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Electric Quiz Board

(For Fulfillment of the Requirement of Bachelor of Technology)


Submitted by: Submitted to:

Aryan Prof. SS Tanwar

4thyear , B.Tech 8thsem (Head of Department)

Roll No.-20EEBEE005

Department of Electrical Engineering


I would like to thank the Project guide, Head of Department Prof. SS Tanwar, for providing all
the material possible and encouraging throughout the course of project. It is great pleasure for us
to acknowledge his assistance and contribution for his prompt and timely help in the official
clearances and valuable suggestions during the development of this project. I would like to
express my profound gratitude to my faculty members and all my team members for their efforts
and collaboration in doing this project work. I perceive it as an opportunity in my career in order
to attain desired career objectives.

The Electric Quiz Board is an innovative educational tool designed to enhance interactive
learning experiences. This project integrates technology with traditional quiz formats to create an
engaging platform for students and educators. The primary goal of this project is to develop a
customizable electronic quiz board that can be used in classrooms or quiz competitions. By
incorporating features such as LED displays, buzzer systems, and wireless connectivity, this quiz
board enables dynamic quiz sessions with real-time score tracking and instant feedback. The
project focuses on promoting active participation and knowledge retention through a fun and
competitive learning environment.

We, the undersigned, declare that the project entitled 'Electric Quiz Board', being submitted in
partial fullfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering,
affiliated to Bikaner Technical University, is the work carried out by us.


This is to certify that project entitles as "'Electric Quiz Board” being submitted by ARYAN
[20EEBEE005] is done in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical to Engineering College Bikaner, is a record of student's
own work carried out under my supervision and guidance. To the Best of my knowledge, this
project has not been submitted in part of full to any other university or institution for the award
of any degree or diploma.

DATE- Prof. SS Tanwar

(Head of Department)
Table of Content
Chapter Title Page no
















Chapter 1

The Electrical Quiz Board is an interactive educational tool designed to facilitate learning
through engaging quizzes. The board allows users to select questions and answer choices using
push buttons. Correct answers are indicated with LED lights, providing immediate feedback.
This project integrates basic electronic components to create an intuitive and user-friendly quiz

The Electric Quiz Board project represents a pioneering endeavor at the intersection of education
and technology, aimed at revolutionizing traditional learning methods through interactive
engagement. Designed to harness the power of microcontroller technology and sensory feedback
mechanisms, this project introduces a dynamic platform for quizzes and educational games. At
its essence, the Electric Quiz Board seeks to enhance learning experiences by providing users
with a captivating and immersive tool that promotes active participation and knowledge
retention. By integrating LED indicators for immediate visual feedback and sound modules for
auditory cues, the board not only facilitates interactive learning but also accommodates diverse
learning styles, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging.

This project is driven by a commitment to innovation and educational enhancement, offering

customizable features that enable educators to tailor quizzes to specific subjects, difficulty levels,
and learning objectives. This flexibility ensures that the Electric Quiz Board is adaptable to
various educational settings, from classrooms to informal learning environments, fostering
personalized learning experiences and catering to the individual needs of learners. Moreover, the
project underscores a meticulous approach to design and implementation, combining technical
expertise in circuitry, programming, and user interface design to deliver a seamless and user-
friendly educational tool.

Beyond its technical intricacies, the Electric Quiz Board project embodies collaboration,
creativity, and a forward-thinking approach to educational technology. It serves not only as a
practical solution for enhancing classroom engagement but also as a model for future innovations
in interactive learning tools.
Objectives Chapter 2

The objectives of the Electric Quiz Board project are multifaceted, aiming to blend educational
enrichment with interactive technology in a cohesive and user-friendly manner. At its core, the
project seeks to enhance learning experiences by providing a dynamic platform for quizzes and
educational games. Through the integration of microcontroller technology, the board facilitates
real-time interaction, allowing users to engage with questions, receive immediate feedback via
LED indicators, and benefit from auditory cues provided by sound modules. This interactive
feedback mechanism not only promotes active participation but also reinforces learning through
multiple sensory modalities, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Furthermore, the project aims to promote accessibility and inclusivity by offering customizable
features that accommodate different subjects, levels of difficulty, and educational contexts. By
allowing educators and learners to tailor quizzes according to specific learning objectives and
curricular needs, the Electric Quiz Board supports personalized learning experiences, thereby
fostering deeper engagement and knowledge retention.

From a technical standpoint, the project strives to demonstrate proficiency in circuit design,
programming, and system integration. Each component of the board is meticulously selected and
integrated to ensure seamless functionality, reliability, and durability. This technical rigor not
only enhances the board's performance but also showcases the project team's expertise in
applying engineering principles to practical educational applications.

Moreover, the Electric Quiz Board project aims to serve as a prototype for future developments
in educational technology, inspiring innovation and advancements in interactive learning tools.
By documenting the design process, challenges encountered, and solutions implemented, the
project contributes valuable insights and best practices to the broader field of educational
technology, paving the way for continued exploration and refinement of interactive educational
tools that empower learners and educators alike. Ultimately, the objectives of the Electric Quiz
Board project converge towards enriching educational experiences through innovative
technology, fostering engagement, and promoting lifelong learning skills in diverse educational
The primary objectives of this project are:

• To design and construct an educational quiz board using basic electronic components.
• To provide an interactive and engaging learning tool.
• To demonstrate the application of electronic circuits in educational devices.
• To ensure the quiz board is user-friendly and reliable.
Components Chapter 3

Major Components

• Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino Uno): The brain of the quiz board, used to control the

LEDs and read inputs from buttons.

• Push Buttons: Used to select questions and answers.

• LEDs: Indicate correct or incorrect answers.

• Resistors: Limit current to protect LEDs.

• Buzzer: Provides auditory feedback for correct or incorrect answers.

• Breadboard/PCB: For assembling the circuit.

• Connecting Wires: Connect various components.

• Power Supply: Provides the necessary voltage and current for the circuit.

Minor Components

• Diodes: Prevent backflow of current.

• Capacitors: Stabilize power supply.

• Transistors: Used for switching and amplifying signals.

Schematic Diagram
The circuit design consists of the following sections:

1. Microcontroller Interface: Connects the microcontroller with the push buttons and LEDs.

• Data Acquisition: The microcontroller receives data from sensors such as RPM sensors,
temperature sensors, or any other input devices. This data acquisition process involves
sampling analog signals, converting them to digital format if necessary, and processing
them according to programmed instructions.

• Signal Processing: Once data is acquired, the microcontroller processes it through

algorithms and logic embedded in its firmware. This could include calculations,
comparisons, or triggering specific actions based on predefined conditions or user inputs

2. Input Section: Includes push buttons for selecting questions and answers.

• Signal Conditioning: Input signals from sensors or external devices often require
conditioning to ensure they meet the requirements of the circuit components they interface
with. This may involve amplification, filtering, or conversion (analog-to-digital or
digitalto-analog) to adapt signals for processing.

• Interface Circuitry: Depending on the complexity of the system, the interface circuitry
may include buffers, amplifiers, ADCs (Analog-to-Digital Converters), DACs (Digital-
toAnalog Converters), and other components to process and convert signals as needed by
the circuit.
3. Output Section: Includes LEDs and a buzzer to indicate the results.

• Signal Conditioning: The output signals from the circuit may require conditioning to
meet the specific requirements of connected devices or actuators. This can involve
amplification, filtering, or digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) to produce signals
suitable for driving external loads.

• Actuator Control: The interface facilitates the control of actuators such as motors,
solenoids, valves, or relays based on processed data or commands from the circuit. This
control ensures precise operation and responsiveness to system requirements.
A basic schematic diagram is illustrated below:
Connections Chapter 5

Push Buttons

• Connection: Push buttons are connected to the digital input pins of the microcontroller.
Each push button typically has two or more terminals: one connected to a digital input pin
and the other connected to ground (GND). Sometimes, a pull-up or pull-down resistor is
used to ensure that the input pin reads a definite high (1) or low (0) state when the button
is not pressed.
• Function: In the quiz board, push buttons serve as the interface for the user to select
questions and answers. When a button is pressed, it completes the circuit and sends a
signal (high or low) to the microcontroller's input pin.
• Example Connection: If you have a push button connected to digital pin 2 of the
Arduino, you would also connect one terminal of the button to pin 2 and the other
terminal to ground. You might also use the internal pull-up resistor by setting pinMode
(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP) in the setup function.
• Start/Stop Functionality: A push button can be assigned the task of starting or stopping
the BLDC motor. When pressed, it triggers the microcontroller to activate or deactivate
the motor based on programmed logic. This functionality is crucial for initiating motor
operations or halting them in response to operational needs.

• Speed Adjustment: Push buttons can also be used to adjust the speed of the BLDC
motor. Each press of a button could increment or decrement the motor speed setpoint,
allowing for fine-tuning of RPM values according to application requirements. This
feature enhances flexibility and precision in motor control.

• Mode Selection: In more advanced implementations, push buttons may facilitate mode
selection. For example, switching between manual and automatic control modes where
manual mode allows direct user input for speed adjustments, while automatic mode may
involve predefined speed profiles or closed-loop control based on feedback from RPM


• Connection: LEDs are connected to the digital output pins of the microcontroller through
current-limiting resistors. Each LED has two terminals: the anode (positive) connected to
the microcontroller's output pin via a resistor and the cathode (negative) connected to

• Function: LEDs provide visual feedback on the quiz board. Green LEDs typically
indicate correct answers, while red LEDs indicate incorrect answers. The microcontroller
controls these LEDs by setting the corresponding output pins high or low.

• Example Connection: If an LED is connected to digital pin 9 of the Arduino, the anode
is connected to pin 9 through a resistor (e.g., 220 ohms), and the cathode is connected to
ground. The microcontroller turns the LED on by setting pin 9 high and off by setting it


• Connection: The buzzer is connected to a digital output pin of the microcontroller. One
terminal of the buzzer is connected to the output pin, and the other terminal is connected
to ground.

• Function: The buzzer provides auditory feedback for correct and incorrect answers. The
microcontroller generates a tone or sound by sending a signal to the buzzer, using
functions like tone() in the Arduino environment to control the frequency and duration of
the sound.

• Example Connection: If the buzzer is connected to digital pin 11 of the Arduino, one
terminal is connected to pin 11 and the other to ground. The microcontroller can then
produce a sound by setting the pin high or using the tone(buzzerPin, frequency, duration)
Power Supply

• Connection: The power supply is connected to the power input pins of the
microcontroller. For an Arduino Uno, the power supply typically connects to the VIN pin
(for input voltage) and GND (ground) pin. Alternatively, the USB port can be used to
supply power.

• Function: The power supply provides the necessary voltage and current to power the
microcontroller and all connected components (push buttons, LEDs, buzzer). It ensures
that the entire circuit operates correctly.

• Example Connection: If using a 9V battery, you might connect the positive terminal to
the VIN pin and the negative terminal to the GND pin of the Arduino. Ensure that the
power supply matches the voltage requirements of the microcontroller and components to
prevent damage.
Detailed Connection Example Chapter 6

To illustrate how these components are connected in the quiz board, consider the following

1. Push Buttons:

o Connect one terminal of the push button to digital pin 2 on the Arduino.
o Connect the other terminal of the push button to ground.

o In the code, use pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP) to enable the internal

pullup resistor.

2. LEDs:

o Connect the anode of a green LED to digital pin 9 through a 220-ohm resistor.
o Connect the cathode of the green LED to ground.
o Connect the anode of a red LED to digital pin 10 through a 220-ohm resistor.

o Connect the cathode of the red LED to ground.

3. Buzzer:

• Connect one terminal of the buzzer to digital pin 11 on the Arduino.

• Connect the other terminal of the buzzer to ground.

Circuit diagram

Power Supply:

o Connect the positive terminal of a 9V battery to the VIN pin on the Arduino.

o Connect the negative terminal of the 9V battery to the GND pin on the Arduino.
Construction and Assembly

Chapter 7

Step-by-Step Process

1. Design the Circuit: Create a schematic diagram to visualize connections.

2. Assemble Components on Breadboard/PCB: Place and connect push buttons, LEDs,
resistors, and the microcontroller according to the schematic.
3. Program the Microcontroller: Write and upload code to the microcontroller to control

the quiz logic.

4. Test Connections: Verify all connections are secure and correct.

5. Power the Circuit: Connect the power supply and test the circuit functionality.

Tools Needed

• Soldering iron and solder

• Wire cutters and strippers
• Multimeter for testing
• Screwdrivers and pliers
Working Principle Chapter 8

The quiz board operates as follows:

1. Initialization: Upon powering up, the microcontroller initializes the LEDs and buzzer.

2. Question Selection: The user presses a button to select a question.

3. Answer Input: The user presses a button to submit an answer.

4. Processing: The microcontroller checks if the answer is correct.

5. Feedback: If the answer is correct, a green LED lights up, and the buzzer sounds a

positive tone. If incorrect, a red LED lights up, and the buzzer sounds a negative tone.

Testing and Troubleshooting


• Functionality Check: Test each button and LED individually to ensure they function

• Code Verification: Upload the code to the microcontroller and test the quiz logic.

• Power Supply: Ensure the power supply provides the correct voltage and current.


• Button Not Responding: Check connections and ensure the button is not faulty.
• LED Not Lighting: Verify the LED polarity and check the resistor value.
• No Sound from Buzzer: Ensure the buzzer is connected correctly and not damaged. 
Microcontroller Issues: Re-upload the code and check for any programming errors.
Results and Observations Chapter 9

After constructing and testing the quiz board, the following observations were made:
• The quiz board successfully responded to button presses.
• Correct and incorrect answers were indicated by the corresponding LEDs and buzzer
• The system was reliable and provided immediate feedback.
 Future Improvements

Future enhancements to the quiz board could include:

• Digital Display: Adding an LCD or LED display to show questions and answers.
• Multiple Question Sets: Expanding the system to handle multiple sets of questions.
• Wireless Connectivity: Integrating Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for remote control and updates.
• Enhanced Feedback: Adding visual and auditory effects for better engagement.

The Electric Quiz Board project represents a culmination of creativity, technical skill, and
educational value. Designed to engage users of all ages in an interactive learning experience, the
board seamlessly integrates electronic components with user-friendly interface design. Through
meticulous planning and precise execution, the project achieves its primary objective of fostering
learning through quizzes while ensuring accessibility and usability.

At its core, the Electric Quiz Board leverages microcontroller technology to deliver questions
and prompts, facilitating real-time interaction with participants. The incorporation of LED
indicators and sound modules enhances the user experience by providing immediate feedback
and auditory cues, making the learning process engaging and dynamic. Additionally, the
inclusion of customizable features allows for adaptability to various subjects and levels of
difficulty, catering to diverse learning needs and preferences.

From a technical standpoint, the project showcases proficiency in circuit design, programming
logic, and sensor integration. Each component serves a specific purpose in enhancing
functionality and interactivity, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of electrical
engineering principles and practical application. Moreover, attention to detail in construction and
aesthetic design ensures durability and visual appeal, contributing to a polished final product.

Beyond its technical merits, the Electric Quiz Board underscores the importance of collaborative
teamwork and project management. Through effective communication and division of tasks, the
project team successfully navigated challenges and achieved milestones within specified
timelines. This collaborative effort not only strengthened individual skills but also fostered a
sense of accomplishment and pride in collective achievement.

In conclusion, the Electric Quiz Board project stands as a testament to innovation and ingenuity
in educational technology. By combining electronic engineering with interactive learning
principles, the board not only educates but also inspires curiosity and engagement among users.
Its impact extends beyond the confines of the project itself, serving as a model for future
endeavors in integrating technology with education to create meaningful and enriching learning

Arduino Official Website

Basic Electronics for Beginners

LED and Push Button Circuit Basics

Microcontroller Programming

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