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AIET-383 (P)

List of Practical for Notebook

Task-01. What are sensors and actuators in IIoT? Give example along with their uses,
applications & advantage.
Task-02. Discuss the Desirable Features for Selecting Sensors Used in Automated Systems.
Task-03. How IIoT Applications Impact Industrial Automation?
Task-04. Discuss IIoT applications in Agriculture, how can it help to improve the agriculture
growth in Pakistan. Discuss with the help of real-life case study.
Task-05. Mini-Project Prototype Design:
Most factories, plants & fields are located outside of cities, which forces managers to travel long
distances to check up on the business. Industrial IoT applications include remote monitoring
and control features that enable settings change and equipment operation.
For example, if your system detects a gas leak, you can instantly initiate shutdown protocols and
prevent a dangerous situation. Besides keeping accidents from happening, remote control can
save huge costs since sending a technician to a remote location is costly.
Design a mini-project prototype on “Remote Monitoring of Agriculture fields or Fish farms”
by incorporating the concepts and knowledge sensors, actuators, IIoT, and automation.
Task-06: Study Agricultural Robots: A Revolutionary Tool For Farmers Worldwide
Task-07: Study and use of robot for various applications in AgriIoT.
Task-08: Visit our lab and study the Robotic arm/Robot and design a case study in which we can
boost the growth and quality of the agriculture for sustainable agricultural support system.
Task-09: List the tools and equipment along with the manufacturer details and product type and
model information, use for this task.
Task-10: Ecorobotix’s ARA Robotic sprayer is the most precise sprayer available in the
market{Ecorobotix}. ARA is an ultra-high precision sprayer developed by Ecorobotix, which enables
the ultra-targeted application of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides or fertilizers. To Improve the
profitability and productivity of university farms, while adhering to environmental regulations,
propose a prototype design of a spraying robot along with its specifications, unique functions and
limitations. Source:
Task-11: Define and differentiate between PLC and DSC along-with basic working principles,
components and diagrams.

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