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TEST 1 (8.6.

Part 1. Listen to a man talking about his trip and choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each question.
You will hear the recording TWICE. (5 points)
Question 1: The man feels ______ about traveling overseas.
A. relaxed B. anxious C. apprehensive
Question 2: The man learned how to ______ in the marketplace in the first city.
A. exchange money B. bargain C. sell goods
Question 3: People often stared at the man because he ______.
A. spoke with a strong accent B. carried a big backpack C. looked different than others
Question 4: The man found it difficult to ______.
A. cross the road B. find a taxi C. catch the bus
Question 5: The man discovered that all people want to ______.
A. learn new languages B. develop other skills C. make new friends

Part 2. Listen to a conversation between Will and Clara and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to
each question. You will hear the recording TWICE. (5 points)
Question 6: What happened to the debate club meeting?
A. The meeting was moved to another room. B. The club was disbanded.
C. The meeting was postponed. D. They painted instead of debating.
Question 7: Why couldn't the man receive the email?
A. He was too busy with his classes. B. His friend forgot to tell him.
C. His computer has been out of order. D. He was in a meeting.
Question 8: What is going to happen with the debate club's meeting room?
A. It is going to be sold. B. It is going to be repainted.
C. It is going to be closed. D. It is going to be demolished
Question 9: What is true about the debate club's meeting room?
A. It is too small for the group.
B. It is called "Turner Auditorium".
C. It will soon be enlarged to accommodate everyone.
D. It is the most run-down room in the student building.
Question 10: What can be inferred about the man?
A. He does not enjoy the debate club. B. He is not taking many classes.
C. He is a weak debater. D. He is not ready for his debate yet.

Part 3. Listen to a teacher in a history class and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question.
You will hear the recording TWICE. (5 points)
Question 11: What has the class recently studied?
A. the family life of ancient Romans B. the government of ancient Romans
C. the cities built by ancient Romans D. the language of ancient Romans

Question 12: What will the students see during their trip?
A. art and documents created by ancient Romans B. roads that were built by ancient Romans
C. weapons made by ancient Romans D. buildings designed by ancient Romans
Question 13: What is each student supposed to do before the trip?
A. attend a special lecture B. write a paper about ancient Roman life
C. collect information from online sources D. interview an expert on Roman history
Question 14: How does the teacher end the class?
A. by giving the students a task B. by showing the students a video
C. by inviting questions from students D. by asking students for their homework
Question 15: Why are the students taking a trip?
A. to learn more about Roman history B. to tour an ancient Roman building
C. to travel to a famous city D. to help learn a foreign language

  === THE END OF THE LISTENING ===  


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each of the
following sentences. (17 points)
Question 16: Anna wants to improve her pronunciation, so she decided to ______ a course at her school.
A. arrange B. buy C. give D. take
Question 17: Lucy always said she could speak English fluently, but when she couldn’t hold a conservation
with the English tourist, she had ______ all over her face.
A. smile B. egg C. straw D. fish
Question 18: They were ______ in conversation and didn’t notice me leaving the room. When they called me
to ask where I went, I had been at home for 15 minutes.
A. thoroughly B. captivated C. deep D. solidly
Question 19: Kenny believes that sport professionals deserve high salaries because constant hard training is
necessary so that they can ______ themselves to the limit when they compete.
A. ahead B. go C. exert D. apply
Question 20: Youth sport is being ruined by a win-at-all-costs ______ which includes cheating and breaking
the rules to achieve victory.
A. dream B. desire C. yearning D. attitude
Question 21: Oscar White Muscarella, a ______ respected archaeologist, claims that more than 1250 forgeries
are on display in the world’s leading museums and art galleries.
A. deeply B. highly C. heavily D. seriously
Question 22: ______ the water clear but also prevent the river from overflowing.
A. Not only the hippo’s eating habits keep B. Keep not only the hippo’s eating habits
C. The hippo’s eating habits not only keep D. Not only keep the hippo’s eating habits
Question 23: When reaching the top of the hill, ______.
A. we suddenly caught sight of the sea B. it was the sea that extended below us
C. we extended the sea below us D. the sea came into view
Question 24: Daisy is talking to Lan, who is going back to Vietnam to visit her family.
Daisy: “Don’t fail to send your parents my regards.”
Lan: “______.”
A. Thanks, I will B. You’re welcome C. It’s my pleasure D. Good idea, thanks
Question 25: Jack is talking to Rosie about phoning Peter.
Jack: “Have you been able to reach Peter?”
Rosie: “______.”
A. There’s no approval B. It’s much too high
C. Yes, I’ve known him for years D. No. The line is busy
Question 26: He'd be an excellent candidate for promotion ______ his hot temper.
A. if not B. if it wasn't C. if only D. if it weren't for
Question 27: She is said ______ her third novel before she was twenty.
A. to write B. to have written C. to be writing D. to have been writing
Question 28: We walked through the park, ______ had been uprooted in the storm. It was a scene of utter desolation.
A. most trees of which B. that the most trees C. most of whose trees D. whose most trees
Question 29: I’m ______ no mood to go to the party tonight because I have an argument over party cake with
Jane this afternoon.
A. for B. at C. in D. under
Question 30: Ancient mountains have been worn away by wind, rain, and ______.
A. to agents of erosion B. for agents of erosion
C. with agents of erosion D. other agents of erosion
Question 31: The proposal was rejected ______ the changes would be too costly.
A. because of B. in spite of C. as a result of D. on the grounds that
Question 32: Next year we intend to ______ several new products but at the moment we’re still testing them.
A. cut back B. bring out C. take over D. go ahead

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions. (8 points)
When we are young, sometimes the hardest thing about feelings is actually sharing them with others,
though, I realise now, it is certainly worth making the effort to do so. Sharing with others helps us to share the
load, as it were.
It was not until much later, looking back over my childhood, that I realised that the first step in sharing was to
identify what feelings I actually had! Making a list of them seemed to help. Was I happy or was I sad? Was it all
emotion experienced only at that particular time or did I tend to feel like that all the time?
My problem was that I had not realised that some fears are quite acceptable and even helpful at times, while
others can actually get in the way of enjoying everyday things such as learning, playing with a friend or
experiencing for the first time the change from Primary to Secondary level. This is when I really should have
had a chat with my parents instead of holding it all inside, as they would have been able to lessen my anxiety
about moving up.
There were times when my anxiety would also be accompanied by a headache, a stomach ache or
dizziness. My grandmother used to tell me that there is a certain part of the brain that controls that fight or
flight feeling. Not that I had any idea what she was talking about as I must have been only about knee-high
at the time!
I recall a small group of us feeling uncomfortable at the idea of meeting new teachers or moving up to the
"big" school. That kind of discomfort at such an age is natural when faced with something new. Better late than
never, I realised that being shy is not such a bad thing. Nobody actually sets out to be like that, it just happens
naturally. I understood quite quickly that the key to shyness is just to be yourself. No matter the age, it's healthy
to get things off your chest! In fact, I quickly found that some of my friends had the same feelings and became
quite happy to share their secrets. Sometimes, just inviting a shy child to join in a game a couple of times
helped them to get over their feelings of shyness.
There were other times when I felt sad about leaving Primary school, but then again, it was one of the many
normal emotions or moods we have all experienced during that period of change. Unhappiness was the emotion
I felt when I had to say goodbye to certain dear friends. It made me feel like crying, though even crying made
me feel better as tears slowly washed away the negative emotions. When the sadness started to disappear, it felt
as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
I now realise at the tender age of twenty-eight that, even though, there might sometimes seem to be no
reason to look on the bright side of life, for every bad there is a good. Also, having friends who think
optimistically can help you get on your feet again and move forward onto a more positive path.
Question 33: What do youngsters find most difficult to do?
A. to make an effort B. to tell others how they feel
C. to accept help from others D. to realise that life is hard
Question 34: What was the writer's first move towards sharing her feelings?
A. to look back over the years B. to finish writing her lists of feelings
C. to ask people questions about her feelings D. to decide which particular feelings she had
Question 35: What the writer finally realised about fears is that ______.
A. they all get in the way B. they can happen every day
C. some are more helpful than others D. it is better to hold them inside
Question 36: What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. a happy moment of daily life B. a negative emotion
C. a conversation with parents D. a memory about school days
Question 37: What does the writer mean by "knee-high"?
A. too young B. too high C. too tall D. too short
Question 38: According to the writer, what is the best way to handle shyness?
A. to realise that age matters B. to understand that it is unhealthy
C. to realise that it is uncomfortable D. to be your usual self
Question 39: When the writer's sadness began to disappear, she felt ______.
A. she had lost weight B. more positive about life
C. more emotional about life D. she was heavier
Question 40: The writer realises now for the first time that ______.
A. it's difficult to tell good from bad
B. she has optimistic friends
C. you can get on your feet again yourself
D. there is always a reason to look on the bright side
I. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the following sentences. Write
your answer in the numbered space given below. (5 points)
1. My son detests (call) ______ Bon. He considers the name too childish.
2. It is essential that every candidate (have) ______ their belongings inspected before sitting the exam.
3. At school, I disliked my Maths teacher because he (always/pick) ______ on me.
4. Earth Hour is an event organized (raise) ______ people’s awareness about the need to take action on climate
5. We (look) ______ at the books for about 15 minutes, pretending to read.

Your answers: 3.always picked

1. calling 4. raising
2.haved/having 5.have been looking

II. Give the correct form of the given words in the brackets to finish the following sentences. Write your
answer in the numbered space given below. (5 points)
1. It's very (courage) ______ to find out that your own team members have been lying to you.
2. According to the recent report, this dreadful (dry) ______ has ruined sixty per cent of the crops in the region.
3. Deserts are not (inhabit) ______ places as many people believe.
4. If we hadn’t (economy) ______ on food and water, we wouldn’t have survived a single day in the cave.
5. This is (doubt) ______ Michael. I’d recognize him even if he wore a beard.

Your answers: 3.inhabited

1.courageous 4.economized
2.drys 5.doubtful

III. The passage below contains 7 mistakes. Underline the mistakes and write their corrections in the
correspondent space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (7 points)


In an age when technology is developed faster than ever before, many 0. developing
people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they -What: where
can make this is by investigating their own family history. They can try to find -Make: do
out more about what their families came from and what they did. This is now a - Especially:espection
fast-growing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, alike -Avoided:been avoided
Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going through -own: bỏ
a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family's - that: which
past. It is quite other to carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set
about it in a disorganizing way and cause yourself many problems that could
have avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you
that you are connected with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, not let
this idea take over your research. Just treat it as an interesting possibility. A
simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to
start with; a more complex one may only get in your way. The most important
thing, though, is to get started. Who knows what you might find?

IV. Read the passage carefully then choose from the sentences A-E the one which fits each gap (1-5). (5
Lindsey Friedman, 27, is a product development manager at a major department store in the capital. She is in
charge of buying men’s branded casualwear.
What do I actually do? Well, I work with clothing suppliers to select and build the perfect range of clothes
for our target customer. (1) _______. Much of the job involves building relationships with our suppliers,
negotiating prices and making sure that deliveries of new stock arrive on time. I also work with department
managers and a marketing team within the store to build my vision.
The most satisfying thing for me about the job has been building my department into a credible fashion
destination, as people often think of a department store as just a place to buy their cushions. (2) _______. When
you’ve spent months planning a new collection, seeing it launched is so exciting. It’s amazing when we take a
gamble and include an unconventional look and it quickly takes off and sells really well.
On the other hand, it’s my job to stay on top of the trends and create newness, so if I want to try out a new
brand I have to drop an existing one, even if we’ve always had a long working relationship. (3) _______. The
other side of the coin is that we’re playing catch-up in fashion terms, and sometimes we get rejected too. There
are cool brands of clothing that we’d like to sell that don’t want to have too many accounts, so they won’t let us
stock them, unfortunately.
People sometimes ask me what skills you need to be a successful buyer, and I reply that any type of fashion
degree is a good way to start – mine was in textiles and clothing management. (4) _______. Obviously, you
need to be really enthusiastic and motivated. You also have to be strategic, analytical and very well-organised,
and you need to have a creative vision of what the perfect collection should look like. And you have to be good
with figures, too, because you need to balance your budget.
The advice I would give to someone starting out in buying is to join an executive training programme. (5)
_______. For instance, you can go from being a buyer’s administrative assistant to an assistant buyer to a junior
buyer in just a few years. You also need to stay on top of the fashion industry and keep reading fashion
magazines. Learn as much as you can about the product you are buying, and think carefully about the target
customer you are selling to.

A. Many department stores run them, and if you can get a place on one it will move you up the ladder very
B. But whether or not you’re a graduate in something like that the main thing is to get retail experience by
working on the shop floor.
C. This means I need to find the right balance between choosing some unusual, on-trend fashion pieces, as well
as other clothes, such as classic white T-shirts, which I know will sell really well.
D. That can be unpleasant, but you have to take the emotion out of it and remember that it’s business.
E. Consequently, we’ve had to shout about the fact that we do stylish items of clothing, not just household
goods like those.

Your answers:
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B

V. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered space given
below. (8 points)
A prodigy is defined as a person with a great natural ability which shows itself at an early age; they may
become expert musicians or be (1) ______ of doing complex mathematics. Some youngsters develop (2)
______ remarkable abilities that they attract the attention of the media, like Arran Fernandez, a five-year old
who became the youngest person to pass a GCSE, an exam for school leavers. He had obviously benefited
intellectually from being taught at home by his parents, who said that their son was still a happy and normal
child (3) ______ never having been to any form of school. Arran could add up at the age of two and a half, so
he obviously had a natural gift, but without a great deal of effort on the part of his parents, it’s unlikely that he
would have applied (4) ______ to serious study. The role parents (5) ______ in such cases is highly
controversial. Many people believe that the more you push young children, the greater the chances are that the
child will have social and emotional problems (6) ______ in life. The story of another young person, Sufiah
Yusof, who entered university at the age of 13, is often quoted as proof of this. She (7) ______ out of her
studies at Oxford two years later, claiming that her parents attitude was her constituted emotional abuse. It
seems that being a prodigy is (8) ______ substitute for a normal childhood.
Your answers:
1. appeared
2.with 6. happened 7.has been 8.more

VI. Match each of the following headings with its suitable paragraph. The first one (0: G) as an example
has been done for you. There are two extra headings which you do not need to use. Write your answers
in the space provided. (5 points)
List of Headings
A. Symbols of emotion
B. Blending therapies
C. Issac Newton
D. The Middle Ages
E. Getting ready for war
F. Freedom to choose
G. Colors from nature
H. Many positive uses
I. Dying fabrics
J. Splitting colors


(0) __G___
The ancient Egyptians have been recorded to have been using color for cures and ailments. They worshipped
the sun, knowing that without light there can be no life. They looked at nature and copied it in many aspects of
their lives. The floors of their temples were often green- as the grass which then grew alongside their river, the
Nile. Blue was a very important color to the Egyptians too; the color of the sky. They built temples for healing
and used gems (crystals) through which the sunlight shone. They would have different rooms for different
colors. We could perhaps relate our present methods of color/ light therapy to this ancient practice.
1. ___D___
During the Middle Ages, Paracelsus reintroduced the knowledge and philosophy of color using the power of the
color rays for healing along music and herbs. Unfortunately, the poor man was hounded throughout Europe and
ridiculed for his work. Most of his manuscripts were burnt, but now he is thought of, by many, to be one of the
greatest doctors and healers of his time. A man, it would seem, very much ahead of his time. Not only do we
now use color therapy once again, but, his other ideas, using herbs and music in healing, can also be seen
reflected in many of the complimentary therapies now quite commonplace.
2. __C____
A pioneer in the field of color, Issac Newton in 1672, published his first, controversial paper on color, and forty
years later, his work “Opticks”. Newton passed a beam of sunlight through a prism. When the light came out of
the prism it was not white but was of seven different colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and
Violet. The spreading into rays was called dispersion by Newton and he called the different colored rays the
3. __A____
Before World War II it was noted that a lot of red was being born. Red in its most positive is the color for
courage, strength and pioneering spirit, all of which were much needed by the men and women who were
fighting that war. However, in the most negative aspect, it is the color of anger, violence and brutality. As the
war was coming to an end, pale blue became a popular color- an omen of the peace to come perhaps, also
giving everyone the healing they must have so badly needed.
4. __I____
We are lucky that we are now all able to choose any color we like and can buy products of any color freely.
This was not always the case. In times gone by, pigments used to dye fabrics violet/purple were very expensive
and therefore, only available to the wealthy. For example, the Romans in high office would wear purple robes
since this, to them, indicated power, nobility and thus authority.
5. __H____
We are now using color in very positive ways again. Businesses are accepting that their employees may work
better given a certain environment, and hospitals and prisons are also becoming aware of the effect that the
color around them can have on patients and prisoners respectively. Paint companies have introduced new color
cards with the therapeutic aspects of color in mind. Cosmetic companies too have “color therapy” ranges
included in their products. Color has a great deal to offer us and can be found all around us in nature. We need
to expand our awareness of color so that we can truly benefit from the nature’s gifts so that “color” becomes a
way of life, not just a therapy.

VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before. (7 points)
1. I think going to the match is preferable to staying at home in the afternoon.
 Rather than say at home, I would go to the match..
2. You will become more proficient when you practise more frequently.
 The more fluently you practise, the more proficient you will become.
3. I’m sure that Duong forgot to turn off the lights before leaving the classroom.
 Duong must have forgotten to turn off the lights ……………………………..
4. “I’m sorry I cancelled the meeting at such short notice,” said the manager.
 The manager apologized that he had cancelled the meeting at such short notice.
5. All the students burst into laughter immediately after the headmaster’s arrival at the party.
 No longer did a student not burst into laughter immediately after the headmaster’s arrival at the party.
6. I’m not certain, but there may be about twenty applications for the job.
 At a time of uncertainty, there may be about twenty applications for the job.
7. Jack isn’t so much interested in Lisa as her parents’ big fortune.
 Lisa is more interersted with Jack than her big fortune. Because he is one of her parent

VIII. Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS, including the word given, to complete the second sentence so
that it means the same as the first one. Do not change the word given. (8 points)
1. Linda would make a pathetic excuse whenever she is late for class – that’s just like her. (TYPICAL)
 It is typical to/of Linda to make a pathetic excuse whenever she is late for class.
2. If there are fewer doctors on duty, patients may have to wait longer than usual. (DEPENDING)
 Patients may have to wait longer than usual, of doctors on duty is depending
3. There's a danger those mountaineers won't be able to make it back to the hut before it gets dark. (RISK)
 Those mountaineers run the risk is able to make it back to the hut before it gets dark.
4. I didn’t like a single song from their new CD. (NONE)
 I like none of (a) single song from their new CD.
5. Our flat needs painting before we rent it out. (GET)
 We need get out flat to paint before we rent it out.
6. Although he smokes heavily, he refuses to go for a checkup. (SMOKER)
 Despite his smoker heavily, he refuses to go for a checkup.
7. Her father was very angry with her when he was informed that she had played truant. (BLEW)
 Her father blew out because he had been informed that she had played truant.
8. In the end, the girl decided to withdraw from the singing competition. (PULL)
 In the end, the girl made up pulling off the singing competition.

IX. Writing a paragraph (10 points)

Write a paragraph (150 words) about the following topic:
There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the world today, there are many different types of music which are Pop, Rock, Country music, EDM,
Jazz, Blues, Dance, Acoustic, Ballad, L and B, Flamenco,….At each other area, this area’s local people have a
other type of tradisional music. In daily life, types of music also have difirence of generation. The elderly people
like country music, ballad,…The young like tiktok music, remix, Dance,… Occasionaly, they also like Ballad and
blue….Middle-aged people like L and B, Cha Cha Cha,… I love music and I need music. Because when I am
listening to music, I am feeling happier, more relax and more optimistic. I think other people is too. In general, we
need music to live better, our energy is more,….If music did not appear in our life, we would very

is always go with people. IN the every morning, you should listen a picece of music and jump and sing with it, your
life will verry happy.

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