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Q1 : How did Trubetzkoy define markedness?

Was it a phonological or phonetic


Nikolai Trubetzkoy, a key figure in the Prague School of Linguistics, introduced the
concept of markedness as a fundamental principle in understanding phonological

His approach to markedness was primarily phonological rather than phonetic, focusing
on how sounds function within the phonological system of a language.

Trubetzkoy's concept of markedness revolves around the idea that phonemic contrasts
can be categorized into marked and unmarked members.

He defined It as following :

1. Marked vs. Unmarked Members:

o In any phonological opposition, one member is considered "marked"
while the other is "unmarked."
o The marked member is typically more complex or less natural than the
unmarked member.
o The unmarked member serves as the default or more basic form.
2. Neutralization:
o Neutralization occurs when distinctions between phonemes are lost in
certain phonological contexts, resulting in the unmarked form.
o For example, in German, the distinction between voiced and voiceless
obstruents is neutralized at the end of a word, leading to the unmarked
voiceless form: /t/ in "Rad" [ʁat] ('wheel') instead of /d/.

Trubetzkoy’s concept of markedness is fundamentally phonological, as it deals with the

functional and structural aspects of phonemes within a language system:

1. Phonological Opposition:
o Markedness is defined by the roles phonemes play in contrasting with
each other within a particular language.
o For example, in English, the opposition between /p/ and /b/ is
phonological. /p/ is unmarked (default) and /b/ is marked (requiring
2. Phonological Rules and Patterns:
o Phonological rules often reflect markedness distinctions. For example, in
assimilation processes, the unmarked form typically prevails.
o In many languages, voiceless stops (unmarked) are more common than
voiced stops (marked).
Phonetic Properties and Their Role

While Trubetzkoy’s approach was predominantly phonological, phonetic properties

were not entirely irrelevant:

1. Phonetic Realizations:
o The markedness of phonemes can be influenced by their phonetic

For instance, voiced sounds are phonetically more complex due to the
requirement of vocal cord vibration.

o However, Trubetzkoy was more concerned with the phonological

function rather than the phonetic articulation.

2. Phonetic Naturalness:
o Phonetic naturalness can often explain why certain phonemes are

For example, voiceless stops are easier to produce and perceive, making
them unmarked across languages.


Trubetzkoy's definition of markedness is primarily a phonological concept focusing on

the structural and functional roles of phonemes within a language system. While
phonetic properties can influence markedness, Trubetzkoy’s emphasis was on how
these features operate in phonological oppositions and patterns. By distinguishing
between marked and unmarked phonemes, Trubetzkoy provided a framework for
understanding the asymmetrical nature of phonological systems across languages.

Examples Illustrating Markedness

o Voicing in Consonants:
o English: Voiceless stops like /p/, /t/, and /k/ are unmarked compared to
their voiced counterparts /b/, /d/, and /ɡ/.
 Example: Word-final devoicing in German, where /d/ becomes [t]:
"Bund" [bʊnt] ('federation').
o Vowel Height:
o English: Short vowels are unmarked compared to their long counterparts.
o Example: English prefers short vowels in unstressed syllables.
 "admit": The second syllable has a short vowel /ɪ/ in the
unstressed position.
 "submit": The second syllable has a short vowel /ɪ/ in the
unstressed position.

In these examples, short vowels are preferred in unstressed syllables, demonstrating the
tendency for English to use unmarked (short) vowels in specific phonological contexts.

oTurkish: High vowels /i/, /ɯ/, /u/, /y/ are unmarked compared to their
low counterparts /e/, /a/, /o/, /œ/.
 Example: Vowel harmony in Turkish prefers high vowels in suffixes
unless a root vowel is low.
o Nasality in Vowels:
o French: Oral vowels are unmarked compared to nasal vowels.
 Example: The neutralization of vowel nasality in rapid or casual
speech often results in the use of the unmarked oral vowel.

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