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Health and Safety Committee Member


(appointee’s name)

I, (appointer’s full names), the (legislative reference of appointment) appointee of (area of

responsibility), hereby appoint you, (appointee’s full names), as employer nominated member to
the health and safety committee for (committee area).

In terms of this appointment the following functions should be performed:

1 to represent the employer’s interests in terms of occupational health and safety;
2 to serve on the appropriate health and safety committee;
3 to bring to the attention of your supervisor any deviations of health and safety issues that come to
your attention;
4 to perform any further functions that may be required by the employer in the interest of health and

Dates and times of health and safety committee meetings will be determined by the committee. Such
meetings as determined by the committee shall be attended.

You should familiarise yourself with the provisions of the Act and its Regulations that relate to the
functions of the health and safety committees, to enable you to effectively and efficiently carry out your
functions as stipulated.

You will be required to undergo Health and Safety training in order to ensure that you can complete your
tasks successfully.

Your appointment is valid from (date of commencement) to (date of termination).

................................................................. ........... /........... /.............

Signature (appointer’s designation/legal reference) Date

Kindly confirm your acceptance of this appointment by completing the following:


I, (appointee’s full names) understand the implications of the appointment as detailed above and
confirm my acceptance thereof.

. ........... /........... /.............

Signature (appointee) Date

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-018 Date issued: 02 September 2015

Rev.No.00 Page 1 of 3

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Machinery Supervisor


LEGAL REFERENCE – Section 19(3)

19. Health and safety committees.
(3) The persons nominated by an employer on a health and safety committee shall be
designated in writing by the employer for such period as may be determined by him,
while the health and safety representatives shall be members of the committee for the
period of their designation in terms of section 17 (1).


What is of paramount importance in this section of the Act, are the provisions of sub-section 2(c)
regarding the nomination of persons by the employer. It is worth noting that such persons have to be
appointed in writing, but what is of greater importance, is that such persons cannot be called health and
safety representatives. As discussed in section 19, the intention of sub-section 2(c) is to enable
employers to provide and maintain a workplace that is safe and without risks to health of their
employees. Therefore employers cannot say that the health and safety representatives do not want to
co-operate, because subsection (2)(c) makes it possible for employers to comply with what is required of
them in terms of this Act.

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-018 Date issued: 02 September 2015

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Machinery Supervisor

Document Number: COR-APP-SHE-018 Date issued: 02 September 2015

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