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Rosslyn Academy is an inter national Chr istian school located in Nair obi, Kenya, offer ing a Nor th

Am er ican cur r iculum for Pr eschool thr ough 12th Gr ade. The m ission of Rosslyn Academy is to
inspir e and equip each student to develop their God-given gifts for Chr ist-like ser vice in the
w or ld com m unity.
Since it opened its door s to four Am er ican m issionar y childr en in 1947, Rosslyn Academy has
gr ow n into a thr iving inter national educational com m unity of 650 students fr om over 50
differ ent nations.

St udent Scholarships
M issionary Student
One of the biggest obstacles pr eventing m issionar ies fr om staying on the field long-ter m is the
expense of educating their childr en. M issionar ies kids need high-caliber schools that can
effectively pr epar e them for an eventual r etur n to the USA for college. Rosslyn Academy?s
Chr istian-based, Am er ican Cur r iculum is exactly w hat m issionar y fam ilies w ant. Rosslyn
Academy?s m ission has alw ays been to suppor t the education of M issionar y Childr en, and to this
end, w e gr eatly r educe school fees to less than half of r egular tuition. This r educed r ate is still
unaffor dable to som e m issionar y fam ilies. At $10,000 per year , you can suppor t the education of
a m issionar y kid, allow ing his/her par ents to continue ser ving on the field.
Kenyan National Church Students
Cur r ently, Rosslyn Academy r uns a scholar ship pr ogr am that adm its one Kenyan child per year
(into 9th gr ade) fr om one of our M ission Ow ner ?s local chur ch par tner s. This pr ogr am is lim ited
by a lack of funding. Please consider suppor ting the educational expenses of talented young
Kenyan Chr istian students, thr ough High School at Rosslyn Academy.

Estimated Cost: $10,000 per year per student

Website: r osslynacademy.or g E-M a il: WesM @r Phone: +254726290524

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