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ESR EA/ BRR Athkitnae Teh Lesson 1 {R3F! Hello! Lesson 2 84+? What’s your name? Lesson 3 {thZifE? Who is he? Lesson 4 #3@—YOX, There are four people in my family. Lesson 5 #6%, I’m 6 years old. Lesson 6 fRAS-F AR! You're so tall! Lesson 7 ix #2149342 Whose dog is this? Lesson 8 3273/5. I’m going to the store. Lesson 9 4XEHAJL? What day is it today? Lesson10 #R7EJLAR? What time is it? Lesson11 %8Z{+2? What would you like to eat? Lesson12 >] Review iWli8% Vocabulary = PRCA BABE Text and Mini Story Translation MIX AIC Test Listening Scripts MIKE Test Answers YCT224K YCT Award 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 56 59 61 62 63 MR AF | SST) Hello! at Aw UV Key sentences NI ho! ° ARF! Hello! clea * JL! Goodbye! teacher 2) A Standard Course Zayien! AL! aa “Passing down” game. If you are holding the “flower when the drumbeat stops, you should talk with your | partner according to the dialogues. J oll q SE NT ho, NT hdo. 1 43, — © A. KH LBoshi hd, Zayian. 2. B58 I. s © B.A. Zayien. NT ho. 3. FL. NT ho ma? Slaeie MEAG D2 AE Pie WOhEn ho, 23 AR, AL. R Tayian,— 2aifn,, | AL, BL. 2 @ Listening. & Poi-oa Qo Reading; True or false. O52 4g | AF A? What's your name? aS PEA F&F VU Key sentences oe Ni jiGo shénme? 4 4449 What's your name? Ni rénshi tG ma? ° Mei GRAB? Do you know her? = 92.01 1,me RZ. U oT ete fo be'called 4" A Ao poe ene glad #83% what die #22 she, her ian3é to know aint (a question particle) MAA GR HO? No, Not FiGR | The students point to the new words as quickly as possible | 1 when the teacher reads them. ERE Standard Course PD 2% 0.00 NT ho! Wé jido Xingxing, tag! ml BR, ; ni jido shénme? . pe Wo Jiao Yudyue. Aer] AEA? 4 . Be Le Question: MOOT? 80 rénshi o Ni rénshi tama? | Hea aR sey? Question: A BiAiRMHIS? | “Bicycle chain” game. The students make an oval circle and 1 | takes one step to the right and talks to the next student. § talk in pairs. When the teacher says “change”, everyone | ¢ 6 tee A? - ‘What's your name? _Let’s match Ni hao, BG rénshi, 1 ea. © A. RR, Ni jiGo sh6énme? NT hao. ry A? © B. iF. rénshi ta ma? B. MURR? W6 jido Yuéyue, eC AaAnMAA. ui Wong, Zhang uiG Chinese sumames: 2 K x) li Wang Zhang Liu gidng Pl léng yong féng hai boy's givennames: 3 9 “44 & § ue strong great dragon brave peak sea mér juan yue fang Jing wén girl's givennames; aR A F ae x beautiful graceful moon fragrant calm culture NIhGo! W6 jo Li Fang, MAF! Hm RH, 11 do shénme? Her EK? ad NT Go! Wo jo Zhang Waigiéng, | RAF! RGR aE, R&nshi ni hn gGoxing. DMI HX, yl aR Standard Course mC @ Listening: True or false.“ %02.08 eo Reading: True or false. ta 4. cy h&n hao cs . a te gGoxing 6. od sa] ie re HE? TSK) Who is he? SQ PURSE BA ERA Key sentences TG shi shéi? * 4 422 Who is he? Chéng L6ng shi n& gué rn? ° Be HS ABE] A? What is Jackie Chan's nationality? | | he, him #28 2 = Seas * U | am, is, are Ato Pea) OLS rén A e person ? BA. - | who, whom #2487 Zhonggué rén | Chi t P a. a Chinese people re WAP BA oh _ which EA BA. 15 ‘@ | country #8 See a | “Shout and whisper” game. When the teacher shouts a | t ) word, the students whisper; when the teacher whispers | | aword, the students shout. aReBS Standard Course - ty 2, POD 2% 3.0 f?) Bes ‘shi ee tong, ve a) i oe Question: thie? Zhongguo én. Hoge Léng shi ri Ee Question: ARAEEINEIA? Group work. Introduce all the other group members’ names and nationalities. Cg M/E, EE 10 fee ie? who she? ARE Ss a | |. Pair work. One student asks and the other | answers. e.g. He /HO2 i? 1 /HeS EA? } | 2. Pair work, One student imitates a celebrity and 1 \ the other guesses who he/she is. | | Sing the song while clapping your } Zh&o ya zhtio ya zhio péngyou. | hands. Try to sing it to your parents RFR AR WAR, | after class. zn&odao yi ge hve péngyou. 4 «ARS PD A Chéng Léng, Zhénggué rén, Rk, FRA, Pee - | Replace them with your partner’s WR BM IF MA | name and nationality. Zayian! \ mene FR! LID ~*.,.. REBE Standard Course TG shi shéi? th fe? a oO =< ae ik, os @ . ‘Tamen dou shi zherggus ren. Ea enes ve AD |, 2hén pi /WorenshitG, ta shi \ RAGE, He | Mike ’&r * Jkexdn, EI Me Eh, /— stn, giézil =. 2, HEY Ae RHE? who is he? s, BO iistening. © 03.05 ie @ eee Qo Reading: True or false. © 6 4 RRAIAA, STC There are four people in my family. ESBS SURRSS BW) Siw i Se Ke fences NI JG yOu jt k®u rn? ° de RA IL A? How many ps Ni yOu jie ma? ° AR AHAAY? De ie are there in your family? aif ve big sis A to have AF ii how many (within 10) Jt JLaA, Me 3 (a measure word for family members) v7 2 A “a [: fe and & 404845 méiyu, *RA don'thave RAFF _(a measure word for om 7s general use) —/MEda, Tok me stor | How many big brothers and sisters | | do you have? Tell your partner. q ‘\eenieninianeeiaemeecnenaanand REA IA ‘There are four people in my family. go sik6urén, baba, wuaA, 68, mama, gage hé w5. BB, Pte, r 5 =, Let's read ain Mencia MRA ILIA? Menéu. WE yu BA. BR yi ge maimet. uN ydu jiBjie Ma? 4s A BSL | Pair work. Introduce your family | members to your partner. sisal 5 vy BOE Standard Course ae OP | Draw the family members of your family in f t the frame, and then introduce them to the | ‘ os | whole class 401-03 WE de jiG ROR WO JiG yu sn ku En, bdbd, mama hé wo. RRR ZA, EE BHR WO ydu yi 2hT xido gdu RAR 6 yi zhi xido mao. Fo—R 1 3. Xi&o gdu jido Déudou, bm 2B, xIGO MGo jiGo DuSdus. MSS, WS a1 _bdba mama, baba mama yé al wo, BREE PY, ECM UBKR, RRA A A ‘ore four people in my family Ther hos.08 WO SI w6 de JIG RERWR Baba, baba, hdobdba, wo aihdio baba, EE, €6, FEE, RAHEE. NePaenanahs, Méma, méma, héomame, wdaihdomama, | AH, HAD, FF, RF AH. Gage, gége. héogége, we dihtio gage. tt, TF, HHT, ABT T. Jidjie, _jiSjie, Go ji8jie, wd Gi Eo jiSjie 4A4d, WU, AP, AE ABH WO Gi wd dejid, he, wo diwd de jia. RARE, BR, RERMZ. 48 al wo de id, hal, wd Giwd de ja. a KC T eo Listening: True or false. © %o4.05 1 “e ae | a | ~| | eo Reading. : h : R : WO ji yu si ku rén. 5. RR AMOK, WO yOu yi ge jiSjie. 6. & A — PBIB. Tashi wé gége. 7. (Fe He BEM Mama, zayian, 8. 19hS, FDL. H.6 FB I'm 6 years old. Key sentences Ni jt sui? °4RJLY? How old are you? NT gSge duada? Mf SK? How old is your big brother? from 1 to 100, and tell your partner. |. Complete the form and then count | ‘ 2. How old are you? Circle the number | { j ee ee RARE Standard Course eevee, ni ir sui? AA, MILB? > os rere ‘f Ss Question: he IS A? “Throwing and catching” game. One student throws the ball | while asking "4: JL” “4h: 3%”, the one who catches the ball | i‘ . { answers the question, and then throws it to another student. | 6 F Tim 6 years ot MS rieciag dud da / I sui BRIM gege idle Interview 5 classmates. Ask their family ' | members’ age, complete the survey t and then present to the whole class. NT ji sul? MILB? i, Mali, ni ji sui? Om, Ba, MILB? Basul, basul, wba sul | Replace them with your name. HW: 8H, 8H, KF. = ‘ Dawe, Dowel, AT JI sui? KE, LB? awe , iRESuT. Ww jsut KE: 9, 99, ROB, MAli / Dawa: Laoshi, WGoshT, nin duada? BR/KL: BN, BIR, BSR? Woshi: Mimi, mimi, shimimi, shi — mi— mi BN: ME, RE, RMB, R~h~B~, VOTRE... @hos.04 W6 ji de xiango’ RRNA Didi yi sui, méimelyé yi sui. HAD, HRW. | | Baba sanshiwii sul, mama ys -Y6ye WUshi sui, ndinaly8 Wish sul | EE 35 FW 8 FF00 FH, wo 60 ¥ ey c Imagine your whole life, \ four pictures. Do not forget to write down — your age in Chinese on each picture. ROF I'm 6 yeors old @ Listening: True or false. © “05-05 | Qo Reading. jO shi nyu A BH CM DH if — NTO JT k6u rn? NI shi gud rn? 4A: WKR( ) ILA AP 5. A: (JE (+) ER A? S81 k6urén, WO shi ZhOnggué rén. B: Mo A. B ke HH A 2 = { Nagel gage? NT ba sui ma? A: DB ( ) tix BERF? TA: WAY 152 { Qi hao. Bo, wd. ‘sui. B:7 LBB, RC Oe 23 es wae st raw Key sentences Meimei de yanjing hén xo. + EIR a4 Hay 4K +), Little sister's eyes are small. Nide gézi zh8n gao! iG h-F AB! You're sot EIT «,..0; | toufa KK hair bia HF nose yéring shdu = hand | Pair work, One student says a word 1 and the other points to his/her | own corresponding body part. Bay eye \ t t t t UWF Shea! You're so tall! {indicating a possessive relationship) #4+ka5 aR Rf * small 4&1» big && long #K height (for people) MOAT, APRA really HK tall A% th Ags J You'e so tall! Ae ee Méimei de ynjing hén xiao, &rduo hn xido, oR OF RU AR, EAR AR, shdu bi da, t6ufa bi chang, FARK, KRB KR. Question: FREROVEREBAIS? SLASEI32 By Sige biziznén chang! KOREA K! Pair work. Say at least two sentences about | your partner with “4” and “AL”. PRB Standard Course os Let’s draw Draw a friend or an animal, and then describe its | | appearance to the whole class. f shénti bows St ABE Téu, jianbing, xigdi, jie, xIgdi,_ Jd, ok, TAUB. Me. Be, Wek, tou, jGnbing, xigdi iso, xigdi, fio. ky ATES RR. Yanjing, rduo, zuibahé bil Re, HA, HORET, tou, jianbing, xigdl, jlo, xIgal, Jo. Ce ee ™ ed eS FIL Youte stall XiGio k6ddu zhdo mama ay HA He i pa o—— HE BN ( he ates erie y ae y Se Tee ha 2 ess 987) aan ‘ad ca Rc Te ( Fovhe'y & , cleo és Dak || ca W6 bi shi. | WO bG shi. RRR. IRAE. Nimen de mama ~~ af ‘\\ NImen de mama MEAT 5 HH . 4} | ARAN 89 2 | y&njing h&n da. yOu si tide tui, Rik RK. | AAR pishiwomen | { Ni shi women MRE AA We Bi + de mama ma? 49 8 95] 33 scone “ Wéshinimende [RR a Fe site. | Niemen de mama fie 448 eae Bree aie) 7” | mélySu wéioa. rr i ka Be. |! \woma) Be! Mama 4! Lig A | Read the por and act it ou yi RIBAS Standard Course @ Listening: True or false.“ %06.05 | O Reading. B &. 7 W6 de bizi hén chang, 5. RWAPFR kK. TG de téufa hén chéng. 6. WN LR BK. Ta de gézi bi gao. 7. MIE Zh8 shi wd de Srduo, 8. i ee RA HR IX 7 HE HY 44)? TTT) Whose dog is this? S342 Us wD Key sentences ——__,, Th@ shi shéi de gdu? * ik 52 Hf 44 442 Whose dog is this? 2nér ySu hén dud xido yi. * BULA MR S sb G, There are ols of fish here. PTD 62%7.0) 3 a . 1 2k this 388 1.447 L (7 =e ese that AR i 65 48? to look #3800 XY i here KLARS-)8, | One student imitates an animal, and others guess what it } | is. The first correct respondent gets the chance to perform. } hneesmemenemeasal 4 a aennE DEER shi w0 de go RH ae - Fe a NG shi Mi i REED ey ar ee 1» ahér yOu hén dud xido yo. | BLA RS bh Bo te Pair work. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the text. KR 1? Whose dog is his? Let’s guess *, | Pair work. Make a guess and talk to your partner * \ with the sentences below. OA: RIAL APL? B: ik / ARR ° ; 1 AL SX /AB AR HAD 2B: 3k/ ARR ° ; n. TAA £297.03 | 1996 2008 1997 20091998 20101999 20112000 2012 2001 2013 1978 1990 1979 1991 1980 1902 1964 1993 1982 1904 1983 1995 2002 20142003 2015 2004 2016 2005 2017 2006 2018 2007 2019 These are the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. What is your animal sign? Your father's? Your mother’s? Tell your partner. shi nic ho RL; rat AB: ox EE; tiger %,; rabbit \6ng she ma yang Hi; dragon $8; snake 3); horse -#-; sheep hou ii gou 2G AK: monkey 3; rooster 74; dog HF: 31 Dongwa 98 ahi Xi6o gu xidio gu. wang wang wang, DR Dm, EE iz, Xid0 mGo xitio MGo, Mido mio Miao. y He by Hb, rh wh ve. XiGo niG xiao nid, mou mou mou. Ay -B ab b, oh oho, XiGo yang xidio yang, mis mis mis. hE ob Fee, RI 7? | ‘Whose dog is this? roars @ Listening: True or false. © 407-05 O Reading. W6 de yii zai zhér. 5. RUA FER. | W6 h&n xThuan xido nido, 6. RR BK rd XiGo mGo, nT ji sui? Tos Bi, BILE? Nage xi0 gdu jiao Duddus. 8. BT by HM BB 33) KBE o TTT) Be ™m going to the store. BS Wea eS Key sentences NT ji8jie 221 jiG ma? * MRABALZE ZS? Is your big sister at home? W6 qu shGngdian, RE al 11m going fo U 4 | ino AVE xéxle to thank, thanks a eit, qu 4 & togos#e nimen 447 —-you (plural) #41152 women AAT we MIR. nér wARJL | where 28JL | Pair work. Compete with your partner to see who can make | more sentences with the words above in 3 minutes. RADE Tm going to the store, wh i 1 NT ji€jie 241 iG ma? AHA AE KH? Me © ovestion MW VRUR AERIS? Ba Women 2a: jiG. SRE. MUN R nimen qa ma? Hed] KH . Can you act out the dialogues with your friends? Give it a try. | . Make similar dialogues by using the words “fz” and "“k", at Ni jjle 281 JG ma? Wé bi gil xu6xido, | BH? ® © A RKE PR, Nid. nar? Ta baz 2. He ARIL? . © BL WRAL Nigdwuexidoma? "Wega shangdian. 3. the PRB? e eC KK AA. IU 2% 3-03 Bial_ 201 2h@r BFEIL Biz, bia, bil zi zhar. RF, RF, HPAL. Eduo, Brduo, _&rduo zai zhér. HA, HR, FRAIL. Yoning. y8ning, ynjing zai zhar. Ray, ORAS, BRAK IL. Toufa, toufa, outa. zB) her. KR, KK, KRABI, Xigio shou, xiGo shOu, xido shu zBi_ndr. Ty, bh Fb FEAL \ Read the paragraph and point to the | corresponding body parts of yourself | { 1 {_ oron the pieture, RAW 'm going to the store, at 08-04 Nimen qa. ntir? #841] ABIL fee Nimen qd nar? HRA EMPL? AE rd Course MCAD @ Listening: True or false.“ J08.05 af. al a | stu a @ Reading. wy : y XiGo nigio 281 nar. oN STE ABIL. NI gO nr? Xusxido? 6. AIL? PRE? Ta hé baba mama qa shangdian. 7. MEE Wiz PVE. \Gosht, Zhonggué zai zhér. 8. 20h, PE 7 IL. 4K # FAIL? EST) What day is it today? S23 Paw A EB ' SU Key sentences ee ee Ni de shéngri shi jT yué ji hao? ° 489 A ILA JL? When is your birthday? Jintin xIngat iT? ° 4K ZIAIL? What day is it today? "on. Rao 1 409.01 U =) a ut T= *- A | birthday #44 a AEG month LA, 1A D = ii ao ‘i date 14, 34 JintiGn sumens| ccs a = pea [ae ee ee week SAME. “mingtian | a (28 | to like FB, Rok | ee a Pair work. One student points to one picture and asks “4% 2HJL? ", and the other student answers the question according to the picture. J 39 leas Oe, [Nice sheng! shit yus jt hoo? ana 2A ALA rUe Ty vt hao. A a Jinticn xingar ii? | Fy Jintion xinggiwit. | 4 Es SK BME. 8 “Mingtian Xingar id. WR BMA, wo xThuan XingqTho. {. Ask three friends about their birthday. j 2. What is your favorite day and least favorite day? ‘ ARE? What day is it today? race , Make the calendar for this month, and circle today and tomorrow. 1 OB SR / WR, o, EM 2 XiIngqi gé YI yl Te, Xingatyt, or, &r, 61, Xingqy’ér, Soe =, SS, ee sn, sdn, sn, XingqisGn, si, si, si, Xingaisi, =. Et BM 2a, wi, wi, wi, Xingqiwt, XTngqilid, #, E. zk, 2a, BMX, qi. qi, Xingqitian. Jintién Xingqiyi, Xingqgiiyi. Xe & 4%, EMR, SK EM-, 2H, mingtiGn Xingai’ér, Xingai’ér, zudtian Xingqitian, pea HA SMH, SM, HR ZMK, ZMK. | Xingmdo de yi zhou AR HH Fa Jintian XinggisGn, xiéngmdo cht dacGn, SR SHA, fe EAR. Jintian Xingaiwti, xngmGo xué taowtt SR EMA, fhe FH. JintiGn XinggitiGn, xiongmdo shui yi tién! SR EMR, fete ue -K! Jintién Xinggilit, xEngmao kan péngyou. BR EMA, fers MA. Listening. © ‘09.05 eo Reading. Jintién Xingaj’ér. SR BPX. JIntiGn shi yué bG hao. - FR 10 A 8 8. Mama mingtidn qd shangdian. - Bi WR ER. Women na tiGn ql xuéxiGo? » A: Ri] BR de eR? Xingaild. B: BIN. DLE IL KR? What time is it? Sys At SUI ww Key sentences XiGnzdi jidién? * SLALJLA? What time is it? Mingtian wi din jin. “WR 5 & IL, Let's meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow. wii digin oe ae shi’érdién Pa & G 12_.8. twelve o'clock SLE now @ALK? dién Be O'clock JU%., 12% yT didn shi fén fn. 1 & 103 one ten * 7 | minute 11.4103 jin *RL tomeet 6.42. z8oshang | * 2 moming #558 | Pair work. One student says the time | below and the other points to it. | | ML00 @4:15 @s:00 @s:40 { Tai z5olel } / | ©7:20 ©s45 @1050 @11:58 * KT! It's too early! \ecqemmniaeeciadiasiaiieiiiiisizsemed! [i 44 4% 0-02 wy Si in | 11 2104, By vere. xanzai raisin? FH, SLE ILR? a [J Minaticn statin an? WA LS WL? ZBoshang wii dign. FE 5 By exer! eT! il “lam the clock” game. Stand at the front and perform like the clock. Use your arms as the watch Question: BARILRR A? hands. Show the time your teacher tells you and ask your classmates to guess. XiGnzai dian {we B ° Wo didn Gi xuéxido. 2M _ RKP, W6 zGoshang didn qichuGng. 3. & FE A ABIR (togetup ) xianzai jf din 2 MELA? i a eh B8yIng , What time is it now in different | places around the world? i 46 xi@nzai jT din? RELA? Xianedi | ln? XiBnZai j didin? SLA UR? BEILR? Xianzai yi RE — &, Xidinzdii fT din? Xidnzai j didn? SLAILAR? EIU? Xidinzdii_sdin didn, sGin sGn sd He SZ, = O Reading. women shGngdiGn san xiGnzai A Ri] BRI C= D Rte Baba, jidian? XIngqi'ér JT di&n jan? 4A: @€, ( ) JUN? 5. A: BHI ( ) JL at WL? Shi‘ér didn, Bd didn. B: 12) Ro Zher yu ge ren? Mingtian jfdiin qa 6. A: BULA ILD A? 7A: AK SLR AC)? Zherydu ge rén BG didn. B: WILA( )*A. B: 8 Fie SST) 1 1 Meat A? What would you like to eat? a) SWAB I Ew Key sentences Ni chi shénme? + 4° 444? What would you like to eat? Wé ai chT dangaio. ees nkGha shut AY; milk 7k water Pair work. Make sentences with these words. Make as many as possible! wS ni chT h& Gi sh€nme shut niGindi KRM RR HA K AH + RRL BAL, | like to eat cakes. miantiao BH noodie as ea ipo pinggué 3 RK apple i toeat-tita, CFR to drink 4-45 to love Rt ta cake £°t £44 ~ bate, “Sn hd n&ge? JB vintan smi baba de shenari, SRAECEH 2A, cht miantiao, "be | Ask your friends about their favorite food, | | drinks or snacks, and then report. 50 Meret A? What would you tke fo eat? OE) NI Gi hé shénme? W6 bd chi pinggud. 1 eB 4? . CARA ER, Ni m&ma xthuan chi shénme? TG xThuan chi miéintiao, 2. Ad xk PEA? © OB MEK bh He, NI chT pinggué ma? WO Gi -hé niGndi. 3. thee ER 2 e © CREB, See 427,403 NT xThuan chi shénme? HR BM We 14? Wé xihuan chi shdust, WO xihuan cht bisd. 4]. R BK OLE, Women di hé reshut BU BB AK. Women di h bingshul, AUN RB kK. What do you like to eat and drink?) Nii cht shénme? RBM tA? Xi@ngméio Gi chT zhi, Re RLF, hduzi Gi chi xiGngjiGo. RFRA FH. Ni Gi chi shénme? MBL AA? Pe Bs euigipaaue7ou a et gud gus. Re ax, RRRARA. r Replace it with your | | favoritefood. \ssslacipenieetaeemaiendll Qe Listening: True or false. a, 1-05 tee tt & 2 What would you like to eat?” a -— Qo Reading. niGndi sh xxie_shénme A 4M) Bi C Hit D ftAa chi mifan? Tamen di cht - S.A: ( ) We JRA? 6. A: Wtf] Bz (2 WO ch mifan, Miantido. B: H We KR. B: Hi%. NI hd shénme? Nigihs ma? 7. A: (6B TFA? 8. A: RRM ( ) AY? Shui, Ainé. B: kK, ( )o B: BM. as sex § ‘1 Group work. Name them in Chinese and classify. Ser oa 2 Pair work. One student asks a question with the word given, and the other answers it according to the picture. & PP me " sui xihuan gy Bn you 2 According to the passage, circle the picture which is not true. WS Jl yOu yi ge xide wigui, Jo Xidioxldo. Xidoxiso de gézi hén xiGo, yénjing hén RRA) 4G, Abd, dh OPTRA, BRB AR ido, Al shuljdo. WO yS Ai shuijao, WE hn xThuan XitioxiGo, XigoxiGo yS hn xThuan we. "» Re 2 BAR iis apis, dvi WAR Bak Ro waguT 4, & tortoise shuijiGo RE a to sleep Perel a Bye Test Listening Scripts Lesson 1 sson 7 1.6 .& 2. ARF KR 3. 29 AR . ILA SH, Lesson 2 A ARIL, 42 ABIL LHRH. Lesson 8 2. RADII, LAE 0 3. VAR MARA Ho RAE FR. Lesson 3 ata on : REER, BL. PBA son 9 3. WARE Ro A: SRE? om es iad he eR BY DOAK te eae 2.68 has a 4. BRA, en sson 10 Lesson 5. LE oe 2. Ra a B.A AA, HLH? ag B HRY. Sfeseaits 7 bisa. Hera 4 JL, Hee? 1, ik Bi oe WR RPE a+ Ria ER 4. RF 61 pia Bierce} 5.4 6.D 7. 8.8 1B 00 2A 3C 4.x 5.x 6 Lesson 7 1x 2x BV 4A 5D 6C 7B BA 1.x 2x 3 4aV 5Y¥ 6x Lesson 3 1A 2.8 3. avi 5.x 6. Lesson 4 Lv 2.x 3.x av 5.C 6A 7.8 8D Lesson 8 Lx UV 3K 4 5D 6C 7A 8B Lesson 9 1B 0 2B © 3.C 14.c 5.B 6.D 7A | Lesson 10 tac 2.8 3A Lesson 5 4D SA 6C 7B | 1.x uv 3.x { | } Lesson 12 4D 5.C 6B 7A Pay 2x Rx A Lesson 6 15.8 6.0 7 BA Lv 2.x 3 4.x Nee ES (YT) SRE EA WELSH, SENIES RED P)SStEA SEAMS PEA NENRN. ERM Tih, A SRA” NBS, (CT AEE) Meine. The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, which evaluates the ability of primary school and middle school students whose mother tongue is not Chinese to use the Chinese language in their daily ives and study. YCT Standard Course has been developed based on the analysis of YCT papers and the principle of “combining testing and teaching”. cE —— Ne RBA ERIAR HWE Yer suit Officially Certified By Hanban Authoritative YCT Textbook Book1 Level 1 80 35~45 Book2 Level 2 150 35~45 Book 3 50~60 Level 3 300 Book 4 50~60 Book 5 60~70 —ar el Level 4 600 | Book 6 60~70 RLERMI, RM MP3 SRE For supportive resources, e.g. MP3 files, please visit er

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