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Contract Documents

The main contract documents are:

a) Agreement
b) Letter of acceptance
c) Bid (tender) document
d) Special condition of contract
e) General condition of contract
f) Specification
g) Drawing
h) Bill of Quantity

Agreement: . It is simply a letter that constitutes legal evidence that a contract exists,
and forms the basis for its enforcement. There is a contract between the owner and the
contractor , between the owner and the designer, and between the general contractor
(GC) and the subcontractors, or between the contractors and the suppliers for those

Letter of acceptance: means the letter of formal acceptance signed by employer and
issued to the contractor awarded the bid.

Bid (tender) document: is a document submitted by the bidder for competition. It

includes Bid Submission Form, Bid Security, Priced Bill of Quantities or Activity
Schedule, Qualification Information Form and Documents, and any other document or
information required to be completed.

Conditions of Contract is a document that states the obligations and rights of the
parties and detail the conditions under which the contract is to be carried act. It states
to what extent should be the relation between the engineer, contractor and client.

Specifications: may also be known as Technical provisions. They are written

instruments to be used in conjunction with the drawings, so together the drawings and
the specifications fully describe and define the requirements of the contract, to include
the quality that is to be achieved. They supplement the drawings and provide
information that cannot be shown in graphic form, or information that is too lengthy
to be placed within the drawings. They guide bidders in the preparation of cost
proposals as well as field execution of the work. They also guide the
contractor through the processes of ordering materials and construction and
installation of the facility.

Bill of Quantities: Describe the expected amount of work (measured) in works; it

sets out the units of measurement, the units of work, the unit price and the total cost of
the works.

Drawings: are the means by which the designer conveys the physical, quantitative,
and visual description of the project to the contractor. The drawings are a two
dimensional representation of the physical structure that meets the objectives of the
owner. They are also known as plans or blueprints.

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