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Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

CM Form No. 18


This assessment tool is meant to measure the readiness of the household beneficiaries to be enrolled
in the “Graduation to Exit Procedures” at the transition phase.

Date of Interview: April 16, 2024 Time started: 2:30 pm Time ended: 3:30pm

Name of Respondent: SINUMAR S. CABUGATAN Grantee: YES Not-grantee:

Pantawid ID Number: 103523018-9998-97976 Year of HH Registration: 2013

Is the household listed as non-poor in the latest Is the household consistently level 3 in at
Listahanan result? least 2 SWDI assessment periods?


Internal Factors:

Describe the performance of the HH in the achievement of the Household Intervention plans (HIP)?

The Household has the willingness to achieve all the set goals they have agreed with the assigned
municipal link.

Did the family experience difficult circumstances/s in the past two (2) years? If yes, what is the
current condition/situation?

The household had been facing difficulty after the pandemic this is due to lack of opportunity in
terms of livelihood. As of this time, the household is very resilient to address all their needs.

Describe the family’s overall coping and problem-solving skills in dealing with difficult situations?

The family members especially the Head and the grantee are working hand in hand in order to
support their everyday needs. There are also children who can support them in order to support
for other needs of the family.

One thing that this family has, is that they are conscious of their circumstance and that they
recognized their strength and weakness in address their problem.

Does the family have a contingency plan in cases of shocks? If yes, please describe?

1. Loss of income because of unemployment, disability, the sudden death of income provider
2. Illness of family members
3. Human-made and natural disasters

Answer: Yes, the family has contingency plan, they are saving money for emergency situation
like illness, or hospitalization as they consider this kind of situation as inevitable. Contingency
plan in case of disaster they are well skilled to be vigilant in surviving calamities like floods and

External factors:

Does the family resides in a safe and secure location? (disaster-

resilient, free from violence)

Answer: Yes, they live in a free and safe environment or location.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

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How accessible are the basic amenities to the family? If in GIDA, what are the means to access
Answer: The family is accessible to basic amenities as they live in a coastal area. Where
schools, RHU, Markets are just nearby area.

Describe the family’s community connections.

Answer: According to Mrs. Sinumar, they lived in the community for almost 20 years already, and they
did not experience making or having negative or difficult relationship with their neighborhood or in the
community as whole. They were describe by the people in the community as easy going and
participative and helpful.

Are they a member of a recognized group/association?

No, members of the family is not affiliated to any recognized group/association.

Indicate your assessment statement and recommendations below:

The recommendation must be stipulated whether the HH-beneficiaries could move up to the
“Graduation to Exit Procedures” or has to be retained and the corresponding justification.

The household was tagged as code 14 - No Eligible (0-18 y/o) for CVS Monitoring (Certified by RPMO)
from the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino program and has no more actual dependents qualified for monitoring.
Further, based on the latest SWDI last 2023, the household scored Level 3 or Self-Sufficient which
signifies improved level of well-being. Thus, the undersigned recommends the household to be tagged as
Code 3 in the PPIS and for turned over to LGU- CSWD office for continuity of services and to sustain and
improve the family’s level of well-being despite exiting from the program.

Prepared by: Concurred by:

HASANIE M. ALI Florylove B. Patromo

City/Municipal Link Social Welfare Officer III

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