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**Week 1: Introduction to HTML**


- Introduction to Web Development

- Understanding HTML Structure

- Creating Basic HTML Documents

- Elements, Tags, and Attributes


- Text Formatting and Hyperlinks

- Lists, Images, and Multimedia

- Forms and Input Elements


- Tables and Semantic Elements

- Creating Links and Navigation

**Week 2: CSS Fundamentals**


- Introduction to CSS

- Selectors and Styles

- Color, Backgrounds, and Borders


- Box Model and Layout

- Fonts

- Positioning and Flexbox

- CSS Grid Layout


- Responsive Design Principles

- Advanced Selectors and Pseudo-classes

**Week 3: Advanced CSS and Layouts **


- Flexbox and Grid Layouts


- Transitions, Transformations, and Animations


- Media Queries for Responsive Design

**Week 4-6: JavaScript Fundamentals**


- Introduction to JavaScript

- Variables, Data Types, and Operators


- Control Structures (if, else, loops)

- Functions and Scope


- Arrays and Objects

- Higher order Function

**Week 5: JavaScript Fundamentals**


- DOM Manipulation


- DOM Manipulation


- Events and Event Handling

- Forms and Form Validation

**Week 6: JavaScript Fundamentals**


- Introduction to AJAX and Fetch API

- API Consumption

- Error Handling and Debugging


- Project: Simple Interactive Web Application


- Group Presentation

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