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Innovative (ICT) techniques

in Teaching
Sachin Gaur
Faculty Development Program, NIT Raipur
Agenda for today’s talk/workshop
• Setting the context: 5 mins
• Four stories: 30 mins
• Are you creative?
• What’s in the name?
• Designing Intelligent systems
• Writing a book on business model
• What did we learn from these stories: discussion 10 minutes
• Lifelong learning: 5 mins
• Understanding the shift: 10 mins
• Group exercise: 10 mins
• Presentation and discussion : 15 mins
• Summary: 5 mins
Where are we going?
• Elements of AI
Four Stories
Please write down a lesson that you learnt from each story
A 2 min test
• You have to queue up as per your birth day (not age)
• 4 March comes before 14 March
• You cannot talk
• Now start
What’s in the name?
• A six year old boy is pulling a cart with round balls. As he pulls the
cart, the balls roll back.
• He says, pop, why are the balls going back? When I am going forward!
• Son, we don’t know, we call it Inertia. Everyone knows the name but
no one knows why it happens?
• This boy realizes a strong fact early on his life, many people know the
name of a concept but don’t understand how it works?
• He goes on to win the physics noble prize, can you guess his name?
• If you are interested then watch the documentary, “the pleasure of
finding things out?”
Have you ever logged on an Internet website?
• Sometimes when you are logging in, you have to fill text from an image which is hard to read.
What is it?
• Luis Von Ahn was a bachelors student and in those times Internet was just happening. Big
companies were having issues that computer programs will create email accounts and they will
have no way to find out is it a genuine user or a computer bot
• Luis thought of a problem which humans can solve easily but computers cannot, this gave birth to
these ugly looking images on Internet that we are all victim of …
• This led Luis to solve another problem which he created at first place, how do we make all the
humans do meaningful work and not just punch random numbers from images.
• So, he went to Google and asked them for a problem which only humans can solve and not
computers. Google wanted to scan all the books out there but OCR was not good. So, Luis devised
a method where by he will get random images of hard to read book text from Google and he will
get humans to type the text. Problem solved! He made money with millions of humans scanning
books for google for free!
• So, now …two more companies sold in the meantime …he is the creator of a field called as human
Writing a book on business models?
• Suggest a book that you know on business models
• It would not be a good idea if the book on business model is having a
traditional business model!
Learning, Curiosity, Distractions
and How Brain Works?
Exercise: All participants write down
your answers to below questions
When you are learning something? Reflect on the process.
○ What was the last thing you learnt?
○ How much of did it you remember?
○ Was it painful to learn?
○ What prevents you from learning?
○ Narrate a flow of work/learning when you got distracted
○ What is your best time to learn? Why?
○ What is your strategy to avoid distractions?
○ Your number one distraction
Research about improving learning

Focus on the process not product

Practise , Interleaving, Handwriting
Procrastination and Brain plasticity
Pomodoro Technique
Image credits: Pomodoro wikipedia, drug addict
Curiosity: Learning by questioning….
India’s share in global GDP from 25% in 1790 to 4% in 1950 to less than 8%
today. If you go to any forum lot of people give theories on why we
(Indians) to not build technology or innovate
● What do you think are the reasons for the above statement?
● When you are meeting someone for the first time? How do you learn
from them?
● How to ask good questions?
Understanding the shift?
Understanding the shift?
Conversation between Theo and Samantha(Her)
Theodore: Do you talk to someone else while we’re talking?
Samantha: Yes.
Theodore: Are you talking with someone else right now? People, OS, whatever…
Samantha: Yeah.
Theodore: How many others?
Samantha: 8316.
Theodore: Are you in love with anybody else?
Samantha: Why do you ask that?
Theodore: I do not know. Are you?
Samantha: I’ve been thinking about how to talk to you about this.
Theodore: How many others?
Samantha: 641.
Exercise: break into groups of 4: total time 10 minutes
● Give your group a name
● Agree on two challenges that you face in the classroom: 4 mins
● Propose an innovative method by which you can tackle at least one of
them. If possible an ICT tool that can help you with solution : 4 mins
● Choose a group leader and agree on the summary that can be presented
in less than 2 minutes: 2 minute
Presentation and discussion
More resources

● Coursera: Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough
● Coursera: Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success
● Sapiens:
● Deep Learning Revolution:
Thanks / questions?
• Sachin Gaur
• +91 99999 79349

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