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SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION FIRST CERTIFICATE WRITING PART 1 10. ‘Whose is this football?’ the teacher asked the children.

‘Who …………………….…………...………….. ?’ the teacher asked the children.
1. You must do exactly what the manager tells you.
You must …………………………….…….…………...………... instructions exactly. 11. It was difficult to persuade Rick to buy the book.
I …………………….………….…………...…...………… Rick to buy the book.
2. My grandfather was sixty when he learnt to swim.
My grandfather learnt to swim ……………………..………….…………...………………. sixty. 12. I can’t believe this is the best room there is.
There must ………………….…….…………...………...……… this one!
3. Joan couldn’t eat the food because it was too spicy.
The food ………………………………………….…………...…..…. Joan to eat. 13. The notice says you have to sign the form twice.
The notice says the forms ………………….…………...…………. twice.
4. It is a teacher’s responsibility to look after students.
A teacher ………………………….…………...……. students. 14. I’m sorry but I cannot lend you any money.
I’m sorry but it ………….…………...….…………...……………… to lend you any money.
5. It’s more than a year since I saw Lucy.
I …………………………………….…………...…. more than a year. 15. The journey will be about nine hours, whichever route you take.
It …………………….…………...…….…………...………. you take, the journey will be about nine
6. You might be late back so take a key.
Take a key …………………….…………...……. late.
16. The last time I went to Canada was in January 1994.
7. I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you earlier.
I ………………….………….…………...…...……….. Canada since January 1994.
I ……………………….…………...……… to see you earlier.
17. It’s a waste of time for you to discuss the problem with Jane.
8. People estimate that the painting is worth over a million pounds.
There’s ……………………………….…………...……… the problem with Jane.
The painting ………………….…………...………… over a million pounds.
18. My house is as big as Peter’s.
9. They aren’t opening that new computer shop until next week.
Peter’s house ………….…………...…………………….. mine.
That new computer shop …………….…………...………… until next week.
19. Michael is usually punctual so I’m surprised that he’s late. 29. There haven’t been many changes in this town since I last visited it.
I’m surprised that Michael’s not here yet because it’s ……………….…………...…………… late. Since my last ……………………….…………...……….. has changed in this town.

20. The committee discussed what to do. 30. Hardly anybody applied for the job.
The committee ……………………….…………...…….. should be done. There were very ……………………….…………...…………. the job.

21. Nobody in the group disagreed with the plan except for John. 31. Luisa does a full-time job and looks after the house too.
With ……………….………….…………...…...………., everyone in the group agreed with the plan. Luisa does a full-time job …………………….…………...……………… the house.

22. The fire in the library was discovered by a student. 32. ‘If I were you Jane, I’d take an umbrella and a raincoat!’ said Annabel.
It ……………………….…………...…………….. the fire in the library. Annabel ……………………….…………...……………. an umbreela and a raincoat.

23. Gerald is too young to vote. 33. Nobody apart from my mother thought I would win the race.
Gerald ……………………….………….…………...…...…………… vote. My mother ……………….…………...…………. thought I would win the race.

24. ‘Do fast cars interest you?’ the dealer asked Sarah. 34. Thomas would have gone to the meeting if he had not been so tired.
The dealer asked Sarah ………………….…………..….…………....………. fast cars. Thomas was ……………….…………...…………….. to the meeting.

25. My brother really wishes he could sing well. 35. The switchboard operator connected me to the manager.
My brother regrets not ………………………….…………...………… well. The switchboard operator ……….…………...……………………. the manager.

26. Maria said I had caused the accident. 36. There are very few buildings in the old city higher than this.
Maria ……………………….…….…………...………...……….. the accident. This is ……….…………...……………. buildings in the old city.

27. James did not need to register for the new course. 37. If we’d arrived a moment later we would have missed the ferry.
NECESSARY It ………………………………….…………...…… to register for the new course. IN
We arrived ……………….…………...……………. the ferry.
28. She never finishes her work on time even though she works hard.
She never finishes her work on time ……………………….…………...……… she works.
38. Andrew set off for the supermarket despite the heavy rain. 47. Tim had not expected the concert to be so good.
Andrew set off for the supermarket, even ………….…………...……………………… heavily. The concert ………………………………….…………...………………. had expected.

39. He decided that it wasn’t worth continuing the course. 48. If Cheryl doesn’t train harder, she’ll never get into the swimming team.
He decided that ………………………….…………...………. continuing the course. Cheryl will never get into the swimming team ……………….…………...……………. more
40. The cinema was practically empty.
HARDLY 49. ‘Do you realise what the time is, Steve?’ asked Chris.
There …………………………….…………...………….. the cinema. WHAT
Chris asked Steve …………….………….…………...…...……….. it was.
41. We couldn’t solve the problem.
SOLUTION 50. The company decided to advertise the job in a national newspaper.
We were unable ………………………………………………………………. the problem. PUT
The company decided to ………………….…………...………. the job in a national newspaper.
42. So that John could go on holiday in the summer, he saved 10 pounds a week.
ORDER 51. At the end of his speech, the winner thanked his parents.
John saved 10 pounds a week …………….……….…………...……...………… able to go on holiday FINISHED
in the summer. The winner ………………….…………...……………… his parents.

43. You must do exactly what the manager tells you. 52. I applied for the job a month ago.
You must ………………….…….…………...………...……… instructions exactly. It …………………………….…………...…….. I applied for the job.

44. So that John could go on holiday in the summer, he saved 10 pounds a week. 53. They received many letters of support after they had appeared on television.
John saved 10 pounds a week …………….…………...………… able to go on holiday in the They received many letters of support ……………….…………...……………… on television.
54. John is interested in knowing more about astronomy.
45. It’s not worth asking the manager for the day off. LIKE
POINT John ……………….…………...………………….. more about astronomy.
There ………………….………….…………...…...……….. in asking the manager for the day off.
55. Because of the parade, we weren’t allowed to park in the High Street.
46. We had to finish all the work before we could leave. LET
UNTIL Because of the parade, the police wouldn’t ………………….…………...………………… in the High
We had to stay ……………………….…………...……….. all the work. Street.
56. ‘Did you see that film on television on Saturday?’ Susan asked me. 65. ‘What is the width of this cupboard?’ Rebecca asked her sister.
Susan wanted to know …………………….…….…………...………...…. that film on television on Rebecca asked her sister ………………….…………...……………….. was.
66. George spent ages tidying up his room.
57. ‘I’m afraid these jeans have a hole in them.’ TOOK
THERE It …………………………………………………… up his room.
‘I’m afraid that …………………….………….…………...…...…… these jeans.’
67. A famous architect designed Dr Schneider’s house for her.
58. They cancelled the match because of the bad weather. HAD
CALLED Dr Schneider ………….…………...………………………… a famous architect.
The match …………………….…………...…….…………...……… because of the bad weather.
68. ‘Peter, you’ve eaten all the ice cream!’ said his mother.
59. Dan never takes any notice of my advice. ACCUSED
ATTENTION Peter’s mother ………………….…………...………….. all the ice cream.
Dan never ………………………….…………...…………… my advice.
69. Bill fell off his bike because he wasn’t looking where he was going.
60. ‘Can I borrow your bivycle, Sarah?’ asked Frank. PAYING
LEND If Bill ……….…………...………………… to where he was going, he wouldn’t have fallen off his
Frank asked Sarah …………………….…………...……… her bicycle. bike.

61. Maybe Peter forgot that we changed the time of the meeting. 70. We might not find it easy to book a seat at the last minute.
Peter ………………………….…………...………. that we changed the time of the meeting. It ……………….…………...…….. us to book a seat at the last minute.

62. She checks the company accounts very efficiently. 71. It was wrong of you to borrow my jacket without asking.
She’s very ……………………………….…………...…… the company accounts. You ……….…………...…………….. before you borrowed my jacket.

63. All the children enjoy themselves at the summer camp. 72. The TV programme was so complicated that none of the children could understand
FUN it.
Every ………………….…………...………………. at this summer camp. TOO
The TV programme was …………….…………...……………… the children to understand.
64. The teacher postponed the theatre trip until the summer term.
OFF 73. Luke knocked over the old lady’s bicycle by accident.
The theatre trip ………………….…………...…………. the teacher until the summer term. MEAN
Luke …………….…………...………………. knock over the old lady’s bicycle.
74. I’ve already planned my next holiday. 83. Could you look after mycat while I’m away on holiday.
I’ve already ……………………….………….…………...…...…….. my next holiday. Would you mind ………………….…………...……….. my cat while I’m away on holiday?

75. They say the ice in Antarctica is getting thinner all the time. 84. We discussed the problem but nobody had a solution.
The ice in Antarctica ………….…………….…………......…………….. getting thinner all the time. We discussed the problem but …………………….…………...…………. with a solution.

76. We didn’t enjoy our walk along the seafront because it was so windy. 85. Claire was not allowed to stay out late when she lived at home with her parents.
The strong wind …………………….…………....…………...…………. our walk along the seafront. Claire’s parents …………….…………...………… stay out late when she lived at home.

77. It looks as if Susan has left her jacket behind. 86. I arrived late because I missed the 10.30 train.
Susan ………………………….…………...….…………...… her jacket behind. If I’d caught the 10.30 train, I ……………….…………...……………. time.

78. A newly qualified dentist took out Mr. Dupont’s tooth. 87. Floods meant rescue workers could not get through to the village.
Mr. Dupont …………………….…………...…………… by a newly qualified dentist. Rescue workers ………………….…………...………….. through to the village by floods.

79. Antonio only lost the 100-metre race because he fell. 88. My views on this suject are exactly the same as yours.
If Antonio had ………………………….…………...…….. won the 100-metre race. There …………………………….…………...……. my views on this subject and yours.

80. I regret not contacting Brian when I was in Dublin. 89. Sara knew that her brother had to leave by 5 o’clock.
I wish that I ………………….…………...……….. Brian whe I was in Dublin. Sara knew that ………………….…………...………. her brother to leave by 5 o’clock.

81. In my opinion, these two kinds of music are completely different from each other. 90. ‘What’s the height of the mountain?’ Lee asked his father.
In my opinion, there is ………….…………...………………….. these two kinds of music. Lee asked his father ……………………….…………...…………….. was.

82. I don’t know why Sarah left the party so sddenly. 91. The secretary said that they had run out of paper for the photocopier.
I don’t know …………………….…………...……….. the party so suddenly. The secretary said that there wasn’t ………….…………...………….. for the photocopier.
92. I wish I’d done more to help.
I regretted …………………………….…………...…….more to help.

93. They will be selling tickets for the concert during the lunch hour.
Tickets for the concert will …………….…………...………… during the lunch hour.

94. We plyed tennis despite the cold weather.

We played tennis ……………………….…………...…….. cold.

95. The manager had the respect of everyone in the office.

Everyone in the office ………….…………...……………… the manager.

96. ‘I’m sorry I’m late again,’ he said.

APOLOGISED He ……………….…….…………...………...……………..again.

97. She looks like my cousin Mary.

She …………………….…………...……….my cousin Mary.

98. If you have enough money for the fare, why not travel first class?
If you ………………………………………………., why not travel first class?

99. Someone is going to redecorate the kitchen for us next month.

We are going ……………………………………………….. next month.

100. Could you speak up because I can’t hear you properly?

Would ………………………………………….up because I can’t hear you properly?

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