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Expt no:

Tomeasure the diameter of a given wire Qnd, tickrers a a gwen
AReet u i
Screw gauge, wire.

Total reading=
P.S.R+(HS.RxL.C) x10" m
Where P.S.R= Pitch scale
H.S.C head scale coincidence

L.C Least count

Pitch of the screw =
distance moved by the screw/ no. of full rotations
Least count- Pitch/ no. given
of divisions in the head scale.

To find the least count:
Note the value of the pitch scale division. Rotate the screw to
of the circular scale on reference line. Note the bring the zero mark
on pitch scale uncovered
pitch scale reading (ie) number of division
by the cap. Now give the screw a few known number of
rotations(for example 4) one rotation is completed when zero of circular scale (head
scale) again arrives on the reference line. Again note the pitch scale reading. Find the
difference of the two reading to find out distance moved
by the screw.
Then pitch Distance moved by the screw/ No. of full rotätion

Now note the number of division on the head scale.

Least count -Pitch/' No. of division on head scale

Determination of zero error and zero correction:

For this purpose, the screw is rotated forward till
plane face of the screw just
touches the fixed plane face of the stud and edge of cap coíncides with the zero of the
pitch scale. If the zero of head scale coincides with the reference line, then there is no
zero error and zero correction is nil. So
actual reading is the observed
If the zero of the head scale is below the reference line the zeroreading.
error is po sltive
and zero correction is
negalire If the zero of the head scale above the reference line
the zero error is
negative and the zero correction positive. Then add the positive zero
correction to the observed reading to get the actual reading.
To measure the diameter of the
given wire
First find the pitch of the screw
gauge and least count. Find the zero error and
zero correction. Now
place the wire tightly between the two faces. Note the pitch scale
reading and head scale coincidence. According to the zero correction find out the
reading of head scale. Repeat the experiment. Record the observation in the actual
column. Find the total reading. in each case. Take atleast five tabular
thickness. readings. Find out the mean

To measure the thickness of the given sheet:

First find the pitch of the screw gauge and least count. Find the zero error and
Zero correction. Now place the sheet tightly between the two faces. Note the pitch scale
reading and head scale coincidence. According to the zero correction find out the actual
reading of head scale. Repeat the experiment. Record the observation in the tabular
column. Find the total reading in each case. Take atleast five readings. Find out the mean

Precautions to be taken:
1. To avoid undue pressure, the screw should always be rotated by ratchet R and not by
cap K
2. The screw should move freely without friction
3. For same set of observations, the screw should be moved in the same direction to avoid
back lash error of the screw.
4. Reading should be taken at least at five diferent placés along the whole length of the
5. Error due to parallax should be avoided.

Sources of error:
1. The screw may have friction
2. The screw gauge
may have back lash error.
3. Circular scale divisions may not be of
4. The wire may not be
equal spacing.
The diameter of the given wire is.. .. x10*mn

The thickness of
the given sheet is ..... .. x]0 m
Aim: To determine the volume of an
irregular lamina using screw gauge.
Apparatus: Screw gauge, irregular lamina of uniform thickness, a milimeter graph and sharply pointed

Formula used: The volume of an

irregular lamina (having no regular or geometrical shape) is the
product of its surface area and thickness,
Volume =
Surface x Thickness
Here, surface of the irregular lamina is calculated
by graphical method and thickness of the lamina is
determined by using screw gauge.
(A) Determination of surface area of irregular lamina
(i) Place the given lamina on the millimeter graph and mark its
boundary by a sharply pointed pencil.
(i) Remove the lamina from the graph paper. Count the number of full millimeter squares
completely within the boundary of the lamina and write their number in the practical note book.

(ii)The squares on which boundary line lies are counted as full if more than half part lies inside the
marked boundary and are neglected if less than half part lies inside the marked
(iv)Add the squares counted in (ii) and (ii) above to obtain surface area of the lamina in square
millimeters (mm ).

(B) Determination of thickness of the irregular lamina

Determine the pitch and least count of the screw gauge and record them stepwise. Place the lamina
between the studs to note linear scale reading and circular scale division. Repeat for various positions
of the lamina throughout its surface. Find the mean corrected thickness.


Step1. Determination of surface area using graph paper

No. of squares lying completely inside the marked boundary N = .

No. of squares lying on the boundary with more than half part inside it Na =

Total surface area ofthe given lamina A= Ng+N^

Step 2. Determination of zero error and zero correction

Zero error = mm,

zero correction

Step 3. Tablefor finding:ttirknas

Head Scale Head Scale Corrected Head
Coincidence Reading Scale Reading Total Reading
X 10m Divisions
X10 m x10 m x10 m


Surface area of the given lamina A

Thickness of the given lamina t =

Volume of the given lamina




The volume of the given irregular lamina is..m

Precautions and sources of error

Same as screw
1.Why is the serew used in sorew gauge called
'miorometer screw"?
tis so called because it can measure distance
What is the principle corect upto a micrometer m)
of a screw gauge?
The principle is that when an ideal screw moves in a fixed nut, the
motion of the screw is
3. What are the proportional to the rotation given to the screw. translatory
reasons for a zero error?
The reasons for zero error are wear and tear of the screw and the defect in
4. Whatmanuficturnng
is back lash error?
Due to wear and tear, the screw
becomes loose in the nut and may not move
forward when turmed in the nut. The error
S. How can the back lash due to this is called back lash error.
error be avoided?
Tt can be avoided by
exerting a slight lateral pressure on the screw and by turning
it always in one direction.
6. What is the function of ratchet in
a screw gauge?
It prevents the under or
overtight screw. Thus the pressure on the object under test
is of just the optimum value.

lease couat
To find

Pitch, P
4m 1 mm
Least count
TO0 0.01 mm

Zero error

Zero Correction .. x 0.01 mm.

To measure the diameter:

P.S.R HS.R. Total readin
S x 10 m HS.C. x 10m
x10 m
No. x 10m






Mean diameter of the wire X 10 m Mean

Am plndle mimbe Rahet


Screw Gauge

The Zero error

Figure a No Zero Error

Figure b Positive Zero Error

Figure-e Negative Zero Error

To find lease
Pitch, P 1 mm

Least count TO0 0.01 mm

Zero error e*#*****esee?pee

Zero Correction = X O.01 mm = n a mm

To measurethe nieknes ef r nenAhest

H.S.R H.S.R Total readin
No. x 10 m x 10 m x 10m
x 10 m







Mean tu cR MA x 10 m Mean

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