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Time : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 80
Sample Question Papers

Self Assessment Paper 1

General Instructions :
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question
3. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
4. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
5. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

Section ‘A’  [40 Marks]

Attempt all questions from this Section
1. (a) What do you understand by business?[2]
(b) Give two characteristics of private sector enterprise.[2]
(c) Give two types of trade.[2]
(d) Mention three merits of sole proprietorship.[2]
(e) What do you mean by partnership at will?[2]
2. (a) Mention two features of public limited company.[2]
(b) Give two merits of co-operative society.[2]
(c) What is a public corporation?[2]
(d) Give two concepts of marketing.[2]
(e) Give two purposes for which finance is required.[2]
3. (a) Give any three functions of production department.[2]
(b) What are human resources?[2]
(c) Define employment.[2]
(d) Who is a minor partner?[2]
(e) Define capital.[2]
4. (a) What are credit co-operative societies?[2]
(b) What is a ledger?[2]
(c) State two agency functions performed by commercial banks.[2]
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2 OSWAAL ICSE Sample Question Papers, COMMERCIAL STUDIES, Class - IX
(d) What is a voucher?[2]
(e) What is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?[2]

Section ‘B’  [40 Marks]

Attempt any four questions from this Section

5. (a) What are real accounts? How are they classified?[5]

(b) What services are offered by the commercial banks to the business world?[5]
6. (a) State the differences between marketing and selling.[5]
(b) Distinguish between partnership and a joint stock company.[5]
7. (a) Define partnership and discuss its main features.[5]
(b) Give some examples of business goals.[5]
8. (a) Discuss various types of non-profit organisations.[5]
(b) From the following Ledger Balances, draw up the Trial Balance :[5]

Trial Balance
Particular Debit (`)
Purchases 140,400
Sundry debtors 25,042
Premises 83,700
Sales 201,150
Returns Outwards 12,015
Rates of Taxes 1,053
Cash at bank 2,106
Carriage Inwards 878
Salaries 5,265
Stock (April 1, 2014) 33,750
Drawings 10,732
Sundry creditors 11,205
Returns Inwards 7,236
Furniture 21,060
Cash in hand 527
Capital 114,750
Factory Wages 7,870
Carriage Outwards 351
Rent received 4,036
Insurance 2,835
Bad debts 351
9. (a) What are the important features of co-operative societies?[5]
(b) What is meant by the term commercial bank? Identify and explain two primary functions of a
commercial bank.[5]
10. Write up a Sharjeel Siraj Khan’s single column cash book for the month of April 2015, from the
following :[10]

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Sample Question Papers 3
S. No. Particulars Amount (`)
1 Cash in hand 1,650
2 Cash sales 16,000
3 Paid cheque to creditors 4,000
4 Wages paid in cash 2,250
4 Cash sales 18,000
9 Paid cash to TCP 420
11 Paid salaries by cash 2,580
12 Credit Sales 1,000
14 Note Receivable Realized 3,000
17 Paid cash for repairing 360
19 Sales by cash 11,400
21 Paid office expense 180
25 Paid rent and rates 3,600
26 Cash sales 19,200
27 Paid electricity bill 900
28 Cash collected from debtor 4,500
29 Goods Purchase 2,000
30 Retire bank load 3,000
Requirement: Prepare cash book at April 30, 2015.



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