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Formulation of Inclusive are being kept out (at least left out), and
where some people are being included

Policies in Parliament (may even be forced to be included) in

deeply unfavourable terms, and described
the two situations as “unfavourable exclu-
sion” and “unfavourable inclu­sion”. The
Narender Kumar unfavourable inclusion, with unequal
treatment, may carry the same adverse

Recognising the discriminatory ocial exclusion of scheduled castes effects as unfavourable exclusion.
character of Indian society, (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) from Recognising the discriminatory character
the mainstream social process has of Indian society, various initiatives for
the role played by legislators
been an age-old phenomenon of Indian inclusion of SC/STs into the mainstream
in influencing the policies for society. In social science literature the body politic had started during the British
scheduled castes and tribes concept of social exclusion is defined as rule itself. The efforts to provide them with
constitutes the subject matter of “the process through which individuals education and employment in the public
belonging to some groups are wholly or sphere in various provinces like Baroda,
this article. The initiative to get
partially excluded from full participation Travancore and Cochin need special
recommendations implemented, in the society in which they live” [Hann mention. While formulating the Govern-
the participation in debates and 1997]. Exclusion revolves around two ment of India Acts of 1919, 1935 and finally
discussions and intervention of forms, namely, the multiple aspects of dis- during the Constituent Assembly debates,
crimination and the societal processes and the role played by Ambedkar had a daunt-
members of Parliament during
the institutions that are implicated in ing impact on the formulation of inclusive
question hour in the Lok Sabha depri­vation. Thus recognition of the diverse policies for these marginalised communi-
(1985-95) have been analysed in societal processes and institutions which ties. However, Parliament has been enact-
the light of the fact that many of can cause social exclusion, discrim­ination ing legislations to enlarge the safeguards
and deprivation for the excluded and for these sections.
the legislators are representatives
discriminated groups becomes important.
of the dalit masses. The consequences of exclusion, thus, Legislators’ Intervention
depend crucially on how the institutions In this paper, taking the functional view
function, and how exclusionary and dis- of representation, the legislators’ interven-
criminatory they are in their outcome. tions to formulate policies for inclusion of
Social exclusion, though a social pheno­ socially excluded SC/ST masses has been
menon, is not restricted to purely social analysed in the lower house of the union
processes and institutions and that is why legislature, i e, the Lok Sabha. The period
Silver (1994) argues that the approaches of that has been selected is 1985-95. It was a
social exclusion are grounded in different time when two significant developments
paradigms of citizenship and social inte- were taking place. At one level there was an
gration. Clearly bringing out the concept upsurge in the consciousness among de-
of social exclusion from social-centric to prived sections as well as their increased
broader paradigms Bhalla and Laperye participation in the electoral politics.
(1994) opine that “the concept of social Two, the period witnessed the state with-
exclusion goes beyond economic and drawing from the public arena in terms of
social aspects of poverty and embraces mass welfare programmes and the liberali-
the political aspects such as political sation of the economy, that finally led to
rights and citizenship which outline a increasing privatisation and globalisation.
relationship between individuals and the The 1990s in particular saw an expanding
state as well as between the society and base of electoral democracy, that was a
the individual”. Thus, there are various fallout of the greater participation and
societal processes and institutions which more intense politicisation than before,
This paper is based on sections of a doctoral can cause social exclusion discrim­ination among the marginalised social groups
thesis completed at the Jawaharlal Nehru [Yadav 1999:2393-99]. The liberalisation
and deprivation for the excluded and dis-
University, New Delhi at the Centre for
Political Studies.
criminated groups. of the economy “was a conscious decision
Amartya Sen (2000) draws the distinc- to substantially reduce the role of the state
tion between the situation, where some in the process of economic development
80 july 19, 2008 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

and rely far more on the market”, where influencing decision-making, the latter is back-bencher can use parliamentary ques-
“long-term development objectives such a more direct way of taking decisions. tion to extract much information or to
as education, human resource deve­ Here we are concerned with both. Regard- conduct a campaign in favour of or against
lopment, or the acquisition of technological ing the former, we examine the questions a particular policy” [Rush 1976: 91].
and managerial capabilities, are simply – oral and written but the focus will be on To ascertain the information on the
neglected” [Nayyar 1998: 3127-28]. This the starred questions which lead to discus- kind of questions raised by the MPs, we have
reflects the unfolding of the contradiction sions. Included in the latter are discussion selected four years – 1985, 1990, 1991 and
between the logic of political equality and on various bills passed, reports, Rule 193, 1995, representing the three Lok Sabha
that of social inequality that was warned calling attention motion, etc, all related to sessions; the ninth, tenth and eleventh. In
by Ambedkar in his concluding speech in the problems of SC/STs. We also look into the following, both the starred and the
the Constituent Assembly. Policy func- the reports of the Parliamentary Commit- unstarred questions have been included.
tions as a response to physical and social tee on the Welfare of SC/STs which have The concerns raised during the ques-
environment, and a change in policy is an influence on the policies. tion hour (see the table) show that the
both causal and purposive, as it is not In this paper we argue that though the main emphasis is on issues concerning
only caused by environmental stimuli but MPs have various mechanisms to influence economic development, particularly on
also directed towards a goal and shaped government policies they hardly become jobs in the public sector, and the welfare
by a purpose [Eulau 1978:179]. Thus, this instrumental in forcing the regime in schemes for SC/STs. The issue of land
paper becomes more relevant when we power to come out with substantive poli- distribution, which has a major impact on
examine and develop a relationship cies. Even if the government comes out a sizeable dalit population, did not attract
among special representations, politico- with new legislations for SC/STs, these are any concern by the MPs. The issue of
socio-economic environment in the late mere extension of the existing policies and social upliftment of the SC/STs did find
1980s and early 1990s on the one hand, the areas untouched by the present poli- some mention but atrocities against them
and the role of Parliament on the other, cies find no place in spite of MPs raising attracted more attention than other basic
vis-à-vis the SC/STs. such concerns. issues concerning housing, health facilities,
The role played by the legislators them- scholarships, admission, etc.
selves in influencing/changing/rejecting/ Question Hour and the SC/ST: The MPs As regards the questions asked, a com-
modifying/accepting policies for SC/STs, can make use of the Question Hour to scru- parison between dalit and non-dalit MPs
constitutes the subject matter of the present tinise the policies and programmes of the reveals more inquiries by the former.
paper. Their responses towards the reports regime in power. The questions may or may Similar is the case with the pre- and post-
of the National Commission for Scheduled not relate to pure policy concerns, but: “these Mandal periods wherein 173 questions were
Castes and Scheduled Tribes (NCSCT) and (questions) are the manifestations from asked in the former and 213 questions in
their initiative to get its recommendations which the nature and direction of policy is the latter period. So far as party-wise ques-
implemented and translated into policy inferred” [Eulau 1978: 179]. Hence, Question tions are concerned, the opposition had been
through bills, participation in debates Hour becomes an indirect instrument of more active. Opposition members asked
and discussions, and their performance policy development in the hands of 210 questions as against the 176 questions
during question hour in the Lok Sabha have the members. “A skilful and determined put forth by the ruling party members.
been analysed in the light of the fact that
they are representatives of dalit masses. Table: Question Hour: Concerns, Social Background of Concerned MPs, Political Position and Period
Whether various parliamentary proce- Questions Social Status Political Position Period
Starred Un- Total Dalit Non- Ruling Opposite Pre- Post-
dures like question hour, no confidence starred Dalit Parties Parties Mandal Mandal
motion, calling attention notice, etc, are I Economic development
1) Job sector 12 154 166 107 59 84 82 74 92
utilised or not by these members
2) Welfare schemes aid/grants/funds 04 62 66 40 26 26 40 31 35
deserve special attention for such analysis.
3) Allotment of agencies 03 24 27 20 07 07 20 10 17
4) Land distribution 00 01 01 00 01 01 00 00 01
Involvement in Decision-making
Total 19 241 260 167 93 118 142 115 145
There are two levels of involvement in II Social upliftment
Parliament, where members can influence 1) Atrocities 04 16 20 11 09 10 10 07 13
the decision-making of the government: 2) Housing 03 09 12 07 05 05 07 03 09
(1) by asking questions during Question 3) Health 00 05 5 01 04 02 03 01 04

Hour, either to elicit the required informa- 4) Scholarship 05 13 18 12 06 07 11 10 08

5) Hostel facilities 00 09 9 03 06 02 07 03 06
tion or to prepare ground for influencing the
6) Training/coaching for education 00 09 9 04 05 06 03 04 05
decisions; (2) by participating in debates
7) Admissions 01 17 18 11 09 11 07 09 09
where important resolutions are moved,
Total 13 78 91 49 44 43 48 37 54
bills passed and statements made on the III Miscellaneous 05 30 35 22 13 15 20 21 14
floor of the House. The former constitute Grand Total 37 349 386 238 150 176 210 173 213
the indirect or the preparatory phase of Source: Lok Sabha Questions 1985, 1990, 1991 and 1995.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 19, 2008 81


Though the number of unstarred ques- On the displacement of tribes the govern- dissatisfaction to force the minister to take
tions was more than the starred questions, ment once again tried to satisfy the House proactive policy measures.
the emphasis of starred questions was by saying that they were formulating a
mainly on social upliftment, in comparison new forest policy to check the exploitation Reports of National Commission for
to unstarred questions whose emphasis of tribes. SC/STs and Parliamentary Response: In
lay on aspects of economic development. Questions to review reservation policy 1985, the 3rd and the 4th reports of the
However, there was no question on health, and reservations in promotions [LSD April NCSCT for 1980-81 and 1981-82 were dis-
hostel facilities, and training and coach- 10, 1985: 8-12; LSD May 4, 1995: 18-21] cussed. Likewise, the 28th and 29th reports
ing for education under social develop- were the major policy questions asked of the erstwhile Commission for Scheduled
ment concerns. and debated by the members. Replying to Castes and Tribes (CSCT) for 1986-87 and
Although 37 starred questions were the former, the minister categorically 1987-88, and the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th reports
asked during the four years, only eight mentioned that there was no question of of the same body for 1982-86, were debated
questions were debated in the House and reviewing the reservation policy but at in 1994. The newly constituted NCSCT’s
the rest did not evoke the legislators’ reac- the same time he did not commit to reports from 1992 onwards were not de-
tions, in response to the minister’s reply. increase the quota with the rise in the liberated upon by the Lok Sabha till 1995.
Majority of the starred questions SC/STs population. The same was the On the basis of these reports, a frame-
reflected the prevalence of “phenomenal case with regard to promotions in reserva- work of policy inputs emerges that broadly
representation”1 and not “enduring repre­ tions, the minister reiterated that the includes the following issues: (i) to provide
sentation”.2 It sought information on the government is committed to the welfare of constitutional status to the commission
number of SC/STs being given as scholar- SC/STs without divulging any information for SC/STs, (ii) special recruitment drive
ship in education, the number of persons about the steps being taken. for the backlog, (iii) to rationalise land
allotted LPG agencies/petrol pumps, the distribution mechanisms and setting up of
number of atrocities committed on SC/STs, Two Policy Inquiries land tribunals for checking the land alien-
etc. Such questions failed to elicit specific Two policy inquiries were made under the ation, (iv) making Protection of Civil
information except the one contained in starred questions about (a) reservation in Rights Act (PCRA) more stringent to check
the various reports of the NCSCT. They admission in public schools [LSD April 25, atrocities, (v) ministry of welfare to become
mentioned no harsh facts of the matter 1985: 37], and (b) representation of SC/STs nodal agency for the welfare of SC/STs,
except showing how marginal improve- as judges in Supreme Court and high (vi) policy of positive discrimination in
ments were made as compared to the courts [LSD February 22, 1991: 26]. Once government-funded NGOs and other govern-
previous years. Moreover, the reply of the again no discussion was initiated by the ment aided private institutions, (vii) special
government to these questions remained, MPs on the reply of the minister who policies for tribals, (viii) comprehensive
at best, stereotypical. admitted to the poor representation of changes in overall system, (ix) scaven-
No supplementary questions were asked SC/STs in the Supreme Court and the high gers to be promoted to group ‘D’ jobs, and
on most of the starred questions. Out of courts as judges and the non-existence of (x) to legislate new Acts to embody main
the 37 starred questions, only eight ques- reservation in public schools. principles of reservations.
tions could evoke debate, the rest passed The substantive concerns of the legislators Deliberations by the legislators reveal
off unnoticed by the MPs after the minis- during question hour largely show the that there was both phenomenal as well
ter’s response. Generating a discussion importance attached to phenomenal as an enduring representation. Their
and turning it into a meaningful debate representation, where the implementation articulations for increasing (i) the funds
remained a distant reality. Thus, MPs were of safeguards remains of paramount for welfare activities, (ii) vacancies in
overwhelmingly satisfied with the replies, importance. Demands are seldom in the various departments and fulfilling them,
showing a sense of satisfaction for having direction of strengthening the implement­ (iii) scholarships for students, etc, were
raised the concerns of the masses merely ation mechanism or formulating new relatively low because only 17 out of 73
by asking a few questions. policies in this regard. Even rarely if there legislators intervened in these aspects.
Even during supplementary questions, are demands to strengthen the implemen- Interestingly, a majority of them belonged
MPs did not pursue the schemes that had tation agencies and clamour for new policies to reserved constituencies. Another sig-
benefited SC/STs and had seen a consider- to uplift the SC/STs, these are not pursued nificant aspect of the deliberations was
able success rate as was in the case of vigorously. The government’s response that in 1985 if the concern was for raising
“Kutir Yojna” in Orissa. Regarding the mis- on the enquiries remains stereotypical. scholarships, funds and reserved vacancies,
utilisation of funds particularly in the The replies of the ministers regarding in 1994 it was against the delay in scholar-
tribal areas, and the need to constitute whether or not to make new proposals ship3 and non-fulfilment of existing re-
committees at the central level, the minister were not an issue discussed and debated served vacancies. It is surprising to note
referred to the non-availability of resources further. Thus legislators seem to have that constituency concerns even with regard
to monitor each and everything. None of been generally seen content with the to short-term objectives were ambiguously
the members thought it proper to raise the replies and even if sometimes they remain absent. Neither did the legislators bother
issue through supplementary questions. unsatisfied they did not pursue their about the lack of funds for developmental
82 july 19, 2008 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

activities concerning SC/STs in their Kumari Bajpai admitted that “everything to demand new policies or at least to make
constituencies, nor did they raise the issue is not fine and everything is not right at the government realise the need for policy
of atrocities in their areas.4 every level but the responsibility lies on change with regard to SC/STs, was put
Though some of the members’ articula- the state governments, as the policies are forward by the MPs.
tions exhibited phenomenal representa- basically implemented by them”. She, The Lok Sabha deliberates on various
tion, most of them gave equal treatment to however, “assured to look into that, the bills/legislations, where the MPs partici-
long-term policy objectives as well. Before guidelines of the central government are pate and influence policies of the govern-
the conferment of constitutional status to followed” [LSD November 28, 1985: 261-69]. ment. Here, we try to examine the impact
the commission they kept raising this issue It is rightly pointed out that public account- of the perspectives adopted by the mem-
throughout the 1985 discussion. With regard ability remains a serious problem for en- bers and the subsequent policy formulation
to containing atrocities against SC/STs, the suring proper choice of beneficiaries and by the government. The issue of policy out-
legislators were not happy with the PCRA. proper use of funds. In spite of the availa- puts of the perspectives taken during
They wanted (i) a more stringent act to bility of information there are no proper policy­making is the major concern here.
punish the guilty, (ii) establishment of and efficient institutional mechanisms for Policy outputs indicate the actual decisions
more special courts, and (iii) appointment lodging complaints or seeking redressal of taken by the government, as distinct from
of dalit personnel in atrocity-prone areas grievances [Vaidyanathan 2001: 1819]. what is regarded as given assurances.
etc. Another concern of the MPs was to The members alleged that the ministry Policy outputs constitute a body of specific
amend the laws on land reforms for a of welfare does not have any power to look inducements for the members of a political
proper distribution of land to the landless into the law and order problem so it had to system to support it [Easton 1957]. The
SC/STs. Yet another aspect for the proper be shifted to the ministry of home affairs. government may come out with an alter-
implementation of safeguards was related Majority of the MPs emphasised the need to native legislation that may not be entirely
to the constitution of a separate ministry harden punishment of the officers respon- a voluntary initiative but may be the result
for SC/STs or to bring dalit subject under sible for non-implementation of policies. of outside pressure, i e, of interest groups,
the ministry of home affairs. The ministers neither stated what is being of concerned individuals, or of representa-
done nor promised to come out with meas- tives in legislatures etc. We examined the
Compensatory Discrimination ures on both the issues. The responsibility impact of perspectives adopted by the MPs,
With regard to the compensatory discrim- was put on the state governments. It was as policy output is influenced by the policy
ination, they argued for a special recruit- stated by the minister that at the most what responsiveness of the representatives that
ment drive to fulfil the backlog. In 1992, the central government could do was send relates to their decision-making conduct in
the Mandal Commission judgment on the orders to the state governments, if specific a given field of policy [Eulau and Wahlke
withdrawal of SC/ST reservations in pro- cases of policy violations came to light. 1978:63]. Not only can policy initiative be
motions attracted the attention of the par- influenced by the representatives in legis-
liamentarians and they took up the matter Discussion on Reports latures, the policy content may also be al-
during the 1994 discussion on the reports. The discussion on the reports shows that tered through the addition or deletion of
The MPs seem to have been aware of the though with delay dalit policies were indeed some clauses on the floor of the House.
adverse impact of the liberalisation proc- deliberated upon by the Lok Sabha. The We shall see how legislators participate
ess and asked the government to come out legislators’ emphasis was more on policy in discussion with response to policy
with necessary legislation to safeguard aspects, i e, on the enduring representation; proposals in terms of legislations by the
the dalit interests. the enduring representation was more government. We need to examine whether
One major policy question on the con- towards strengthening the mechanism of legislators respond to government propos-
stitution of a commission to report on the policy implementation than pursuing als and finally become instrumental in
administration of the scheduled areas and representation of SC/STs in “untouched formulating policies for SC/STs.
the welfare of STs under Article 339, was areas” such as private sector institutions, The amendments or changes proposed
missing during the debates both in 1985 Supreme Court, and high courts, etc. by the legislators may or may not be accom-
and 1994. Though some questions on edu- Simultaneously stray demands were made modated by the government. Proposals may
cation (particularly for scholarships) were for such provisions but they were not pur- be passed without incorporating the sug-
asked, the issue of providing the SC/STs sued in the reply of the ministers. gestions made by the legislature, thus
with better educational facilities and mak- In 1994, interventions on the reply of reducing it to insignificance. These in turn
ing them self-reliant was not addressed the minister were greater as compared would reflect upon the consequences of
adequately during the debates. to 1985. It shows that the dalit issue had the legislative interventions on the policy
While replying to both the motions in become quite heated in the post-Mandal outputs which finally go to become policies.
1985 and 1994, the government seems to period. Though the MPs may not have There has been a consistent rise in the
have been able to satisfy the members that been able to change the policy perceptions scale of atrocities during 1985-95 and the
it was following a coherent policy towards of the government during the debates on legislators were not satisfied with the
the dalit problem. In the 1985 reply to a the reports, several policy issues, whether results produced by PCRA (1976) so they
motion, the minister of welfare, Rajendra to alter the implementation strategies or demanded a more stringent legislation to
Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 19, 2008 83

deal with the atrocities. The government MPs either from the ruling party or from (i) the appointment of some more mem-
came with a legislation called the Scheduled the Opposition in pre-Mandal period. bers in the commission, apart from the
Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention Most of the issues uncovered in the bill chairperson and vice-chairperson, (ii) the
of Atrocities) Bill, 1989. have been taken care of while framing the substitution of “examine” with “inquire
rules. It is a different matter that these into” regarding the complaints against the
The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled rules were framed under the Janata Dal government functionaries vis-à-vis the pro-
Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Bill and not the Congress government. grammes for the positive discrimination
1989: Overall 35 members participated in for SC/STs, and (iii) to participate and
a two-day (August 14 and 16, 1989) debate The Constitution (65th Amendment) advise in the planning process of the
on the bill. It is interesting to note that out Bill 1990 or National Commission for socio-economic development of SC/STs
of 35 members, eight did not speak much Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes: and to evaluate the progress of their
about the bill and only made indirect and During the discussion on the bill, 19 mem- development under the union and any
the usual suggestions, viz, to punish those bers participated in the debate in the state. The most important function that
not implementing the laws and misutilis- house. One of the eldest members of the was absent in the provisions of the erst-
ing the funds [LSD August 14, 1989: 103 house N G Ranga (Guntur) stated that while commissioner and the commission
and August 16, 1989: 25,52]. there was no need to be very optimistic related to the powers of the body to
The debate on the bill shows that both about the capacity of the bill to provide function as a civil court.
dalit and non-dalit MPs not only partici- the services and protection to the con- These provisions were not part of the
pated but also raised issues on the pro- cerned people, but he did not object to original bill but were introduced while it
posed legislation. Apart from discussing passing of the bill [LSD May 28, 1990: 124]. was passed. These are indicative of the
issues like lodging of FIRs, strict action Yet another member called the exercise legislators’ impact on the policy output be-
against culprits, special courts, etc, the another “small step” to boost the down- cause they demanded to confer on it the
MPs also raised those issues which were trodden (ibid:129). However, the MPs status of the Commission of Inquiry, 1962.
not part of the bill, e g, rehabilitation of the brought in other issues related to SC/STs, The powers of the NCSCT have not only
victim of atrocity, appointment of SC/ST like economic measures to make the com- been confined to the participation in the
officials in atrocity-prone areas, to fix mission successful. It was suggested that planning process but it has also been made
collective fine on the panchayat or the misutilisation of funds should be looked obligatory on the part of the state and cen-
block prone to atrocities, etc. At the same into by the commission [LSD May 28, 1990: tral governments to consult the NCSCT on
time, some crucial aspects of implementa- 132], and the central government should all major policy matters that have direct or
tion and spreading awareness among the be made accountable for the implementa- indirect impact on the concerned collec-
people regarding the provisions of the Act tion of the Special Component Plan and tives of the Indian society.
have been ignored by both dalit and non- Tribal Sub-Plan, which are premier pro-
dalit MPs. The maintenance of law and grammes to uplift SC/STs. The fact that 65th Amendment
order is subject of the states. How to deal land reforms implementation needs spe- The discussion on the 65th Amendment
with the states defying the provisions by not cial legislation to ensure effective inter- Bill reflects the prevalance of both endur-
implementing them was largely neglected vention of the commission was argued by ing representation, where not only sugges-
by the MPs. The non-implementation of Matilal Handra (Jhargram) [LSD May 28, tions are made but also amendments
programmes and schemes, the major aspect 1990: 140]. Arvind Netam (Kankar) want- moved to incorporate those in the original
of dalit policies, should have been put ed a separate tribunal for SC/ST employees bill. The major issues raised during the
more emphatically, rather than being on the lines of the central administrative debate had been to bring the commission
ignored. Secondly, sensitisation of the tribunal [LSD May 23, 1990: 138]. All said under the ministry of home affairs or to
people, and informing society about the and done, a majority of the dalit members create a special ministry, to look into the
prevalence of such legislation was com- were apprehensive about the success of the implementation of the rules and regula-
pletely ignored by the MPs. The MPs could commission and reiterated their demand tions of the bill, misutilisation of funds,
have asked to use the government and the to look into the implementation of the etc, which were directly concerned with
private media to spread awareness about rules and regulations formulated under the bill. Some of the members raised
such an important legislation. the bill (K D Sultanpuri, Kusuma, Krishna issues which were indirectly related such
Murthi, Arvind Netam, Kumari Mayawati, as special tribunal for SC/STs on the lines of
Missing Issues Ramlal Rahi, etc) [LSD May 29, 1990]. the central administrative tribunal, attention
The pursuance of issues raised during the It is interesting to note that the three towards land reforms, asking the commis-
debate while passing the bill was com- amendments suggested by Ramdhan, the sion to implement welfare programmes as
pletely absent among the dalit MPs, where- then chairperson of the commission and well as monitoring them, etc.
as a non-dalit MP of the Janta Party moved member of the Lok Sabha from Lalganj,
eight amendments. It shows that the non- were introduced as the government Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders
SC/STs from the Opposition were more amendments and incorporated in the bill. (Amendment) Bill 1990: The Constitution
active in legislature as compared to dalit The government amendments included: has been amended several times to
84 july 19, 2008 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

include new communities in the SC/ST list. employment depends on the provision of The deliberations during the discussion
Though the Constitution does not allow an alternative mechanism of employment on the bill show a concern for policy issues.
any kind of discrimination on the basis of for their survival. These concerns were basically related
religion, but the SCs, other than “Hindus” The second important aspect addressed with OBCs but was not absent in favour
have not been allowed to get the benefits by the members was that the state should of SC/STs. Whether it was a question of
of reservations. Among such groups, have provide free education to the children of punishing officials who indulged in non-
been the neo-Buddhists who converted the scavengers [LSD August 16, 1993: 286, implementation of reservation policy or
from amongst the SCs to Buddhism. 290, 303, 314, 316, 320 and 323]. It was putting a check on adverse remarks in the
Though the government of Maharashtra argued during the discussion that even if confidential reports (CRs) of SC/ST officials
had provided them the facilities long back the present scavengers get an alternative or even for that matter the fear of some-
it was denied by the central government means of livelihood, it may not ensure the body going to the court against the bill, all
till 1990.5 abolition of the system, in the absence of these related primarily to the SC/STs.
On May 24, 1990, the minister of labour proper and free education to their children. However, these demands for amendments
and welfare, Ram Vilas Paswan intro- The need was felt not only for education in the bill in favour of SC/STs, while pass-
duced a bill in the Lok Sabha to provide but also for uniform education so that the ing it were, almost completely absent. One
the facilities available to those SCs who hierarchical system of education does not solitary example in favour of SC/STs was
adopted Buddhism. The bill was already become a hindrance in getting employ- the amendment proposed by Ram Vilas
passed by the Rajya Sabha. There were 28 ment opportunities to these children who Paswan for promotions in the organisa-
MPs who participated during the discus- would only be admitted in government- tions taking assistance from the govern-
sion on May 28-29, 1990 on the bill. The run schools. ment. This could have had a major impact
bill was supported by 27 MPs and only one A careful observation of the legislative on the dalit policy paradigm.
MP, Eduardo Faleiro (Mormugaon) opposed responses to the NCSK bill points out that
the bill but abstained from voting, and it the MPs were more concerned with the im- Welfare of SC/STs
was passed with a consensus. plementation part of the functions of the Since Parliament is pressed for time, it
The MPs may have argued in favour of commission and not for strengthening the does not and cannot debate and discuss
inclusion of the other communities in the body itself. They did not even ask obvious each and every matter that comes before
SC list but they did not pursue increasing questions on how the commission will it. To save time, several committees are
the proportion of reservations due to addi- deal with the state governments or the in- constituted by the House to look deeper
tion of Buddhists. Replying to the debate dividuals found guilty of manual scaveng- into the questions as well as recommend
the minister himself gave assurance on ing. They could have argued for the status to the executive, measures to be taken
various issues, viz, increasing the percent- of a civil court to the commission to han- under the given circumstances.
age of reservation, inclusion of land reforms dle the cases of violation of the law on Accordingly, to save time and the re-
in the 9th Schedule, a policy for proper manual scavenging, for which precedence sources of Parliament, a committee on the
rehabilitation of the persons involved in existed under the NCSCT that functions as welfare of SC/STs (PCWSCST) was set up in
manual scavenging, and continuation of a civil court. As the legislative interven- 1968 to consider: (i) the reports of the
special recruitment drives. tions were not specifically for the commis- commissioner for SC/ST (now NCSCT),
sion so amendments were not moved by (ii) to report to both the Houses the action
National Commission for Safai Karam- the members on the bill and the bill was taken by the government, (iii) to examine
charis Bill: There were 25 members of passed in its original form. measures taken by the union government,
Parliament who participated in the debate (iv) to secure due representation and
on the National Commission for Safai Constitution (86th) Amendment Bill: matters referred by the house, and (v) to
Karamchari (NCSK) bill. Most of the The demand for reservation in promotion report to both the Houses on the working
members emphasised providing alter­ was raised several times during the Question of the welfare measure regarding SC/STs.
native employment to the scavengers [LSD Hour and debates on dalit policy aspects. During the period 1985-95, the com-
August 13, 1993: 279, 289; and August 16, These demands were the product of the mittee produced 93 reports, where all but
1993: 296, 306, 311, 315, 326 and 331]. The Supreme Court judgment in the Indira four were primarily concerned with the
members suggested that due to the lack of Sahni vs Union of India case, popularly implementation aspects. Among the four,
alternative arrangements for the scavengers’ known as Mandal verdict, wherein the two were Action Taken Reports on the
employment, there would be no change in court decided against the promotional previous two. These were: (1) Reservation
the basic status of this reality. Without reservation for BCs prospectively. For the for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
alternative employment, they will have no continuation of the provision of reserva- Tribes in Private Sector (4th Report, 10th
other means to get their bread and butter. tion in promotions for SC/STs, a constitu- Lok Sabha 1991-92), and (2) Formulation,
In spite of the filthiness of the occupation, tional amendment bill was introduced by Implement­ation and Monitoring of
they continue to do the job as their survival the government on June 2, 1995. A total Reservation Policy (24th Report, 10th Lok
depends on it. It was pointed out that the of 22 legislators participated during the Sabha 1993-94). The 53rd and 43rd
success of eliminating scavenging as an discussion on the bill. reports of the committee respectively
Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 19, 2008 85

discussed the action taken by the govern- 46 in which the former is part of the fun- cannot be accommodated in the public sec-
ment on the above two reports. damental rights, which are mandatory to tor because even if all the jobs are reserved
The demand for reservations in private be implemented on behalf of the state. for them, only a small proportion of dalit
sector by the committee was not new, as Another report on Formulation, Imple- populace will be able to develop, and the
the matter was also examined previously in mentation and Monitoring of Reservation rest will be left without any benefit [Man-
the 41st report by the fifth and 18th report Policy was prepared by the PCWSCST in delsohn et al 1998]. Reservation is more
by sixth Lok Sabhas. It was emphasised in 1993-94. So far as formulation of reserva- relevant in the present circumstances,
the reports that proportional representation tion policy was concerned, the committee where the private sector is controlling the
should be provided to the SCs and STs in the was informed that six departments/minis- economy. The SC/STs suffer from discrimi-
private sector. These reports, in particular, tries were involved in the process. The nation in multiple ways in various markets
recommended to make it compulsory in committee made various important and therefore, reservation policy should
case of private institution who received re­commendations, viz: (i) relaxation in the cover all the spheres [Thorat et al 2005: 51].
any kind of assistance such as loans, land, period of qualifying service for SC/STs in
and licences from the government. case of promotions, (ii) reservation in Conclusions
The 18th report specifically asked for en- ad hoc appointments, (iii) reservation We may conclude by saying that though
actment of a new legislation in this regard according to population as per the 1991 Parliament deliberates upon social exclu-
but the ministry of law report said that, “it Census, and (iv) fulfil huge reserved sion and inclusive policies for SC/STs, it
was not possible under the law to impose quota in various departments. does so both poorly and inadequately. And
such a condition” and that Article 16 (4) A few recommendations of the com- the response of the government remains
permits reservation in jobs only with mittee were accepted by the government. negligible and muted. And even if some
respect to services under the state and These included: (i) reservation in ad hoc policies are initiated by the government,
not under the private sector. There has been appointments, (ii) maintaining and fur- these remain routine and a mere extension
no impact of the committee’s recommenda- nishing statistical information relating to or modification of the existing ones. All
tions on the dalit policy paradigm. The gov- SC/STs to the committee, (iii) special re- this indicates that there has been no major
ernment accepted only the observations of cruitment drive to fill up backlog under shift in the dalit policy paradigm and the
the committee and not the recommenda- consideration, (iv) legislation on reserva- focus was on strengthening mechanisms
tions for reservations in the private sector. tion for SC/STs under active consideration, for implementing existing inclusive policies
All this reveals the government’s con- and (v) ban on dereservation. and no efforts were made to address
cern to safeguard the interests of the SC/ In some of the cases such as opening emerging social exclusion in the liberalised,
STs in the emerging economic scenario, pre-examination centres, keeping infor- privatised and globalised worlds.
where the private sector is to play a more mation about the number of SC/STs, back- Parliament seems to have been able to
important role as compared to earlier log in departments, etc, the government bring various dalit issues on the agenda of
times. Thus, the legislators raised the policy maintained that the concerned depart- the government. This could be observed
matters vis-à-vis SC/STs but the govern- ment has been requested to take necessary with regard to the perspectives adopted
ment’s stand remains indifferent and even action, and the committee asked to be by the MPs on the reports of the CSCT and
the assurances are not given. apprised of the result. the bills introduced by the government.
The committee seems to have been suc- Neverthe­less, in spite of deliberations and
Representation cessful in bridging some gaps left by the proposed amendments on the bills, the
Yet, another question that emerges on the Lok Sabha on the floor of the House regard- MPs failed to alter the themes contained in
dalit policy paradigm is, whether it would ing the onslaught on reservation policy due the legislations introduced by the regimes
be extra-constitutional or against the to privatisation and liberalisation of the in power.
Constitution to provide dalit representa- economy, and the need for relaxation to Neither the perspectives on CSCT reports,
tion in the private sector. Here it needs to fulfil the reserved vacancies. The reports nor the deliberations on the bills and even
be reaffirmed as stated by the minister of prepared by the committee did not touch the PCWSCT would make the government
welfare in the 53rd Action Taken Report issues concerning the major chunk of dalit realise the need to provide representation
that reservations could be made in private population, viz, educational development, to SC/STs in the areas not covered by the
sector under Article 46 read in conjunction socio-economic upliftment, such as provid- present dalit policy paradigm.
with the Article 15(4) of the Constitution. ing them lands or enhancing their capa- Our analysis reveals that the MPs are
If the 73rd Amendment Act to give powers bilities through financial assistance. neither committed to their dalit constitu-
to panchayats can be implemented on the Reservation in public sector does have ents nor do they play a role in policy shifts
basis of the sole Article 40 of the Consti­ the potential to have a major impact on the for the broader dalit interests. They remain
tution under the Directive Principles of socio-economic and political development confined to the issues of implementation
State Policy, then the question arises of SC/STs. But it is argued that this is an and thus there is no policy change in the
why   it cannot happen with regard to the aspect that does not touch the majority of dalit policy paradigm due to Parliament’s
representation of SC/STs in the private the dalit population, i e, all the SC/STs or involvement. The impact of recommenda-
sector with the help of Articles 15(4) and the major chunk of the dalit population tions of the NCSCT and MPs’ deliberations
86 july 19, 2008 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

is limited to development and minor ensue so that the MPs are aware of the References
modifications of existing policies. present dalit conditions and are able to Primary Sources
During deliberations on almost all the pressurise the government to formulate Reports of the Parliamentary Committee on the Wel-
fare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
five bills, apprehensions were expressed policies accordingly. The MPs are expected (1969): 1st Report; 1970, 6th Report; 1993, 24th
on the implementation part of the legisla- not only to protest against the government’s Report; 1993, 27th Report; 1995, 45th Report;
1995, 53rd Report.
tions. The second observation relates to attitude of neglecting their opinions but
Reports of the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes
drifting away from the subject matter of also to walk out of the House to register and Scheduled Tribes 1977-78 and 1979-81.
the bills, whether it is a debate on NCSCT or their resentment. The Question Hour, the Reports of the National Commission for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes 1992-93, 1993-94,
NCSK, the interventions seldom attempted discussion on starred questions in particular, 1994-95, Special Report 1997-98
to strengthen these mechanisms as insti- is also required not merely on the question Lok Sabha Debates (LSD) 1985-1995, Lok Sabha Secre-
tariat, New Delhi.
tutions, rather these deliberated upon of policy implementation but for policy
what functions they should perform and formulation as well. The PCWSCST should Secondary Sources
how the functions could be performed be made more policy-oriented so that it can Bhalla, A S and F Lapeyre (1994): ‘A Note on Exclu-
sion’, IILS, Geneva, mimeo.
adequately and efficiently. Thirdly, while help in strengthening the demands of the
Easton, David (1957): ‘An Approach to the Analysis of
debating on legislation, ancillary/related MPs in favour of inclusive policy shifts. Political Systems’, World Politics, 9, April.
aspects were focused on more than the Regarding containing atrocities on SC/ Eulau, H and John C Wahlke (1978): The Politics of
Representation, Sage, California.
main/prime themes in the bills. For in- STs, there is a need to fix responsibility on Haan, De Arjan (1997): ‘Poverty and Social Exclusion:
stance, asking for a special tribunal for the concerned administrative apparatus, A Comparison on Debates on Deprivation’, Work-
ing Paper No 2, Poverty Research Unit at Sussex,
SC/ST employees on the lines of the central and if no change takes place, then the University of Sussex, Brighton.
administrative tribunal, while discussing chief ministers of the respective states Mendelsohn, Oliver and Marica Vicziany (1998): The
Untouchables: Subordination, Poverty, and the
NCSCT bill, representation of SC/STs in need to be made accountable. Measures State in Modern India, Cambridge University
judiciary, while deliberating upon the NCSK should also be taken to sensitise society Press, Cambridge.
Nayyar, Deepak (1998): ‘Economic Development and
bill, providing reservation in the private against prevalent attitudes, through mass Political Democracy: Economics and Politics in
sector and emphasis on OBC reservation media and civil society initiatives so that Independent India’, Economic & Political Weekly,
December 5, pp 3121-31.
during the discussion on the 77th Amend- inclusive policies could make a dent on the Rush, Michel (1976): Parliament and the Public,
ment bill that was only for continuation of social exclusion of SC/STs. Longman, New York.
job reservations in promotions in govern- Sen, Amartya K (2000): ‘Social Exclusion: Concept
Application and Scrutiny’, Social Development
ment sector, etc, are relevant examples. Notes Paper 161, Asian Development Bank, June.
Thus phenomenal representation indicates 1 Raising routine matters of immediate concern, Silver, H (1994): ‘Social Solidarity and Social Exclu-
having no policy inputs. sion: Three Paradigms’, Discussion paper, Series
a lack of pin-pointed discussion on a parti­ 2 Long-term policy concerns. No 69, IILS, Geneva.
cular bill and this applies both to dalit and 3 Revision of scholarships in 1989 by the central Thorat, S K et al (2005): Reservation and Private Sector,
government. Rawat, Jaipur.
non-dalit MPs discussing dalit policies. Yadav, Yogendra (1999): ‘Electoral Politics in the
4 MPs from atrocity-prone areas like Andhra
A look at the policy proposals of the Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, etc, did Time of Change: India’s Third Electoral
not utilise these reports, which provided suffi- System, 1989-99’, Economic & Political Weekly,
government in terms of bills makes it cient data and evidences to raise issues. August 21-28, 2393-99.
abundantly clear that the government was 5 Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amend- Vaidyanathan, A (2001): ‘Poverty and Development
ment) Bill 1956 denied the facilities to those other Policy’, Economic & Political Weekly, 36 (21),
more responsive during the 9th and 10th than Hindus. pp 1807-22.
Lok Sabha as compared to 8th Lok Sabha.
There had been only one bill that was
passed in the 8th Lok Sabha; it concerned
the prevention of atrocities. Hence, the
view that the Lok Sabha has become more Review of Labour
active towards SC/STs in the post-Mandal May 31, 2008
period stands substantiated. This is further Class in Industrial Disputes: Case Studies from Bangalore – Supriya RoyChowdhury
supplemented by the fact that all the four
Employee Voice and Collective Formation in Indian ITES-BPO Industry – Philip Taylore, Ernesto Noronha,
PCWSCsT reports on policies were prepared Dora Scholarios, Premilla D’Cruz
in the post-Mandal period. In the light of
The Growth Miracle, Institutional Reforms and Employment in China – Ajit K Ghose
the above analysis, it is being recommended
Soccer Ball Production for Nike in Pakistan – Karin Astrid Siegmann
that Parliament and especially the dalit
representatives in it need to impress upon Labour Regulation and Employment Protection in Europe:
Some Reflections for Developing Countries – A V Jose
the government to formulate inclusive
policies in the areas, where they have no Labour, Class and Economy: Rethinking Trade Union Struggle – Anjan Chakrabarti, Anup Kumar Dhar
legal claims, such as public schools, judges For copies write to
in Supreme Court and high courts, and Circulation Manager
above all in the private sector, and proper Economic and Political Weekly
320-321, A to Z Industrial Estate, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
implementation of land reforms. A regular email:
discussion on the reports of NCSCT should
Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 19, 2008 87

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