Revision Grammar Secondary Stage

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Revision Sheets

Correct the verbs between brackets

1- After the thieves ( arrest ) , they ( take ) to prison
2- Traffic laws must ( follow )
3- Bibliotheca Alexandrina ( inaugurate ) in 1995
4- The lessons ( revise ) at the moment .
5- The bank robbers ( not catch ) yet
6- laws need ( obey )
7- Spanish ( teach ) at your school ?
8- They ( send ) an invitation to the party yesterday .
9- The phots ( bring ) from the studio tomorrow ?
10- Many people ( influence ) by the media
Correct the verbs between brackets

1. If I ( be ) you , I ( start ) looking for another job

2. If a shark ( smell ) blood , it ( swim ) towards it
3. Sarah can’t (draw) that picture herself , she ( not know ) how to draw well.
4. You must ( have ) a good time at the party yesterday
5. When the next bus (arrive ) ?
6. If I ( know ) his address , I ( give ) it to you , but he changed it .
7. We ( go ) on a trip with our school
8. A liquid ( freeze ) if it ( put ) in the fridge
9. I ( travel ) to different planets if I ( be ) an astronaut
10. I ( travel ) to Paris last year if I ( have ) the chance
11. If the lesson ( explain ) well , the students ( answer ) the exercise easily
12. I ( not tell ) him if I ( know ) it was a secret
13. The meal ( taste ) better if she ( cook ) properly it , but it is still raw
14. I wish he ( not be ) that rude
15. If the windows ( close ) properly , the thieves ( not enter ) the house
16. What you ( do ) if he ( not return ) the money on time ?
Re-write the sentences using if
1- Adam didn't get a good mark because he didn't revise well
2- The team played badly ,so they lost the match
3- You should always eat healthy food
4- Sam didn't buy the car because he didn't save enough money
Correct the verbs between brackets
1- If he ( come) to the meeting yesterday , he ( not be fire )
2- If people ( put ) their rubbish in bins , the streets ( not be ) so dirty
3- If Jane ( study )well , she ( pass ) her exams
4- If he ( not be ) so short , he ( join ) the military academy
5- If I ( see ) his message yesterday , I ( know ) about today’s meeting
Rewrite the sentences using if
1- I haven’t got enough money , so I can’t buy the house
2- Tom didn’t study very well , so he didn’t receive high results
3- Adam is a naughty boy , so he always gets into trouble
4- I can't own a dog because I am frightened of them
5- Alain didn't watch the match because he had an exam
6- Mary is tired so she can’t go to the party
7- Mary was tired so she couldn’t go to the party
Do as shown between brackets
1- " Why were you absent last week Alain ?" asked his teacher [ Write in the indirect speech ]
2- Many people believe that pollution will destroy the earth [ change into passive ]
Have they followed the instructions ?
They say that prices are going to increase
3- Each of them study his lessons well
Neither Jack's friends nor him are coming on the trip
They can't answer this problem and I can't too
He is poor and has few money with him
The patient checks at the moment
[ correct the mistakes ]
4- Tom always say to me ," I want to buy a house in this area ." [ Reported Speech ]
The teacher said , " The sun rises in the east . "
" Come here then , Jim ." his mother said
5- Money demanded by a court to let a person released until his trial
A group of people chosen to make a decision in court
A person charged with a crime
An administrative area or district
A type of grain used to make flour
A type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking
A person who commits a crime
[ Give one word ]
6- Sara can speak French well . Sara can speak Italian well
Tom isn't going to the party . Tom's friends aren't going to the party
Adam doesn't like tennis . Adam doesn't like Hockey
Jim won't help me with the project . Adam won't help me with the project
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [ Join ]

7- a) The suspect kept insisting that he was ……………………

b) New York is known for its ………………….culture
c) The detective managed to collect a ……………………of useful information
d) Don't worry ! We still have ………………….time to reach the airport in time for our flight .
e) The banker was ……………………….with tax evasion
[ Complete ]
8- Write in the passive
a) Tom needs to do this work
b) Young children should eat healthy food
c) Did they sell all the tickets for the concert ?
d) People mustn't commit crimes
e) Do they repair computers in this store ?

9- Give one word

a) A person in charge of a court
b) Punishment given to a criminal
c) To examine information in a court of law
d) To prevent something from happening
e) The way of life including many different types of people or things

10- Complete the sentences suitably

a) One of the bombing …………………was dead on arrival in hospital .
b) The driver was ordered to pay 150$ in parking …………………
c) At present we have no ……………………..of life on other planets.
d) The police had to guard Mr. Smith until he was able to …………………in court against the
murderer .
e) The company's financial difficulties have …………………….potential investors .
f) A man is being held in police ………………… connection with the murder
g) The city will be using some of its tax dollars to ………………………its downtown area .
11- Both Jim and Martin like football
Tom has some questions about the project
[ Change into negative ]
12-Write in the reported speech
a-John asked me , “ Did you remember to bring me your notes ?”
b- Mary said , “ I have a lot homework today which I must do .”
c- “ Why were you absent last week , Alain ?” asked Samir .
d- They asked the banker , “ Do we still have any money in our account ?”
e- The boy said to his father , “ Will you take me to the club tomorrow ?”
f- Mr. Adams asked his wife , “ Where is my coat ?”
g- She said to me , " Don't forget to bring me the files with you tonight ."
h- Dave asked me, "Do you like Italian food ?".
i- My brother asked, "Why are you studying English tonight ?" .
j- Jack said, " This is the best book I've ever read "

13- Adam didn't bring the files . He didn't finish writing the report [ Join ]
14- Choose
a) There isn't ( something – anything – nothing ) else to say
b) Sara spends ( many – much – a lot – few ) time watching TV .
c) Have you got ( some – any – much – little ) questions ?
d) Tom likes football and I like it ( also – too – either – neither )
e) Tom likes football and ( so am I – so do I – I too – neither do I )
f) Sarah won't come to the party and Jane won't ( also – too – either – neither )
g) They are poor and have ( much – little – many – few ) food to eat .

15- I am meeting my cousin at the club [ Ask a question for the underlined word ]
Tom has been practicing football since he was a child [ Ask a question ]
Read the text below then answer the questions:
Bessie Smith was the “Empress of the Blues.” But long before she earned that title, she and her brother
Andrew performed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee. They came from an impoverished family, so they
needed to earn money for their household. He danced, and she sang. The two often performed in front of the
White Elephant Saloon, a tavern in the city’s African–American community. In 1912, Bessie Smith met
Gertrude “Ma” Rainey (known as the “Mother of the Blues.") Smith joined Ma’s vaudeville act and became a
popular Blues singer. In the 1920s, Bessie Smith starred in the Broadway musical How Come? In 1923, she
made her first record, “Gulf Coast Blues” and “Down Hearted Blues.” It sold 800,000 copies. She made records
with some of the most famous Jazz musicians of that era, including James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, and
Louis Armstrong. One of her most famous recordings was “St. Louis Blues,” recorded in 1929 with Louis
Armstrong. She was the highest paid black singer of that time. She made 160 records. But the Depression in the
1930s was not good for her career. Columbia Records dropped her in the 1930s. She died in 1937. Today Bessie
Smith is still remembered as the “Empress of the Blues.” Bessie Smith was admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame in 1989.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. What was Bessie Smith called?
a) Ma b) Ma blues c) Mother of the Blues d) Empress of the Blues
2. Where did Bessie and Andrew Smith perform?
a) in the white elephant saloon b) In Chattanooga, Tennessee
c) on Broadway d) in a tavern
3. When did Smith make her first record?
a) 1912 b)1920 c) 1923 d) 1229
4. Who did Smith record St. Louis Blues with?
a) Louis Armstrong b) James P. Johnson c) Coleman Hawkins d) None of them

5. Which company did Smith record for?

a) Broadway b) White elephant c) Colombia d) None of them

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