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Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Semester–V Examination

Optional Paper—1
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60

N.B. :— (1) Solve all the FIVE questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Questions 1 to 4 have an alternative. Solve each question in full or its alternative in full.
1. (A) Find the Fourier series for the periodic function f(x) defined as :

f (x ) = p, − p ≤ x ≤
p 6
= 0, <x≤p
(B) If α is not an integer then show that :

sin απ 2 α sin απ ∞

∑ (− 1)
cos nx
cos αx = + , − π≤ x ≤ π

απ π 1 α2 − n 2
Hence deduce that :

1 1
π cot απ = + 2α ∑ 2 2 6
α 1 α −n

(C) Show that :

1 L ∞ 1 2nπx
L − x = ∑ sin , 0< x < L 6
2 π 1 n L

(D) Find the Fourier series expansion for the function defined by f(x) = x – x2, –1 < x < 1 6
2. (A) If P* is a refinement of the partition P of [a, b] then prove that L(P, f, α) ≤ L(P*,f,α) for any
partition P of [a, b]. 6
(B) If f ∈ R(α1) on [a, b] and f ∈ R(α2) on [a, b] then prove that f ∈ R(α1 + α2) on [a, b] and

∫ fd (α1 + α 2 ) = ∫ fdα 1 + ∫ fdα 2

b b b

a a a

(C) If f is monotonic on [a, b] and if α is continuous on [a, b] then prove that f ∈ R(α) on [a, b].

CC—12870 1 (Contd.)
(D) If F and G are differentiable functions on [a, b], F' = f ∈ R, G' = g ∈ R then prove that :
b b

∫ F(x )g(x )dx = F(b )G(b ) − F(a )G(a )− ∫ f (x )G(x )dx

a a

3. (A) Define an analytic function in domain D. Prove that if f(z) = u + iv is analytic in domain D, then
u and v satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations :
∂u ∂v ∂u − ∂v
= , = provided ux, uy, vx, vy exist. 6
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

(B) If u = x2 – y2, v = , then show that both u and v are harmonic but u + iv is not an analytic
x + y2

function of Z. 6

∂2 ∂2 ∂2
(C) Prove that 2 + = 4 . Hence show that every harmonic function u satisfies the differential
∂x ∂y 2 ∂z ∂z

∂ 2u
equation = 0. 6
(D) If u – v = (x – y) (x2 + 4xy + y2) and f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function of z = x + iy, then
find f(z) in terms of Z. 6
4. (A) Find the image of the rectangle bounded by x = 0, y = 0, x = 2 and y =3 under the transformation
w = 3 e 4 z where z = x + iy.. 6

(B) Define a bilinear transformation. Prove that the resultant (or product) of two bilinear transformations
is a bilinear transformation. 6

(C) Find the image of the circle |z – 2| = 2 under the bilinear transformation w = . 6
z +1

(D) Find the bilinear transformation which maps z = 1, i, –1 respectively into w = i, 0, –i. Also for
this transformation find the image of | z | ≤ 1. 6
5. (A) Find the Fourier constant G0 for the function defined by :
f(x) = 0, –2 ≤ x < 0 ; f(x) = 1, 0 ≤ x < 2 1½

0, − p ≤ x < 0
(B) If f (x ) =  2 , then find the value to which Fourier series of f(x) converges at x = π
x , 0 ≤ x < p
by using Dirichlet's conditions of convergence. 1½
(C) If f, g ∈ R(α) on [a, b] then show that fg ∈ R(α) on [a, b]. 1½

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(D) Show that the function f defined as :
f(x) = 1, when x is rational
= –1, when x is irrational
is not Riemann integrable over [0, 1]. 1½
(E) If f(z) = u (r, θ) + iv (r, θ) is an analytic function in z-plane, then prove that :

1 1
u rr + u r + 2 u ?? = 0 1½
r r
(F) Prove that sin z is analytic everywhere. 1½
(G) Check whether the following transformation is a bilinear transformation :

(1+ i ) z +1
2z + (1 − i ) 1½

(H) Find the fixed points of the bilinear transformation :

(2 + i ) z − 2
z +i 1½

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