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srrud sed Syncs shy meen, ass Meaidsic tkeo, Roda, athe ass, Gear deere 34, stoneect, ©: t6-4-2010 085,809 93 2009-148 Re eeGsziees8 08-09 tm Bees: Sele: 2009-Mo Gmbm Arecdod oS arg, my, age, nist ba, sine wuapcise Pueed sweeps we decid BY Anco wdg, ootmots Necker wz. wegts : 1. HtFO es Koa aM 23BaMee.2008 amo¢ 2852-2009 sbey Sesird eckey OmL08:25-2-2010 2 ted AE Moshe $938 21/2009-14/ eoorieaans/ 2009-18 AmEo#: 1-7-2009 3H BED RY Moai: Gee/n3p8Ne/2009-14/ Strrierieed/2009-10 Qascd: [7-7-2009 a3 18-809 4 th ted sodas deals 9y/a3/Gae-sd.gesd/2009-10 GmDo% 312-00 DH Ried Megs Hoss: Ss /H3ADe 2000-14 BPs aor see8/2009-10 GEBOE: 203-2010 St tted Abed = os: deyypead,ae/n9-14/ Hetloir abdige$ 2010-11 aseow: 7-4-2010 7 somab genstod shrewd row: scz342/ sboskoreb/2008 QaRCt: 1S-4-2010 axles Honohaded, adesd (I) ¢ Xero velesttod 2009-40 gy dee wedRavank, SBCs THY Bos voce stoma gmogned aos Sede evden sey Comme Podyivsy, wunad, exited aay ceasineod xadaad Bees For Aeows woeows Sey some wevalty Rover achat got DRS WHUOS ceMncrios (Koma senectcd sO Boy Sm aay Amcccies me CoMRSS “oriews merle raid gesered aaacs dx amos verawinvsh, Bede Bas) 20g widen meh OokeDsneh, shomedd anaes wees ageD amnexauvokes, aacaseond, key aa sworbsictod emged (7) dQ sormcd aeesiowy 2009-148 BrwOe pwohod OOF smeosen Aomot By Dowmes sey Aeconed shy, Oevows OMAT RMS wr OMOs 1-4-2010 ood smori aesod mone Omres OMCs mookdmacd vor nudoda, Sevarmeyd. sorediow Deck, intern onaad. ch vOxaddotod mere meta) (4) dQ mols Ader see, weg Emde seocment demos ehmodos war EmMosNe ag, ATOs Dy dodmehe se, Aeron? me, Amos c.arsde sepwe, Omwor:ls—4- 2010600 sunt wosod «ds chaed ongachs amrirsedohod Aetien cleg omy oH Aderstcories gay amen soda. egde mem, mas Sys me ReohO, wromartd add esr gros pusierh ctnmgoe Bey, Dowd Ss Racond ny Demos game sy debs wi] Maeve, RowaArAT BOBO, Seog, sadeort baROM Bowe Awad. soorbadaed, sumed me Sandtod shay Aarons wy commoner oi}, sgobQ agg zped hecleo marke ot UT] AMneTNGES Tigao wil g avons) sears SOONER, SnDs Saratowg dod, dcor mgaes o1 shad Sesieens. re tet) . eee omg greonpaA, werke Acker sect GrRod soe seria, wens, donied Bohm, awdee / soba gama sobact 1, BFOS Bod wobroberis, anetes, abe Erede aevsd, aemPG orden -ond saimadien xgad. | Beerccs mobrdkervh (xicd,), sete, Sow §ymedT aeeal, LmoaAPa, dondaw. ARFOD MOMFHBFMD (BORE Bey Nose), vOrd aoe, QMARG, woriteo. . aR Acker yds, dmeLE Te, Brom og, Bshod, Ux, oritand-52 . a aaeee Aderede, SOT OOAR, Sem sexe 0%, Dhes Gas, sorted 6, SAMRE Acer IID, Fartan'aes, cowodwaris, Gymdee ameies, clonieoy—44 7. soange, auttes, Zor geeal, TROQATID, siorisem. - aS skebéri a orf, eo wQeori¥ Nabe, sdeo decdeons. 8, GoMIeD, ane aoa gary] eral, Asser oz, elorsac. 0, wages, ombane, Gaderer shat, vod SYA Aosd, 9996, #.28.0%, sonse0. 10, SRgod. margudediat Gar TORODA TOBY, (U.S), HITE OmuaT-emr es, lade ager,’- 28¢ Tos, sohmante, Consec-8. IL, wages, meNodR, 2/106, 178 BAT, seria dH, Quon, Soriiac—dd. we rhea 1, BGs atiersech (ewes / aoartace / 3 / RHQ, RxD, Ho, giro, sondan 13 pra, Row sdondiatt 14, shoal, Aowiredeh, Gees, use ces, asses 3g, corte 1S, oH REErGerMs, Sea, wget shy cogs Emo adaw, SoG, sorika, we wmatecdsne, ood, meg wptaract roe AcE DEH (MOSE Fees), mea, DH, Erode mou Ader sdes (s2cSe dace), ae doreac. 19, siginyse Acke secs, taerky eunlesr Org, Ou wats, 3ke shee, dort Be Adersdc, Satin, dave dx, donsacb-l. 2L SISARSE Ader ssc, LAKodn, was AS, doriten. 22, wows Arkrdddy (Ghacad / 29a), dog weéra, dordecb. 23, xemohe Sclerseth (mege), Gare, How dled, dorMac, 24. eos Briers sad shay rostaodd) eeg erases soc, 25, mB DoE BE (OB)/ (4,8)/ (Woarraoay (wE8)/ (waeSY (ROeges) (wcavce)/ dod sr0, derided. 26, deygmories, (Sexe)/ (a Bodoega), Seog} eked, vebeo wi 27, Kamae Acerzdch (fa)/ 4)/ (SoaTfaoey (MHF) (wos wod)/ (Brick aoay sadyo), HO, Bede, slorisvart, 18, wedco ZS. Der wee mre mohewd AAS. sooae, Amon oy haa 5, EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF STAMP DUTY & CONCESSIONAL REGISTRATION CHARGES UNDER 2009-14 POLICY, Slamp duty to be paid in respect of loan agreements, credit deeds, mortgage and hypothocation deeds executed for availing only term loans from State Govt. and/or State #mancial Corporation, Industrial Investment Development Corporation, National Level Vinancial Instiustions, Commercial Banks, RRBs, Co-operative Ranks, KVIB:KVIC, Karnataka State SGST Development Corporation [Now Dr.B.R.Ambdekar Development Corporation|, Karnataka State Minority Development Corporation and othe: institutions which may be notified by the Government from time to time for the initial period of [5] five years and for lease deeds, lease-cumn-sale and absolute sale deeds executed by industrial Enterprises in respect of Industrial plots, sheds, industrial tenements, by KIADB, KSSIDC, KEONICS, KSHDC, Indusivial Co-operatives and approved private industrial estates shall be exempted for Manufacturing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Selec:ed Service Enterprises fisted at Annemure-2; Large and Mega industries both for establishment of new enterprises or for expansion, diversification and medemization of existing industries as below: Zone-1 160% Zone-2 100% Zoned 75% Zone-4 Ni For all Joan documents & Sale deeds as specified above, the Registration charges shall be availabie ata concessional rate of Rs.1 pet R3.1000. ‘The exemption of stamp duty snd concessional registration charges are also applicable to Iands purchased under Section 169 of the KLR Act and also for direct purchase of industrially converted lands for the projects approved by SHICC / SESWCC | DISWCK. ‘This incentive will also be applicable for the land transferred by KLADB to land owners zs compensacion for the land acquired. ‘Che exemption of stamp duty and concessional registration charges are also availble for registration of final sale deed in respect of lands, sheds, plots, industrial tenements ater the expiry of lease period at che rate as specified in the Indastrial Policy which was in vogue at the time of execution of lease-cum-sale deed, NOTE Joint Directors, District Industries Centres, shall file quaxterly statements to Head Office in respect of Stamp Dury Exemptions issued co MSMEs and SLSWCC cases in the prescribed format od in Annexure —29. atk 5.1. Procedure to claim Stamp Duty Exemption & Concessional Registration Charges: The eligible enterprises shall apply to the officers mentioned below along with the required documents, [ Sector Officer with whom the application to be filed. — | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | Joint Director, District Industries Centre, | and the large projects cleared by SLSWCC Meetings e | Large and Mega industrial projects Director, Department of Industries & Commerce cleared by SHLCG | ‘The documents to be furnished by the enterprise for claiming stamp duty exemption and concessional registration charges are given below: a, Applicetion in plain paper / letterhead, Copy of the IEM acknowledgement part I/II or industrial license. ©. Copy of Term loan sanction order in case of loan agreements, credit deeds, mortgage and hypothecation deeds. OR d. Copy of Shed / land allotment order, possession certificate, lease deed/leuse-cum sale/absolute sale deed in case of industrial land / plots/sheds allotted by KIADB/KSSIDC/ KEONICS) KSIIDC/ Industrial Co-operatives/ approved private industrial estates, &. Copy of Revenue Department permission & other related documents for purchase of land under section 109 of KLR Act. §. Copy of Project Repor duly signed by the promoter, 8. Copy ofsingle window clearance committee approvals obtained by individual enterprises if any. The concerned office after verification of eligibility of the enterprise has to issue the Stamp duty exemption & Concessional Registration Charges certificate to the enterprise in accordance with the Revenue Departments notifications and in prescribed format as in Annexure-17 (A or B). However, while purchasing the converted land, the Stamp Duty Exemption and concessional registration charges shall be extended only if the same is not claimed earlier, ANNEXURE-17 A Format for issue of Stamp Dury Exemption Certificate under 2009-14 policy for Loan documents. Government of Karnatake Department of Industries & Commerce No: Office of the Directex/ Joint Director, District Industries Centre CERTIFICATE Subject: Exemption of stamp duty and concessional registrution charges to MB a Ref: J, G.ONo.C1 233 SPT 2008, Dated 28-02-2009 and 25,2.2010 2. Revenne Department Notification No. RD 342 Munomn 2008 Ht. 15.4.7010 3. Units letter No. and Date This is to centify that; represented by Sti Proprictor, Partnar/Managing Directorate Director is a new industrial enterprise’ enterprise underuking new industrial investment under Expansion/ Diversification’ Modernisation. which has been issued with [EM acknowledgement from District Industries Cente/Govt. of india vide No. dated, manufacture of, () This industrial enterprise is located in Zone in terms of the 2009-14 package of Incentives and Concessions vide GO.No.CL2337SP 1/2008 dated: 28-2-2008 and 25.2.2010 has been categorised at Micro/small/medium/large/mega enterprise. (iii) ‘The industrial enterprise has been sanctioned financial assistance ie term loan of Rs. by _.. (mention finencing agency} for establishment of a enterprise for manulacture of with a project cost of Re (jv) The enterprises proposal is also approved in the DISWCC/SLSWCG/SHLCC vide letter dated () Certified that this enterprise is eligible for exernption from payment of stamp daty to an extent of 100% / 75% and reduction in Registration charges 10 Rs.i/+ only for OQ Ma. S08 every Rs. 1000/- value in respect of loan agreements! credit decds/ mortgage/ hypothecation deeds executed for availing term loans. (vi) Tt is further certified that the enterprise is not one among che 25 categories of industries listed as ineligible in Annexure 4 of the Package of Incentives and Concessions 2009-14 vide GO No. CL.233/SP1/2008 dated 28-2-2009, Joint Director, DIC or Director, Industries and Commerce Department, bE ANNEXURE-17 B Format for issue of Stamp Duty Exemption Certificate uader 2009-14 policy for Land! Plot registration, Government of Karnataka Departinent of Industries & Commerce No: Office of the Direccor/ Joint Director, District Industries Centre Dated: TIFICATE Subject: Exemption of stamp duty and concessional registration charges to M/s scene Ref: € G.O.No. CL233.5P1.2008 Bangalore Did : 28-2-2009 and 25.2.2010 3 RD.Notification No.RD 942 Munomu 2608 ue.15.4.2010 iti, Letter from Mis. iv, Allocment letter No. ‘This is to certify that; Gh Mie, _ represented by Sri Proprietor, Partnet/Managing Directarate/ Director ia 2 new industrial enterprite/ enterprise undertaking new industrial inyestment under Expansion/ Diversification! Modernisation, which has beon issued with IFM acknowledgement from District Industries Centre/Govt. of India vide Ne. dated__ for manofacture of (i) ‘This industaial enterprise is located in Zone ‘in terms of the 2009-14 package of Incentives and Concessions vide CO.No.CI.233/SPI/2008 dated: 28-2-2009 and as been categorived at Micro’ stnall/ mediumy large/mega enierprise. (ii) The enterprise hav been allotied an industrial plov’shed cenements meesuring Sqamus/ Acres by the Karnatska [ndl.Areas Development Board! KSSIDC/ KEONICS/ KSIDC/ ndusirial cooperatives and approved private industrial estates for establishment of che industry at industrial area, vide Alloument Letter/Order No. dated __. ‘The enterprise has purchased .. 30, murs’ acres of land under Section 109 of KLR Act / The enterprise has purchased ..... sq. mtrs of industrial converted land with the approval of DLSWCC/SLSWCC/SHLCC, (iv) The DESWCC'SLSWCC/SHLCC has approved the project proposal of the enterprise vide their letter No. () Certified that as per item (iit) above, the enterprise is eligible for exemption of stamp duty to an extent of 100%/75% and reduction of registration charges to Re.1 per thousand in respect of lease deed, lease-cum sale and absolute sale deeds, (vi) I is further certified that the enterprise is not one among the 25 categories of industries listed as ineligible in Annexure-4 of the Package of Incentives and Concessions 2009-14 vide GO No.CI 733 SPI 2008 dated 28-02-2009. Director, Industries and Commerce Department’ Joint Director, District Industries Centre ANNEXURE-29 FORMAT FOR FILING QUARTERLY STATEMENT TO HEADOFFICE IN RESPECT OF STAMP DUTY EXEMPTION ISSUED TO MSMEs (ie, quarter ending as on .............) UNDER 2009-14 POLICY PART—A: In respect registration of land/ plot documents. oe Product | Purchased T Areaof | Category ofthe | Sale deed St | Nameand No, | address of the form whom j plot/shed jenterprise SC/ST’! valueof | 1 enterprise | PH/ Women) . plovished. Ex-Sevicemen) | La 2 + 3,4 : L 6 7 Whether | Location | Percentage of | Date ofSDE ] _Newor ‘Remacks micro! small/| (ie,zone) | Sump Duty | Certificate | expansion medium / and policy | Exemption i extended. | ” 3 10 i Rn 1 Certified that the above entexprises are actually eligible for Stamp Duty Exemptioa. 2, Cemified that che sbove enterprises have been issued with Stamp Duty Exempsion after cbtaining all the required documents, TD, DIC. DISTRICT. PART- A: In respect af zegistration of Loan decuments. St | Nameand | Product; Nameofthe] Loan | Category ofthe | Sale deed No, | address of the Bank Amount enterprise (SC/ST/| value of |) enterprise j i. PH Women/ ; ploushed, t . Fx-Setvicemen) | 1 2 3 4 3 6 7! Whether ‘foeation | Percentageof | DatecfSDE | Newor | Remarks | micro/small/ | (2. zone) | Stamp Duty | Céttificate { expansion medium | and policy |- Rxemption oh extended. too 8 9 wi ily 2, 3, Certified thet the above enterprises are actually eligible for Slamp Duty Exemption. 4. Certified that the above emerprises have been (ssued with Stamp Dury Exemption after obcsining all the required documents, JD, DECosenany DISTRICT. SS0E | mea: ) biptea =f): oir ort | yet ves: pam 4 samews a Hoag: 20g 942 shdeeats 2008 drorud Herds ame, nababaady digo, sorte, Gawo08i9.04 2010. eGateats DeROBLE.CG.2006 0 wwordss eed Hoaly: 2m SIO om*ZD 2005 deg 2008-2011 dad aedadeddos, GrnOm Nedabaly, geuanerfiay, de Sesadyab exue agadecrba aig, added, dag grederived evgeadt Reade ygowod dmead uvagod mond WOT (997 G sade davERe sand) Fao 9 G ovat geo (ft) 3g morie Soca woond 1908 (Beoheab mek iso XVI de wok) doo 78 cy addend weedy aveane BmR0F:0104.2006 Bod G1.08.20n dad mababydiaiod. albagor ays Ams she, Aneodd chee cag kamen wBxews dose dom 08 aivsleeaty 2007, O208:26.05.2007 dey aay ANBORM7 12.9007 dey arciest Brecbaberarray, 2 thuocbaldatod, weeds ude wos: 20 260 antam 2008, BRBOF:28.02.2008 aba) 25.02.2010 dod, 2000. 14 dad aabobyrbwos, Bas Yyrdse Aesaday, abrlewtch, ve dredso aedobgad sozzeh agankrrbs (@oe euchebrhb dyrvewa agdws ; saeddm ; haQedde aieeniirs deOcios) Wy, oS ag spd anid, awe abe ara vorpabriens eogens Reubss aygowod, vermride Revdacd wdaeetd Soa: #og 108 ainaleesty 9c07, Ganod: 96.08.2007 shh QmR0017.12.2007 ay symOor amor artes sowrichkeow, emmcad sugod send, 1957 (1857 b a7ae Farad s2ENd) ¥D0 Sd aod ZOOL) dg merle decods sowed 1908 (feofe0d mal woe XYT de vow) soo 78 Uy gugme voxdvm, aeons dew sie 2e8 2009-14 dev Adegubadod, eabood—1 Uys dood 1, 2 abs) a dy agodeorhd cudgéoriurt 2 dddod atucgoe shyly aneane abe Aozoded shecey cag eB wdeBsd, doah 4 J obedkde amaws | doimons gdaan, ea) earg weed “Bish eagle aay Bresead Rog, Vaan Bybee wowand | [RaQ shay emayQ arab, cag abyct rove mogriw, odes anomie, apMeSs TRMEG aod. Aaleod amorrkb, wb | [ebay cgsteedagert chowe, wo aba) rycineiayes wanciat, saerad sO3q aa / soricirid wed Orie. dave cony we | | Boargo whe ath ob aaerdaod MOBWexZ arboaiad shed devatca ag ozreod 626 mo adobes dwaderd | me SOD. BEF Gear, edeind sisted sleds acd deteriut ‘dg. swayed eee Joab it) (2) 89 82.100 vay aria j doa (9) Ug de75 day amows Read #) Beer YyriOso ddeawsihe showy, dwmcud akg “grooerid oomhQ Grind, dmrud adkead ww,8 drab, deed drwdv : modaed BRAS abd wealG arta, dreds aead Sogis) dep woted,s ath dmdee Smaak! aad dyrwbeo Sales, siedrivd, GyrwOm dytisinh, adobe eodairid anadedd chat ag, | rbgriob gabsg, edg goles douteod ciepelenorurt aoagor | Lbydg deab (1) abe (2) dy de 100 dab aba avad() dg Se. | | 70 vay excoms ead I a) Biorud Be xoged Babs, 1961 b Agut 109 d AobaG gow | ebe@abal mavend addy SHLCC/SLSWCC/DLSWCC Heo lerbdechdaos vodgsbrih — gyeOkerieiie § — aOadeedaet | ‘waved, wOebaky ald ale crewevOr sim aghen dats20agg ‘poadae daaes.cnot arreowiba saved dgterte ce | domeos egag dead (1) abe (2) dg de. 100 dal aay aloob | (3) dy de. 75 dak aaeans BEG. sey ABCOTB _edetdee Batons —~ Bhenod (wo) 80 (a) adr ney Gagdeaortvr BB 1,000/-doid BPrg woud deasomabos Aneotded abey ABAdaed. 3. hongow abe) Arecuied aby amwoms / Dodecwas saber exbaod 2 more 3 Uy ariGsi@dchdos dreds abey aeclay goraoh wdsadrived cyBeddsigg gaigteh, cayelear Saco xebobug acAabgeh oe zuighy qabedledOad aroaBad sspeded shed aiegy auagod abe | Aeeowed Bbq Bateans Lena ar} dOdens dagdearrivay, neous ancsgah 4, heed aaatdeci aagod wey ameows ads) Sotmons ddd Aecoued Ded Grade aseds, aay, grew wyurid aedosniagriy ee - vo~ xeer em edd dohd ovd dmddeyeorbd wosad gob syae wgobeerbys, ce aod wen? vo-meet Beat raAdeour emgobey wrote Redo goad arigaidardss cid eganaidycy 5. abed Redeerba awomgow hey QmVows ads) almvocied abeycign! 8a8q) wadoog—4 dy daedicbe! 25 drole adeaiadrivd eqommOo, “6. ke asmews / soimowdaly woteadob Gasosiod Manos: 91.09.2044 dddrh ang welparbact dmeeue Uaagmad edema abel sds Bedong. £6) ‘eh . ee 7 errict eed sahedae. Fommeb qoral (Anew ade) caged) vnei0d: sovedvedc, dawewe coagsis, dorhiecds - shvods aged Somtohe gewion eerie 1000 yerivay, adAde decd, 2 1) abaaeienmRadd, Bavewe, Sorted. 2) dmedd goed wobedderith, ees quai, Sqas wqi, Soddaw 9) aevedd gigas mabrdderieh, sneiay cba) Gres goes’, aorikac 4) Amcodss abaexdaeged sarin siumgoer# voLnyd. dlorided. 6) adlerweih, dyrw08 shey aoway goed - aevalod ogy soe aierde marie ova AderdYcriet de sede yooda, Hehae Bemdos adersd aedootd. 8) aug aug Hacodwolectrith / cog evel Sorotimadertrish — deeods abaowaegdd choanosd 2) timay dora | dyrmOn aiatald ery meabeniOr, OVEN Ps, aoridew. 8) deactis TOOWFUAETKD, Cowwab auvd (Asia Aelraked) gad aeqQoes wal dewobddh. 9) deecdd wa mabedEcrit, dood genet aid eg} Saaabsch. tol man dye add / deys8 garth, waroon - 1 eogead shay ccdwobanuad, Qedeo Teasers doctbeend deersda —_ | 2 | Beob-0 aeab-9 dead a | af | mee) wxos | ws ws fonen | Seab-w dreedade 1 aos acd | nodied hoe . = | peconbetey | BWodod Beever . i Soa | exemeacey | | 6" [Romie eT eo j ne 2 1 | Aoridnch sng i 7 dockdach (349) docdach (eazie) rs i og Saqaugiid | Sametaedt deatiodo DaND Sas ye anda i @ | aeeboe eae” | RESET, aaa \ Heetsomach t | asuodd j i i aged | aE © |e Tams TT weit | eclach Heals eae = mated Bod a Poardiecs | Seay i | Sowreted =| Saar = ~~ aaa | Saeed mon : omnia ! Qeamesao “3 aay z OS | dards | 1 seccdy | Ff adebaiacd 00 | mide | Sichciedet “ ° ~aicbalack : abode | edexss | astaach i chy, ace, | atdemabatiag i smocs ab a cer walpd | borhan memeies evel sorbed source ss aacboes Reid aid Sagoee "| eieodiach oF agreed ayaa aaad apie ceed Bay, a we abi CRs BORE (eattaedenint Roms orzo) shakes aris, ators wbotdacd (rorknedenier zoms) adware waned ecedd aajriod yp, | Badacttabd seeach [Bzeesais oF tae Bake aerboad- Sel, acondod | Doe aay, sarktods Sor ded sags Secoriaiys sped Hye [eae REED dealsidced | oddeeadd oem eae ; some | actos | eigionennti, Rraeedoaicr ahead, (wrcieedeciar Roza} aa ae aq | secba seeb-S ede i Beals mez} weg | saéoded § koded add; boobed mmasezie | smencbriels Boal; | seeeencieb a wie ra we ores mone oa Tas aonded oF BaBEE r [30 ge ce, Sado | gee ; ia) BaaTor | war ad i exons | | Bodeer | : ! [deter | I 30 | omadaec* Oa | daca fe) mea ingot 2a | Sage Camco ae | ae | ohepie 22 | Geobabedy fom | domed ‘coated : ang sodictecs | ! 28 aD eadeaned ado |sudaed lezlaos ‘og Bdrme oO Tea ae | A | Soeme apaeaid | aad, deo pate oracle : aapem Ld oboe | ! [es a _ 7 aay | eeab-o 1 qoab-o 7 geaba abst wort BOo! ages | es hocted | soca Sprodaby Side | docked | smectite | coerebried | coded seeneicieh Hog} | seemeiciet Te eT = [eagaesd | we | ats ' i zndened, 08, Aode ane ; Sane Tecan ‘$8 svodtioed | sidocbod j j | sidchost lees, Sctieg adsded | xan sinker | = aes an 2s, Ee ads” Becind j j sorters i ! ohegEho | tamgyic j woke i txgebd | axbae aay Tee | ar wo oe m3 ~~ eabaog—2 2009-l4d dymdz PeSobaob mod wWeny arf sketoed woey absb, Sxagow ave, Savon, agab d,Bredee Rigo axed, Gabor BS _ _-tx6rt stougor she, cba, Aarenied abe, Cota’ Bettie se OS wrt, wogem:Lrizerd unite sosishm/233/ant0/2008 Bmor; 282.2009 atsai, 25.2.2010, i (vil 2Romant: semat wAsiaeist womans — jxaonkatainn/2000 Aaeos: 3a Sad Be soni: _GxDoe LB BRowRd ( momind / aemyme siete OGD HSAQws ny, wage shew snore sHveaAchy (Ox Ie /eHeddee/ AOA sade dtactay: Yyrmowe wows, uncle genatats RIS src ay woaly @mor: doe JEMIIL ay soawaz. SB PBleR) WN-dTe meee Reeds sedaRwS Mash! gyrmdw 8 soe RaD/DBI/OAHD/2009 eForviad Seow: 28-02-2009 v Hee emo KeweerEl wedisadeivs seh, Colmevsivod soot ___ dd, mderhectinys were cherwd / chem, / mgm ) ay / Bary moja cond opewexcd eo wocebe, _ Ge Deca macet)/alod, Dad Semadat) dado oe wah mudd, oe Bars wydd, : ingaalal, seindven mhosed Rade. Bt BOs gmAs ahommstadsy DLSWCCISLSWCCISHLCC usted &: Bde wad Sefadd, umbshordacsas. TH NEAR eA mo Swan baal mo rw/ERe! ae /eden/ wrotct ataiY ekomgod coy? de. 100 / 75 Galy, Oodecte, mene Reratbove, desea SF Zs ae. 1000/-%, dal/-y, ang masteo veroMEmA ,BeeObes. 2NA2ase aI WeerUs Koss wow eB waon Emote Arcee wvd.essrive moss, ColmavSriveteyriecs avprd ech? muah: An/233/a%he0/2009 oreads Baow2k2-100d swabmog—t) abeBkcs ond mat abe, Selma’ Hert eiatemance 25 ALG tywOdrve, H gts SeOwPoy Ao oOo. eos Acleroed, wey, dyreteo Heo, een xoll Oobveveos (yu), Foc) Feed. sforivens. r a i) @ ty Wi) 2WO-Hd Yymdeo SrBatalod drmdee delve /avet OOO aigde ort saowd me, mes, aloo MMMeML SRG was Boss kD/2/awWSH/2NK Boeor: 28.2.2009 aay, 25.2.2010. ~ eabaog-3 swTgos soe, Oatmay, cLRevon syd waked. dane ds { cot ehimgee ty, axe, mode me, Satecs a,Oreie ig Oras art, 2aommad seme eRe? soafdou/ — /miorkeews/2009 een Sato Gao wg ook Breer; ' 4 THOS AGO BFE, GAG Srnbbations aig ao WF Bade / moumind /Rystogald dutlYcod _dH GAOGxamy, GH giles sted ¢ymore Grid eynobEy; Eyes am, me semsioh/wedd daria x Yoo; —_ Bamoe dod TEMIL wy, saad ss. WBE WO-Lste mar eed aaTBLOS Sede Amore Ord dose NO/IS3 aOR /20N9 orivend QMoe 28-02~2009 J ged gymederert dedenrva | qodpowrivs nbs, Oodedbsrived Soak ___ 0, MSS mGayj sore ahecwa / Ge, | oaks | rey, / hay weigh som wybevoked, St mame Coad /tortarPDBK/Iolartel Mamtamar/aodtyove® tae waldelnr Mad / wadalerde tymor Eeewaeeos kde / | wed aber /dateriny Gesbediny eva iy FouROKO coud wuhbE DS. UGee HOG dootuct meal, Roba la wed ehbest) woes dt wae - bem ---o¥d | Bowere Gedo, Bavlatane~ | asfouostangeR/ ontatfoasht vabsieeitoked me BAicuast. we gles gmde oseravabey, DLEWCCISLEWCCISHLCC dao O:_ doa woh eae HePoic8, wxitorBhicrm 8. Br shed gro: illcoe ee vunjsa) Aateea/seri/kiaetoktel Sent-deat/Orat— Wornver Bea / WHY SE sirowa tweloire) Borges sien) se 100 / 75 Gat, Goincte, wore Becctobd, cease SYS YS ae. 1000/- % dels Ring mMAga: vateOooews w,BeweRel, 208-2014se MRO Aer alse Hyrmow eB wala dyed Arcluorlial es pa Tw, osrectaaritmeyertcced nro wed, Hosi: h&/233/0R8229/2000 | efortvteds Smovii-2-2009F waywom—ddd, SAIRORT evs ted me ocdncds Hert watirmoncta 25 DOs Yymesiree, st POG weodoRBesood of PradOkel. mots DeeTTeS, woe syne fog, vel, weqime soll Latrewwe (yee), aera, Peo waked, worded exmog — 4 eodean abah eateobarieri ederend yeese swale) ge arcade 3 | Rd Radead ae} soeae Higl Wg SAT aey Sad Sadie) [a beaten | ORRe SEG" ERG Qoum, canoe wadaess marolners edgenortiday, saivorbs ude t 2 | modane ciey dg doladma Bae ¥ | Badine Ayaolee cbey dee sogde deogskh g | aateeos aay Cates aborted c, Caavobad dngiid ROS Gus 2 | EheOHE MOC BES /TiIOLAS ayy, ObeDAE ZoYST IMs Ziged agd dealer sch ag;son8 decoded i dehy Socind Bear - 7 20, Acie, hy ay Soe EEROS IGA 8 = To eaccas® Dal oobeget SIS 0 cherie] Bee aa |adimea? 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