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Locked Bag 7834 Canberra Bc, ACT 2610


Reference: 307 937 719K

Issue date: 06 September 2022

Miss Tika Maya Magar
1 Sheoak Ct

Your Centrelink Statement for Parenting Payment

This Centrelink Statement is for the period 15 Jun 2022 to 6 Sep 2022

Please check the information on this statement carefully. If the details on this statement are correct
there is no need for you to contact us. If your circumstances have changed please contact us within 14
days. This request is an information notice given under social security law. You may find it convenient to
keep this statement for your records.

Rate of payment - Your future rate of payment may change depending on the amount of your earnings,
other income or assets. We have not shown family assistance payments. Note that all the information in this
statement is from records we hold as at the issue date of the statement.

Regular rate of payment from 07 October 2022

Parenting Payment Partnered $608.70
Plus Energy Supplement $7.90
Total $616.60

Continued on the back

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Your reference number is 307 937 719K
Previous payments
Only your most recent (up to 8) regular payments are shown. This is the net amount you would have received into
your bank account. It may also include arrears payments and other allowances and supplements you may be
entitled to if these were paid to you separately from your Income Support Payment. We have not shown Family Tax
Benefit payments.
Centrelink period Payment type Date Paid Amount
11 Aug 2022 to 24 Aug 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 26 Aug 2022 $593.20
28 Jul 2022 to 10 Aug 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 12 Aug 2022 $593.20
14 Jul 2022 to 27 Jul 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 29 Jul 2022 $0.00
30 Jun 2022 to 13 Jul 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 15 Jul 2022 $593.20
16 Jun 2022 to 29 Jun 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 1 Jul 2022 $593.20
2 Jun 2022 to 15 Jun 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered 17 Jun 2022 $593.20

The following payments are included in the total amount paid which is displayed in the table that details
your previous payments.
Payment type Frequency Date last paid Amount
Energy Supplement Fortnightly 26 Aug 2022 $7.90
Note: You may have received more than one payment of each of the above payment types but only the last one is shown.

Changes to payment rate from 15 Jun 2022 to 6 Sep 2022

Date of change Rate component Amount paid
28 Jul 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered $585.30 pf
28 Jul 2022 Energy Supplement $7.90 pf
14 Jul 2022 Parenting Payment Partnered $0.00 pf
14 Jul 2022 Energy Supplement $0.00 pf
‘Date of change’ is the date the change took effect, and may be different from the date you told us about the change. If you
do not agree with these decisions to change your rate, ask us about your rights to have the decisions looked at again. You
can find more information about what to do if you think this decision is wrong by going to our website

Employment income - You need to tell us the gross amount of employment income you were paid in
the reporting period before tax and other deductions such as salary sacrifice.

Partner earnings
Centrelink period Amount
13 Jul 2022 to 26 Jul 2022 $2,787.00
Note: Your partner earnings shown above may be different from what you told us about if we have received newer
information. Amounts shown are fortnightly.

Working credit details

Date Current working credit balance
6 Sep 2022 1000

220906 BCH - 0 1 BL- 2

Your reference number is 307 937 719K

Income and Asset details - Income and Asset amounts may be assessed at a deemed rate. For
more information about deeming go to

Savings accounts
Savings institution Account type Account number Balance last Your
advised share
CASH ON HAND Other not recorded $60.00 5%
Note: Money in savings accounts may be assessed at a deemed rate. For more information about deeming go to our
Note: Current bank accounts with a zero balance will not be shown on your Centrelink Statement.

Other assets
Type Asset value Country Your share
(overseas only)
Note: An example of other assets may include cars, boats, household goods, life insurance, jewellery but does not include
savings accounts, managed investments, real estate in Australia or shares.

AUTOMATIC UPDATES - We regularly update some of your income and asset details automatically
based on information provided by various sources. If any of the following apply to you, it may change the rate of
your payment:
• On the first workday of each month the new exchange rate will be applied to any Foreign Pension and some income and
assets that are recorded in foreign currency.
• In March and September each year shares, securities and unitised managed funds values, both domestic and foreign, will
be updated.
• Throughout the year the changes in the asset value of financial investments, including savings and term deposits
accounts, or a change in the deeming rate will update the amount of deemed income.
• We use current market value when we assess your property. We apply an indexation amount to houses, townhouses and
units each year. This keeps the value current and ensures you get the right payment amount. Where indexation cannot
occur, we will determine if we need to update your property value every 2 years. For more information, go to and search for ‘real estate assets’.
• Each year the value of Commonwealth and State Government Defined Benefit Income Streams will be updated in line
with the fund’s Consumer Price Index.

Other details
Contact details
Home phone: not recorded
Email address:
Mobile phone: 0452 071 761
Electronic Message Reminders (SMS or email) contact: yes

If you have provided us with a mobile number or an email address you will automatically receive
Electronic Messaging Reminders via SMS or email. You may withdraw from this service at any time.


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