Capsule Western Political Thoughts

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Western Political Science

Prepared by :
Ch Azhar Kalas.
John Locke

• John Locke was born on 1632 AD at Samratshaier in

• John Locke was an Eminent English philosopher.
• John Locke founded the School of “Empiricism “
• John Locke was died on 1704 AD in Oates.
• “ An essay concerning human understanding was a
famous work of John Locke and it was published in 1690
• Two Treatise of Govt is the work of John Locke.
• John Locke justifies revolution if the govt is intolerably
• John Locke is considered to be the ideological father of
American revolution.
• Major works of John Locke :
1. Two Treatise on civil Govt.
2. Essay concerning human understanding.
3. The Reasonableness of Christianity.
4. Some thoughts concerning education.
5. Letter, concerning toleration.
6. A second letter concerning toleration
7. A third letter concerning Toleration
8. Essay on the law of Nature.
• John Locke Sovereignty resides in the People.
• John Locke supported Glorious Revolution of 1688 through
his writings.
• Which philosopher has taken bright side of human nature
(John Locke)
• According to John Locke “The Spark of Human nature
“ mean Power of reason.
• According to Locke the most important natural rights
“Private Property “.
• According to Locke the worst form of govt is Monarchy.
• What according to Locke gave off the state of nature
(There were some inconveniences)
• According to Locke the natural rights of people are “ Right
to Life, Liberty and property “.
• John Locke is considered to be the greatest champion of
natural rights.
• John Locke was most admired by American founding
father and his thoughts on the importance of private
property were reflected in the drafting and historical
development of the American constitution.
• Who expressed the view “ The obligation of the law of
nature ceases not in society “ ( John Locke)
• John Locke gave the people right of revolt against the govt
if it failed to secure the right of life, liberty and property.
• According to John Locke “ The supreme power inspite of
the institution of the govt remains still in the people “
• According to John Locke “ Right to property is natural and
prior to state and society. “
• According to John Locke private property is the source
dissension in the society.
• According to Locke “ Man is moral and social animal “.
• John Locke expressed the state is at the most not more
than a limited liability company, the real sovereignty
resides in the individuals.
• John Locke was the first exponent of the liberal theory of
• The concept of legal sovereignty first time given by “ John
Locke “
• Lock laid down the state is an “ Unavoidable Evil “.
• Term “ Tabula Rasa “ is most clearly associated with John
• The notion that “ The mind is a blank slate “ is most
clearly associated with John Locke.
• John Locke believed that “ every person was born with
Tabula Rasa or Blank slate.
• John Locke political philosophy’s sequence is ( Natural
rights – state of nature – contract – civil society )
• The theory of property has been propounded by John
• Gattle said, Locke ‘s theory of revolt must be considered
as the most important part of his doctrine
• First exponent of liberal theory (John Locke)
• According to John Locke the end for which the state was
created was to (Protect the freedom of individual)
• The main defect in John Locke theory is that He ignored
the concept of legal sovereignty.
• John Locke distinguished the legislative power from
executive and federative power .
• According to John Locke the Supreme power of the
common wealth is legislative power.
• Who argued that right to property derives it’s support
from inward morality and national facility of man. ( John
• According to Locke the king has the responsibility of
protecting the right of the people.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

• Rousseau was born on 1712 AD at Geneva.

• Rousseau died in 1778 AD .
• The work “ Discourse on the science and arts “ was
written by Rousseau.
• The work “ Discourse on the origin of inequality among
mankind “ belongs to Rousseau.
• Who expressed the view “ J.J Rousseau is the Jacobean
despot? (Duguit)
• The attributes of Rousseau ‘s general will are
( inalienability, unity, unlimited, The source of law )
• According to Rousseau “ All justice comes from God who
is it’s sole source “.
• Rousseau said “ The larger the state less the liberty “.
• Rousseau was not supporter of Monarchy.
• Rousseau said “ People can be forced to be free “.
• Main book of Rousseau is The Social Contract.
• Rousseau said, “ England is only free during election after
which it is enslaved and counts for nothing “.
• Rousseau is considered champion of popular sovereignty.
• According to Rousseau human nature is made up of two
original institution self regarding and other regarding.
• What according to Rousseau created a sense of jealousy
and struggle among men in the state of nature? ( Private
Property )
• Rousseau said “ Give up back ignorance, innocence and
poverty which alone can make us happy “.
• According to Rousseau the first man enclosing a piece of
land and saying “ this is mine and finding people simple
enough to believe him the real founder of a civil society.
• The most distinctive contribution of Rousseau to political
thought is “ The concept of General will “
• According to Rousseau , “ Religion should be subservient
to state “.
• Rousseau transformed the theory of contract into an
idealist mode of political discourse “.
• According to Rousseau “ Forced to be free “ in connection
with the notion of liberty of the individual.
• Intellectual father of French Revolution is J.J Rousseau.
• The distinction between real will and actual will was made
by Rousseau.
• Rousseau ‘s 800 page novel of sentiment, Julie, ou la
nouvelle Heloise was published in 1761.
• Rousseau believed that the savage stage was not the first
stage of human development, but the Third Stage.
• The expression “ The noble savage was first used in 1672
by British poet John Dryden.
• Rousseau ‘s natural man is virtually identical to solitary
( Chimpanzee, Ape)
• In Rousseau ‘s philosophy, society ‘s negative influence on
men centers on its transformation of
1. A positive self love.
2. Amour de soi
3. Instinctive human desire for self preservation.
• T. H Green reconciled Rousseau ‘s theory of General will
with Austin theory of a determinate sovereign power.
• A thinking man is depraved animal ( Rousseau)
• Rousseau ‘s theory of general will implies that it is “ The
transcendent, universal will may be even of one individual
which aims at the common good of the community.
• Point out the type of aristocracy not devised by Rousseau
“ implied aristocracy “.
• Rousseau is considered against the spread of communism.
• Rousseau said, God makes all things good, man meddles
with them and they become evil.
• Rousseau said that Sovereignty can never be alienated,
represented or divided.
• Functions of Rousseau ‘s General will.
1. Source of law
2. It appoints and dissolves government
3. It can force individual to be true.
4. It makes and preserves the unity of the National character.
Thomas Hobbes

• Thomas Hobbes was born on 588 AD in England at Westport.

• Thomas Hobbes was born in the year of Spanish Armada.
• Hobbes was a famous English philosopher and political theorist.
• Hobbes supported “ King’s prerogative “
• Hobbes remained in exile for eleven years in Paris.
• Leviathan is a famous work of Hobbes.
• Thomas Hobbes was died in 1679.
• The Elements of law ‘ natural and politique is written by Hobbes.
• According to Hobbs greatest good is Security.
• According to Hobbs greatest evil is insecurity.
• According to Hobbs the principal source of trouble and misery is
Equality of men.
• According to Hobbs man is by nature selfish, fearful, self seeking
and competitive to the point of combativeness.
• According to Hobbs the life of a man is the state of nature was
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
• According to Hobbs law of nature was discovered by Reason .
• Hobbes said, I authorize and give up my right of myself to this
man or this assembly of men on the condition that they give up
the right to him or them and authorize all his /their actions in like
manner “ The contract was between the subjects among
• According to Hobbs highest priest is sovereignty.
• According to Hobbs social contract, sovereignty absolute and
located it in the ruler.
• Hobbes rejected the idea of Divine rights of king.
• Hobbes is famous for Absolution.
• Hobbes expressed the view “ only the will of sovereign can be the
source of law “.
• According to Hobbes “Sovereignty is the product of the will of the
people “.
• According to Hobbs “ Establishment of commonwealth by
institution means, where people voluntarily submit to a sovereign.
• According to Hobbs, He is not subject to law.
• Social contract irrevocable (Hobbes)
• Sovereignty is not a part to the contract. (Hobbes)
• Sovereignty absolute (Hobbes)
• Only the will of sovereign can be the source of law (Hobbes)
• Law in general is command not counsel (Hobbes )
• Oakeshott expressed “ The leviathan is the greatest perhaps the
sole master piece of political philosophy in English language “.
• Thomas Hobbes is a proponent of the theory of natural rights.
• Hobbes social contract is based on Desire for peace.
• Hobbian contract was “ among men living in state of nature “.
• Hobbes rejected the foundation of the state “ The view that might
is right “.
• Thomas Hobbes preached Law and order and internal peace.
• Books of Hobbes ( leviathan(1651 four parts), De Civil, De
Corpose, Decorpore politics(1640), Deceive(1642) De Homine,
Thucydides, Elements of law)
• Point out the feature of pre political state of nature as visualized
by Hobbes “ War of everyone against everyone “.
• According to Hobbs “ Sovereign being the result of covenant, was
not above the contract “.
• Hobbes views on sovereignty ( The sovereign is the source of all
positive laws, , “ The sovereign has unlimited power “ The
sovereign has the right of creating “)
• According to Hobbs “ individuals have liberty and property rights
in the state “.
• Concept of legal sovereignty ( Thomas Hobbes)
• Representative of power view of sovereignty ( Machiavelli and
Thomas Hobbes)
• Method used by Hobbes was deductive method.

Prepared by :
Ch Azhar (03007565732)
Nicole Machiavelli

• Machiavelli was born on 1469 AD at Florence Italy.

• He was died on 1527 A.D.
• Major works
( The Prince, Discourse on the first decade of Livy’s
History, History of Florence, The art of war,
Correspondence, Diplomatic writings, Poems and dramatic
• Machiavelli praises the despotic ruler “Cesare Borgia “.
• The discourse on the first ten books of Titus Livius is “ a
commentary on the history of Rome “
• Machiavelli describes historical events to the demand of
human nature and the effects of chance.
• Machiavellianism (principles of power politics )
• Machiavelli said “ men are wicked and essentially selfish “
• According to Machiavelli all men are ungrateful, fickle,
cowardly and avaricious.
• A Republic, The Machiavelli means “ A state in which a
ruler is voluntarily supported by the people “
• Machiavelli best form of govt is “ Republican “
• Theory of moral indifference was given by “ Machiavelli “
• Double standard of morality one for state and other for
individual was presented by Machiavelli.
• Who said since the ruler is outside the group he is above
the morality to be enforced within group (Machiavelli)
• Machiavelli said interests of state are different from the
interests of individuals.
• Machiavelli made Ethics and morality subservient to
• Machiavelli is considered “Unmoral, Unreligious “
• George Sabine remarks about Machiavelli “ He writes
about nothing and thinks about nothing except politics,
statecraft and art of war “
• Machiavelli advises to the prince ( He must not impose
heavy taxes, He should not rely on the mercenaries, in
case of war he should side with the weaker, The prince
must not be influenced at all by morality, use force
ruthlessly, use persuasion tactfully, act decisively, maintain
strong national army, a prince must speak with restraint
and care, a prince must have council of wisemen and
flstterers a prince must combine the qualities of a lion and
a fox, a prince should be loved as well as feared, don’t
touch the property of an individual )
• Machiavelli said “ It is not essential that the prince should
have the great qualities but it is essential that he should
seem to have them “
• Machiavelli is a Father of modern political thoughts.
• Machiavelli said “ I love my country more than my soul “
• Machiavelli said “ Religion and Moralities are for the
Ruled not for the Ruler “.
• Machiavelli was a product of a child of Renaissance “.
• Theory of power politics was forwarded by Machiavelli.
• Machiavelli was a favour of National Army.
• George Sabine said Machiavelli in a peculiar sense is the
political theorist of the masterless man.
• Separation of Ethics and Politics was the principle notion
in the philosophy of Machiavelli.
• Machiavelli wrote “ Discourse on the first decade of Titus
Livy in the year in 1513 and published in 1531.
• The Art of war is written by Machiavelli 1519-20 .
• Machiavelli ‘s Art of war echoes many themes, issues,
ideas and proposals from his earlier, more widely read
works ( The Prince and The Discourses)
• Machiavelli with his brother Totto begins the school of
Paola da Ronciglione in 1481.
• Dunning said “ The brilliant Florentine was in the fullest
sense the child of his time “
• Machiavelli was a first Medieval Thinker .
• Machiavelli praises Ceaser Borgia .
• Who are the most important representative of the power
view of sovereignty ( Machiavelli and Hobbes)
• Machiavelli ‘s prince was the symbol of Political Un-
Jeremy Bentham

• Jeremy Bentham was born on 1748 AD in London. He is a

founder of the doctrine of Utilitarianism. Bentham is a
founder of English utilitarianism.
• The work “ introduction to the principles of morals and
legislation “ belongs to Jeremy Bentham.
• Jeremy Bentham died on 6 June 1832 AD.
• Major works of Jeremy Bentham
1. Fragments of Government.
2. Essay on Political Tactics.
3. Introduction to the principles of morals and legislation.
4. Treatise on Judicial Evidence 1788
5. Discorse on civil and penal legislation 1802
6. A theory of punishment and award 1811
• Hume and Priestly influenced the Bentham to developed
the concept of Utility.
• Jeremy Bentham expressed the view, “ Nature has placed
mankind under governance of two sovereign masters pain
and pleasure “.
• Bentham believed in Legal rights.
• Bentham said, “ A sovereign is not at all bound to obey
rights of individual because he is source of all laws “.
• Bentham wants to give unlimited rights and powers to his
• According to Jeremy Bentham, Representative Democracy
is the only form of government which could give greatest
happiness to the greatest number of people.
• Reformative punishment was proposed by Bentham.
• Secret Ballot system of voting proposed by Bentham.
• Bentham is famous for Reforms of Prison.
• Bentham expressed the view, “ Whether an action is good
or bad should be judged from the happiness or utility
which it produces “.
• Bentham defined Rights, “ Rights properly so called are
creations of law properly so called “.
• Bentham claims that nature has placed mankind under
two sovereign masters “ Pain and pleasure “.
• Bentham claims that utilitarian calculations, “ Need not be
performed before each action but should always be kept
in mind “.
• Principle of utility as a formula was the idea of Jeremy
• Be claims that action are right or wrong in virtue of their
• According to Bentham, the principles of utility is
appropriately applied to ( individual and Govt)
• Felicific Calculus was the contribution of Bentham.
• Founder of utilitarian school of thought was Jeremy
• Concerning the relationship between morality and
theology, Bentham claims that, We must first know
whether something is right before we can know whether
it conforms to God’s will.
• According to Bentham, A moral sanction is pleasure or
pain inflicted by chance members of the community.
• Bentham defines the Fecundity of a pleasure or pain as its
chance of being followed by sensation of the same kind.
• Bentham criticized the social contract theory.
• Bentham claims that the sovereignty of the state was
limited by its treatise with other states.
• Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith regarded the institution
of private property as an essential instrument of social
John Stuart Mill ( J.S Mill )

• J.S Mill was born in the year 1806 in London and Died on
8th May 1873. He was an active public figure. J.S Mill was
educated by his father at Home.
• J.S Mill wrote “ On Liberty in 1859.
• J.S Mill regarded as champion of women ‘s right .
• J.S Mill said, “ A govt is to judged by its actions upon men
and by its actions upon things, by what it makes of the
citizens and what it does with them “.
• JS Mill ‘s ideas of Representative Government :
1. Public voting
2. Women suffrage
3. Educational qualification for voting
4. Property qualification
• JS Mill was the pioneer of Positive liberalism.
• JS Mill ‘s distinction between self regarding activities and
other regarding activities was, Departure from the early
laissez-faire individualism.
• JS Mill said, “ Over himself, over his own body and mind,
the individual is sovereign “.
• JS Mill pointed out that concentration of power in one
single chamber makes despotic.
• JS Mill pointed out that the right to vote is a public trust.
• JS Mill expressed, “ The only purpose for which power can
be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized
community is to prevent harm to others “.
• JS mill also the champion of Civil liberty.
• JS Mill supported franchise based on property saying that
“ The assembly which votes the taxes should be elected
exclusively by those who pay something towards taxes
imposed “.
• JS Mill argued that universal suffrage does injustice to
property owners.
• JS Mill recommended complete freedom of speech and
censorship in all cases irrespective of whether a view is
partially or wholly true or false.
• The thinker who has been characterized as a ‘ reluctant
democrat” is JS Mill.
• Single transferable vote system was suggested for
proportional representation by JS Mill.
• JS Mill favoured qualification as the basis for right to
• The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness
of the greatest number was postulated by JS Mill.

• Montesquieu was born on 18 January 1689 at De -La-

Bordeaux in France.
• Montesquieu’s real name was Charles Louis. He got law
degree in 1708.
• By profession Montesquieu was a Professor, Lawyer and
member of Parliament . His father was also a lawyer.
• Montesquieu was died on 1755 AD.
• The work Persian Letter belongs to Montesquieu.
• Montesquieu visited England.
• Montesquieu was much influenced by English Constitution
• Montesquieu was influenced by English constitution
because of Checks and balances.
• Power should be check to power “Montesquieu “
• Liberty is the right of doing what the laws permit
“Montesquieu “
• The political liberty of the subjects is a tranquility of mind
arising from the opinion each person has of his safety
• Idea of “ Separation of powers is given by Montesquieu.
• The system check and balances incorporated in the US
constitution was borrowed from the theory of
• According to Montesquieu “ The whole universe including
God himself is governed by certain laws.
• Montesquieu was a Political socialist.
• Montesquieu had influenced “ French Revolution “
• According to Montesquieu there are Three types of
Government ( Republican, Monarchic and Despotic)
• Works of Montesquieu :
1. The Persian Letters
2. On the greatness and Decline of Rome considerations
3. The Spirit of Laws (1748). Spirit of laws won great game
for Montesquieu.
• Spirit of laws has 6 parts and 31 volumes.
• Montesquieu by birth belongs to France.
• In his realistic theory of international politics Morgenthau
‘s autonomy of political sphere denotes to “Autonomy of
the political action in complete disregard to other
standards of thought “
• Montesquieu restricts forms of government upto 3.
• Montesquieu said “ when the legislative and executive
powers are united in the same person or in the same body
of magistrate, there can be no liberty.
• Montesquieu said, Political theory is to be found only in
Moderate governments.

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