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Part 1

1. What’s the most interesting part of being a student?

I'm having much fun living the student lifestyle and getting to know people. But I

like getting to grips with (nắm bắt) all the new concepts and developments in the field. It's exciting

to see what the future might hold and how it relates to theories and patterns (hình mẫu) from the


2. What’s the most difficult part of being a student?

Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. There are so many assignments, and students are

always under much pressure to meet deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake.

They are entirely predictable, and I can pretty much breeze (dễ dàng) through them with a bit of

revision (sửa đổi).

3. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?

If I had a chance, I would go for doing business, especially selling stationery items. I love it because

I can work flexible schedules without being stuck behind a desk. Moreover, I can likely earn more

money as there is no minimum wage for being self-employed.

4. Is your house a convenient location for you?

Well, I live in a house which is conveniently located in a central village. So, it doesn’t take a lot of

time to travel around my hometown. My house is also in a semi-commercial (bán thương mại)

residential (dân cư) area and it is close to many shops, and my secondary school.

5. Is your house similar to other ones in the area?

Well, I would say that my house is completely different from other ones in my hometown. My flat is

in a new high-rise building in the city center. The design is ultra-modern, so there’s a lot of glass and

concrete (bê tông) and steel (thép) – and not a lot of wood to be seen as others in the area.

6. What do you like about the area where you live?

I love the area that I live in. It's a vibrant (sôi động) and lively (náo nhiệt) neighborhood (khu

phố) with plenty of shops, cafes, and restaurants. I also appreciate (đánh giá cao) the easy access to

public transportation and the beautiful parks nearby. Overall, it's a fantastic place to call home.

7. Do you enjoy your free time more now than you did when you were a child?
I would say that my leisure time experiences have evolved. As a child, I filled my free time with

unstructured playtime, outdoor adventures, and spending time with family. Now, as an adult, I

appreciate the balance between relaxation, social activities, and personal pursuits. Leisure time

provides me with an opportunity to unwind from the stresses of work, recharge my energy, and

engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

8. What free time activity would you like to try in the future?

I suppose it depends on my mood. If I feel energetic, I’d like to have a crack at exciting sports like

football to be more flexible and get into shape. On the other hand, I’d like to take up some

instrumental music. I find it very relaxing and interesting to play some piece of music when I feel


9. What do you do at the weekends?

Most of the time, I have a lie-in since I don’t have to go to work on weekend mornings. Then, I

usually spend the rest of the day indulging myself by playing games, watching movies, or surfing my

Facebook newsfeed to let off steam after a busy week. Once in a while, I invite my friends to pay a

visit to the nearby shopping center to have a cup of coffee and gossip about what has happened


10. What kind of music do you like listening to?

For me, I am interested in traditional instrumental music, like pianos and guitars. It is an impressive

combination that can give you both nostalgic and modern feelings. Normally on rainy days, opening

acoustics songs and sing along to my favorite Vũ hits, have a cuppa, and let my hair down, music

will do the rest.

11. When do you usually listen to music?

Well, whenever I have some spare time, I turn on some music to relax. I usually listen to cheerful

music when I need motivation whereas sad music is my go-to choice when I’m in a bad mood. My

favorite singer is Taylor Swift.

12. What changes would improve the area where you live?

There have been some exciting developments in the area recently. One of the most significant

changes has been the construction of a new shopping mall nearby, which has sparked excitement and
interest among residents. Furthermore, public transportation has seen improvements, with additional

buses and trains added to the route, resulting in less travel time and congestion on the roads.

13. What’s the best part of your day when you are studying?

Well, I would say that the best time to study is early morning. The fresh air and quiet space give me

the best conditions to concentrate on my study. According to scientists, early morning is a good time

to remember information easily.

14. What changes would improve your typical day?

To be upfront, I'm quite pleased with my daily schedule now as I have been making constant

improvements on that list to make the most of my day. However, as greedy as it sounds, I wish I had

more than 24 hours per day to learn and develop myself even more.

15. Have you ever had an interview for a job?

Once I applied for an English tutor position and was interviewed by four people, it was tough but I

successfully passed it. Job interviews can be a nerve-racking (lo lắng) experience for me but now it’s


16. Do you like interviews?

Well, I wouldn't say I liked the interview very much. It made me feel very tense and nervous like

taking an exam. It was tough once I applied for an English tutor position and was interviewed by

four people, but I successfully passed it.

17. Is it easy to find a job where you live?

Finding a job isn’t easy globally, including in my hometown, Hai Phong. The competitive job market

requires educational qualifications, relevant experience, and domain-specific skills. However, part-

time jobs are easy to find for students in café and stores.

18. What problems do people who can’t find a job face?

Job seekers face several common challenges, including confusing (khó hiểu) application processes,

unclear job descriptions, long drawn-out (kéo dài) interview processes, and feeling like they’re not

qualified for a role.

19. Why do some people dislike their jobs?

There are a multitude of reasons employees find themselves disliking their jobs. The leading three

factors are unfair pay, underappreciation (đánh giá thấp), and lack of communication. Therefore,

unhappy workers often leave for greener pastures, disrupting business operations and requiring

businesses to hire replacements.

20. Tell me about the school you went to when you were a child.

My secondary school, which is namely Đông Phương, was located right in the middle of my
hometown and was within walking distance from my house. That’s why it only took me about 10
minutes to walk to school every single day. All the walls were painted in multiple bright colors,
whose main purpose was to create a sense of enjoyment for students to go to school every day.

21. Did you enjoy going to the school you went to when you were a child?

School experiences can vary significantly for me so I like going to school. The quality of teachers

and the friendships I form can greatly impact my enjoyment of school. In addition, extracurricular

activities, such as sports, arts, or clubs, can enhance happiness at school.

22. In what ways is higher education different from school?

There are several differences between high school and university. For me, the factor that can be

easily seen is independent learning. In high school, all new content was covered in class and

homework only reinforced what I had already learned. When I got to university and started learning

independently, I found it difficult to find content and information covered in lectures.

23. Which school subjects did you enjoy most when you were at school?

The subjects I enjoyed the most in school were English literature and history. I wanted these subjects

because they allowed me to explore different cultures, societies, and historical periods, and to

develop my critical thinking, analysis, and communication skills. They also stimulated my

imagination, empathy, and curiosity, and encouraged me to pursue further studies and interests in

related fields.

24. Were there any subjects at school you disliked?

Subjects I don’t like are about calculation such as maths, chemistry, and physics I feel I don’t want

to study these at all, they are very hard for me and I wonder why I must study hard lessons to have a

high score.

25. Did you enjoy doing homework at school?

Yes, I did! First, I had homework quite young. The worst at that stage was Maths, as I sometimes

spent hours struggling with things I thought I understood in class but which did not seem to make

sense once I was at home.

26. Why do you think schools usually give students homework?

Homework is aimed at aligning (phù hợp) with what students learn in their classrooms as the classes

at times might not effectually deliver the knowledge owing to the restraint (hạn chế) time, and hence,

learning and revising the concepts through homework helps students in getting a better discernment

of the topic.

27. How do you feel about exams at school?

I often feel a bit worried about taking exams at school, however, I always try to do my best in

school. I think exams are a good way for both the students and teachers to see what you have learned

in a certain amount of time.

28. Do you live in a big city or another kind of place?

My hometown is a densely populated city and is located in the north of the country. It is renowned

for its bustling (nhộn nhịp) city center and is teeming (nhiều) with people day and night. There is a

wide range of shops around my hometown.

29. Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?

Absolutely! Music is constantly evolving like everything in the world, and I can only imagine the

new sounds and technologies that will emerge. It's exciting to think about what the future holds for


30. Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?

I haven’t been to live musical performances before, nor would I feel like going to one, especially in
my home country. There is hardly ever a concert that suits my taste in music; besides, I listen to
music for entertainment and stress relief, and I only enjoy it in a quiet, private place instead of a
noisy public space filled with crowds of audience.
31. Do you enjoy being a student?

Being a student is fantastic! It's like having a built-in community of like-minded peers. I surround
myself with friends who share my passion for singing, which fosters (nuôi dưỡng) a sense of
32. Do you think being a student is stressful?
Yes. In high school, many can begin to discover independence through more activities with less

parental supervision and increased independent transportation. Some are working part-time and gain

a certain amount of freedom to purchase wants(or needs) from their funds.

33. Do you like living in a big city?

Yes. My hometown is a densely populated city and is located in the north of the country. It is

renowned for its bustling city center and is teeming with people day and night. There is a wide range

of shops around my hometown.

34. Do you think it’s important for cities to have parks and other green spaces?

Yes. I am aware of the significance of green spaces in city life. They are like an oasis where the

community can come together and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. On top of that,

they considerably promote the image of the city.

35. What kind of problems can big cities have?

These days, increased levels of pollution have been a great cause for concern among residents of big

cities. Due to high volumes of traffic, large quantities of pollutants are being released into the

atmosphere, causing the degradation of air quality, which is said to be a significant contributor

to various types of respiratory diseases, such as lung cancer. Additionally, people in big cities are

being bombarded with too much information from the media, including TV, social media, and

advertising, with a large proportion of this information being fake or exaggerated. This can lead to

confusion or, in some cases, social anarchy.

36. Tell me about your daily journey to your school

I typically commute to my school by public transportation, specifically by bus. The journey begins

with me walking a short distance from my home to the nearest bus stop. Once there, I board the bus

that takes me directly to my school. On average, the journey takes about 30 minutes, depending on

traffic conditions.

37. Is the public transport where you live good?

It's quite good. There's a train station not far from my house, and it's a direct line straight into the

city center. There are lots of bus routes too, and there's even a tram network in the center of

38. What traffic problems are there in your area?

With the rapid growth of population, urbanization, and transportation, traffic problems in the area,

where I live, have become a real cause for concern because vehicles run at a snail’s pace not only

during the peak hours but also during the “off-peak” hours sometimes. These traffic problems are

causing us to lose valuable 'working hours' but also causing extra fuel consumption and air pollution.

39. What kinds of TV programs do you like watching?

I’m interested in watching TV drama series and reality shows. I feel they are not only useful but also

entertaining and sometimes touching. For example, I usually burst into tears when I watch a Korean

drama series because the plot is emotional and the cast is talented.

40. What other types of entertainment do you enjoy?

I think they will be very diverse. They could be watching movies and television shows, playing video

games, listening to music, or going to a cafe or something else. They are all great ways to relax and

escape from everyday life while being able to socialize with others.

41. When and where do you watch TV?

Well, I would say that I often watch TV in the evening in my room. I am into watching Korean

movies and gameshows, which bring lots of joy to the audiences after hard work at school. It also

helps release stress at work.

42. How important is entertainment in your life?

There is a vital importance of entertainment, which is why people are now craving more of it.

Entertainment is one of the best ways to relieve stress, as it portrays itself as a distraction. Music,

movies, and TV shows temporarily bring pleasure to people’s lives to forget worries and difficulties.

43. Do you use the Internet for entertainment?

When I am not at work, I surf the Internet for entertainment purposes only. As soon as I get back

home, my online routine is to scroll through all my social accounts and watch some random funny

clips, which helps me unwind after a long day of hard work.

44. Do you buy newspapers, or do you get news from somewhere else?

Well, I'm not the type of people who dip into their daily newspapers. Since the presence of the

Internet is pretty much ubiquitous nowadays, I often go online and flick through e-news regularly. It
is surprising to know that social media platforms like Facebook can keep you updated with what's

going on around the world.

45. What kinds of news stories most interest you? Why?

I find news about ordinary people fascinating. It's refreshing to hear stories from everyday life that I

can relate to or learn from. Whether it's a story of someone overcoming adversity, a feel-good piece

about community support, or innovative ideas from regular people, these stories add a personal touch

to the news and remind us of the shared human experience.

46. What kinds of news stories are you not interested in?

I am not particularly interested in news about ordinary people. I tend to focus more on broader news

topics like politics, technology, and global events. I find that keeping up with larger trends and

developments helps me understand the world better.

47. Describe a place you visited recently as a tourist

When it comes to my all-time favorite cafe, there is only one whose name is Highlands Coffee. Now,

if you see it for the first time, you will fall in love with its unique design, both internal and external.

Not like any other cafe, the façade of this one is made from crystal clear glass which provides

customers with a lively and bustling view of people and vehicles rushing back and forth on the

nearby road. In contrast to vibrant surroundings, the interior design of the cafe will create a homey

and cozy vibe for anyone while sipping a cup of coffee. There is a perfect combination of a plethora

of inspirational quotes and breathtaking scenery photos on the walls, which is, in my opinion, a true

work of art. The inside is always kept shiny and spotlessly clean while the smell of high-quality

coffee lingers in the air.

48. What do you like doing on holiday?

Well, on holiday, I like to travel. For example, it's one of my favorite things to do when I have spare

time or maybe I have some days to use as I want to. I appreciate the facts of traveling and seeking

because I'm fascinated by new places and I'm really curious to see other places.

49. How important is following the news to you?

For me, staying updated with the news every day is quite important. It helps me stay informed about

what's happening worldwide and in my community. Knowing the latest developments, whether
political, environmental, or related to health and science, enables me to make informed decisions and

understand the dynamics of the society I live in. It's not just about curiosity; it's about being a

responsible citizen who's aware of the world's state.

50. How has your interest in the news changed since you were younger?

To be honest, I do not have the foggiest ideas about what types of content teenagers fancy nowadays,

as my circle of friends is mostly composed of young adults. Maybe their tastes and interests have

altered, compared to mine when I was in my teenage years. But if I have to make an assumption, teen

girls often find delight in articles regarding beauty, fashion trends, and celebrities

51. How important are holidays for you?

Yes, holidays are becoming more important in today's society. With the increasing pace of life and

work-related stress, I value the opportunity to disconnect and rejuvenate during holidays. Moreover,

holidays contribute to personal growth, cultural understanding, and overall well-being, making me an

essential aspect of modern life.

52. Which places in your country are popular with tourists, and why?

There are several tourist attractions in my country, like beaches, mountains, and theme parks. But,

um, the most popular tourist attractions in my country are theme parks, I think, because there are a

lot of playing activities there, like rollercoasters or carousels that people of various ages can join in.

53. Why do people enjoy visiting other places?

Yes, many of my friends travel abroad when they get holidays. Also, many such people are there who go

out of my country because they want to experience more about the culture, food, people, and climate, of

foreign countries.

54. What makes a good holiday, in your opinion?

Good weather will always be a major factor, as many of us want to spend lots of hours unwinding

with a good book, whilst we soak up the sun on our loungers by the pool or watch the waves coming

crashing over sandy beaches.

55. What do you usually do at the weekends?

Most of the time, I have a lie-in since I don’t have to go to work on weekend mornings. Then, I

usually spend the rest of the day indulging myself by playing games, watching movies, or surfing my
Facebook newsfeed to let off steam after a busy week. Once in a while, I invite my friends to pay a

visit to the nearby shopping center to have a cup of coffee and gossip about what has happened


56. What will you do next weekend?

Nothing in mind yet. I lead a quite hectic life, and my plans frequently change, so it would be tricky

to know what I’ll do. I guess, maybe, I might treat myself to something special to eat or even to go

on a short trip as a reward for having hit the books so hard recently

57. If you could visit any place for a holiday, where would you go?

If given the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, I would choose to visit the enchanting city

of Kyoto in Japan. Kyoto has always fascinated me with its perfect blend of ancient traditions and

modern advancements.

58. What do you dislike doing on holiday?

The busy pace is perhaps what I detest most about the holidays. Although the holiday season is filled

with excitement, there are moments when the chaos might become too much to handle. Shopping,

activities, and family get-togethers make it seem like there's never enough time in the day.

59. How important is it for you to relax at the weekend?

Yes, I do like weekends. It's a great opportunity to unwind and relax after a busy week. I usually

spend my weekends catching up with friends and family, pursuing my hobbies, or just enjoying some

downtime. I find that weekends help me recharge and prepare for the coming week ahead

60. Do you think you have enough free time for relaxing?

Not much. Sometimes I wish that each day would last at least 50 hours. There is so much more I

could do, like read more books, travel, talk on the phone, or even just watch a few movies and

recharge my batteries. Due to my heavy workload recently, I don’t have enough time for myself.

Part 2
1. Describe an important choice you had to make about your future studies or work.

I've made many decisions in my life, and frankly, I have made those decisions sometimes alone
and sometimes discussing them with my parents and others. The particular decision that seems
significant to me was the time when I decided to major in "English" rather than in Engineering in
my college.

My mother wanted me to get admitted to an Engineering college and do my graduation majoring

in Engineering while my fascination was studying English. I made this decision when I was 18
years old, just after finishing my significant exams. My father did not force me to do anything;
instead, he told me to do what I thought was best for me. My relatives thought that I was a fool
and too immature to make a big decision for myself.

However, after considering several issues and perspectives, I decided to get myself admitted to a
college that offers graduation in English. I'm happy that I made this decision. Now looking back
at that time, I believe that I made the right choice. I'm yet to finish my graduation, but throughout
the last 3 years, I have enjoyed studying English, and I am doing quite well academically.

Making this choice was not easy, and I had to go through a tough and turbulent time. I had to
fight with my inner self and then convince my mother. There were always risks of picking the
wrong option and ruining it all. I still remember the dubious feelings I had at that time.
Sometimes it seemed to me that I should abandon my passion and yield to my parent's decision,
and then again, I strongly felt for my own choice and passion. Since I made my own choice at
that time, a strong urge and force worked on me that I have to do well, and I am happy that I took
this decision and doing excellent so far.

2. Describe a TV program you enjoy watching

Despite not being a fan of TV programs, I must admit that “The Way to Mount Olympia” really
arouses my interest every time I watch it. This is a game show for students from high schools
throughout Vietnam to join and claim rewards as scholarships. This show is broadcast once a
week on Sunday and attracts a huge number of audiences of all ages. To tell the truth, all the
questions posed during the show are diverse and require critical thinking to solve. Thus,
candidates must be so intelligent and quick that they can get the right to answer questions. There
are 4 rounds during the game, and the one with the highest score after all 4 will be granted the
first prize with a scholarship. This not only brings pride to themselves but also to their schools
and families. As far as I’m concerned, the one who wins the first prize of the year would receive
a high amount of money which helps them a lot with their school fees as well as living costs. It
has been more than 10 years since the first program was ever introduced to everyone, and most of
the “winners of the year” have gone abroad to study or to live with lucrative jobs. This shows
that the program is like a springboard for them to turn over a new leaf. I am into the program
since it helps enrich my knowledge and have fun.
3. Describe a person who has done something you admire.
One teacher who had a profound impact on my education was my high school history teacher,
Mr. Tiến. I first met him during my sophomore year at school. He was the one who taught us
history, and he had a unique way of making the subject come alive. What set him apart was his
passion for the subject and his ability to connect historical events to our lives in a meaningful
Mr. Tiến had an incredible knack for storytelling. He could take even the most complex historical
events and turn them into fascinating stories that we could relate to. He used real-life examples,
anecdotes, and even humor to engage the entire class.
His classes were never boring; they felt like immersive journeys into the past. He encouraged us
to think critically, question the status, and understand the significance of historical decisions in
our world today.
What made Mr. Tiến so special was his dedication to his students’ learning and growth. He took
the time to get to know each of us and tailor his teaching to our strengths and needs. He inspired
a genuine curiosity for history in me, a subject I once found dull.
His influence went beyond the classroom – he instilled in me a love for learning and a belief that
understanding the past is crucial for shaping the future.
4. Describe a place you visited on holiday.
2 years ago, I took a trip with my family to Da Nang – a coastal city in the middle of Vietnam,
which has been widely considered the most worth living place in my country. Da Nang has
countless attractions of various landscapes and architectural styles, most notably among which
are the Dragon Bridge crossing the Han River, Linh Ung Pagoda, Marble Mountains, My Khe
Beach… and so on. My favorite place is Ba Na Hills.
The first thing we did when we reached Ba Na Hills was go to the top by cable car, and the
breathtaking view up there just blew us away. I could see grassy hills, magnificent mountain
peaks surrounded by fluffy clouds, and even bubbling streams amid the thick forest. On the top
of Ba Na hills, there’s a huge recreational complex with tons of choices for pretty much all kinds
of activities. Among those fascinating features, the first thing that caught my attention was the
Golden Bridge which has an intriguing design. Then, I almost screamed out of excitement when
we reached an area called The French Village. As its name suggests, this place’s like a miniature
replica of a typical French village in the 19th century with the unmistakable Gothic architecture
prominent in every house, cathedral, and square. It was like I’d just stepped into a portal to a
completely different world! I took lots of photos there even though I’m not a typical shutterbug.
Of course, since Da Nang is a coastal city, it’d be a huge mistake if I didn’t mention its beautiful
beaches and the top-notch seafood. Although Da Nang has lots of magnificent beaches with
golden sand and turquoise water, as someone who is a bit hydrophobic and hates getting
sunburnt, I’m not really into swimming. I just want to chill under the shade of a palm tree or
stroll along the seashore at night. The seafood there is, without a doubt, amazing! They’re all
incredibly cheap for their quality and are exquisitely made into wonderful dishes by local chefs –
who know how to bring the best flavor out of those precious ingredients. My favorite specialty is
squid stir-fried with pineapple and celery, touched with a pinch of chopped onions and chili.
Perhaps the most long-lasting impression I have about Da Nang is that it offers pretty much
everything you can ask for in a tourist destination. That’s why although I did spend a few days
here, there are still lots of things I didn’t have time to experience. Hopefully, I’ll soon have a
chance to pay this beautiful city another visit.
5. Describe a teacher who influenced you.
One teacher who had a profound impact on my education was my high school history teacher,
Mr. Tiến. I first met him during my sophomore year at school. He was the one who taught us
history, and he had a unique way of making the subject come alive. What set him apart was his
passion for the subject and his ability to connect historical events to our lives in a meaningful
Mr. Tiến had an incredible knack for storytelling. He could take even the most complex historical
events and turn them into fascinating stories that we could relate to. He used real-life examples,
anecdotes, and even humor to engage the entire class.
His classes were never boring; they felt like immersive journeys into the past. He encouraged us
to think critically, question the status quo, and understand the significance of historical decisions
in our world today.
What made Mr. Tiến so special was his dedication to his students’ learning and growth. He took
the time to get to know each of us and tailor his teaching to our strengths and needs. He inspired
a genuine curiosity for history in me, a subject I once found dull.
His influence went beyond the classroom – he instilled in me a love for learning and a belief that
understanding the past is crucial for shaping the future.
6. Describe a national holiday that is important in your country.
When it comes to holidays, we could not mention our Lunar New Year, also known as Tet in
Tet is one of the most anticipated holidays in Vietnam. It lasts 3 to 4 days from the first day of
the Lunar calendar and usually falls between late January and early February.
Tet brings an abundance of celebratory activities. Before Tet, families would prepare traditional
food such as Chung cake (square cake) or sugar-preserved fruit. Tet is also an occasion for
pilgrims and family reunions. People from across the country would return to their hometowns to
be with their families during this time of the year. For adults, this is a time to worship their long-
gone ancestors and visit pagodas to pray for the new year. Children would look forward to Tet
because they can receive lucky money. Another common practice during Tet is to decorate the
house with ornaments such as couplets or flowers. Cherry blossoms in the North and apricot
blossoms in the South.
When I was little, receiving lucky money was my favorite part as well. Growing up, Tet has
become a chance for me to blow off some steam and have a little escape from the hustle and
bustle of life. However, before Tet, it would be very difficult to commute since people are all on
the street.
So Tet is the most crucial holiday for me and Vietnamese people in general. It is one of the most
well-known traditions that has been celebrated for thousands of years. This is a time to slow
down, reflect on our past year, and refresh ourselves for the new year.
7. Describe a film you enjoyed.
Finding Nemo is undoubtedly my favorite movie. It is an animated adventure film produced by
Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The movie was released in 2003, and I
have watched it countless times since then.
The story of Finding Nemo revolves around a young clownfish named Nemo, who is captured by
a scuba diver and taken to a fish tank in a dentist’s office. Nemo’s father, Marlin, sets out on
a perilous journey to find his son, with the help of a forgetful blue tang named Dory. Along the
way, they encounter a host of fascinating sea creatures, including sharks, turtles, and pelicans.
The movie’s message is about the importance of family, the power of determination, and the
beauty of the ocean.
I first watched Finding Nemo when I was a child, and it quickly became a source of comfort for
me. The vibrant colors, the memorable characters, and the heartwarming story captured my
imagination and stayed with me long after the movie had ended. As I grew older, I continued to
appreciate the movie’s themes and the way it tackled complex issues in a way that was accessible
to all ages.
There are many reasons why Finding Nemo is my favorite movie. For one, the animation is
simply stunning. The underwater world that Pixar created is breathtaking, with intricate details
that make it feel like a real place. Additionally, the voice acting is superb, bringing the
characters to life in a humorous and heartfelt way. Finally, the movie’s message about the
importance of family and the power of perseverance is something that resonates with me on a
personal level. No matter how many times I watch Finding Nemo, I am always moved by the
story and the way it reminds me of the importance of never giving up.
8. Describe a city you have visited.
2 years ago, I took a trip with my family to Da Nang – a coastal city in the middle of Vietnam,
which has been widely considered the most worth living place in my country. Da Nang has
countless attractions of various landscapes and architectural styles, most notably among which
are the Dragon Bridge crossing the Han River, Linh Ung Pagoda, Marble Mountains, My Khe
Beach… and so on. My favorite place is Ba Na Hills.
The first thing we did when we reached Ba Na Hills was go to the top by cable car, and the
breathtaking view up there just blew us away. I could see grassy hills, magnificent mountain
peaks surrounded by fluffy clouds, and even bubbling streams amid the thick forest. On the top
of Ba Na hills, there’s a huge recreational complex with tons of choices for pretty much all kinds
of activities. Among those fascinating features, the first thing that caught my attention was the
Golden Bridge which has an intriguing design. Then, I almost screamed out of excitement when
we reached an area called The French Village. As its name suggests, this place’s like a miniature
replica of a typical French village in the 19th century with the unmistakable Gothic architecture
prominent in every house, cathedral, and square. It was like I’d just stepped into a portal to a
completely different world! I took lots of photos there even though I’m not a typical shutterbug.
Of course, since Da Nang is a coastal city, it’d be a huge mistake if I didn’t mention its beautiful
beaches and top-notch seafood. Although Da Nang has lots of magnificent beaches with golden
sand and turquoise water, as someone who is a bit hydrophobic and hates getting sunburnt, I’m
not really into swimming. I just want to chill under the shade of a palm tree or stroll along the
seashore at night. The seafood there is, without a doubt, amazing! They’re all incredibly cheap
for their quality and are exquisitely made into wonderful dishes by local chefs – who know how
to bring the best flavor out of those precious ingredients. My favorite specialty is squid stir-fried
with pineapple and celery, touched with a pinch of chopped onions and chili.
Perhaps the most long-lasting impression I have about Da Nang is that it offers pretty much
everything you can ask for in a tourist destination. That’s why although I did spend a few days
here, there are still lots of things I didn’t have time to experience. Hopefully, I’ll soon have a
chance to pay this beautiful city another visit.
9. Describe a game you enjoyed playing when you were at school.
One game that provided endless enjoyment during my younger years was hide-and-seek. It was a
classic game that sparked excitement and thrill among my friends and me. The objective was
simple yet exhilarating: one person would close their eyes and count to a designated number
while the others scattered to find clever hiding spots.

As the seeker, the anticipation grew with each passing second during the countdown.
Once unleashed, I would embark on a mission to uncover my friends' hiding places. The
challenge lay in searching every nook and cranny, utilizing stealth and intuition to locate them.
Every successful discovery filled me with a sense of triumph and jubilation.

Likewise, when it was my turn to hide, the game took on a whole new dimension. I strategized
and chose hiding spots with the utmost care, aiming for the most inconspicuous and surprising

Hide-and-seek provided not only entertainment but also fostered important skills. It enhanced
my ability to think on my feet, adapt to different environments, and sharpen my observation

Recalling those cherished moments spent playing hide-and-seek brings back a flood
of nostalgia. It was a game that sparked laughter, tested our wits, and created lasting memories
that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

10. Describe the job or career you have or hope to have in the future.
I’m going to talk about being a travel YouTuber, which is a job that I’ve always dreamed of
having in the future. As a matter of fact, this job is relatively new and just appeared about 10
years ago. Just so you know, travel YouTubers are those who pay a visit to different places of
interest within or out of their countries and then share their experiences in a video format on
YouTube to make money from it. From their videos, people can learn loads of fascinating things
about this place like its culture, cuisine, or lifestyle. The viewers are also given some insider tips
so that they can better prepare in case they want to take a trip to that place. If I’m not mistaken, I
knew about this job 2 years ago. At the time, I was at home browsing YouTube to chill and came
across a video called “800 Days Around Vietnam” from Khoai Lang Thang, a young Vietnamese
YouTuber. In his video, he recorded his journeys to different destinations across our country and
showed some breathtaking scenery of all the places he’d set foot in. he also shared some
intriguing stories about his personal experiences at each place. I was quite inspired by the fact
that he quit his 9-to-5 job to make his adventure and that's when I decided I wanted to pursue this
job. There are several reasons why I think being a travel YouTuber is an ideal job for me. For
one thing, I’m an avid traveler and I’m really interested in discovering new things about other
places so doing this job would give me a real sense of pleasure. For another, I love editing and
making videos so I wouldn’t feel bored if I did it. And the best thing is I wouldn’t have to work
for anyone, or in other words, I would be my boss. As a matter of fact, I’ve been trying my best
over the past few years to improve myself and sharpen some skills related to this job in order to
make sure that will be a perfect fit for it.
11. Describe a school or college where you were a student.
I’d like to talk about Kien Thuy High School - located in Kien Thuy district, Hai Phong city. I
got admitted to this school when I was 15 years old until I finished my high school diploma and
had a lot of good memories there.
I had a positive impression of the school, teachers, and friends. I am very fortunate to attend this
school, which taught me many significant aspects of education and life. This high school is an
old building situated in the center of town. It has two floors and a large courtyard in front.
You know, the fun time when my classmates and I participated in some collective activities in
the schoolyard is what I miss the most. However, what I loved most about this school was the
friendly and dedicated teachers. They imparted to us academic knowledge and other aspects of
life. Thanks to their teaching, I felt more confident and mature when entering the university
Until now, I have not had the opportunity to visit my old school yet, but I plan to visit it with my
friends soon.
12. Describe a shop you enjoy visiting.
I’m gonna talk about an ice cream parlor that just opened recently in my neighborhood but has
become everyone’s favorite.
This store is called "Sweety" and it’s located right on my doorstep, which is convenient. I
remember talking to my mom about how there weren’t any ice cream shops in our vicinity and
all of a sudden, this one popped up a month later and I was pleasantly surprised.
As I have a bit of a sweet tooth, I think I have gone there at least a dozen times since it was first
opened. I went there with my family members on the opening day to get some discounts and later
with my friends when they came over as well. That’s a bit too frequent and it’s not even summer
yet, so you could tell I’m quite obsessed.
What stands out about “Sweety” is that not only does it offer a wide variety of flavors but there
are also so many different types of ice cream for people to try out. The flavors range from classic
favorites like chocolate and vanilla to unique ones like salted caramel which is my personal
favorite. Not only that, they’ve got popsicles and even frozen yogurt so the selection and
combination are endless. Also, people can choose different toppings and sauces to customize
their ice cream.
Aside from delicious ice cream with rich and creamy flavors, what won me over about this place
is the friendly customer service. The staff members there always welcome guests with a smile
and are ready to lend a hand. Whenever I crave something sweet now, I immediately go to the
shop to indulge in sweet treats and I must say it's a paradise for ice cream enthusiasts like me.
13. Describe a museum or art gallery you enjoyed visiting.
I am glad to have the chance and time to talk about a museum I have visited and liked. For this
topic, I'd love to talk about the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. In my opinion, it's such an
incredible place! So, it's an ethnographic museum located in Hanoi, and it's all about showcasing
the diverse cultures of Vietnam's ethnic groups.
I visited there last summer with my family, and it was such a fascinating experience. The
museum is beautifully designed, with indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. We spent hours
exploring the exhibits, which included traditional clothing, artifacts, tools, and even
reconstructed houses from different ethnic communities.
One of the highlights for me was the outdoor section, where they have life-size replicas of
traditional houses from various ethnic groups. It was like stepping back in time and getting a
glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Vietnam. We also watched some traditional
performances and demonstrations, which were captivating.
What I liked most about the museum was how it celebrates the diversity of Vietnam's ethnic
groups and highlights their unique customs, traditions, and way of life. It's not only educational
but also promotes cultural understanding and appreciation. Plus, the museum grounds are so
peaceful and well-maintained, making it a great place to spend a day exploring and learning.
14. Describe a type of work or study you enjoy doing.
I’m going to talk about being a travel YouTuber, which is a job that I’ve always dreamed of
having in the future. As a matter of fact, this job is relatively new and just appeared about 10
years ago. Just so you know, travel YouTubers are those who pay a visit to different places of
interest within or out of their countries and then share their experiences in a video format on
YouTube to make money from it. From their videos, people can learn loads of fascinating things
about this place like its culture, cuisine, or lifestyle. The viewers are also given some insider tips
so that they can have better preparation in case they want to take a trip to that place. If I’m not
mistaken, I first knew about this job 2 years ago. At the time, I was at home browsing YouTube
to chill and came across a video called “800 Days Around Vietnam” from Khoai Lang Thang, a
young Vietnamese YouTuber. In his video, he recorded his journeys to different destinations
across our country and showed some breathtaking scenery of all the places that he’d set foot in.
he also shared some intriguing stories about his personal experiences at each place. I was quite
inspired by the fact that he quit his 9-to-5 job to make his adventure and that's when I decided I
wanted to pursue this job. There are several reasons why I think being a travel YouTuber is an
ideal job for me. For one thing, I’m an avid traveler and I’m really interested in discovering new
things about other places so doing this job would give me a real sense of pleasure. For another, I
love editing and making videos so I wouldn’t feel bored if I did it. And the best thing is I
wouldn’t have to work for anyone, or in other words, I would be my boss. As a matter of fact,
I’ve been trying my best over the past few years to improve myself and sharpen some skills
related to this job in order to make sure that will be a perfect fit for it.
Part 3
1. What problems can be caused by too much work?
An overwork culture seriously undermines workers’ work-life balance. Spending a large part of their
day at the office, workers are left with little time for self-care, leading to physical and mental
exhaustion. Over time, this results in stress, frustration, and mental disorders even. Besides this,
employees who work long hours also lack a social life. With most time and energy devoted to work,
it is no wonder that they rarely meet up with friends and have little quality family time. This also
means they lack the support needed, further increasing the risk of mental breakdown. An extreme
example can be seen in Japan, where there is a term for ‘death by work’: Karoshi. Workers here are
so overworked that suicide becomes an escape. While this is not the case for most people, it
highlights the importance of a balance between life and work.
2. What can people do if they feel they are expected to do too much work?
First, consider the priorities, in terms of managing tasks at work but also the personal life. Think
about professional priorities such as preferred projects as well as personal priorities like family and
health. Secondly rest when needed, if possible, to help maintain productivity and effectiveness as
well as well-being. Sometimes, taking a break and then returning to work can make the efforts more
effective when people return—more so, even, than if they continue working through feelings of
overwhelm or burnout.
3. Why do you think some people become workaholics?
Some people work compulsively for several reasons. First, they are genuinely passionate
about what they’re doing, so they are willing to spend 12 or even 16 hours a day working on their
projects. Second, those people tend to be more competitive than others. They don’t want to be left
behind by their colleagues or their peers. So, their top priority is their work, and it’s really hard for
them not to think about it. Third, some people immerse themselves in their work because they want
to forget their broken relationships or escape from their boring personal lives.
4. Do you think the quality of TV in your country is generally good?
No, I don’t think that most programs on television have excellent quality, especially in my country,
because most of them fail to convey any “good and timely” message to their audience. Besides, I also
think that the performance of most of the artists or performers in the programs is “substandard”, to
say the least.
5. What problems do you think can be caused by watching too much TV?
There are several reasons why some people think that children’s development would be negatively
affected by watching TV. The first reason is that sitting in front of TV screens for too long is
detrimental to children’s health. Many kids these days suffer from various health problems such as
obesity, eye strain, or fatigue due to prolonged television watching. Another reason is that many TV
programs and movies contain violent content or sexual images that are inappropriate for children to
watch. Heavy exposure to violent movies can put a child at a higher risk of violent behavior, which
could ruin their future.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sharing music over the internet?
Every coin has two sizes. And sharing music in the cyber world is no exception. One of the biggest
advantages is it is an accessible means of entertainment for people sharing their types of music.
However, without payment, artists who create a song of a rhythm do not gain benefit from this which
interim discourages them.
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of showing imported TV programs?
Every coin has two sizes, foreign no exception
+ well designed, attracts a huge number of audiences. Eg: famous programs in VN begin from
another country; the creator put a lot of brain intelligence
+ the national program is not creative because fails to competitive
8. Do you think the things children see on TV and in films can influence their behavior?
The majority of TV shows present glamorized depictions of inappropriate materials such as violence,
drug abuse, or casual sex. Youngsters may adopt unhealthy habits and improper behaviors. For
example, they might fall under the impression that the use of alcoholic drinks is fashionable without
being aware of the health risks they carry and later end up consuming these substances. Secondly,
children tend to imitate the heroes in movies. They imitate what their superheroes do in movies
without understanding the aftereffects and dangers of their actions. Imitating actions and fights make
them more aggressive.
9. What kinds of people are most likely to become famous?
Rich and powerful people with lots of money are usually famous these days. But if you want me to
be specific, I would say that music artists, movie stars, cultural celebrities, successful sportspeople,
top business executives of very big and profitable companies, successful professionals, and
politicians usually fall into the categories of famous people. Even some “controversial” people –
controversial not for good causes most of the time though – with the help of a little bit of their “wits”
as well as “media” can become “famous” overnight these days.
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming famous?
Admittedly, there are some benefits of leading a famous life. Well-known people can earn a lot of
money. Being highly influencing people, they are very well-paid for their professional performance
as well as other activities using their name such as advertisements and public speeches. For example,
a Vietnamese pop star named Dam Vinh Hung earned hundreds of thousands of dollars during his
career by holding live shows, issuing CDs, and appearing in advertisements. Nevertheless, despite
the advantages above, I believe that being famous can be very harmful. One problem is that fame
takes away privacy. Every single behavior and event in famous people's personal lives is closely
watched and judged by the public. As a result, they are under high pressure to maintain their image
which may not be their true self just to satisfy their fans.
11. Do you think we have become too interested in the lives of the famous?
Yes, I totally agree with that idea. Because celebrities often have a significant influence on the
community, especially young people, the media often prioritizes publishing information about them
to attract viewers. Ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people because they are
curious. They want to know all things related to famous people such as private lives, private secrets,
and hobbies. Even, they wish they could have a luxurious life like famous people.
12. Why do you think tourism is so popular and still increasing in popularity?
Tourism has become increasingly popular worldwide for several reasons. In today’s fast-paced
world, people have an innate desire to explore new destinations, experience different cultures, and
create lasting memories. The allure of discovering unfamiliar places and immersing oneself in
diverse environments drives the popularity of tourism. Tourism is a key driver for socio-economic
progress. Over the decades, it has experienced continued growth and diversification, making it one of
the fastest-growing economic sectors globally. As more people travel, it contributes significantly to
local economies, creating jobs, supporting businesses, and fostering development.
13. Why is tourism so important to some economies?
Tourism plays a vital role in the success of many economies around the world. The tourism industry
creates thousands of jobs. From hotel staff and tour guides to restaurant workers and transportation
providers, a robust tourism sector employs a diverse workforce. These jobs help reduce
unemployment rates and improve livelihoods for local communities. To accommodate tourists,
countries invest in developing infrastructure. Airports, roads, public transportation, and other
facilities are improved to enhance the visitor experience. These developments benefit both tourists
and residents, contributing to long-term economic growth
14. What environmental problems can be caused by tourism?
Tourism, while offering numerous benefits, can also have significant negative environmental
impacts. Tourism often puts pressure on local natural resources. Overconsumption of resources,
especially in areas where they are already scarce, can lead to their depletion. For instance, excessive
water usage by hotels and resorts can strain local water supplies. Construction of tourism
infrastructure (such as roads, hotels, and golf courses) can lead to soil erosion, deforestation, and
habitat destruction. Unsustainable land use practices can degrade ecosystems.
15. Do you think exams are a fair test of what a person has learned?
Exams have long been a standard method for assessing a person’s knowledge and understanding.
However, they are not a truly fair test of learning. Exams often focus on rote memorization rather
than deep understanding. They may not capture a student’s critical thinking abilities, creativity, or
practical skills. In addition, some students experience test anxiety, which can hinder their
performance. Anxiety may not accurately reflect their true knowledge or abilities.
16. Do you think there’s too much emphasis on exams in your country?
Students, particularly the young ones, are worse affected by the enormous quantity of tests during
school time. No sooner do children start attending primary schools than they have to struggle against
the enemy-named tests. Crammed with many subjects and different types of examination, it is not
overstated that studying turns out to be a burden for kids to bear that may result in kids’ depression
and health deterioration. Despite the counterproductive effect, evaluation still contributes to the
student's life and career. The grades expose their great academic endeavor and shall be a recognition
of a hard-working process.
17. Do you think we need exams?
Exams have been a longstanding part of education, and opinions on their necessity vary. Exams
provide a structured assessment of students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills. They help
measure progress and identify areas that need improvement. In addition, Preparing for exams teaches
students time management skills. The pressure of a deadline encourages efficient study habits.
However, Exams can be stressful, leading to anxiety and negatively affecting performance.
18. Do you think people always get what they were hoping for on holiday?
Expectations play a significant role in our happiness, especially during the holiday season. Many of
us eagerly anticipate the festivities, imagining joyous gatherings, twinkling lights, and heartwarming
moments. However, reality doesn’t always align with our expectations, leading to potential
disappointment. Anticipating an event stimulates the limbic cortex, where happiness and excitement
originate. Looking forward to something gives us a sense of optimism about the future.
19. What are the main events that families celebrate in your country?
In my country, events such as weddings, birthdays, and religious ceremonies are highly celebrated.
These occasions hold deep cultural and personal significance, bringing families and communities
together in joyous celebrations. Traditional customs are often combined with modern elements,
creating a unique blend of old and new. People now have easier access to information about various
cultures, leading to a greater appreciation and understanding of different celebrations.
20. Documentary films for the cinema seldom attract large audiences. Why do you think this is?
I think it is because it forces people to look at reality and reality is often disappointing. We watch
films for entertainment, to disconnect in a sense from what is happening around us. A documentary
places a mirror in front of society with current issues, and that is not everyone’s cup of tea. If I live in
a crime-ridden place, I don’t necessarily want to see the reality behind it, but I would rather see a cop
show up instead, which is more glamorous. There’s also the fact that documentary quality seems to
be all over the place, some are excellent, heart-wrenching, beautifully produced pieces of work,
while others are terribly-lit and painfully edited pieces of garbage. So one bad experience could
make people more hesitant to jump into documentary films in general.
21. Some people feel there should be more serious documentaries and dramas on TV and in the cinema.
Do you agree or disagree with this?
Serious documentaries and dramas play a vital role in enriching our viewing experiences. These
non-fiction works provide insightful information on real-world issues, historical events, and
scientific discoveries. They educate viewers, encourage critical thinking, and broaden our
understanding of the world. Serious dramas delve into complex characters and themes. By exploring
moral dilemmas, psychological struggles, and societal norms, they offer nuanced storytelling that
challenges our perspectives. Secondly, it also shows Social Awareness and Empathy. Documentaries
shed light on social injustices, environmental challenges, and human rights issues. By presenting
authentic narratives, they inspire empathy and motivate positive change. Well-crafted dramas allow
us to step into the shoes of characters facing adversity. Through their struggles, we gain insight into
the human condition and develop empathy.
22. Do you think Hollywood films can change local cultures?
Every movie is a reflection of its society. So, I think yes, movies from different countries, especially
Hollywood movies do show their culture. Because people usually believe foreign films and TV
telecasts can contribute to the cultural diversity of a nation. Fascinating social norms and practices,
such as public hugging which is common in the US, can follow the wave to other nations as
Hollywood blockbusters are becoming more popular. This phenomenon is believed to benefit the
richness of the host country’s traditional backgrounds. Moreover, the import of international movies
and TV shows could perfect the flaws of the country’s sets of beliefs. In Vietnam, for example, the
ceremony of funerals is often perpetuated with ongoing depraved customs such as gambling and
drinking. Since the arrival of TV shows from more developed nations, which triggered a new and
civilized way of thinking, such practices have been gradually aborted.
23. Some cities receive millions of tourists. What problems can this cause?
Firstly, the influx of foreign travelers is often associated with an increase in environmental pollution.
Many tourists throw rubbish into the surroundings irresponsibly, which contributes to air, water, and
soil contamination. Furthermore, there might be a growing demand for transport, decreasing the air
quality at the tourist destination.
Secondly, international tourism increases the odds of spreading infectious diseases to the local
community. Viruses such as Ebola and H5N1 can become a threat to the locals if an infected traveler
visits their country. In Vietnam, for example, many people died after a visitor from Hong Kong
carried the H5N1 virus to the country in 2003. This example makes it clear why many people are still
against the development of international tourism.
24. What are the benefits of living in the suburbs rather than the city center?

affordability. Homes in a suburb will trend more affordable to purchase and likely increase their
value over time, whereas the same sized home in the city can be two or three times the price. You
can find yourself able to afford more square footage and upgraded features living in a suburban

Health. Compared to the city, suburbs have less air and noise pollution. There are also more
outdoor areas, such as parks with play areas for kids, plus running and walking paths, etc.,
promoting activities that can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

25. What are the disadvantages of living in the suburbs rather than the city center?
On the one hand, major cities provide both a significant amount of employment and higher average
salaries. With corporations dominating the city skyscrapers, it is impossible to not find work.
Statistics from New York City demonstrate that inhabitants here have ten times more job prospects
than those in the neighboring suburbs and smaller towns. major cities provide a plethora of enjoyable
activities and ways to meet new people. There is always plenty to do in a large city to keep people of
all interests entertained.
26. Do you think it is important for children to spend time doing sports?
Needless to say, taking part in sports is greatly beneficial in several ways. The first merit is that we
can keep our bodies in better shape and relieve our minds quite effectively. For example, when you
join in a football match, you have to exercise your body. This builds up your muscles and by
sweating profusely, you burn up some kilos and it helps your blood to circulate better.
Apart from those health benefits, with your participation in sports, you can broaden your social circle
by meeting people of different backgrounds, as well as cultivating team spirit and cooperation skills.
27. Do you think competitive games for children are a good thing or a bad thing?
In my opinion, competitive games, depending on, of course, what kinds of competitive games they
play, are good in general because they teach children how to become tough, careful, intelligent, and
positive when facing any difficult situation in life. Besides, playing competitive games usually helps
us identify what kinds of particular skill sets, talents, or potentials the children have so that they can
work even more on them to improve themselves even further. However, we will have to make sure
that playing competitive games doesn't make children competitive so much so that they develop
“jealousy” and “hatred” for their “opponents”.
28. Do you think children enjoy games?
Children just like to play, whether they are playing a certain sport alone or playing with their peers,
primarily because it is just their nature to be “playful” as long as they remain young. But, if we want
to be more precise, I would say that the children like playing games because they love challenges,
and they “learn” new things as well as new skills by playing different kinds of games. But, above all,
children have a lot of fun when playing any sports, and the studies show that there is no better way to
teach children than having them play games that they enjoy.
29. Why do you think people become workaholics?
Some people work compulsively for several reasons. First, they are genuinely passionate about what
they’re doing, so they are willing to spend 12 or even 16 hours a day working on their projects.
Second, those people tend to be more competitive than others. They don’t want to be left behind by
their colleagues or their peers. So, their top priority is their work, and it’s really hard for them not to
think about it. Third, some people immerse themselves in their work because they want to forget
their broken relationships or escape from their boring personal life.
30. Why do some countries have a minimum wage?
Almost every country has a minimum wage, although the specifics vary. For instance, some
countries, like France, establish a universal minimum wage across the entire economy. In contrast,
others, such as New Zealand and South Africa, differentiate between sectors and types of workers.
The reasons for implementing minimum wages can include poverty reduction, worker protection,
income inequality reduction, and encouraging investment in productivity-enhancing technology2.
Interestingly, the United States stands apart from most other countries in how it sets its minimum
wage. Unlike many nations, where the central government or labor ministers determine minimum
wages, the U.S. relies on its legislature to establish rates by statute, which can sometimes hinder
timely updates3
31. Some company directors earn many times more than the average person. Do you think this is right?
I support the idea that such compensation is warranted, considering the responsibilities of directors
and the value they can generate for their companies.
Those who criticize the seemingly excessive salaries for directors might refer to employees’ hard
work as a justification for their point. From their perspective, ordinary employees work just as
industriously, if not more so, than directors, yet the former only earn a fraction of the latter’s income.
This wide discrepancy, according to critics, does not accurately reflect the relative contributions of
directors and their workers
32. Do you think children today are different from children when you were younger?
Children today exhibit some differences compared to previous generations.
Technology: Children today grow up in a digital age, surrounded by smartphones, tablets, and the
internet. They are often more tech-savvy and comfortable with digital tools than previous
Education: Educational methods have evolved. Today, there’s a greater emphasis on personalized
learning, project-based approaches, and critical thinking. However, standardized testing remains a
common practice.
Social Interaction: Social media and online communication have changed how children interact.
While they connect globally, face-to-face interactions may decrease.
33. Should schools ask students to give their opinions about lessons and teachers?
I think that it would be an excellent idea for schools to ask students about their opinions on “lessons”
as long as they only ask them whether or not the students are enjoying their lessons, or whether or
not they are benefitting from the lesson plans. However, in my opinion, under no circumstances, the
school authorities should ask their students to offer their opinions on what kinds of lessons they
should be taught in the classrooms because they simply don’t have the required expertise or
qualifications to decide on such an important issue.
34. Why do you think some students lose interest in school?
Losing interest in school is a common phenomenon among students that refers to the gradual
decrease in enthusiasm and motivation to learn. It is a multifaceted issue with various causes, such as
a lack of relevance or interest in the subject matter, poor teacher-student relationships, or external
factors such as bullying or family problems.
Students may begin to disengage from school, leading to lower grades, absenteeism, and, eventually,
dropping out. Losing interest in school is a complex issue requiring careful attention and targeted
intervention to ensure students remain engaged and motivated to learn.
35. Do you think life is better in the city or the countryside?
There are a plethora of merits of city life such as good education, a high standard of living, an
advanced health care system, and many more. First of all, those who are living in cities can study and
explore any kind of field they want, using the latest technologies which are not available in suburbs.
Second of all, they can live in high societies with better facilities and amenities including sports
activities and various entertainment sites. Additionally, it also provides better well-being services
due to the presence of genius doctors and big hospitals, whereas suburbs don’t have enough
resources or infrastructure to have a good healthcare system
36. What problems can rapidly expanding cities have?
Let me think… when a city expands rapidly, I would say it may develop without control. Cities
become big cities, then big cities turn into megacities with high population density. Unfortunately, in
this case, several problems can be caused, which may have negative impacts on society. For
example, megacities like Shanghai or Beijing are facing up to severe air pollution. Plus, because a
large number of young people flock to big cities, there is also an increase in rental prices and
competitiveness in job searching. As a result, a ton of pressure is put on youngsters’ shoulders.
37. Millions of Western tourists visit holiday resorts in developing countries. What do you think attracts
First, the local environment can be adversely affected due to facility and infrastructural development.
For example, in Vietnam, many tourism companies are permitted to chop down a great area of
forests to construct modern commodities such as hotels and golf courses, exerting dire consequences
on natural habitats. As for the countries that play host to international tourists, the rise in costs of
living may lay much pressure on local people and be a detriment to domestic travel. This is because
the growth in the number of tourists from abroad would encourage the costs of hotel rooms and other
services to increase. People in the neighborhood and domestic visitors would suffer in comparison.
38. In many countries, cities are growing fast. Why do you think this is?
There are more metropolitan areas in the world. This tendency leads to serious issues for young
dwellers in such areas relating to lower living standards and a higher unemployment rate. However,
these problems can be solved by providing financial aid and job opportunities.

There are two main obstacles for young people resulting from the proliferation of urban areas. The
main one is that they may suffer from a decreasing quality of living. More specifically, due to high
living expenses in big cities, the youths cannot afford medical fees as well as a house to live in.
Therefore, they would likely reside in small houses with poor living conditions or not receive proper
medical treatment, thus leading to their low life satisfaction. Additionally, a higher youth
unemployment rate is attributed to the growth of large cities. This is because the youths have to face
intense competitiveness in the job market as such areas often attract numerous young people to come
and seek employment. Consequently, many of them who are not experienced easily become jobless.
39. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a minimum wage?
Advantages of a Minimum Wage
Incentive to Work:
A minimum wage provides a baseline incentive for people to work. When there’s a guaranteed
minimum compensation, individuals are motivated to gain skills and improve their earning potential
over time.
Improved Quality of Life:
Meeting basic needs—food, housing, and essentials—allows workers to focus on productivity. A
comfortable life encourages better performance.
Job Security:
During economic downturns, minimum wage jobs tend to be more stable. Necessities (like food and
clothing) remain in demand, ensuring continued employment.
Stable Workforce:
Minimum wage laws contribute to workforce stability. Workers can earn more than unemployment
or welfare, maintaining a decent standard of living.
40. Are the top footballers and pop musicians worth the huge amounts of money they can earn?
Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the numbers of professionals
with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person
needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their
relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the
spotlight. There is a huge number of sportspersons compared to those who have become successful
and have a huge salary. It takes lots of practice, skills, and time to become a sports icon. Again
Sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Tiger Woods, and Shane Warne inspire the new
generation to be attracted to the games they play. So all of these factors may justify the huge
earnings of the sports personality.

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