyme immobilization
Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
The invertase was entrapped in calcium alginate capsules
by dropping 10 ml of aqueous solution of sodium alginate
The hydrolysis products of molasses by immobilized
(2.5 %) containing 20 U invertase (185 U/mg) into 100 ml
invertase in a bioreactor were analyzed after 4 days at
of 0.1 M CaCl2 solution (buffered at pH 5.5). The alginate
45 °C by TLC. Samples were subjected to TLC separation
drops solidified upon contact with CaCl2, forming capsules
that was realized with a silica gel plate (Kiesel gel 60 F254;
(diameter of 5 mm) and thus entrapping invertase. The
E. Merck AG, Darmstadt, Germany). After developing the
spheres were allowed to harden for 30 min and then
products with a solvent system of n-butanol/acetic acid/
washed with acetate buffer to remove excess calcium ions
water (4:1:1, v/v/v), spots were visualized by spraying with
and enzyme. The capsules were stored at 4 °C in acetate
10 % sulfuric acid in ethanol and heating at 120 °C during
buffer until use. Immobilization yield is defined as the ratio
10 min. Sucrose(S), glucose (G) and fructose (F)(Sigma)
of the activity of immobilized enzyme to the activity of the
were used as standards.
free enzyme used. Immobilization was estimated as
Repeated batch hydrolysis
Immobilization yield (%) ¼ ðTotal enzyme activity 
non - immobilized activityÞ= Total enzyme activity  100:
In repeated batch hydrolysis reactions were performed in
Sucrose 10 % in acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 5.5) was
bioreactor at 45 °C with molasses solution (2 % w/v,
reacted with immobilized invertase (100 capsules having
100 ml) and 15.6 UI of invertase immobilized onto alginate
15.6 IU) or free invertase at 45 °C for 20 min. The reaction
capsules. After each cycle the immobilized enzyme were
mixture was agitated at 450 rev/min with a magnetic stir-
recovered by a simple filtration, washed with acetate buffer
rer. The 10 ll reaction mixture, was added to 990 ll DNS
and used for the next batch run. After reacting at pH 5.5 for
and boiled for 15 min to inactivate the enzyme. The
several hours, the hydrolysate was harvested for assay. The
amount of glucose or fructose formed from sucrose was
immobilized invertase were used for the next batch
determined by TLC. Activity was estimated as follows:
hydrolysis with the same initial molasses (corresponding to
Activity yield ð%Þ ¼ Immobilized activity= 10 g/l sucrose). The experiment was carried out until there
ðTotal enzyme activity  non - immobilized activityÞ was a noticeable reduction in the enzyme activity.
Rheological measurements and flow characterization
Experimental bioreactor setup
Rheological measurements were carried out using a
The immobilized invertase reactor was a tubular column, Rheotest (VEB-MLW, Werk, Germany) Searle type rhe-
(volume = 20 ml). A peristaltic pump (Heighdolf 5101, ometer, equipped with a coaxial cylinder sensor system
Germany) was used to transfer the molasses solution from (radii ratio of 1.06). The instrument can be operated at 44
a conical flask to the column containing immobilized different speeds, which are changed stepwise with a

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073 1067

a Invertase Activity [ U/ml ] 9 the enzyme activity till the 12th day of incubation. Similar
Sucrose 1%
8 cores of date 1% behavior was reported for extracellular invertase produc-
molasses 1%
straw 1%
tion from A. niger (Sirisansaneeyakul et al. 2000) and from
6 barley bran 1%
S. cerevisiae (Mona and Mohamed 2009). Contrasting with
wheat bran 1%
5 hay 1%
data reported for invertase production by A.flavus (Uma
et al. 2010). High levels of b-d-fructofuranosidase were
2 produced by S. sclerotiorum when sucrose was used as
1 carbon source, compared to those produced by Saccharo-
0 myces cerevisiae (Shafiq et al. 2003).The important
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time [days] enzyme production from S. sclerotiorum is suitable for
b 100 10 industrial processes and represents an advantage in regards
Wet weight of the other microorganisms already proposed for such

Invertase Activity [U/ml]

80 dry weight 8 purpose.
Weight [ g/l ]

As for other previously studied fungi species the pro-
60 6
duction of S. sclerotiorum invertase was found to be
40 4
influenced by the concentration of inducer substrate in the
culture medium. Medium containing 1 % sucrose pre-
20 2 sented the highest invertase activity 8.35 U/ml. 0.5 % of
sucrose also permitted synthesis of the enzyme 6.8 U/ml. A
0 0 high concentration of sucrose in the culture medium
repressed production of the enzyme, whereas the use of 2
and 4 % sucrose as inducer allowed depression of invertase
Inducers production 5 and 4 U/ml respectively.
The cultivation of the fungi strain S. sclerotiorum on
Fig. 1 Kinetics production of invertase by the fungus S. sclerotiorum different Tunisian agro industrial wastes without any
with various inducers (a). Determination of the wet and the dry
additive nutriments was investigated for the production of
weight of mycelium and the invertase activity (b)
extracellular invertase after 12 days of growth (Fig. 1a).
The data showed a wide variation in the yield of extra-
selector switch. The speed of the rotating cylinder varied cellular enzyme through the tested carbon sources at 1 %
from 0.028 to 243 rpm. A thermostatic bath containing (1.2–7.3 U/ml). The highest yield of invertase was produced
ethyl alcohol was used to control the working temperature by using 1 % molasses residue as a medium (7.3 U/ml),
within the range 45 °C. Shear stress values at the surface of followed by wheat bran and core of date which showed
the internal cylinder were obtained by multiplying torque lower amounts of invertase (5.1, and 3.4 U/ml respec-
readings by the rheometer constant. The widely known tively). Little yield of extracellular invertase was produced
empirical expression for the stress tensor was used for by using barley bran, while negligible amounts of invertase
describing the flow behavior of sugar syrup. were detected by using hay and straw (0.8 U/ml). In
another case we monitored the biomass and the invertase
activity over time. However the secretion of invertase
Results and discussion presents a different profile according to the inducer. The
kinetic of production showed that the fungus behave on the
Production of invertase onto induced medium different way towards inducers (Fig. 1b).
Molasses is a mixture of sucrose and reducing sugars
Production of invertase by S. sclerotiorum was followed by (RSs) such as glucose and fructose, it has also many
estimating the enzyme activities at different time intervals unidentified components. In order to investigate their
(Fig. 1a). The highest level of invertase activity was obtained abilities to induce invertase, we used it at the same con-
in medium supplemented by 1 % sucrose (8.35 U/ml), under centration on sucrose. 1 % molasses containing 0.5 %
orbital agitation (100 rpm), at 25 °C, for 12 days. The sucrose produced 7.3 U/ml enzymes however sucrose
produced invertase activity was considerably higher than solution at 0.5 % produced lower activity 6.8 U/ml.
A. niger (Gomez et al. 2000), and Saccahromycopsis fib- Therefore the enzyme reaction is activated to some extent
uligera (Gogoi et al. 1998), but significantly lower than by another sugar in molasses such as fructose and glucose.
most from yeast. It can be observed that extracellular From this study, it can be concluded that the molasses can
invertase reached a maximum activity after 12 days culture be more effectively used as a substrate for the production
(1,950 U/g dry weight mycelia), followed by a decline in of enzyme. For this reason, molasses was chosen as the

1068 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

a 0,5 9 b
0,0- 1M Nacl 8
0,4 7

Abs at 280nm

Activity [U/ml ]
Abs at 280 nm 5
Activity [U/ml]

0,1 2
0 0

Fig. 2 DEAE-cellulose chromatography profile of invertase (a). chromatography; Lane 3 Zymogram of invertase activity of pooled
Silver staining SDS—gel electrophoresis of the purified invertase anion –exchange chromatography fractions; lane 4 SDS PAGE of
from S. sclerotiorum (b). M: Standard protein markers; lane 1 crude extracted protein from the zymogram gel
culture filtrate; lane 2 active fraction after anion—exchange

Table 2 Purification of extracellular S. sclerotiorum invertase

Purification steps Protein(mg) Total activity (units) Activity U/ml Specific activity (U/mg) Purification fold Yield (%)

Crude extract 29.75 195 6.5 6.55 1 100

DEAE-cellulose 0.57 94.54 7.87 165.85 25.32 48.5

most promising substrate for invertase production and was et al. (2002), Mona and Mohamed (2009) and Uma et al.
used throughout the course of this work. So, the present (2010).
study still continues using molasses residue for production The pool of DEAE purification step was analyzed by
of higher yield of invertase from S. sclerotiorum. This SDS-PAGE. A large part of the contaminating proteins was
value (1,950 U/g dry biomass) was better than that removed after this step as shown by SDS polyacrylamide
obtained with Sclerotium rolfsii invertase (Kotwal and gel electrophoresis (Fig. 2b, lane 2). After identification of
Shankar 1997) and certainly higher than that obtained by the enzyme of interest by zymography using TTC as
Mamma et al. (2008), who found that the highest invertase staining solution (Fig. 2b, lane 3), the active protein band
activity produced by A. niger cultivated on agro industrial was cut and analyzed on renaturated SDS-PAGE (Fig. 2-
residue was 72.5 U/g dry weight mycelia. Thus it is con- b).Thus Lane 4 showed a single polypeptide band with a
cluded that higher level of invertase can be produced mobility corresponding to a molecular mass about 48 kD.
practically from molasses as a cheap source of sucrose. This molecular weight was lower than that of extracellular
b-fructofuranosidase from X. dendrorhous reported previ-
Purification of b-fructofuranosidase ously (Linde et al. 2009).However, one from S. occiden-
talis had an approximate molecular weight of 85 kDa
The crude extract containing 29.7 mg of protein and 195 U (Álvaro-Benito et al. 2007) and another from R. glutinis
of activity was applied to a DEAE-cellulose to carry out had around 47 kDa (Rubio et al. 2002). It was thus sug-
anion exchange chromatography. The extracellular invert- gested that S.sclerotiorum invertase purified in this work
ase was eluted from the column with a linear gradient of had comparable molecular weight with others cited inver-
0–1 M NaCl. The proteins were detected by measuring tases (Rubio et al. 2002).
absorbance at 280 nm and the associated enzyme activity
was measured by DNS methods as described on materials Effect of temperature on activity and stability
and methods. After that the active fractions eluted at 0.4 M
NaCl were collected (Fig. 2a). The pool has a specific DEAE purified S.sclerotiorum b-fructofuranosidase
activity of 165.8 U/mg proteins. About 25.32 fold of exhibited optimal activity at 60 °C. The activity of the
purification and 48.5 % recovery of enzyme activity were enzyme was retained at 55 °C for 2 h and about 80 % of
gained after this step (Table 2). The purification fold the residual activity was retained at 60 and 65 °C for 1 h.
obtained was much better than those obtained by Rubio Considering the results obtained, this optimal temperature

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073 1069

was higher than that determined for A. niger invertase of its catalytic activity even at higher concentrations of
(55 °C) (L’Hocine et al. 2000). The enzyme was also more these additives. These two reagents can be used as stabi-
thermostable than those from R.glutinis (Rubio et al. 2002) lizers of the enzyme. In order to investigate the effects of
and Azotobacter chroococcum (De la Vega et al. 1991). salt stress on enzyme activity, NaCl was tested in varied
Therefore S. sclerotiorum invertase was highly stable at a concentrations (100 mM–1 M). NaCl had no effect on
wide range of temperature. Invertase with higher activity enzyme activity (data not shown). This result suggested
and good thermal stability at high temperatures was that invertase could tolerate perfectly the salt stress.
attractive for biotechnological application in various
industrial sectors. Storage stability

Effects of pH on invertase activity and stability Biotechnological applications of invertase depend on its
stability during extract preservation. One of the most
Invertase activity assayed in standard conditions over a important parameters to be considered in free enzyme is
broad pH range from pH 2.5 to pH 8.5 showed an optimum storage stability, so we analyzed the stability of the enzyme
at pH 5.5 and more than 50 % of the maximum activity at various times. Results show that invertase remains
was measured between pH 4.0 and 6.5. This value was the totally active at 4 °C after one month and retained 80 % of
same as the optimum pH of the extracellular enzyme from its activity at 4 °C after two month storage. The enzyme
S. occidentalis (pH 5.5) (Álvaro-Benito et al. 2007).It was remain active (50 % of residual activity) after one week at
slightly lower than that found for X. dendrorhous (pH 25 °C. Consequently invertase is very stable at 4 °C and
5.0–6.5) (Linde et al. 2009) and higher to that observed for can be considered stable at room temperature.
R. glutinis (Rubio et al. 2002). Thus optimal pH from 2.6 to
6.5 has been reported for invertases from different yeast Determination of kinetic parameters
and fungi (Chaudhuri and Maheshwari 1996; Hernalsteens
and Maugeri 2008). The Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) value of the pure
Based on the results obtained, the invertase from enzyme was found to be 5.8 mM while its Vmax was
S.sclerotiorum is completely stable in pH range 4.0–7.0 at 0.11 lmol/min. The Km value seemed to be lower than
25 °C.The enzyme lost only 30–15 % of its activity at pH those prepared from R. glutinis (Rubio et al. 2002) and S.
below 4.0 or above 7.0 respectively.These results partially cerevisiae (Mona and Mohamed 2009). Values showed that
agree with that reported by L’Hocine et al. (2000).Hence it invertase from S. sclerotiorum have higher affinity to
can be concluded that invertase from S.sclerotiorum has at sucrose than those from other microorganisms like Can-
least an important potential for industrial use as its privi- dida sp (Hernalsteens and Maugeri 2008) and A. niger
leged stability. (L’Hocine et al. 2000).

Effect of metal ions and reagents on activity of enzyme Immobilization

All the metals are used at 2 mM,Co2? and Mn2? caused a Immobilization is a strategy not only for protecting enzyme
10 % fold increase however a slight stimulation of but also for bioreactor conception. The reusability of the
invertase activity was obtained by Fe2?, Ca2?, Cu2? and immobilized enzyme is another very important factor
Zn2?. These results suggest that S. sclerotiorum b-fructo- interested in its application for the continuous process. For
furanosidase is not modulated by divalent metal ions. invertase immobilization, many methods have been
Similar behavior was observed for invertases from A. niger described such as gel entrapment and co-immobilization of
(L’Hocine et al. 2000) and S. cerevisiae (Mona and Mo- invertase within a gel fiber (Nakane et al. 2000), covalent
hamed 2009). In contrast, these same ions inhibited the attachment (Tümtürk et al. 2000) and ionic adsorption
enzymatic activity in other fungi, such as Thermomyces (Torres et al. 2002). Different kinds of natural and syn-
lanuginosus (Chaudhuri and Maheshwari 1996). thetic polymers have also been carried out for enzyme
The invertase activity increased with Mg2?. In short, immobilization (Müfrettin 2011). A variety of supports
invertases from R. glutinis and F. solani were also acti- such as chitosan (Gomez et al. 2006) and agarose-guar gum
vated by Mg2? (Mamma et al. 2008). biopolymer membrane (Bagal and Karve 2006) are used.
EDTA showed no significant effect on enzyme activity Recent investigations of nanomaterials for the adsorption,
but B-mercaptoethanol increased the enzyme activity about encapsulation and cross-linking of enzymes have been
60 % whereas SDS reduced its activity. The presence of achieved (Sotiropoulou and Chaniotakis 2003; Wang et al.
sorbitol and glycerol had no significant effect on sucrose 2009). For the implementation in an industrial process,
hydrolysis and this suggested that the enzyme retains most scientists have studied sucrose conversion by immobilized

1070 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

invertase in many types of bioreactors such as a multiple immobilized invertase was determined. Then the hydroly-
air-lift loop designed by Bakker et al. (1994). Furthermore, sis of molasses ranging from 1 to 5 % was studied.
different enzymes such as b-glycosidases, b-xylosidase and It was found that 2 % molasses allowed the highest
b-glucosidase produced by the fungus S. sclerotiorum were activity yield (64 %). 1 % of molasses also permitted
immobilized using different supports and evaluated for use synthesis with 59 % of activity yield. A high concentra-
in continuous reactors (Gargouri et al. 2006). tion of molasses repressed activity of the immobilized
In this context, the present research was based on the invertase, as well as the use of 3, 4 and 5 % allowed
entrapment of S. sclerotiorum invertase in calcium alginate depression of activity (38.15, 30 and 14.89 % respec-
capsules. Whereas in the following section, the effects of tively). The increase in the molasses concentration with
some parameters such as alginate and substrate concen- high viscosity and the existence of undesired might have
tration were analyzed and the reuse of the immobilized caused less access of substrate to the active site of
invertase was also studied for continuous process in bio- entrapped enzyme and thus decreased the activity of
reactor that we designed. immobilized invertase.
Summarizing Alginate/enzyme spheres have been suc-
Effect of sodium alginate concentration cessfully formed by using 2.5 % (w/v) of sodium alginate
and 10 mM CaCl2. Thus at these conditions the immobi-
Through the concentration of Sodium Alginate solution it lization yield was 78 % and the activity yield was 64 %.
was possible to modify the structure of gel and the acces- Interestingly the activity yield is better than that obtained
sibility of the substrate to the active site Hence various by immobilized invertase from Aspergillus awamori (Issam
concentrations of sodium alginate (0.5–3 %) were used to et al. 2012).Therefore optimized conditions were selected
test the alginate spheres formulation and the invertase for further experiments.
immobilization yield. The entrapped activity was found
maximal 78 % at 2.5 % (w/v) of sodium alginate. However Bioreactor and analysis of end products
lower cohesion of enzyme from capsules occurred at 0.5
and 1 % (w/v) of sodium alginate. Furthermore at 3 % (w/v) The reactor that we designed is a 20 ml column through
sodium alginate the entrapped activity of the enzyme was with a solution of 2 % molasses corresponding to 1 %
found very low because the high viscosity of gel which sucrose in circulation at pH 5.5 and 45 °C using 7.87 U of
decreased the pores size and thus hindered the penetration enzyme immobilized on alginate spheres at flow rates 1 ml/h.
of substrate into the alginate spheres. Different researchers By taking samples at various times, under these conditions,
also reported that sodium alginate concentration range RSs are produced and assayed by DNS. Results show that
from 2 to 3 % was suitable for the immobilization of the concentration of RSs increased with time. After
keratinase and protease (Farag and Hassan 2004; Elibol 10 days recirculation of the molasses solution, 45 g/l of
and Moreira 2003). The main attraction of using alginate as fructose and glucose are produced without disruption of the
the immobilization support is that the gel formation process alginate-invertase capsules and without any microbial
requires only simple equipment and that the reagents are contamination during this period. The maximum conver-
relatively inexpensive and nontoxic. sion yield of sucrose to invert sugar was 41.6 %.The final
production was higher than that obtained from invertase
Effect of calcium chloride concentration on invertase immobilized onto polyethylenimine beads for sucrose
hydrolysis (Arica and Bayramoglu 2006). The calculated
Concentration of calcium chloride (10–100 mM, pH 5.5) productivity of this bioconversion was 46.2 g/d/100 g.
was also varied in order to obtain stable capsules able to After that production of invert sugar by immobilized
locked maximum enzyme. Thus it was found that the invertase in a bioreactor was analyzed by TLC. Hence we
partially purified enzyme retained highest activity note the vanishing of sucrose and a gradual appearance of
with10 mM CaCl2. As calcium chloride concentration fructose and glucose in 7 days of hydrolysis. Sucrose was
increased beyond 0.1 M the activity decreased. These detected in very small concentration on the 10th day (data
results are similar to that reported by Aziz Tanriseven and not shown). Besides the good stability of immobilized
Doğan (2001). invertase (remained fully active after 12-day incubation)
and the higher production of inverted sugars from molas-
Effect of substrate concentration on activity ses, S. sclerotiorum invertase has certainly important
of immobilized invertase properties that distinguish this enzyme from all other
invertase described.
Partially purified invertase was entrapped in calcium algi- In that case entrapped invertase is qualified in molasses
nate using molasses as a substrate and the activity yield of hydrolysis and fructose syrup production used for the

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073 1071



% RS



G S F M 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 4 TLC analysis of molasses cleavage by immobilized invertase
in bioreactor. After 4 days samples were subjected to TLC separation.
Lanes 1–4: samples at various incubation times; G, S, F, M sugar
Fig. 3 Reusability of alginate beads (repeated batch) of molasses
standards glucose, sucrose, fructose and molasses respectively
cleavage by immobilized invertase in bioreactor for the synthesis of
RS. Samples are taken every day

on invert sugar production and very suitable for continuous

fermentation process as described by Atiyeh and Duvnjak process. Therefore the alginate-invertase reactor looks
(2002). Immobilized derivatives were used in different promising as a new alternative to produce inverted sugar
types of reactors and in different continuous bioprocesses syrup from molasses in a simple bioprocess. Although
(Girelli and Mattei 2005). Similar vertical packed bed experiments have clearly shown advantages due to its
bioreactor using covalently immobilized invertase was reuse, simple set up and low cost regarding material and
developed by Pabyton et al. (2011). Interestingly, we energy use.
completed molasses hydrolysis process by simple entrap-
ment invertase in a packed column. This reactor can be a Rheological parameters of invert sugar syrup
new alternative to produce inverted sugar syrup that avoids
chemical or structural enzyme modification during process. The knowledge of the rheological properties of invert sugar
The hydrolysis of all sucrose by the solution recirculation is necessary for the design and the optimization of every
and the non-accumulation of the substrate residues on their process involving fluid flow and heat transfer. Therefore,
surfaces may decrease the possibility of microbial con- the rheological behavior of syrup was experimentally
tamination. Yet, it could increase the half-life of the determined at 45 °C, using a rotational rheometer equipped
bioreactor. with coaxial cylinders. Rheograms of syrup were obtained
in the range of shear rates from 0.7 to 120 s-1.Figure 5a
Reusability of immobilized invertase shows that the viscosity decreases with shear rate. At high
shear rate all compounds were sheared. Furthermore the
To estimate better this production and in order to evaluate final viscosity is similar to that of water which confirms
the operational stability of the catalyst, we reuse the algi- that all the syrup compounds were sheared. Thus results
nate-invertase reactor under the same conditions after an indicated that the invert sugar syrup produced from sucrose
extensive washing with 50 mM acetate buffer pH 5.5. behave as pseudoplastic fluids, being well represented by
Hence the activity of entrapped enzyme was assayed for the Power Law model in the tested ranges (Marques et al.
seven cycles with molasses as a substrate. There was no 2006). This decrease of consistency could be explained by
significant activity decrease during 4 batch reactions. The the effect of high temperature and the appearance of the
enzyme showed 65 % activity during the fourth and the RSs instead of sucrose. Similar behavior was observed for
sixth reuse. Only in seventh cycle the immobilized the yield stress in the rheological characterization of
invertase lost 80 % of activity (Fig. 3). This decrease in aqueous solutions of sucrose (Marques et al. 2006).
activity may be due to the leakage of enzyme during Afterward we applied the rheometer to demonstrate the
washing of capsules at the end of each cycle. effect of molasses on the rheological properties of the
The hydrolysis products of molasses by immobilized mixture sucrose, glucose and fructose. The effect of
invertase in a bioreactor were analyzed by TLC.Fig. 4 molasses on the rheological behavior was showed on rhe-
shows the evolution of the reaction, sucrose was detected in ogram (Fig. 5b). A significant increase in the viscosity of
very small quantities and completely hydrolyzed at the 4th syrup was observed. However the viscosity remains high at
day with appearance of fructose-glucose simultaneously the end (0,25 Pa.s) for the reason that the molasses com-
accordingly the results show that the reactor was efficient pounds affected the mechanical properties of the syrup.

1072 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2014) 30:1063–1073

Fig. 5 Rheogram of invert a3 b 0,4

sugar produced by immobilized
invertase in bioreactor using

Viscosity Pa s

Viscosity Pa s
sucrose (a). Rheogram of invert 2
sugar produced by immobilized
invertase in bioreactor using 0,2
molasses (b)

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Shear rate s-1 Shear rate s-1

Similar rheogram at the same conditions was obtained from efficient immobilization system for oligosaccharides syn-
many liquid foods, such as guava puree (Vitali and Rao thesis in a continuous reactor.
1982), sucrose-CMC model solution (Berto et al. 2003).
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ject of LIP-MB Laboratory, INSAT, Carthage University, Ministry of
on the flow properties of invert sugar syrup, the immobi- Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia.
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