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CSM : 18


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt any 5 (five) questions taking not more than 3 (three) questions from each Part.


1. Explain the contribution of tribal cultures to Indian Civilisation. (20)

2. Write the contributions of SC Dube to the case studies of India. (20)

3. Discuss the concept of Dominant Caste. (20)

4. Assess the impact of Panchayati Raj institution on the empowerment of rural women in India.


5. Is ‘tribe’ a colonial construct? How does the post-colonial India deal with tribe? (5+15)

6. Describe the impact of urbanization and industrialization on Indian tribes. (20)

7. Discuss the issue of regionalism and the demand for autonomy in India. (10+10)

8. Critically examine the role of NGO’s in tribal development with examples. (20)


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