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Saint Ferdinand College, Cabagan

Centro Cabagan, Isabela




Submitted by:Katrina faye Guzman


Submitted to: Steeve Jacob Acoba

April 20,2024

Our team arrived at Anao Cabagan Isabela 8:00 in the morning.The first step we took, was to
communicate with the Barangay Captain and other barangay officials. We informed them about
our intention to conduct interviews with 20 families for our community Involvement in NSTP

We approached the Barangay Captain Wilfredo G. Binag and explained the purpose of
our visit. We emphasized that our goal was to gather information and insights about the lives and
experiences of the residents in order to gain a better understanding of the community. We
assured them that the interviews would be conducted in a respectful and confidential manner,
and that the privacy of the families would be protected.

The Barangay Captain and other barangay officials were supportive of our initiative.
They recognized the importance of understanding the needs and aspirations of the residents and
agreed to assist us in our endeavor. They provided us with the necessary permission and support
to proceed with the interviews.

We started the day by organizing our materials and preparing the interview questions.
These questions were designed to cover various aspects of the families' lives, including their
daily routines, challenges they face, and their aspirations for the future. We aimed to create a
comprehensive picture of the barangay and its residents.

As we began the interviews, we were greeted warmly by the families. They were eager to
share their stories and experiences with us. We conducted the interviews in a respectful and
empathetic manner, ensuring that the families felt comfortable and heard.

Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to listen to a diverse range of stories. We
learned about the struggles and triumphs of the families, their hopes and dreams, and the unique
aspects of their lives. It was truly inspiring to witness the resilience and determination of the
residents in the face of various challenges.

After each interview, we took detailed notes and recorded any significant observations.
These notes would later serve as valuable resources for our analysis and report writing. We also
made sure to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the families, ensuring that their
identities and personal information remained protected.
At the end of the day, we expressed our gratitude to the families for their participation
and openness. We assured them that their voices and stories would be shared responsibly and
respectfully. We emphasized the importance of their insights in shaping future initiatives and
policies that would benefit the community.

Upon returning to our home, we carefully analyzed the data and information gathered
during the interviews. We identified common themes and patterns, as well as unique perspectives
and experiences. This analysis would form the basis of our narrative report, which would provide
a comprehensive overview of the barangay and its residents.

In conclusion, our visit to Anao Cabagan on April 20, 2024, was a meaningful and
enlightening experience. The interviews with the 20 families allowed us to gain valuable insights
into the lives and experiences of the residents. We are confident that the narrative report we will
produce based on these interviews will contribute to a better understanding of the barangay and
support future initiatives for its development and improvement.
April 27,2024

We arrived at Anao,Cabagan Isabela 8:30 in the morning our group conducted interviews with
five barangay officials. To gain insights into the barangay's dynamics, challenges, and coping
mechanisms for addressing community issues. The purpose of the interviews was to understand
the perspectives of local leaders on the problems facing the barangay and the strategies they have
implemented to mitigate these challenges.

During the interviews, the barangay officials provided valuable insights into the unique
characteristics of Anao Cabagan. They highlighted the close-knit community, cultural diversity,
and strong sense of unity among residents. The officials emphasized the importance of
collaboration and cooperation in addressing community concerns and fostering a sense of
belonging among residents.

The barangay officials identified several key challenges facing in their barangay,
including poverty, limited access to education and healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, and
environmental degradation. They discussed how these challenges impact the well-being of
residents and contribute to social and economic disparities within the community.

In response to the identified challenges, the barangay officials shared the coping
mechanisms and initiatives that have been implemented to address these issues. These included
livelihood programs, health and sanitation campaigns, infrastructure development projects, and
environmental conservation efforts. The officials emphasized the importance of community
participation and stakeholder engagement in implementing sustainable solutions.

Despite the challenges faced by Anao Cabagan, the interviews highlighted the
resourcefulness of the community. The barangay officials shared inspiring stories of community
members coming together during times of need, supporting each other, and working towards
common goals. This sense of solidarity was identified as a key strength of the barangay.

The interviews also underscored the importance of collaborative efforts between barangay
officials, residents, local organizations, and government agencies in addressing community
challenges. The officials emphasized the value of partnerships and shared responsibility in
driving positive change and improving the quality of life for all residents.
Overall, the interviews with barangay officials in Anao, Cabagan,Isabela provided valuable
insights into the dynamics, challenges, and resilience of the community. The information
gathered will inform future community engagement initiatives, service projects, and advocacy
efforts aimed at supporting the barangay in addressing its most pressing concerns and promoting
sustainable development.
May 04,2024

As NSTP students, we organized and conducted a successful clean-up drive at Bypass

Ugad, Cabagan, Isabela. The clean-up drive aimed to promote environmental awareness,
community engagement, and the importance of maintaining cleanliness in public spaces.

Prior to the clean-up drive, thorough planning and coordination were conducted by the
NSTP team. Tasks were assigned, materials such as trash bags, and cleaning tools were
prepared, and safety guidelines were reviewed to ensure a smooth and organized event.

The team divided into groups and focused on different areas of the site to maximize the
cleaning efforts. Participants diligently collected litter, debris, and waste scattered in the
surroundings, including plastic bottles, wrappers, and other trash.

The clean-up drive attracted a significant number of participants, including students,

teacher and barangay official. The active participation and enthusiasm of the volunteers
contributed to the success of the event.

The clean-up drive yielded tangible results, with a significant amount of waste collected
and removed from Bypass Ugad. The site was visibly cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing
after the concerted efforts of the participants. The event not only improved the cleanliness of the
area but also fostered a sense of environmental responsibility and community solidarity among
the participants.

The clean-up drive at Bypass Ugad, Cabagan, Isabela, organized by NSTP students, was
a resounding success. The event exemplified the importance of community collaboration,
environmental stewardship, and collective action in preserving and protecting our natural
surroundings. The positive impact of the clean-up drive will continue to resonate within the
community, inspiring ongoing efforts to maintain a clean and sustainable environment for all.

May 04,2024


April 20,2024

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