Dup(01)Basic 5-1-1

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Section A - Comprehension

A young lady had been a university, student for four years.When she finished her course, she was
awarded the Bachelor of science.When she got home, her younger brother asked, sister why should you
be called a bachelor, are you now a man, the young graduate explains 'no I am not a man, the title of the
degree is called a bachelor of science.It doesn't turn me into a man.'a few months later, the lady married
another university graduate that has a bachelor of science.The young again wondered why the man,
though now married, was still a bachelor of science and not a master of science.The explanation was
that the young man was no longer and and not a master of science.The explanation was that the young
man was no longer a bachelor in life but was still a holder of the bachelor of science, just as his wife.


1.What qualified the lady to become a bachelor

2. To become a master of science, the man should be a

3. _____ was curious about a lady been called a 'bachelor of science'.

Section B Spelling and Sound

Fill in the following

A. Int ___ ___ c ___ ssion

B. Pro ___ ___ dure

C. l___f___n___ ___

Give 5 examples each for the following

C. /u/

Section C

1. ____________ is a word or language that have the same source or origin as another one.

2. _____________is a group of words that form a sentence

3. ________ ,_______,_______&________&are examples of article.

4. Sentence could be classified and __________

5. A noun which a prounoun replace is called__________

(a) antidote (b)africanet (c) anciency (d) antencedent (e)anted

6._________are words that have the same sound

Section D: Theory

1. Explain the following:

a. Adverbial Phrase

b.Adjectival Phrase

2. Define Article

3. What are cognate objects

4. List 4 functions of a noun phrase

Home Economics

Section A

1. ________ is known as "Babyhood"

2. Mud and thatched houses are usually found in _____areas

3. ___________ is our primary needs that are normally sown

4.Laundry simply means____________

5. To avoid germs and diseases you must always be ________

Section B

1. List 4 ways household pest can be destroyed

2. Define Mending

3.List 2 importance of Laundry

4.Define Puberty
Civic Education

Section A

1. ____________ is a compulsory service which a citizen must perform for the survival of the society.

2. ____________,___________,___________ are examples of peer pressure.

3. ____________is when right and privileges are not equally distributed in the society.

4. Examination malpractice is an _________________ behaviour of a student during examination period.

a.procedure b.illegal c.avenue. d.good.

5. Enlightment of people on the activities of government through adequate information are usually done
through _________,_________&____________.

a.invasion b.preaching, baptizing and reading. c. Radio , television and news paper. d. Billboarding and
handout. e.processed Data.

6.___________ factor contributes to drug abuse.

Section B

1. Define drug abuse

2.List 5 hard drugs.

3.List 3 importance of peer pressure.

4. What is social injustice

5. Explain the term' malpractice'.

Computer science

Section A
1.E-mail means ____________.

2. _____________ is an opponent generated and controlled by the computer.

3. "World wide web"is abbreviated as __________

a.w,w,world b.ww c.www. w.w into w.

4.Digital puzzle is an example of computer___________.

5. The computer keyboard looks like a ___________

Section B

1. Define internet

2. List 4 types of keyboard

3. State 2 reasons why we should take care of the computer.

4. The internet can be abused in what way?

6. Draw a computer keyboard.

Agriculture science

Section A

1.__________ can be defined as the practice which involves the practice of crops.

2.__________ method is the use of certain insects to destroy weeds.

a. Cultural method b.Biological method c. Manual method d. Chemical method.

3. ____________ are very small organisms which cannot be seen with the ordinary eye.

4. Animal nutrition deals with_________.

5. Pollinigation is the transfer of__________ from the ___________ to the stigma.

6.___________ is the process of fertilizing a female gametes to form a zygote.

Section B

1. List and explain 2 parts of flower.

2. Define animal nutrition.

3. State the problems of Weeds to farmers.

4. Explain the following terms:

a.post- planting

b.pre- planting

c. Planting

5. What is" Reproduction in plants"

Creative Art

Section A

1. In the traditional society,calabash play important role in____________ activities.

2. Materials used for paper maiche are

a. Clay pot

b. Ink

c.old news paper, tissue

d.wet clothes.

3. Red+ Blue =_______

4.___________ is the act of making do with whatever that is available.

5. Colours are grouped into___________ numbers.

Section B

1. What is paper maiche

2. List 5 materials needed for art

3. Define colour

4. State the four methods used for decorating a Calabash

5. Explain the principles of a good design.


Section A

1.________ has to do with our good conduct while eating.

2.________ helps the body to move about

a.skeletal system

b.muscular system

c. nervous system

d. respiratory system

3. To prepare moin moin you need to ____________

4. Road safety rule include

a.Dont look before crossing

b. Try crossing roads have 4 lanes at once

c. Cross the road one at a time where is a road junction

d. All of the above

5. ____________ are those substance in food which helps us to grow well.

6.____________ contains all the nutrient the body requires.

Section B- Theory

1. Define Road safety

2. Explain the following

a.circulatory system

b.Digestives system

c.muscular system

3. List 5 social habits.

4. What is a" balance diet"

5. Define first aid and list 3 items found in a first aid kit.
Basic science

Section A

1. Environmental quality involves maintaining a balance between__________ activities.

2._____________is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment.

3. _____________ are the first front teeth in our mouth.

4. Just like humans, animals also need_____________.

5. Milk teeth can also be called _____________

Section B

1.Define environmental quality

2. Explain the following

(a) Digestion

(b) Erosion

(c) Pollution

3.State the uses of each type of teeth.

4. What are domestic farm animals.

Social studies

Section A

1. ___________ are all the money, properties, skills, that one has available.

2._____________ planet has an ice ring.

3.Shortage of money is a major cause of _______________

(a) Education

(b) Employment
(c) Starvation

(d) Unemployment

(e) perseverance

4.____________is important to pay for goal services.

5.Boy scout are found in the __________________.

6. _____________ means working together to achieve a particular goal.

Section B

1. Define resource preservation

2. List 5 reason why we need money

3. Explain the following terms

(a) Employment

(b) Unemployment

4. What is an organization?

5. State 5 benefits of living together


Section A

1. ___________ can lead to destruction.

2. Before choosing a career, you must______________.

3.The pentecost means ______________.

4. Who advised us that we should not be idle but rather work

(a) peter

(b) Paul
(c) Apostle syrus

(d) Jephtar

5."If anyone will not work,let him not eat" was written in what verse_______________

a.1 Theselonians 3:10

b.2 Theselonians 3:10

c. Mathew 5:5

d. Genesis 2:6

Section B

1. State 3 dangers of excessive love of money

2. Define work and state the reasons why we should work

3.List 5 ways of overcoming temptation

4.write the story of "The pentecost"


Section A

1.Pure vowels are also known as_____________.

2.In consonant clusters the first sound is_____________

3.We have__________ dipthongs in English language.

4. In the twenty vowel sounds, there are eight dipthongs and ________ monothongs

5._________is a type of stress

(a) prolonged stress

(b)Emphatic Stress

(c) Introducing stress

(d) Verbal stress

(Section B)
1. What are suffixes

2. What are prefixes

3. Define stress

4. Give 2 examples for each of the sound below:




English Language:Basic 4

(Section A)- Comprehension

Long ago, the bear was living at home. It was one of the comrades of such other animals such as the
dog, the goat, the sheep and the pig. They are all roamed around the home, eating whatever leftovers
that people had for them. But one day, the bear came across some neat being dried for preservation.
The bear smelt the pieces, and they smelt good. The bear tasted it and discovered that it was so nice in
the mouth. In short, he ate everything just as this was going on, the owner saw what was happening and
drove the bear away using some cudgels. well the bear ran away into the bush. The lion asked him what
had happened, why had he come back. His answer was short. " Human beings cannot bear with humans.
From that day, the bear has not been seen near the home.


1. How did the bear come across some pieces of meat

(a) He entered a home

(b) He was roaming around the home

(c) He was going to the market

(d) He saw it in his dreams

2. What did the bear tell the lion when he arrived in the bush?
(a)Human beings are too kind to me

(b)The chased him out of the home

(c) "Human beings cannot bear to have me and I cannot bear their intolerance"

(d) My master died

3. Whuch other animals do you think the bear would be meeting around the home? ____________

( Section B) spelling/ sound

Fill in the following

(a) I__ fan___

(b) Pro__ ee___

(c) ___ ever

Give two examples each for the following

(a) /I/

(b) /á/

(c) /u/

(Section C)

1. ________, ________,_________ & ______ are examples of article

2. _______ objects are words that have same source

(a) Lemonade

(b) Cognate

(c) Internet

(d) cognificial

3. A pronoun that tells you that each person in a group is doing the same thing is called__________

(a) Interrogative Pronoun

(b) Possessive Pronoun

(c) Reflexive Pronoun

(d) personal pronoun

(Section D)

1. Define Phrase

2. List 3 types of pronoun

3. What is pronoun

4.state the function of a noun phrase

5. List 4 examples of articles

Home Economics : Basic 4

(Section A)

1. __________ is an act of repairing a tear in a place of fabric or clothing

(a) stitch

(b) Ironing

(c) Laundry

(d) Mending

2. ___________ is also known as "Babyhood"

3. To avoid germs and disease you must always be _______

4. Laundry simply means ________

(a) washing and ironing of clothes

(b) washing, drying, ironing,airing and stroring of clothes

(c) starching of clothes

(d) Packing of clothes

5. A small animal that destroy crops or food supplies is called_____

(a) Parasites (b) Homely Pests (c) Pest (d) Moth

6. The state of keeping yourself clean is called__________

(Section B)

1. Define storage

2. List 5 reasons for laundry

3. Define House?

4. what is cloth ?

5. Define Pest?

Civic Education : (Basic 4 )

(Section A)

1. Examination malpractice is an _________ behaviour of a student during examination period

(a) Procedure (b) Avenue (c) illegal (d) good

2. ______ group can be defined as a group of people who has common goals

(a) parenting group (b) Pressure group (c) school meeting ( d) Infant group

3. The major aim of government is the formation of the __________ for it's citizens

4. Patriotism helps to promote all this except_________

(a) unity
(b) violence

(c) prosecution

(d) Internship

5. ______ is an example of pressure group

(a) Red cross

(b) Party set

(c) Policegirl

(d) Infant

(Section B)

1. Define Drug

2. What is peer pressure

3. List 3 effects of social Injustice

4. state 5 types of hard hard drugs

5. What is examination malpractice

Computer : Basic 4

(Section A)

1.The term E-mail means ________

(a) Engineer Mail

(b) Electronic -Mail

(c) Evans Mail

(d) Internet electronic mail

2. Scrabble, digital puzzle, are examples of computer_______

(a) Devices

(b) Programmes

(c) games device

(d) games

3. Computer typewriter looks like a _________

4. www means ____________

(a) world wide wedding

(b) world wide web

(c) web wide world

(d) whole wide well

5. _______ is part of ways the internet is abused

(Section B)

1. State 3 reasons why we should care for our computer

2. Define Keyboard

3. List 4 types of Keyboard

4. Draw a keyboard

AGRIC : Basic 4

1. ______ is the act of producing young animals or plants

2. ________ are plant materials rich in fibres

(a) Anther (b) Roughage (c) Pollen (d) fibre

3. _________ method is used to control weed

(a) Chemistry method (b) weed method (c) Biological method (d) carrying method

4. ________,_________,__________ are steps in cultural practices

5. Post Planting refers to the ________

(a) Operations before planting

(b) Operations carried out after planting the crops

(c) Adding manure to the soil

(d) filling the water cans

(e) Bush clearing

6. _________ feeds are made to supply energy to the animals

(Section B)

1. Define weed

2. What is Reproduction

3. List 5 Advantages of weed

Creative Art : Basic 4

(Section A)

1. Materials used for paper maiche are ________

(a) Ink

(b) wooden tools

(c) tissue/old newspaper

(d) pot

2. Yellow + blue =
3. ________ involves the drawing of the patterns with a sharp knife

(a) Engraving (b) scrapping (c) carving (d) engro-graving

4. The Calabash container is made from _________

5. Calligraphy had to do with ________

(a) Pen-Lettering

(b) Postering

(c) Crafting

(d) Designing

(Section B)

1. Define Design

2. What is Improvisation of art

3. what is Improvisation of Art

4. Give two examples of : primary colours and secondary colours

PHE : Basic 4

(Section A)

1. ________ organs breaks down the food we eat

(a) Skeletal system

(b) Muscular system

(c) Digestive system

(d) Basal system

2. Urinating in the public is a part of _________

3. ________ can be defined as all those things that we should do and those we should not do when we
are on the road
(a) Respect (b) Road hunt (c) Road safety (d) safety (e) First Aid

4. To prepare akara, the first item you need is ______

5. _________ are those substances in food which helps us grow well

(a) vitamins

(b) Nutrient

(c) fat

(d) multi mineral

(Section B)

1. Define Nutrient

2. List 5 types of bad social habit

3. What is road safety

Basic Science: Basic 4

(Section A)

1. Just like humans, animals also need ______

2. ________ teeth are sharp and pointed

(a) canines

(b) Incisssors

(c) Molars

(d) pre molars

3. __________ is the process of breaking down food by mechanical action

(a) Direction

(b) Digestion

(c) Grinding
(d) swallowing

4. Permanent teeth can also be called_________

5. _______ is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment

(a) pollination (b) pollution (c) erosion (d) evaporation

(Section B)

1. Define Erosion

2. List 5 effects of erosion


3. What are domestic and farm animals

Social studies : Basic 4

(Section A)

1. ___________ means working together

2. ____________ planet is red

3. We need money to do the following except______

(a) To build houses

(b) To provide electricity

(c) To buy food

(d) To burn it

(e) None of the above

4. ________ is the proper use of our resources

(a) Resource
(b) Resource Preservation

(c) management

(d) Saving

5. Drug addiction, begging are consequences of _______

(Section B)

1. Define the following

(a) Employment____________________________________________

(b) Unemployment_________________________________________

2.. What is corruption

3. List 5 causes of unemployment

PHONICS : Basic 4

(Section A)

1.Pure vowels are also known as ____________

2. _____________ is a type of stress

(a) verb stress

(b) passive stress

(c) Active stress

(d) Emphatic stress

3. We have _______ dipthongs

(a) 24

(b) 12

(c) 6
(d) 9

(e) 8

4. In consonant clusters the first sound is __________

(a) loud (b) busy (c) silent (d) calm (e) speedful

5. Dipthongs is also called________

(a) gliding vowels

(b) pure vowels

(c) sliding vowels

(d) viding vowels

(Section B)

1. Define Diphthong

2. Define Stress

3. Give 2 examples each for the following sounds below:



CRk: Basic 4

(Section A)

1. ________________ is the feeling of goodness and kindness

2. Before choosing a career, you must seek________

(a) God first

(b) Gods Blessing

(c) Prayer counsel

(d) church

3. ___________ made the statement "that we should not be idle but rather work

(a) Apostle mark

(b) Paul

(c) Saul

(d) syrus

4. working in the holy spirit helps ____________

5. Jesus advised us to ___________ one another just like the man from samaria.

(Section B)

1. Define Reward

2. State 3 reasons why we should love one another

3. List 3 benefits of working in the Holy spirit

4. Write the story of the "Good Samaritan"


Section A - Objectives i

1. Find the number of shares that can be bought with 450 at 50k each.

(a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 3 (d) 0 (e) 4

2. What is the perimeter of a square whose length is 30cm?

(a) 12cm (b) 5cm (c) 9cm (d) 10cm (e) all

3. Calculate the area of a rectangle with length 5cm and width 3cm

(a) 8cm² (b) 15cm² (c) 10cm² (d) 5cm² (e) 1cm²
4. The formula for area of a circle is

(a) 2πr² (b) πr (c) πr² (d) LW

5. Convert 2t to kg

(a) 2000kg (b) 20000kg (c) 2t (d) 5t (e) 10t

6. 283 to the nearest hundred is ____

(a) 200 (b) 300 (c) 280 (d) 400 (e) 500

7. 4.78kg to the nearest kg is ___

(a) 5kg (b) 7kg (c) 4kg (d) 2kg

8. 13.3487 is ___ correct to the nearest whole number

(a) 10 (b) 13 (c) 4 (d) 11

9. We usually measure the weight of objects in grams or ___

(a) kilogram (b) gram (c) scale (d) kilometer

10. Find the simple interest of 100 at 5% for 3 years

(a) N20 (b) N15 (c) N50 (d) N100

Section B - Theory

1. Calculate the area of a circle whose radius is 7cm.

2. Find the simple interest of N100 at 7% for 2 years.

3. Convert 5 kilogram to gram.

4. Convert 1763 to the nearest ten hundred and thousand.

5. Find the area of the rectangle whose length is 6cm and breadth 3cm.

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