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Nama : Nadiya Agustina

NIM : 2498010286

Carol : journalist, a famous American newspaper, rock climbing, York, England

Michel : dallas, Texas, ABC Limited, software engineer, learning Italian

Berdasarkan percakapan pada halaman "Percakapan"

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini.

1. Does Carol like her city?

Answer : Yes, Carol like the city because It's a great place to stay
2. Does Michael like his job?
Answer : yes, he like his job because he like working with computers.
3. What does Carol do in her job?
Answer : he did interview people and write stories for a famous American newspaper.
4. Do Carol and Michael have the same activity in their free time?
Answer : Of course not, Michel in his free time does study Italian and Carol goes rock

My name's Nadiya Agustina

I'm from Kendal City, Central Java

I live in Weleri Su-district It's I live in Weleri Village, a sub-district located in the western part of
Kendal Regency which borders directly with Batang Regency. The longest bridge is also an icon in
Weleri because it is located on the border of Weleri and Batang. Weleri is a beautiful sub-district and
has increasing tourism potential because of its strategic location with mountains and waters.

I'm a collage study in Semarang State University I feel happy to have been given the opportunity to
increase my knowledge there. In At Semarang State University I studied to become a professional

I like watching movies and swimming

Hello friends
I'm here to introduce myself. My name is Nadiya Agustina. You can call me Nadiya. I am 24 years old.
I'm from Kendal, Central Java. Now I live in Weleri Su-district. I'm a collage study in Semarang State
University. I like watching movies and swimming

Garis biru dari Rachel's merupakan informasi tentang Ayah Rachel's.

Sekarang Tuliskan informasi keluarga lainnya. Juga ceritakan hubungan
Rachel dan Matt dan kesukaan mereka !

Rachel tinggal bersama orang tuanya. Kakak perempuannya sedang belajar untuk menjadi
pengacara. Sahabat Rachel Bernama matt. Saat masih sekolah menengah mereka bertemu dan
menjadi salah satu tim atletik di sekolah. Mereka sering pergi hiking bersama Ketika musim panas.

Rachel lives with her parents. Her older sister is studying to become a lawyer. Rachel's best friend is
called Matt. When they were in middle school they met and became part of the athletic team at
school. They often go hiking together in the summer.


Halo. Namaku Natasya. Saya sudah menikah. Nama suami saya Budiman. Kami punya seorang putra.
Namanya Alexander.

Aku akan bercerita tentang keluarga besarku. Nama kakek dan nenek saya adalah Cici dan Waluyo.
Mereka memiliki tiga anak, satu putri dan dua putra. Ibuku adalah putri mereka. Namanya Ami. Putra
mereka adalah Anang dan Adang.

Ibuku menikah dengan Faisal. Mereka memiliki dua anak perempuan. Saya salah satu putri mereka.
Nama adikku adalah Nadiya.

Istri Anang adalah Maria. Mereka memiliki tiga putra. Nama mereka adalah Tony, Tito, dan Tedy.
Mereka adalah sepupu saya.

Adang menikah dengan Susan. Mereka memiliki empat anak, dua putri dan dua putra. Nama mereka
adalah Septi, Maya, Okta, dan Janu.

1. Natasya’s grandmother is cici

2. Adang’s sister is Ami
3. Nadiya’s uncles are Anang and Adang
4. Tony’s aunts are Ami
5. Faisal’s daughter is Natasya and Nadiya
6. Tony’s brothers are Tito, and Tedy
7. Waluyo’s grandsons are natasya, Nadiya, tony,
tedy,septi,maya,okta,and janu
8. Tito’s cousins are natasya
9. Adang’s nieces are alexander
10. Susan’s nephews are alexander

Waluyo Cici

Grandfather Grandmother

Adang Susan Anang Maria

Ami Faisal
Uncle Aunty Uncle Aunty
Mother Father

Nadiya Natasya Budiman Septi Maya Octa Janu Tony Tito Tedy

Sister Wife husband Sister Sister Sister Brother Brother Brother Brother



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