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Anger and ACT

What is anger?
Anger is a complex and powerful emotion that is experienced by
individuals in response to a range of triggering events or situations.
It is a normal and natural emotion that can serve as a useful signal,
motivating individuals to take action and protect themselves or their
values. However, when anger becomes excessive, uncontrollable, or
negatively impacts one’s well-being and relationships, it may
require additional help and intervention.

Anger can manifest in various ways, such as irritability, frustration,

rage, or resentment. It is often accompanied by physiological
changes, including increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure,
and tensed muscles. Anger can arise from a variety of sources,
such as perceived injustices, unmet needs, or personal frustrations.
It can also be triggered by external factors like conflicts, criticism,
or stressful situations.

When does anger need intervention?

While anger itself is not inherently problematic, it can become

concerning when it is frequent, intense, or prolonged. When anger
starts to interfere with daily functioning, relationships, or overall
quality of life, seeking additional help may be beneficial. Here are
some signs that indicate the need for assistance with anger

Regular loss of control: If a person finds themselves

frequently losing control over their anger, engaging in
aggressive behaviour, or experiencing violent outbursts, it is a
clear indicator that additional help is necessary. This may…anger%3F,protect%20themselves%20or%20their%20values. 17/07/2024 13:53
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involve seeking guidance from a mental health professional
who can provide strategies and techniques for managing anger
more effectively.
Relationship problems: When anger contributes to chronic
conflicts within relationships, causing distress, fear, or harm to
oneself or others, it is essential to seek assistance.
Relationship counselling or anger management programs can
offer valuable insights and tools for improving communication,
resolving conflicts, and fostering healthier relationships.
Legal issues: If anger leads to legal problems, such as
physical assault, property damage, or threats, it is crucial to
seek professional intervention. Legal consequences can have
long-lasting and severe impacts on personal and professional
life, and addressing underlying anger issues is vital to prevent
further harm.
Health consequences: Uncontrolled anger can have
detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Chronic
anger has been associated with increased risks of
cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, substance
abuse, and mental health disorders. Seeking help can provide
support in managing anger and mitigating these potential
health risks.
Impaired functioning: When anger interferes with daily
functioning, such as work performance, academic
achievement, or social interactions, it is a clear indication that
additional help is needed. Difficulty concentrating, increased
absenteeism, or social isolation may be signs that anger is
significantly impacting one’s ability to function effectively.
Emotional distress: If anger is accompanied by persistent
feelings of sadness, guilt, shame, or hopelessness, it is crucial
to seek assistance. These emotional states may indicate
underlying issues, such as depression or unresolved trauma,…anger%3F,protect%20themselves%20or%20their%20values. 17/07/2024 13:53

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which can exacerbate anger-related problems.
Inability to self-manage: If attempts to manage anger
independently are ineffective, seeking professional guidance
can provide valuable skills and techniques for anger
management. Mental health professionals can help individuals
identify triggers, develop coping strategies, enhance emotional
regulation skills, and improve overall self-awareness.

It’s important to remember, seeking help for anger-related issues is

not a sign of weakness but rather a proactive step towards personal
growth and well-being. Mental health professionals, such as
psychologists, therapists, or counsellors, are trained to provide
support and guidance in managing anger effectively. Through
therapy, individuals can gain insight into the underlying causes of
their anger, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and cultivate
more positive and constructive ways of expressing their emotions.

Understanding how ACT therapy can be used to

help people with anger issues

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be effective in

treating people with anger issues as it aims to help people accept
their emotions and thoughts while committing to actions aligned
with their values.

Here are some examples of how ACT can target specific anger-
related problems:

Anger triggers: ACT therapy helps individuals identify the

specific triggers that provoke their anger. This may involve
exploring past experiences, situations, or interpersonal
dynamics that consistently lead to anger outbursts. By gaining
insight into these triggers, individuals can develop strategies to
recognise and manage their anger responses more effectively. anger%3F,protect%20themselves%20or%20their%20values. 17/07/2024 13 53
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Impulsive reactivity: ACT can assist individuals who struggle
with impulsive and reactive anger. Through mindfulness
practices, individuals learn to observe their anger-related
impulses without immediately acting on them. With a greater
sense of self-awareness and self-regulation, individuals can
create a pause between their anger-triggering events and their
responses, allowing for more thoughtful and intentional
Rumination and grudges: Some individuals with anger issues
may find themselves caught in cycles of rumination, dwelling
on past grievances, or holding grudges. ACT therapy can help
individuals let go of excessive rumination by practicing
acceptance and defusion techniques. By detaching from
repetitive negative thoughts and focusing on the present
moment, individuals can reduce the intensity and duration of
their anger.
Anger as an avoidance strategy: In some cases, holding on
to anger may serve as a method to avoid other uncomfortable
emotions or experiences. ACT therapy can assist individuals in
exploring the underlying emotions they may be avoiding, such
as sadness, fear, or vulnerability. By developing acceptance
and mindfulness skills, individuals can gradually learn to
tolerate and manage these emotions, reducing the need for
anger as a protective response.
Interpersonal conflict: ACT therapy can address anger issues
stemming from interpersonal conflicts. By focusing on valued
relationships and open communication, individuals can learn to
express their needs and boundaries assertively and engage in
effective conflict resolution. ACT encourages individuals to
approach conflicts with compassion, empathy, and a
willingness to find mutually satisfactory solutions.
Emotional regulation: ACT helps individuals develop anger%3F,protect%20themselves%20or%20their%20values. 17/07/2024 13 53

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emotional regulation skills to manage anger more effectively.
This may involve techniques such as deep breathing,
grounding exercises, and self-soothing strategies. By
practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, individuals can
create a space to observe and accept their anger while
choosing more adaptive responses.
Anger and values: ACT therapy helps individuals connect
their anger issues to their core values. By exploring what truly
matters to them, individuals can align their behaviour with
these values. This may involve identifying values such as
respect, empathy, or integrity, and actively practicing
behaviours that reflect those values in anger-provoking

It is important to note that ACT therapy is highly individualised and

tailored to each person’s specific needs and circumstances. A
skilled therapist will work collaboratively with the individual to
address their unique anger issues and develop a personalised
treatment plan.

For individuals:

If you need support in managing anger and would like to speak to

an ACT trained therapist, please visit our therapy page for further

For professionals:

If you would like to learn more about how ACT can support people
with anger issues take a look at our upcoming live training and on-
demand courses. Our blog and resources are also a great place for
additional reading and insight. anger%3F,protect%20themselves%20or%20their%20values. 17/07/2024 13 53

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