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Case Study
Case 5. PR MOTORCYCLES: Till We Meet Again
Miss Amelia Rivera was a very effective training officer in one of the biggest appliance
dealership in the Philippines. She was much satisfied with her job not only because of
the pay she receives monthly, but also because the top management recognizes her
value to the organization. Every morning, when she arrives to report for work, everyone
she meets greets her out of courtesy and in deference to her rank.
One day, while in a birthday party, she was introduced by her father to a longtime friend,
Mr. Pedro Reyes, who happens to be the president of a large motorcycle dealership.
The company operates branches in all the provincial capitals throughout the Philippines.
When Mr. Reyes heard about Amelia’s job, he offered her a bigger job in his company.
The job offer was as HR manager and it comes with twice the salary she was receiving
from her current employer.
Amelia’s father advised her to accept the offer and after a week, she began working for
Mr. Reyes. With a complementary staff of five subordinates, she proceeded to perform
her new job with enthusiasm. Through written memos and personal calls, she laid out
the HR policies to the twelve regional managers of the company.
Eleven of the regional managers religiously observed and implemented the HR
policies, except Mr. Sotero Mantic who was assigned in northern Luzon.
On one particular weekend, the president called all the regional managers and Amelia
to a meeting to discuss the company's HR policies. Amelia was asked to make a report
but before she could finish, one aspect of her report was criticized by Mr. Reyes. Amelia
took the matter lightly, but as if on Mr. Reyes' cue, Mr. Mantic began to show
disrespectful behavior towards Amelia. This he did even in front of other managers. One
of the managers told Amelia that Mr. Mantic is a bright fellow but he is not a high
performer, and he thinks highly of himself, and he feels he is indispensable to the
Mr. Reyes considers the regional managers as the workhorses of his company and so
he provides them with all incentives, financial or otherwise that he can give them.
Amelia believes that this is the main reason why Mr. Mantic behaves as he does.
During the past few months, Amelia tried hard to win the respect of Mr. Mantic, but all
her efforts failed. One of Amelia’s subordinates reported to her that Mr. Mantic told her
that HR work is a waste of company funds.
After some weeks, Mr. Reyes related to Amelia that henceforth all recommendations for
promotion of any employee would emanate from the HR department. After a few
months, however, Mr. Mantic recommended one of his subordinates for promotion and
it was approved by Mr. Reyes without the knowledge of Amelia. When Amelia was
informed by one of her staff members about the promotion, she filed her resignation the
next day.
1. What, if any, did the president failed to do?

Based on the case, it can be inferred that Mr. Reyes, the president of the
motorcycle dealership, failed to establish a clear and consistent management culture,
which allowed Mr. Mantic to disregard HR policies and disrespect Amelia. The lack of a
clear management culture enabled Mr. Mantic's behavior, which was unacceptable and
disrespectful towards Amelia, and may have led to a toxic work environment.
Additionally, Mr. Reyes failed to hold regional managers accountable for their actions,
despite knowing that Mr. Mantic was not implementing HR policies. This lack of
accountability sent a message that such behavior would be tolerated, further
contributing to the toxic environment.
Furthermore, Mr. Reyes did not provide adequate support to Amelia, who was
struggling to win the respect of Mr. Mantic and implement HR policies effectively. As the
HR manager, Amelia required guidance and backing from her supervisor to perform her
duties efficiently. However, Mr. Reyes's failure to provide this support left Amelia feeling
isolated and without a clear direction, which may have led to her demotivation and
eventual resignation.
The decision-making process within the company was also marred by a lack of
transparency, as evident in the promotion of Mr. Mantic's subordinate without consulting
Amelia or following proper procedures. This lack of transparency may have contributed
to Amelia's resignation, as she felt undervalued and excluded from important decisions
that affected her work.
By failing to address these issues, Mr. Reyes inadvertently created an
environment that led to Amelia's resignation, potentially damaging the company's HR
function and morale among employees. The lack of a clear management culture,
accountability, and transparency can lead to a breakdown in trust and communication
among employees, ultimately affecting the company's overall performance and
reputation. It is essential for Mr. Reyes to take responsibility for his actions and
implement changes to create a positive and productive work environment that values
respect, open communication, and employee well-being
2. Do you agree with Amelia’s action?
I strongly disagree with Amelia's decision to resign immediately. While it's
understandable that she may feel frustrated and demotivated by Mr. Mantic's disrespect
and the promotion that was given without her input, quitting her job may not be the most
sensible solution. Firstly, Amelia has recently secured a new job with a higher salary
and a better title, which she should leverage to her advantage. She has already gained
the respect and recognition of her new employer, which is invaluable for her career
growth and development.
Furthermore, quitting might give the impression that she is unable to handle
challenges or conflicts in the workplace, which could harm her professional reputation.
This could lead to difficulties in future job applications or networking opportunities. In
addition, it's essential to note that Amelia has the potential to make a significant impact
as an HR manager, and quitting now would mean giving up on this opportunity.
Instead of resigning, I believe Amelia should try to address the issues with Mr.
Mantic and Mr. Reyes in a constructive manner. This could involve having a private
meeting with them to express her concerns and work together to find a solution. As an
HR manager, it's essential to be able to navigate difficult situations and implement
effective HR policies that promote a positive work environment.
By addressing the issues constructively, Amelia can demonstrate her ability to
handle conflicts and show that she is committed to finding solutions rather than giving
up easily. This will not only help to improve her professional reputation but also allow
her to maintain a positive working relationship with her colleagues and supervisors.
Moreover, as an HR manager, Amelia has a unique opportunity to implement
policies and procedures that promote employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion. By
staying in the company, she can use this role to make a positive impact on the
organization and its employees.

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