Java Unit 4

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Z. abedt Printhoe Oede fhe €7- bool en, Ax fee Kort, pt, fon, flex, dub t4da~=lo Scanned with CamScanner he” } i a prt / J { 6 dg mallire A ho 2 ji esol OEE phe ape to Hontoe ro * hake on (ae yrakio \ ie ayo men % \ igh woe fife fos fb he [rere laf fa deahig | ehunilons Onl lection G ps Forcomeessuele : “fin APL fx ron. Prim hie ty per. (ot, Ad, Queue, AL Le TH ref, Ho05 of bse Prout 3 Fa iens Gr APL printer @ non- bs Gn cordan fe pe gy: = frimBeg wh alse fy be / ae ody hon- fiimih. @ case. Cyr “1ST es 5 lo, 20,303. a a ies a wid Ca PO a TACT Le § bys >): j fof OO on ake Scanned with CamScanner QS san atese on Komosenavy |—9 con atone Ad erofenag tyke of olefe tyke of ole frog rire 15 firoal — choyable nize 9 AS, bE prroviclts 9 We mud to Sevelop prodifinal Clown alos Ihna. foa- ay soy infeefocecy pe Colleton 0.0 > Fein a pighe etife | os affeF Oh On AbeHL =m iple ololy . promecsor h — remety BO Mhuy. ot of prustfrrol Clone, & Serforvas ob. a ed t er Yrutthble olota. dt rordar'y 2 forty 2 Tava .uhl. Coll edu 2) Tova ull - Map ; sy = Oy mop, be abe 4p. lod a in keyavelat Parr Om calf echo, WE Gn nfo oleda by tS — Scanned with CamScanner ah} ig a ake [navi aU vst le sfock [Tse @ op L fk los moe bday Q Siltap Dicfionsxy Beery Font fable (a keal Honh Map CJeakHané Map © Tray Smoot, oh —e $$ ae fer f= now fa reyl$C ) Give ce coehil pefame vouable of enn face R fei hy fh objed of Mosaylct 4 Scanned with CamScanner a pot grr Aid. Ho, map ; poblic chy Tat 4p De ee) * anda bn = pew Hoh Mpc): ome put (191, "B"); Bmw pot (102) ya Gub"} 2 Le ample skorts import goa ahi. A vs0g lic, at Clon Teg fr yo mah ) 4 Atragdcd [r= raw Asay 0S), ar + aotal (ro) 7 J adel ("42") an. aotol (61). 7 z 7 ee O at de, Scanned with CamScanner _ ome / alate - v intofore bk a Pong 5 Coffection 11 in foun will fockaye 9 Ayrder oe poblle inteyfore Coll Sion 7 cxkrd, Feeble | 5 [ rvdesol> 3 9 collation mado dy TS pute boolean aclol (abcd of, ) PMC boclon ost AL (caljetin c) —eaaryle. ae? ova. uhif. Aa bay List pelle cl, Tat ¢ a voomahC ) fry lft als " 4 nea fray GY). 24" ashol (ec) oe a4. astol (3 .5)/ 94 « astol (3.5). S-0-(0q Cary.” Aesoy bof on 2 ay’ aol Cregg ny, hea Aavoy bid y Ge old! ("9 gv 01. asd ALEC 03) ey) 3 PCa). Scanned with CamScanner G10: as Condens a bool on (de tehen true av fob, S.0 po Q). inEmbty C9") eal eon at GD pobon Fob. So pn aj. nine 67); ne- of eb merry F4+ sumove (too), Cn Ul Jumave elmeat ay Hemovedll9. 2 ), 24+ dear » Vi CW fumne ol # ( wot f from Col etias =D uh. C OP eon pel al Uther y) j- des Tot CAV rab CY Lint 2s now ALC), £. astal (10), + asta (a0); a Cs y bt tS Cs one fr’ - alt AL 22] oy oN 20 Scanned with CamScanner 9 Ahn wel vat fo ee Ter fo > ce won ged iteraboyr Cer ray ty Thee chs C) mmdked . Xe oe Carrod-/- ae Cy Heredos- “ ; b bid Heredo je Enumeah on. (lesbo ite « D.ifes Arg, — on fe wae with a Collectisn objet - a acs — Tterahy m te adl, e801, Peofbet O) neste JUmae( ~S by aa THesodose (ex pay Le con elm eto forward Cots frsafoX [os ue on pet Lit Ttesahor \ curr ty 124 Therefor) yell of » [ltTtocha y «DLS TH > CS Hedoy. COM On bo wd orb WB Ue Popleme I@ 6 lay, WO. / Arseny Gp bokeh VER Stack, ° PD CATHeab m Lad, Onan 5 d LooNentC), nevt C), CALE Pevioca cy, ce emia) tl» £ oi Gon my Jutsurve A Cuy a 7, 2 wen : : 2 "7 FM ou 7 46 Dra f, iLedton. 7 [errand RQ Boe hese of aby A 4 Scanned with CamScanner DV man Sy fT ay?) ut 0 eww flsayled)- Hes aolel (109, ol (a Abc, ft. astol (" oer” iy THerohke tie. Q. pterabeO), ob te (ite Ba boxtO), er ee ia G10: fbn (ih ner) 3 a alt ABC per Scanned with CamScanner — \ pt Irboface in “Save [tint 39h icra ] vc Cb paras THO ” Voll 5) Calledin ieherfore choer vot uth aS. ost a bed mordain He > Fao ° inolex as. of festion., hogt() me fo_exanple TASTE? cacti pabhic clon Te f ; pe ve moh ') ey: Coll efions Ttyes 7 valu = Hen freg uaa. aolol CD; vals + adlol Gr); ves - satel (ga 3, vilus . add CI 9); Colleton. pct (vals ?alt oll yhoo erra- 45); 9 ex sod —? Be we cy Ug LG jhe ace tur P 2 Vo many Ga) 5 : Lint velweg = new Arse b HEC): Value, adel (3): volun aald (97) vallirs . adel, (885. Yale, aolol(I, 9). ce?) Vale. frbh (who <0 fPnfvat)) Zz Scanned with CamScanner * tes ace | fe] inde bon ed alot —_ Ate Pl > con arse dophicote : veduce ee ape omy no of. a Fa sues. > filloorn B imertion tock g phe sock oyotes ofl abo be (mestion oscolx 5 Le con (feeote Gd) BL cd Ueneite SL Hecabi. ¢ UitTterahn li exory ES pbc clay Tot G nome aa av omen) seoy Ut a. noo ALAS e ve adlol ’) F 9, 199). 4 7x, d- oolol (4 5): S-0- flo (2); 2. B [ 100, 22,39 | [s#] > inerty B vlee, bouk on Lokock value 5 con't Atos ohypMrofe oda, ; wo aly one wed voli. 4 lon nsf faifoa, & foertion osabx 9 wt On rhode (ad) rb tome dy Ly Herat example nae alef (Is), p- aslol (ass) Pere Caos5;, S.0:pIn(»)-, olf (292182, 399] Cet A= ned Honh 609; Scanned with CamScanner Sean oe me be whc& rh. [rot an aT Ayn fockeye gova : fl. Clon Ay voglsh Pmplem ————— 7 “py e Aether Pind | 1 ci Defe Cie? baWer!( yy 4 _ JO). geo pln (ier? a 3 oda bot WV contents & mK0b. 2 — hia cr eoteok on ox Ja nizable Grtoy. baria of joorebl Scanned with CamScanner a —_ BY J] besten yf roy tit | frolex eof ‘Geud Doda Strohwe. 2 con npre obiff. olota ype or hetero genus. > con atre fu plicote Usuca. 9D @n Ab AY ne. of null vehies. amd fotlowon fe immer tron ond. — oloc, wer frsoo te. avveh'y aol a men - sy rchoozecl Ko oo, rot enavs-_e olota Comistene, | 10 Hob & Com trubna ef fave, bit _ C5!) fr voy bse Gy) D prsylid( rt Capou'hy) ed Prvoglit C Colletion ©) Scanned with CamScanner we Linked dt i ve > Ayhm { them deol can f U9 fe pa Ga) JA. hd [okay 0 4 Ayrtey “lo Cheol Uy 4 WT conte. a = Te andes Ong clea _ Atel > lobhy Cokeol Upr Ck GY te bins Lokedig” rele pmy—y loo ; {iI & for 7 ( ~f{- bet C foo. iroplere sy LA, Degucue Be sncteadn Belvortepe, “(99.3 —»s >» '" Nerhon x alles; a a) . fbiacd . Ad. Of croton, one C—_ yoo] 100 2° ae lop )po> lofo Scanned with CamScanner _= we con fraverne th x barkwsareel —lhye tian Derodvod aye — rk onus s nef Cop end sta face fore Puvians noole lttico : ‘ — mcae of potion on dehhion af clirmest 14 bho Hen ue Lae fo merase [Perio QR heosd Peale fropeetien 3 Unkle UF ore jrdlerc eof bad aleda phifre. a) cn afore Lil. lod ty fe Dike (F objet _ ately ob; edn dt, alloy d wh coey rout ple null value: onder be not” ~ a _ 4 oso dP. jroerhr Aovt'p anolr ; any ne Prat —» pone Apne Bon? of collet pe [- C at) >) J of yd { 10s asol aye Cn alone Scanned with CamScanner impart ove: uli : Linkollct pte elom Taf? y : v > uv mah ) G (ake txt ds = hew Linked LA; Aa. ast Kr agr), “fe al G0) | vod (101), a avslol (02, | actol C19 ay? S-0- ph, a cat et tat ed es ofedin, Goleta TF g Detuna bel, Itt hg. a Le (04). oh) Obed geht ee al). a as ete ~ ' u BE Lf CO ao) Ob ech (sas SemoveP hh) Scanned with CamScanner I - 0 ren ed ok Cakel Wf A 2 porredtnr — > al )? Galea it 0, 2 new Lnked ld C); Uibel lt (202): 2) > Unkelld I, = neo a ne . List mabe . cE ll cowtarh oll “collechs . itoufece 2 i oor mob ayo b mekads ( n oe ? wa add Ci inde, objet by). 3 Objet 9 ACIA indore). — > vorrol postal C coll edivn ©) Objet Pomove (Tat inline) — wbhfed pat Cit tlre obj ed nesef’) 5 — Prd inde of [objet of) Scanned with CamScanner allt” gg ay le val A we 5p) fio eg oS : - Takes u 4% 3 ut eR [ add ° u . — Dequene- ho 4a lind — ah 1 lode > ondertyirg alo! & Pile ude bly / Mruhue ha woot is a 3 dowrble oO De fy oo ee ortey ae \ calle Linked \ — elie nds nbred in |e sot ar Conti gees memorg tobi Juo> mem In Jecostion hn > gooal fox pedro > pe py To on o feretiorg.. Inver FIO? Rf [verrn J a joua suroteal, clos 2 pderface, aa i ] oe Con Abre fe olota[oby of. foreg. vedx, atack , Hobieble hofotis Diitovorg - In TOK 2 olf ether prumesork os i droduced. Scanned with CamScanner “a Sy ® [4 peme clones fe. vost Mack Harbtable ete, Lim, wore Arehered ty DOK po veran A a. Chen — collection fiemesenk oy ixprodiuc ooh [4 “TOK 2 © ersin, fOst clase were moobYed. ys Jot by ton be adh indell by Hed colledion hienan4 Ao evo / olde, clones are kroen o> leg oy. C lames. 3 po. Veh” 1h am An tmplerne xteol otek “at? idesfow. SF? a ee jin TDR [ro vexarer if clon v ‘ [|b i. a Abehoe ip geoweble Scanned with CamScanner WS Hs of uabx a a Mi alate tere —_ — fader be ad — cn nbe tiff alal€ ype / « Foro, alot a con Afr cluphia Lyf, _ Jslow 1a jr velion osler, choo ned [fos Hh postnp oroler of, colledion eft are x Grow 3- > 4 J jynelannin-cok \ kek!» Ale legou chne Fe MP, Vator caniamait colleties’ idedace @ Lev iMufece m dbs. . Ft Be IK oon mii abo. i ry oll emo (bj obs’) = 2) bj Hind Clemed C) 9 Dat [oS Clem C — >) broleon Surmove Elena (obj ed fy’), 25 5) foslaon Dense Flomatht (it trols.) —) 6) a Cofauit, C) Comdeutor, YQ Vetor () “ a vedo (it initial Gpeaiy) 2) veto (celledon eb | 4) ved (id jibellofaut xt Copan FyTocre Scanned with CamScanner (23) example Fmport goua- uh). Vebor Pb hie Clom Toxf— % fo v maine Vedy r= nd Vetuc) : v. ( ¢ " ao), Uf roltodin Pulbd v.adal (4, 1, 7 oo Path coll Vi add Elermal ("46"). ford oked sopla (v- tintlenedC)): S-0- [In ( JemveElemott (2.))- Con (Cv. vermove ll e-AC) S.0 pn (v- cafaehy Oo Se ln Cu. natlendtt (api afi, itinbss), J Scanned with CamScanner pidaroaleo dy — lyeg clas nN ube i yeh clo pad SS oF ie G te gee : pil packaje, _Sgrdon con Stacks external, vasa 1) abled a frofetes. of Stack Snes BPs Bint 09 (110) Icon be impkmentol on 4 heals of OR, Brg CA Lok CD vases. —— foe bee ole ettacbent . 5 on Me Contrurty. re, SHoc&C y (Methooh Lig pH Cobyed of) erty rdhin ip 5 of =e (2 coy ed asp) 2 + tytn he dy OL 'eF —- fexk Pa ) b £6 top mon 1 ebret — Narl Colby ef bo in ds oe ie, eh OD Scanned with CamScanner gy le 3) ox@ aa @. Stock import — govas uth / [tbe Clo. Tet ¢ j ain (7) r a> vm . Stack A ~ nee stackC): B- fobC "oad, >? poh 10); Dp: rae, “a: pec (102-2), §-0 [ICs ); 2 (FPO) go pIo(&- pO); S: a: pho (A poke; S-¢ po @), | Harboe cee clan of “Cet 7 jrtoface | Pees _ > (mfpleme In gave tt , Ayskoe ponte inflemesdta S at C om 4 // mathools a Scanned with CamScanner Ve, L 9 unde yy olada N frohee in Honb tel 4 A> Holrd in ea Locked oP ty "maf" FY} us eG iy TOK '2 Vessy'on- Looper of Halls ch —» elimeAr ose nporedl on Aen''n YP Lebrods” valu anign el 4, JVM ohh ve Create, ob et OF = 4, Map, key Ore soy? UNG UE Ao Harb St Ave, mot ARAL Suphrote vadhueg . —t hdevsenra. oeSQ 1ry rtrd th Hooks & not follows (roetbn carol, — 3 — ofees Scanned with CamScanner we a . ( lim. x 7 pt Hoh SA ase ory Ayrcboronts cok as Se ame le. Pfr rg Tovah. Hod se: [hfe clay Tage Bo) | ea o GD) Harb se hy = neo Heb SIC) eee (125 J) eikt be oslotk Po mop > Ke L,. ool (00%), Pp. astol (~ joo.s) ale sep CW pf ax, be, be Z. sl ALL/ ad) £,. cle C Scanned with CamScanner Tr SE ; . . ag, . 3 implime deol clon of Navigable a fe jnole- oct by jmpleme Aa 7°? 4 Be At prtefare. a J ou able St ! Tutt implemedn Meug clea E I Mandraatorg + vm Shoals ; . 3 wes jd noolvcet Wy TDK ba veer —) Uncler 4,’ ce Atpehre 1A balonc + yu. troferti of TreeSf i 3 ret an inal ene = Neral alota rteetuee . —2 doe, not flora. #. Jrser tion OF ale _ of [obo He. Aor He opal, ordley 40, 62,29 30 ( @ @ deri ores 3 20,32, 40 bp Scanned with CamScanner ©) Ome strcaa HAome alat2 tk) hh ron che 9 OF Cn not Atte dug brcate, ebmerda. J—s Ntoue t non. ayer brows ol alata rdeckue, — not ator null yabu — > tram tb flor, nahiy ardeg Ao comforafr, mekol | roy he ~ 2 Cxer = i oat gave hl. Tras fhe clo, Tot (2 were y Tact fa ones TSI dg. act (40), do - adlal (6) dy . abel (2°): ty. volt (3°); iS o-pln (te), 2 3 olf [*, Jo, 4, éo | Scanned with CamScanner a 1. ty Z fERs, | pave te ty 7 / jo Borrt Coffetrsa jrfes fare 5 [“ fa awa f ouapieg A — > na face 5 >» ot doe not 7 Ny ntarx pthc phere rp ” 1m Kos a 9 pbre 4 olla a ky -volve’ fark mire volar th be kg! Lhe 20 Mn, [hone no» > (of cori ara. Gn Gte key - (mut) _> (op doo, nof foler ut X lerheg jeder + (ete - Cxemple Import Jova. A) . Horo [nfo haze hl. ep [the Clin T= 5 an v yan C ) 4 — Scanned with CamScanner Mp mp 2 nes HoSmofp 0) wah fat Chas, 165) haat map pot (Jor Lb); sad ref Pf (3, ee S-0: pO (mop) 2 2 otf f tele for = 4b, (decd © wef cleaO, — //it eae > mo 7 (odatiokay (103); [ft 0 pha, a of - cordeia Vals /“a9°) Lo%e, vob, 4 - 9h (lo¥). hE ott hur aroha (loud, (Pit id + map ptt (mop mm): 9 map remve Cieay, [fit lll oe Scanned with CamScanner a LS BS As ro 5 mop. sephce (re? "oto!”)s mop AIRED; as > Hortrap in ronplemetek clon of " map” itrafoce . Peto oe hil. Sy bare Clan Hoktraf ionflemests Prag "Yon Hes — 3 9 Uncles byy clea tr-Are of Holap ia Ho,4 Table. opertin of Hobirep - . : ail) 4 \pien 1B var in ky velo f y a Eac4 kay vol. [ee fo Rnown a & my — key awe absoyp angen, bef values, a0 ba phos. a4 lesan c- afore Evo Oneeo elm, —9 cloe, not Pele he Aortyy Rivert5 ona Scanned with CamScanner @ — = Ha 4p Pen a Pp ArneCvi3 eh boda plebive . ue He Bmrafp Cordas aK 12 wm Mok of imap EXorf 7 : mpoot gava sity. lokmag Import gave. ALD. 52 [Be he, Trg c fees Cry Fy 5 So. (2 (4°); Seb at 2 ben. ebpsh>; S. 0s (58); of 7 s Tele "gg? 102 obs Is “ce 3 (tote "008 baa” a of = 09, ’ Scanned with CamScanner SS fet Tet te 9 ° of Natjeble vel cee ato inherit @ prfotts (of berfree. rege 5 oe maf bd of rorteal 0 "app x Ayrton clos Treo} Imp leon eto Novizabelof 4 PA Hf mBioob q © aa) stn Abdo plickse 7 Roo blk : plete of Ked Back Tae eve nook 1, oh. G 7 Sot (Ee rh ox dhe oy black Cvcey leaf rool (rult noel) 1 lock of Qa hooky iD suck, H, SA TB ch hoben are Slack f- cack noo LM pohly foro no b ity olncenoet nvebs codah ff jor ne of Slack bool, 4 7 Scanned with CamScanner be fertis af Tin Mop “> Abe A wha i keg pate fe Meh rhb hey valle fair in OS Koya abr te Uniue Ad vibers Gn be aley hicste , oe fF filles He insestion oreby At [blac me vtrg osoloy Cathe, CXero (264 aq” 34 fe (xg 14-4 "ce? ~ Jou 3" ald/” 198 S4 OF = Akoe ES sere oty ebme dn. GH not Ahre null Ue, & 4 dure — = “Treemsp Ia. bn Ami Sony of Scanned with CamScanner eps fenporl 7 fee he pol a gua. bt qyaltop S a Sw ; eee og) ( Tree Mapp y+ new Ty 0fO my. ft (16, "oo')- ma. pA (193, 46"): roy ft (1% "ee'} my. fot (12, “dol )- my pot (198, "6"); | ol? S-0-9Io Cm), | Sep, Ca - cei bing ltea(103) Ne > bb So: pSo (M2. cob yErty (199)), 7 oS ae a ee Ad a S +0: fn (™ Cobar okey (toy). » cL, 5. 2 tp (mg: Fintbtycy), ty Jo2 atok So Po (m1: flo Edy C101). By ea a Ae Soh Coma. get (to). bg Be ar Bila bla), 37 16 Spret nF 5 opla(ora. Ssh lly (ror = Jol we | Scanned with CamScanner [He Table / H — clit implome rfeot cha of (op i-tifore 9 Syntax foc Kaye Jove biG, Clom Hub Tab le, irpleme-dn (of 1 porathods 3 04 ja a tepacy clos g tam inode im “IDK bo vessun b i ; Oe ada if joy voc fue, coh pay knoen c by . a k ; ut be es heb velus Gr be op om Bode . | a) we not [tes prevtion & orf) erly > synchro vi veal allo -phehve. er keg Hob Table Le = ue Hob Tob le C); and Ooooh jog Scanned with CamScanner EEL "a0 "). “Ma as bt pat (106 an A cle fp rte Le” ( “ab pa i — 4 PA (pr 40"), ("ted 3) RPI = 3 ~ af pet (179, "ce") (os =z) Lek J Kere ro Luk cotitaien 2, fh hol C4 tA work . deter /y for i) orm dyyéy te bff 8 u ” fob= ae . a OTC tens ta 9 Scanned with CamScanner iA “rom se Clay | Sein a Aube of hold able clon implored, Map jberfire 9 Then ae cofis waabion vale, rroray ol ® key [valle [ria In ca pas koe value que hob, “Shor 4 Gaba, os} hope t= clon prowils ro evel por i. hoadhy key [vale [er debrie ny a yahue forth ka Sty 4b keyg p Bey volong Aowl) 4 [roferte pb arheom, ? (Mba a) gt hoferty (ky); Scanned with CamScanner °. Hy _ Poll actions 7 [sky net] exe le rovprort Jove : oh Lit fell cla, TS fo emacs Ot num « nea Prog 6-4 C) hum. actly) . Y Dur - colo : Puro. Ny hung i aolel/ 9) Collebes « rort Cuma). S+ 0: pIn (nue): : 3 a 3 off. [3 Y 4 of Scanned with CamScanner ’ e) — bi Ad foe od 9 sort J on aol o\k ow awry fasic, ld DY on dod alist Hey Ue will on une (Comporehoy- (omparaly- in 90 iderfoce, ie a f, 0 vio wwh ( ) gq (orf oraddy- rong red = oposhal ) : in > publi id compra (Tote TH g ) ; — 4 (bios 7 hI) delon 4 5 vehon ~ 15, 3 Colledtiow. - port (hur, (om) Scanned with CamScanner /¢ omparable ns Corpor hs | d 7 dopore confughle, Z (omporelo re 3 f “ t oy ol tt 3 meort fr i ed a cam codom reo) poh od ey a} a) [2crerd in Forlorn. , prot a jon PL pohooe fockaye — Tas (toface = Bs ide ece ins | chf rss. ony Ore 2 md ook. fowfer el) © ynetod comforts O) quel) orap fe . he = An ae +] <> on impleme bed ¢ = chee a of Kio. [drfove we fea iokefos * calla typ) andl RI Barol Callas > Scanned with CamScanner

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