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I'm about to take you behind the scenes of our family feud, and I hope my mom doesn't read

My younger sister Diana is the cutest girl ever! It's great to have a cute baby sister, but being
siblings can be tricky sometimes. Even though we're close, Diana and I often disagree with each
other. We would have fights because one of us took the other's things or told a secret about the
other. Whenever we fight, my mom will blame me for everything no matter what, and say things
like, "Grace, just give it to her. She's younger than you!" or "Why are you fighting with your
sister? She's just seven years old!" Sometimes, I want Diana to disappear so I won't be held
responsible. If you had a younger sibling, then you would understand what I'm talking about. In
this essay, I will share my silent and perhaps secretive battle with my younger sister and reveal
my powerful strategy to overcome the conflict.

There are many different types of conflicts in the world; however, a conflict with your siblings is
something you have to face every day. Diana always takes my things without permission, but my
parents tell me that I'm older, so therefore I should let her have them. If that's the case, I like to
make a bet with my sister. I would tell her she can take my things if she doesn't come near my
room for a week. Usually, this works, but sometimes she yells at Mom, "Grace isn't giving me
her things!" In these times, I would bribe my little sister not to tell our mom, because she is the
demon of the house.

I learned that giving up is the best way to end a war. I just give up and let my sister have what
she wants. Sometimes, I think it's not fair to be the one who gives up, but this is the way to end a
war quietly. Because of this method, my sister gets what she wants and I get my peace for the
next few days. Also, when my sister is gone, I usually take my things back from her, so that I can
get them back without causing a fight or temper tantrum.

Giving up what I want is not easy. I am also a human being with desires and greed. I give up
what I want for the people I love. To do that, I should be a good listener who understands other
people's needs. Even though I know what I want to do, and what I want Diana to do, I let her
win, because eventually she will grow older and understand me in the future. Giving up is about
waiting until they're ready to listen to you. Many people regret the words and actions they
express during arguments with loved ones. Later, when they reflect, they often wish they hadn't
said certain things. You didn't intend to hurt them, but sometimes words slip out unintentionally.
My definition of giving up involves giving space and time to think about their thoughts and

I love my sister as much as I hate her. She starts the fight and gets what she wants, while I get
blamed for everything and lose my things. Giving up is my strategy for securing my peace. It
allows her to have my things for a while until she gets tired of it. Sometimes, I say things I don't
mean because I'm mad at her, but if I let her have it for a while and when she is prepared to listen
to me, then I can ask for it again, without fighting. Human relationships are different, so we need
to understand and give people time to calm down. Giving up is a good strategy to overcome a

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