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Minutes of the A.G.M. held on Wednesday, 27th February 2008 at The Holt, Honiton Present: The President, Alan Rowe, and 41 members (+ Judy Burgess who was signing) Apologies for absence: Sarah Evans, Vernon Gillard, Ian Hatch and Caroline Parkhouse. 1. Minutes of the A.G.M. of 2007

Alan Nicholls summarised the minutes from last year highlighting some important points that were raised about forthcoming initiatives. There were no matters arising from these minutes either regarding content or accuracy and were duly agreed as read. 2. Chairmans Report (Paul Lowman)

In the role of Chairman it was Pauls aim to produce a report which reflected how H.R.C. had been advertised over the year and to highlight the achievements of certain individuals. He hoped that members would not be offended if their names were missed. He started by saying that by breaking the 100 barrier for members with 104 at the last count the Club reflects the way that a wide spectrum of running abilities are catered for. He was very pleased with the number of events that members were now partaking in. Over 50 different races were entered last year and people around the county are now beginning to take note of H.R.C. No small part must go down to our ladies who have done really well of late. An indication of this general recognition comes from analysis of the website. Since its revamp 2 years ago there have been over 13300 hits. Paul asked members to let him know of ideas which can be placed on the website especially if it will help in gaining sponsorship. He stated that the 7th Honiton 12K Race went off very well and thanked everyone who helped in putting the event on. Michaela Dicks deserves special mention, however, in raising the profile of the Fun Run. A record number entered this run last year and many fully involved themselves with the Fancy Dress idea. The Honiton 750 Run in July was also a great success. He thanked John Burgess and Ian Jeeves for all their hard work in organising the event. Paul stated that the number of coaches has risen dramatically since 2007 and the Club now has 15 at various levels. He appreciated the time and sacrifices needed in obtaining these awards in order to pass on skills to all including our Juniors. Charities continue to be an important feature for the Club. The Sport Relief event is due to be held in Honiton on Sunday 16th March with Bruce and Tracey Strawbridge our chosen representatives running for Hospiscare in this years London Marathon. Support for these charities is sought from members. Paul recognised the need for keeping the membership happy whatever the ability. He said that improvements are always being looked for, but he felt that much progress is being made. He especially thanked Helen Mugford and Caroline Parkhouse for their excellent efforts with the ladies. The starting up of the Junior Section in recent months has been a big bonus and he thanked John Burgess and everyone involved in getting this off the ground. There is clear enthusiasm shown within Honiton as membership is now up to 27. With a limit of 30, it is likely that a waiting list will be needed soon. On Social matters, Paul thanked Nick Thorpe for organising a number of events over the year, but especially the successful Christmas Party. He understood that with increasing membership larger premises will be necessary for the 2008 event. Paul also thanked Sandra Thorpe with Pat and Kevin Croucher for putting on the breakfast runs. These have been appreciated by all participants. Ideas for other social events are still most welcome from members. Paul said that our Noticeboard Monitor, Jennie Sleeman, is doing a great job and the phantom photographer (Dennis Costello) is adding some welcome humour. The noticeboard is a common focus before our Club runs and thus presentation is important. Various major sponsorships are coming to an end and Paul announced that it is imperative that new sponsors are found. He asked members to tell him if they knew of anybody who would come onboard. Following a recent Active Honiton meeting, Paul informed members of some of the plans for Sports Clubs in Honiton. He knew that everyone had heard of such plans before with various areas considered such as

the old and new showgrounds, but he was a little more confident that progress would take place this time as funding is clearly present. Before outlining these plans, he requested that members keep these proposals under wraps until the media have been informed. He did not want to say too much on the financial aspects involving EDDC or give details on locations, but said that a plot of land had been ear-marked for rugby, football and cricket pitches allowing sports facilities to expand in Honiton itself. In Mountbatten Park it is hoped to have a running track and thus this is likely to be our base, but when that might come into operation is anyones guess. However, it has been suggested that some of the pitches could be in playable later in the year, which is clearly an encouraging forecast. Paul read out part of a letter from the Chairman of Active Honiton stating that Honiton Development Trust (HDT) would be set up to own each of the facilities as a community asset. Active Honiton would be the managing agent and the clubs would lease those facilities according to a formula to be worked out later. Paul proposed that individual members could show support for this proposal by joining HDT for a liability of 1. He said that he would circulate forms in the near future. Paul thanked the Committee very much for all of their hard work over the year, but with new events coming up he knows that there will plenty of demands in 2008. 3. Honorary Secretarys Report (Alan Nicholls)

Alan commenced by saying that he had not received too much mail affecting the Club over the year. The only important change that had taken place relates to the levy paid to England Athletics (EA). It was 3 in 2007 and will be 5 this year. 2007 had seen one of busiest years with the increase in the number of coaches (mainly Level 1 but in the near future Julian Gigg and Warren Oak will be up to Level 2), the setting up of a Junior Section, races being entered, more time being spent on integrating everyone and the re-introduction of the Handicap Run. Training and running schedules continue to be organised by Alan Nicholls (Mondays) and John Burgess (Wednesdays), but it is hoped that other coaches will soon obtain experience by taking some of these sessions. Like the Chairman, Alan also thanked Michaela Dicks, Helen Mugford and Caroline Parkhouse for their efforts in 2007. Whilst Alan congratulated the ladies on going from strength to strength it is obvious that from individual and team results the men need to do some proper training! What correspondence has been received largely relates to England Athletics and the Association of Running Clubs (ARC). All members should have been sent their competition licence from EA by now and which should be used when registering for events. He commented about the change in collection of affiliation fees by EA. from April 2008. Because of uncertainty with EA, the Club has also affiliated with ARC, but will continually review. ARC is a body which is aimed for road running clubs. It charges less than EA in terms of fees and they do underwrite certain races. Unlike EA, ARC does not offer coaching courses but, surprisingly, does have its own cross-country championships. Overall, Alan felt that the Club is going in the right direction. People that do comment have been very positive about us. It was Alans duty to read through some amendments to the running club rules largely due to the introduction of the Junior Section and the levy now imposed by England Athletics. During this reading he regarded our subscription to be very good value for money despite the levy and certainly one of the cheapest in the country. He added that the Juniors are paying 1 for each meeting that they attend. The changes were accepted by the members present without dissent or further amendment. 4. Honorary Treasurers Report (Roger Saunders)

Roger stated that the finances of the Club continue to be in good shape. Whilst copies of the accounts were given to members to study at the meeting, he gave background on some of the figures for both income and expenditure. Over the year the expenditure matched the income almost exactly but this was only achieved with the help of our sponsorship and other donations. He went through the types of membership and commented about subscriptions. These would be staying the same as last year, but stated that the levy to England Athletics will now be 5 making the total subscription fee of 17 for the coming year for senior members. He also informed the members that from this year the subscription would be due from 1st April to bring the club subscriptions into line with the England Athletics renewal date.

The Income and Expenditure Report for the period between 24th February 2007 and 25th February 2008 was given as: Income 953.00 0.00 1290.50 1747.27 1080.00 63.28 110.00 900.00 21.93 0.00 0.00 33.00 250.00 317.00 0.00 6765.98 Clothes Entertainment Subscriptions Race fees Xmas meal Interest Race for Life Fees Sponsorship Web shop Charity collected Woodland Relays Miscellaneous Donation Juniors Sport Relief Expenditure 1417.15 320.00 56.39 1377.57 1331.21 3.70 223.44 229.45 720.00 0.00 420.00 73.98 389.78 153.50 41.29 0.00 6757.46 + 8.52 3830.19 3838.71 + 8.52 1765.54 2088.17 3853.71 Clothes Entertainment Software Race costs Xmas meal Prizes Stationery Facilities Coaching Charity paid out Affiliation Miscellaneous Equipment Juniors Sport Relief Refunds

Net (income expenditure) = Bank account balance at 24th February 2007 = Bank account balance at 25th February 2008 = Profit/Loss from February 2007 to February 2008 = HSBC Main account at 25th February 2008 = HSBC High interest account at 25th February 2008 = Total funds at HSBC at 25th February 2008 = 5. Dissolution of the Committee for 2007 2008

Paul thanked all those who served on the Committee for 2007 2008. 6. Nominations/Elections of the Committee for 2008 2009

The Chairman stated that nobody new had been nominated to sit on the Committee in any capacity and thus as the previous Committee members are happy to serve again he proposed that all should be re-elected enbloc. This was supported by the membership present. He accepted that the Club had been a little lax in such matters in the recent past and accepted that a more formal method in elections is required. These will be put in place for 2009. The Committee for 2008 2009 will comprise: Chairman: Honorary Secretary: Honorary Treasurer: Club Captain: Paul Lowman Alan Nicholls Roger Saunders Richard Harvey General Committee: John Burgess Ian Hatch Ian Jeeves Jo Lowman Helen Mugford Jennie Sleeman Nick Thorpe Sandra Thorpe


Set Date of First Meeting of the Committee

This has been arranged for Thursday, 13th March 2008 at Paul and Jos house. 8. a) Any Other Business Charter Run Ian Jeeves stated that Charter Day would be held this year on Saturday 26th July. The Club is organising a Charter Run on similar lines to the Honiton 750 Run in 2007, but without the targets for the numbers of runners or distances. Although the routes will be similar, some will be made longer with runners joining where they liked in order to cater for all abilities. Details will be sent to members in the near future. b) Sport Relief Alan Nicholls reminded members of the Sport Relief Races taking place on Sunday 16th March in Honiton. He hoped that everyone will get involved including friends and relatives to either run in the races, and thus raise money for charity, or help during the day. If that cannot be done, the baking of a cake would still be appreciated. 9. Club Awards 2007 2008

7 Club awards were presented this year. John Burgess, Richard Harvey, Helen Mugford, Paul Lowman and Alan Nicholls all gave accounts of the deeds and worthiness of many members considered in each category. It was clear from the number of names mentioned, together with two trophies being shared, how much effort many members had put in over the year. This commitment to the Club and achievements attained allowed these individuals to be recognised by their peers. The awards this year went to the following members: Club Member of the Year Award (joint): Captains Trophy: Chairmans Trophy (Good Egg Award): Runner-Up: Most Improved Runner Trophy: Points Trophy (joint): Male: Female: John Burgess Tracey Strawbridge Steve Davey Fran Bond Ian Jeeves John Burgess Bruce Strawbridge Geoff Foster Bruce Strawbridge Tony Whiteley Fran Bond

Handicap Trophy:

In addition, the Chairman was pleased to give Devon County Athletics Association awards to 3 members for outstanding performances in the county over the year. These were: Stephen Boyes, Tim Legg and Heather Foundling-Hawker. Alan Nicholls announced that we had decided to make the County Cross-Country event last year our Club Championships. There were some very good performances the ladies in particular and he promised to organise some trophies at a later date. The Chairman thanked everyone for coming to this years A.G.M.

The meeting ended at 10.27 pm.

Minutes Approved Signed ........ (Chairman) .......... (Minutes Secretary) Date ...

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