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Change Request

Implementation NT 001/2015

Company: MERCK
Requester name: Beatriz Alencar
Responsible Consultant: Tatiana de Lima Silva Lopes
Issue number: 1003
Module: SD / ABAP
Complexity High


This document is a reference throughout all process of Change Request. It is structured as follows:

• Topics 2-8: will be filled during analysis and surveys with the customer related to Change Request.
The objective is to detail all needs, close a scope and propose a solution at the level of business.

• Topic 9: After concluded the final scope, this topic will be filled with the functional/technical effort
estimated for carrying out the activity.

• Topic 10: If the Change Request provides a higher amount of 40 hours for development, will be
offer a Work Plan.

• Topic 11-13: Will be defined all the technical details necessary thus enabling the execution of
Change Request.

• Topic 14-17: Will be filled during the development of Change Request, documenting all objects and
requests created. As well as Manuals when applicable.

• Topic 18: Will be filled only if, during development are identified GAP's or some improvement that
prevent the final delivery of the Change Request.

• Topic 19: Guarantees and common considerations to all Change Requests.

Upon completion of the whole process will be delivered to the customer the final version of this document,
containing all the information necessary for historical, future maintenance or consultation needed for this
Change Request.

Implementing Technical Note 001/2015


Sonda Team
Tatiana Lopes SD Consulting 11 3126-7353
Mariana Stocco Change Req. Coord. 11 3126-6431
Customer Team
Beatriz Alencar IT Responsable 21 2444-2448

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During the project, the status report will be communicated by phone and/or email.

This technical note provides the necessary specification for implementation of the request for extension of
the ICMS suspension in shipment for industrialization after 180 days.

The government allows the suspension of ICMS payments for 180 days.

If these 180 days are not sufficient (it’s necessary longer till the finished goods are returned), you can extend
the suspension for another 180 days, and then even for another 180 days.

The event “Extension request” replaces a petition paper of the taxpayer, front of public administration, with
an .xml file signed.

The event will be triggered by the taxpayer and the permissible changes are in accordance to the
governmental agreement ‘CONVÊNIO AE-15/74’.

In order to meet the rules for NT 001/2015, the proposal below is based on the official document ‘Nota
Técnica 2015.001 - v 1.10’.

It will be necessary to update the GRC environment for Suport Package 24 to send and receive the events
required by the technical note and develop a program in the ECC environment for transfer of informations
between the ERP and GRC.

The following Events are available for ICMS tax suspension:

1. 1st Extension Request (EPP1) (tpEvento = 111500)

2. 2nd Extension Request (EPP2) (tpEvento = 111501)
3. 1st Extension Response (EFPP1) (tpEvento = 411500)
4. 2nd Extension Response (EFPP2) (tpEvento = 411501)
5. 1st Extension Cancellation (ECPP1) (tpEvento = 111502)
6. 2nd Extension Cancellation (ECPP2) (tpEvento = 111503)
7. 1st Extension Cancellation Response (EFCPP1) (tpEvento = 411502)
8. 2nd Extension Cancellation Response (EFCPP2) (tpEvento = 411503)

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A new transaction will be created "Z", selection of data is the same as the NF-e Monitor (J1BNFE Transaction)

By Selecting the button "Extension event" and "Extension Cancellation", the information will be
updated considering the process, the selection will be made by item, considering the amount of
which request the extension or cancellation of events.

*This layout was created to illustrate the solution to be developed and can be changed before the approval of the development

It will be possible to check the history

*This layout was created to illustrate the solution to be developed and can be changed before the approval of the development

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To “Rule for Extension” we are considering what are defined on Technical Note (Nota Técnica 2015.001 - v

IF necessary more than 180 days the user can select first event indicating the item and the quantity that
intends to extend.

After the first extension period, the suspension of ICMS may be extended for another 180 days. Thus it may
be select 2nd extension request.

After this period must not occur more extensions.

The company may request to cancel the extension request (frist or second request) taking into account rules
to follow:

 When trying to cancel 1st Extension Request events, attention should be paid to the amount of items
in the 2nd Extension Request events. If the quantities of the 1st and 2nd term are compatible, the
event 1st Extension Request may be canceled.

 If the quantities aren't compatible, you can't cancel 1st Extension Request without first canceling the
2nd Extension Request.

SEFAZ when receive the extesion request will examine the application and there will be an answer for each
purchase order item informing the approval or rejection of the extension of the item, as example:

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NFes that have term extension requests with approval by the tax authorities can’t be canceled.

All events related to Shipping NF-e and the application for renewal should be bound to Historic of the invoice.

The estimates may change according to the solution that are provided by SAP.


Update GRC to support package 24

And the activities below on GRC environment.

Activity upgrade SP NFE

Download Media
Update ABAP
Update JAVA
Update ABAP
Update JAVA

We consider out of scope the creation of master data and ABAP programs adjustments not described in this

No implementation of descriptive rules in NT 001/2015 and preparation of ECC.

Not applicable.


To be completed.

Resume – Key moments

Start Date
Approval Date Delivery
Date Go-Live


To be completed.

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Unit Tests

Informações que devem ser considerado durante os testes.

 O autor da encomenda for o emitente da NF-e de remessa para industrialização - CFOPs 5901 e
 Prazos conforme observado nas regras contidas na NT2015.001;
 Retorno Sefaz: síncrono: SEFAZ retorna o protocolo do evento registrado e/ou assíncrono: SEFAZ
retorna mais tarde se o pedido foi deferido (aceito) ou indeferido (recusado);
 Emitente (saída) SP - Para os demais, cenários o retorno previsto é a Rejeição 491: O tpEvento
informado invalido.

O evento de prorrogação, previsto na NT 2015.001, é um evento opcional. Isso significa que cada UF pode
decidir sobre implementar ou não o evento, até onde temos conhecimento, o único estado que
implementou o evento é São Paulo.
Sem autorização

Entrar com o número do doc. num e empresa, após isto clicar no botão <executar>

1º Teste – doc. num. 1718220

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Selecionar o item ao qual deseja realizar o pedido de prorrogação.

Resultado teste: 1º Regra, doc. num, tem que estar dentro do prazo, previsto na NT 001/2015 – 1º
periodo = 180 dias

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Teste envio de pedido de prorrogação:

2º Teste – doc. num. 2121902

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Selecionar o item ao qual deseja realizar o pedido de prorrogação.


= Solicitar pedido de prorrogação

= Cancelar pedido de prorrogação

= Atualizar resposta Sefaz

Neste caso, foi selecionada a 1 linha, botão

Será aberta uma nova janela, onde é possível informar a quantidade ao qual será solicitado o pedido de

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Será gravado o histórico na janela abaixo, , neste exemplo, podemos

visualizar o log de enviado.

Ao clicar no botão , será atualizado o retorno da Sefaz.

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Teste com quantidade Zero:

Realizado teste, simulando enviar um pedido de prorrogação, com quantidade 0 (zero), o sistema irá
retornar com mensagem, de alerta ao usuário (quantidade não pode ser zero):

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Teste com quantidade Superior:

Realizado teste, simulando enviar um pedido de prorrogação, com quantidade superior a quantidade da
nota, o sistema irá retornar com mensagem, de alerta ao usuário, (extensão da quantidade deve ser
menor ou igual a)

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Teste cancelar pedido de prorrogação:

Para cancelar, um pedido de prorrogação, deve-se clicar no botão , será aberta uma
nova janela, deve-se escolher se o cancelamento trata-se do 1º Prazo ou 2º Prazo

Neste teste, foi solicitando o pedido de 2 Prazo, sendo que ainda não foi realizado o cancelamento do 1

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o sistema irá retornar com mensagem, de alerta ao usuário, (Você deve solicitar o 1 Prazo antes!)

Para cancelar, um pedido de prorrogação, deve-se clicar no botão .

Neste caso, solicitado 1 Prazo.

Será aberta uma nova janela e deve-se entrar com a quantidade.

Será gravado o histórico na janela abaixo, , neste exemplo, podemos

visualizar o log de enviado cancelamento.

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Ao clicar no botão , será atualizado o retorno da Sefaz.

Teste 2º Prazo cancelamento.

Conforme regras da NT 001/20115, antes de solicitar o pedido de 2º Prazo, deve-se ter se passado 180
dias, do envio do 1º Prazo de cancelamento, desta forma o prazo ainda não foi concluído.

Teste 03/02/2017

Pedido de Prorrogação:

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Teste envio de prorrogação

Antes do retorno da Sefaz, foi enviado um novo pedido de solicitação de prorrogação.

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Integrated Tests




To implement this solution, it is necessary to upgrade the support package of GRC to 24. See SAP Note
2258980 - SAPK-90024INSLLNFE: Support Package 24 for SLL-NFE.
The new Events created for this process follow below:
Taxpayer Event

 Extension Request 1st Deadline (tpEvento=111500)

 Extension Request 2nd Deadline (tpEvento=111501)
 Extension Request Cancellation 1st Deadline (tpEvento=111502)
 Extension Request Cancellation 2nd Deadline (tpEvento=111503)

Government Event

 Response to Extension Request 1st Deadline (tpEvento=411500)

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 Response to Extension Request 2nd Deadline(tpEvento=411501)

 Response to Extension Request Cancellation 1st Deadline (tpEvento=411502)
 Response to Extension Request Cancellation 2nd Deadline (tpEvento=411503)

The Function Modules to be used are:

Event Creation (ERP to GRC)

 XNFE/EV_ISSUE_NFE_EPP (extension 111500 and 111501)

 /XNFE/EV_ISSUE_NFE_ECPP (cancellation 111502 and 111503)

Status response (GRC to ERP)

 /XNFE/NFE_EVENT_EFPP_IN (extension 411500 and 411501)

 /XNFE/NFE_EVENT_EFCPP_IN (cancellation 411502 and 411503)

For the response functions from GRC to ERP, customers need to create their own implementation in the
destination system or use BAdI below:


These functions '/XNFE/NFE_EVENT_EFPP_IN' and '/XNFE/NFE_EVENT_EFCPP_IN' will be automatically

called in PROCSTEP 'ERPEPPNF and ERPECPNF' whenever you have an answer from SEFAZ.

The Web Service NFeDistribuicaoDFe in production will return Government's events and Status Query via
NF-e Monitor. In homologation ONLY the Status Query is available.

In order to Test the validity of the XML, you can use the SEFAZ-RS validation tool.
Customers have to create entries in table /XNFE/XMLVERSDET for every new Event Type issued by the
company (111500, 111501, 111502 and 111503) using document type EVE with version 1.00.

See below the SPRO path:

Nota Fiscal Eletronica > Outbound > NF-e > NF-e: Maintain Version of Message Types
As you may know, the control of the requests must be done via Item and quantity. SAP will not deliver any
solution in ERP (ECC). Therefore, this should be developed by customers. Remember of the 3 basic

• Create a display for the request the extension, cancellation and check the status;
• Item level control and quantity;
• Communication to GRC interfaces.

To test the scenario, customers have to use the report attached to this SAP KBA. Remember that this report
should be used only for test purposes. This report must be deployed in GRC system as this test program
does not use RFCs.
As the program does not have RFCs it does not validate if the access key is from an approved nota fiscal
neither the quantity of items and neither the quantity of each item.
This program validates if the role of the client is TEST and it works only in this case.
The parameters to be informed are:

• Access Key
• Event Type
• Sequence Number

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If you'll request the EPP Event:

• Item number and quantity

If you'll request ECPP (Cancellation) Event:

• Reference EPP Type

• Reference EPP Sequence Number


To be completed.

Component Code C/M Definition


To be completed.

Component C/M Definition

R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZV_BR_NT001 TRAN
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZV_BR_J1BNFE PROG
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZVBR_HEADER TABL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZVBR_NT001 TABL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZVBR_NT001_HIST TABL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_COMUN DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_ITEM1 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_ITEMH DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_LOGDE DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_LOGNO DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_PRAZO1 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_PRAZO2 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_QTD1 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_QTD2 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_STATUS DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_STATUS01 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZZD_STATUS02 DTEL
R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZV_NT001BR SUSO

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R05/W/CO-GEN/T01CR_10785/1 R05_8110 ZVBR_GF_NT001 FUGR



To be completed.

Request Type Description Created by

D72K900317 Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/1*8110/NT001_2015 Guilherme
D72K900319 Customizing R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/1*8110/NT001_2015 Guilherme
D72K900325 Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/1*8110/NT001_2015 Alexander
D08K9A183Q Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/1*8110/NT001_2015 Júlio
D08K9A1GQN Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INCO218040/3*11888/Defect 8160 Júlio
D08K9A1GX1 Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*11923/Defect 8160 - Er Alexander
D08K9A1H1M Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*11923/Defect 8160 - Er Alexander
D08K9A1H7G Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*12032/Defect 8160 - Er Marcel
D08K9A1HEE Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*12032/Defect 8160 - Er Marcel

D08K9A1HHF Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*12032/Defect 8160 – Marcel

D08K9A1HUN Workbench R05/W/SD-GEN/T01CR_10511/INC0218040/3*12032/Defect 8160 - Er Marcel

Transação: J1BNFE

Entrar com o número do doc. num e empresa, após isto clicar no botão <executar>

Selecionar o doc. num. ao qual irá ser utilizado no envio de pedido de prorrogação, será aberta nova tela
com o detalhe do documento.

 Selecionar o item ao qual deseja realizar o pedido de prorrogação, podem ser utilizadas todas as
funções abaixo, informadas.


= Solicitar pedido de prorrogação

= Cancelar pedido de prorrogação

= Atualizar resposta Sefaz

Envio de Pedido de prorrogação:

Neste caso, foi selecionada a 1 linha, botão

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Será aberta uma nova janela, onde é possível informar a quantidade ao qual será solicitado o pedido de

Será gravado o histórico na janela abaixo, , onde é possível visualizar o


Ao clicar no botão , será atualizado o retorno da Sefaz.

Cancelar pedido de prorrogação:

Para cancelar, um pedido de prorrogação, deve-se clicar no botão , será aberta uma
nova janela, deve-se escolher se o cancelamento trata-se do 1º Prazo ou 2º Prazo

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Para cancelar, um pedido de prorrogação, deve-se clicar no botão .

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Neste caso, solicitado 1 Prazo.

Será aberta uma nova janela e deve-se entrar com a quantidade.

Será gravado o histórico na janela abaixo, , neste exemplo, podemos

visualizar o log de enviado cancelamento.

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Ao clicar no botão , será atualizado o retorno da Sefaz.

18. GAP’S
To be completed.

1. AMS SAP Sonda IT is committed to develop and deliver all developments cited in the scope in
approval enviroment. As well as all Objects/Customization documentation created and manipulated
and transportable requests related for Productive environment.

2. From this delivery date, if there are any objection of the customer, related with errors (within the
approved scope), AMS SAP warrants by 1 month free of charge.

3. Consulting, training needs, questions or improvements that may come after the validation of the
document are not covered under this warranty.

4. Integrated tests is the customer's responsibility. If there is no customer participation at this step,
AMS SAP is not responsible for additional costs related to corrections or changes in developments.

5. This document contains the scope and effort required for development of its Change Request. So
there may be variations for more or less. The customer will be informed in both cases. In case of
variation for more , we will ask permission to continue the activities.

6. Problems related to the remote connection to the customer environment are not provided in the
Effort time or Work Plan.

7. There is no prediction of customer fill specific documentation. With the exceptions that this activity
is explicit herein.

8. Rollback plan is not foreseen.

Electronic Approval.

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