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OHS Act Section 16 (2)

Mr/Mrs/Miss (Name)

ID Number:


Dear ,



In terms of Section 16(2) a of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No.85 of 1993, you are
hereby appointed as Workplace Section 16.2 Manager in general charge of the people who fall
under your control and any other person entering the premises under your control on the
premises of .

Your duties and responsibilities include the following:

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-002 Date issued: 10 June 2016

Rev. No. 00 Page 1 of 4

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Appointment as Sub-ordinate Manager (M.ACT) 2.6.1 & MHSA (Section 7.4)
Mr.F. Aveling Page No. 2

1. Take all steps to ensure that all persons under your charge are fully conversant with the
provisions of the OHSAct and Regulations as amended or replaced from time to time and
to enforce the provisions of the OHSAct and the relevant Labour acts.
2. Observe and enforce any applicable code of practice (COP), any instructions, procedures,
directives, permissions, and exemptions etc, used by the Factory, the Department of
Labour, or any other person who is authorized to do so. Any further clarification regarding
the interpretation of the OHSAct, Regulations, codes of practice, instructions, directives,
permissions, exemptions etc., will be supplied to you on request.
3. Take all steps to ensure that your responsibilities in terms of requirement of the OHSAct
are complied with.
4. Be responsible for the proper discipline of all persons under your supervision.
5. Provide and maintain a working environment that is safe from risks to the health and
safety of employees within your area of responsibility by identifying relevant hazards and
assessing the related risks within your area of responsibility, to which the persons under
your control or persons, who are not employees, may be exposed to.
6. Provide employees within your area of responsibility with any information, instructions,
training or supervision that is necessary to enable them to perform their work safely and
without risk to health and safety.
7. In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 you are responsible for the
compliance of the functions and provisions which are entrusted to the employer by the
Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.
8. Maintain the present system of medical surveillance of employees. Your employees must
have an initial and thereafter an annual medical examination in accordance with the risk
associated. Contractors working on Corobrik premises for more than 7 days must provide
a fitness to work certificate issued by an OHMP. A further requirement is that any person
who was subjected to medical surveillance must undergo an exit medical. A copy of this
exit medical examination should be forwarded to the Factory Manager upon completion of
the contract.

You are required to appoint person(s) for the supervision of machinery in terms of Section 2.1 of
the GMR (General Machinery Regulations) of the OHSAct to take responsibility for the safe
operation of all machinery and you must provide them with the means to comply with the
requirements of the Act and with any instruction given by an Inspector. However, the
appointment of such a person does not relieve you of any duty imposed on you by the Act. You
are therefore required to take reasonable steps to ensure that such persons comply with their

You are responsible to ensure that the SHE Management System is established, implemented
and maintained according to the requirements of the latest versions of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
International Standards. The detail pertaining your accountability and responsibility can be viewed
in the following Procedure: COR-PRO-SHE-015. required to implement and participate in the
Company’s Environmental, Health and Safety Risk Management Systems.

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-002 Date issued: 10 June 2016

Rev. No. 00 Page 2 of 4

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Appointment as Sub-ordinate Manager (M.ACT) 2.6.1 & MHSA (Section 7.4)
Mr.F. Aveling Page No. 3


You are responsible to ensure that the SHE Management System is established, implemented
and maintained according to the requirements of the latest versions of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
International Standards.


You are accountable for:

 Establishing SHE objectives at strategic and operational level;

 Ensuring that those with SHE responsibilities are supported with necessary resources;
 Ensuring that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and
communicated within the organisation.

You are responsible for:

 Outlining the intentions of the organisation to support and enhance its SHE performance;
 Reviewing the organisation’s SHE Management System;
 Demonstrating leadership and commitment with respect to SHE Management;
 Support the establishment and maintenance of the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Management
 Influence the revisions of the SHE Policy and ensure an understanding and compliance with
the Policy, standards, Code of Practices, directives, procedures, guidelines and Instructions;
 Participate and provide input into the Management Review Process;
 Ensure that appropriate objectives have been established.

You acknowledge that you are competent (sufficiently trained, qualified and skilled) to carry out
your responsibilities as set out in this letter.

This letter of appointment cancels and supersedes all previous letters of appointments under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993.

Please acknowledge this letter of appointment by initialling the first page and signing the second
page in the space provided. You are to retain a copy of this appointment letter for you records,
while returning the original to me.

Yours sincerely,


Principal Section 16.2 appointee

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-002 Date issued: 10 June 2016

Rev. No. 00 Page 3 of 4

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Appointment as Sub-ordinate Manager (M.ACT) 2.6.1 & MHSA (Section 7.4)
Mr.F. Aveling Page No. 4


I, acknowledge that I am conversant with the contents

of the OHSA, 85 of 1993, regulations and all applicable standards and procedures. I further
acknowledge that I’ve received a copy of this letter of appointment and confirm my acceptance of
the appointment.


Workplace Section 16.2 appointee

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-002 Date issued: 10 June 2016

Rev. No. 00 Page 4 of 4

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Printed copies are only valid for the day on which printed: 17 July 2024

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