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Annual General Meeting Minutes 3 March 2010 Opening: The Annual General Meeting of the Honiton Running Club

was held at The Orange Tree on 3 March 2010. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Alan Rowe, Kevin & Pat Croucher, James Denne, Kevin Hawker, Olivia Higginson, Brenda King, Laura Pyle, Louise Saunders and Sandra Thorpe. Minutes of the AGM 2009 The minutes of the previous AGM were agreed and accepted. ClubMark Presentation Sonya Ellis Due to unseen circumstances Sonya Ellis was unable to attend and the presentation postponed. Chairmans Report Paul has decided to stand down from being the Chairman of the Club following some restless nights and tough deliberation. Paul did the Grizzly back in 1996 and joined Axe Valley Running club that inspired him to form a running club in Honiton. The good social mix with running remained with AVR and many thanks were offered for the welcome support in the birth and early years of the club. A full history of the club is on the website and Paul was not going to quote this tonight... Thanks were given to all in attendance and welcomed to the AGM. Joining him in his departure, Nick Thorpe stepping down from Club Captain was thanked for the organisation of getting runners to participate in races, his club runs, training groups and the creation of the Hippo that has greatly publicised the club and is to be a future success. In addition Ian Jeeves has will be missed from the committee and the initial organisation of the Charter run for the 750th anniversary and following training runs and events are just a start to his input that are a true credit to him. Alan Nichols departure to pastures new also sees the loss of a former colleague that brought valuable coaching skills that have helped all club runners. His final role was Club Secretary that was filled admirably. The Blackdown Beauty was his creation following a dry Midsummer Dream and soon after the Beast followed. Organised in addition to Sport Relief, he will missed and many thanks go to him and all for their service to the committee and club. Judy Davey was also thanks for her input and for stepping into Alans role, though what it entails is yet to be realised. Thanks were expressed to all senior and junior coaches. The Honiten was a success despite the initial low numbers on its debut due to race clashes, but is sure to be a future star. Congratulations and well done to all competitive runners throughout the year either at the front or those towards the rear. The sponsors were thanked for their support and valuable contributions, these included British Telecom, Everys, Hale Lane Nurseries, Honiton Round Table, Nick Thorpe Car Sales, Strawbridge Transport, Thornhayes Nursery, To-An-Fro and Warrenpark Car Sales. Paul will be sad to be leaving as Head of the Show, but feels it is time for new blood.

Secretarys Report Thanks were given to Alan for a easy start and will be a hard act to follow even with the full extent of the job to be seen. During the year the club has been overwhelmed with events that have been organised, these included: Sport Relief Mile, Race for Life training, The Honiton Hippo, Honiten, Blackdown Beauty, Woodland relay, Junior cross country events, Charter runs and the forthcoming Blackdown Beast to bring 2010 to a good start. Thanks were expressed to all that made them possible particularly Alan, Ian, John, Nick, Paul and Roger. The club has supported charities mainly through the London Marathon with the Club charity National Deaf Childrens Society and Richards Children with Leukaemia. The social Calendar was packed thanks to Nikki and Alison. The Main Event being the Honiton Running Club 10th Anniversary at the Golf Club. Throughout the year over events included a Quiz Night, a stay in Cornwall for Endurance Life races, a Barbados trip, numerous pub runs, Christmas lights run, a girly trip to London theatre and cinema, fireworks and BBQ at Richards and another trip to the New Forest for the full and half Marathon. The club has been busy behind the scenes with achieving ClubMark status. Over developments made are to form a network of local clubs and a Development Committee to guide and plan the clubs future. Finally any race reports or input for newspapers are always welcome whether Judy is at the race or not. Treasurers Report A full set of signed club account are available on request for the year ending 31 December 2009. The accounts had a Closing balance of 5,601.74, a 1,663.53 increase over the period since February 2009. Juniors Report The Honiton RC Junior Section is now into its 3rd full year and continues to thrive and progress. This year Tracksuits were introduced for the members The Honiton Ship has landed was a comment at the Exeter 3k. Continued sponsorship by To and Fro (Thank you Richard) and applied and received a grant from The Battishone Trust. Moved Venue to Honiton community College. Introduced a summer programme more geared to athletic events. Aimed to get more juniors taking part in events and have seen a much greater participation. Divided the members into teams and introduced a team points system. Offered individual training plans for those who requested them devised by Richard Harvey. Formed a ClubMark partnership with Honiton Community College. Helped the Club to devise and organise two new junior events The Hippo calf and Honiten 3k. Saw our first juniors taking part in the Westward League and Devon Championships. Had our first runner selected for the Devon team Lily Helston. Continued to cooperate with AVR and Sidmouth RC Juniors in an East Devon XC series. The current membership is 46 almost evenly split between boys and girls but only four above Year 9. We began to take some Year 6 members mainly siblings of current members or sons/daughters of runners. Average age of the members is 13 years. 17 members left the club last year but 28 joined.

Jo Lowman has resigned from the coaching team and we thank her for all she did in working to establish the club and coach the members. Lisa Maggs joined the team in the Summer but in light of ongoing injury problems decided to stop running and coaching. There are currently 5 level two coaches and 2 level one coaches involved with the club with 4 or 5 usually being present on any one night. The weekly programme is devised to improve the members endurance, running skills and speed. We have monthly control sessions as a measure of progress. In the Summer we have a mini-Olympics every month with each members doing 3 events. In the darker months e do a 10 minute playground run and measure the distance covered. The Exeter 3k series is also a good way of measuring progress. We had an end of summer term prize giving and barbeque where we presented 17 awards and thanked our sponsors. We held an end of winter term Christmas grub and fun evening. We have had very good support from parents throughout the year, with many coming along to support or help marshal events. In addition we have invited two parents to sit on the juniors sub-committee. HRC Juniors took part in these races and events in the last year: 7 Races Hippo Calf, Honiten 3k, Reindeer Run,... The Exeter 3k series at Exeter Arena 5 Sessions. The East Devon XC series 3 Sessions. The Westward League and the Devon championships. 2 Exeter Athletic meets but these are on the last Monday of the month so we could only fit 2 in. In the Autumn Term, 26 of the members took part in at least one event. Challenges ahead: Keeping and challenging older members Finding a way to bridge the gap between the juniors and the main club. Building up junior running in the East Devon area in the absence of track facilities and with competition from other sports. Planning for a long term future. Sidmouth RC and Axe Valley are losing the services of Malcolm Bayer and Debbie Barry respectively and find it difficult to get runners out to events other than their own. At HRC we must not lose our momentum.

Thanks to Richard Harvey, Judy Davey, Tracey Strawbridge, Fran Bond, Warren Oak, Jo
Lowman and Julian Gigg. Dissolution of the Committee for 2009-2010 Nominations / Elections of the Committee for 2010-2011 John Burgess was elected as the New Club Chairman. The old committee was re-elected with the welcome addition of Gerry Evans, Simon Hall, Kevin Hawker and Warren Oak as Club Captain in a close vote for Club captain. Set date of First Meeting of the Committee The first meeting was arranged for Thursday 8th April 2010. Any Other Business Thanks were given to Ann Nicholls for catering for the Blackdown Beauty and Beast. Membership subscription Fees have been agreed by the Committee at 15 plus 5 affiliation fee, confirmation will be sent by email.

London Marathon Criteria has been agreed to ensure a fair opportunity for all and will sent to all members. An EGM can be called should it be required once circulated. Online shopping links gain the club funds when links are used prior to shopping at most websites. Please consider before your next purchase. Warren offered his thanks to all that voted and was looking forward to his new role and is always open for a chat and ideas. The increase in Subscription fees was raised by Brian. Due to the long term probability of requiring a new club venue, club funds were being accumulated whilst maintaining equilibrium and being competitive with other clubs in the area. Club Awards 2009-2010 Chairmans Good Egg Captains Trophies Most Improved Runner Points Trophy Winner Points Trophy Runner-up Handicap Trophy Winner Handicap Trophy Runner-up Cross Country Trophy Alan Nicholls Tracey Strawbridge Richard Harris Jill Wood Richard Harris Brent Dicks Alan Nicholls Lubos Tracey Strawbridge

Due to Pauls ten year commitment to the Club he was presented with Lifetime
membership of the Club. Adjournment: The meeting was closed at 22.45 by John Burgess. Minutes submitted by: Gary Enticott Provisionally Approved by: John Burgess

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