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Machinery Supervisor



I,(appointer’s full names), the (legislative reference of appointment) appointee of (appointer’s

area), hereby appoint you, (appointee’s name), as the section 8(2)(i) appointee for (responsible

In terms of this appointment you are required to ensure that work is performed, and that plant and
machinery are used under your supervision. In particular you are required to ensure:

1 that work is performed and plant and machinery are used by suitably trained and authorised

2 that the persons carrying out the work are fully conversant with the hazards attached to that work as
well as the precautionary measures which should be taken and observed regarding the hazards;

3 that the necessary discipline, in the interest of health and safety, is enforced at the workplace at all
times; and

4 that any other requirements of health and safety with respect to machinery are met.

You are required to report any deviations from the above-mentioned instructions to me.

Your appointment is valid from (date of commencement) to (date of termination).

................................................................. ........... /........... /.............
Signature (appointer’s designation/legal reference) Date

Kindly confirm your acceptance of this appointment by completing the following:


I, (appointee’s full names) understand the implications of the appointment as detailed above and
confirm my acceptance thereof.

................................................................. ........... /........... /.............

Signature (appointee) Date

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-016 Date issued: 02 September 2015

Rev.No.00 Page 1 of 2

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Printed copies are only valid for the day on which printed: 17 July 2024

LEGAL REFERENCE – Section 8(1) and (2)(e) and (i)

8. General duties of employers to their employees.
(1) Every employer shall provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working
environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.
(2) Without derogating from the generality of an employer’s duties under subsection (1), the
matters to which those duties refer include in particular –
(e) providing such information, instructions, training and supervision as may be necessary
to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his
(i) ensuring that work is performed and that plant or machinery is used under the general
supervision of a person trained to understand the hazards associated with it and who
have the authority to ensure that precautionary measures taken by the employer are

Section 8(2)(e) addresses amongst others the aspect of supervision. This should be seen within the
context of reasonably practicable. Questions should be asked, such as: what level of competency
(qualifications and training) should this supervisor have? Has this supervision to be full-time or is it only
necessary from time to time during the course of the shift? (see also comments on section 8(2)(i).)

Section 8(2)(i) also addresses the issue of supervision. Paragraph (e) has in fact already addressed this
issue. One should, however, not confuse supervision with general supervision. If specific supervision is
necessary, then it has to be implemented and not be regarded as a general issue. The aspect of
authority implies that the employer has to give such supervisor the necessary authority by means of a
job description, etc.

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-009 Date issued: 28 August 2015

Rev.No.00 Page 2 of 2

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Printed copies are only valid for the day on which printed: 17 July 2024

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