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Listen, repeat and complete each word!

Dengarkan, ucapkan kembali dan lengkapi setiap kata!
The Months of the Year (Nama-Nama Bulan dalam Setahun)

1. Jan_ary 2. F_bruary 3. Ma_rch 4. Apr_l

5. M_y 6. Ju_e 7. Ju_y 8. Augu_t
9. Se_t_mber 10. _ktober 11. N o _ e m b e r 12. De_embe_


Practice these dialogues with your teacher!
Praktikkan dialog-dialog ini bersama dengan gurumu1
Dialogue 1
Ica : What date is it?
Mrs. Finda : It is Friday, the 17th of May.
Ica : Is it Wednesday tomorrow?
Mrs. Finda : Yes, it is.
Dialogue 2
Adi : What’s the fifth month of the year?
Ria : It is May
Adi : Does it come after March?
Ria : No, it doesn’t. It comes after April.

Task 4
Say the following sentences after your teacher!
Ucapkan kalimat-kalimat berikut setelah gurumu!
1. Today is Sunday.
2. Yesterday was Saturday.
3. Tomorrow is Monday.
4. June comes before July.
5. June comes after May.

Task 5
Read the following text carefully!
Bacalah teks berikut dengan seksama!
Task 6
Answer each question according to the text.
Jawablah setiap pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.
1) What day is today?
2) Does Maya like Saturday?
3) When does Maya do her hobby?
4) What is Maya’s favourite month?
5) Does Maya have a birthday in November?
Task 7
A. Arrange the letters into the correct word!
Susunlah huruf-huruf menjadi kata yang tepat!
1. Y – n – a – d – u – s : ………………………………………
2. N – e – j – u : ………………………………………
3. D – y – t – r – s – u – a – a : ………………………………....
4. H – c – m – r – a : ………………………………………
5. E – s – t – a – y – r – e – y – d : ……………………………..

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