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微积分第十一份笔记--微分方程应用题 part2

8.4 微分方程的应用 part 2 Example 2

Weeds start to grow on the surface of a circular pond of radius a in a circular region
杂题练习 whose centre is at the centre of the pond.At time t , the region covered by the
Example 1 weeds has radius r .If the growth of the weeds on the surface of the pond can be
Water is leaking from a hole at the bottom of a spherical tank with height 1m.Let x modelled by the differential equation:
denote the height of the water in the tank in meters at time t,measured in hours.The dr
rate at which x is decreasing is proportional to square root of the height of the 2r  k (a 2  r 2 ) where a and k are positive constants
water.if the tank is full initially and half-empty after 1 hour, find the time it takes to be
empty,giving your answer in exact form
Given that r  0 when t  0 , will the weeds cover the whole ponds? Justify your
answer. Answer:never

微积分第十一份笔记--微分方程应用题 part2
Example 3
A certain drug is being administered to a patient in a hospital at a constant rate R
mg per minute. The rate at which the drug is lost from the patient’s body is
proportional to the amount x mg of the drug present in his body at time t minute.
Given that the amount of drug in the patient remains constant at the instant when it
is 1.5 R mg, show that the differential equation relating x and t is given by
dx 2
 R x.
dt 3
(i) If his body is initially free of the drug, find x in terms of t
(ii) When t   , x   , find 

自己练 1
In a chemical reaction , a certain chemical product is formed in a beaker.At time t ,
the rate of formation is k times the amount of chemical product remaining in the
beaker.At the same instant,this chemical product is also removed from the beaker at
a constant rate r .Write down a differential equation for the amount of chemical
product x in the beaker at time t .Find the solution for the following case:
x when t  0
微积分第十一份笔记--微分方程应用题 part2
Example 4 练习
A certain small country has $ 10 in paper currency in circulation, and each day
7 舒适区
$ 5 10 comes into the country’s banks.The government decides to introduce new
currency by having the banks replace old bills with new ones whenever old currency 1 While baking a cake,Mary found that the amount of flour dissolved in water,
comes into the banks. Let x denote the amount of new currency in the circulation at
x grams, in time T seconds,satisfies the differential equation
time t days, with x (0)  0 .
(a)formulate a mathematical model in the form of an initial value problem that  k (15  x ) where k is a positive constant.
represents the flow of the new currency into circulation
(b)How long will it take for the new bills to account for 90% of the currency in Initially,zero grams of flour is dissolved in water.
circulation? (a) find x in terms of T ,given that 10 grams of flour dissolved in 2s
(b) What is the amount of flour dissolved finally.

2 A right-angled triangle with a base x cm,height y cm and a fixed slant length

of 9 cm.Given that y decreases at a rate proportional to y at time t, show
dx k (81  x 2 ) .

dt x
Initially, x is 3 cm.Taking k=4,find the time taken, in seconds, for y to be
2cm.Find also the rate of change of the area of triangle when y=2cm

3 求一曲线,使其任意点 P ( x, y ) 上的切线在纵轴(y 轴)上之截距等于切点的

横坐标(必做!统考课本的题目) ans:y=Cx-xln|x|

4 Suppose that a chemical mixture contains two substances whose masses

are x kg and y kg, and whose combined mass is 1kg. At time t ,the rate at
which x is increasing is proportional to the product of the two masses at
that time. Obtain a differential equation relating x and t . Show that the
general solution of the differential equation may be expressed in the form
Cx 1
ln  kt where C, k are positive constants. Given that initially x 
1 x 10
and when t  1, x  , expressed x in terms of t . show that x  1 , when

5 求一曲线,曲线上任意点 P ( x, y ) (x>0)到坐标原点 origin 的距离,恒等于
P 点处的切线在 y 轴上的截距
微积分第十一份笔记--微分方程应用题 part2
6 A finance company offers loans that charge interest at a rate proportional to
half the amount owed to it each month.The borrower would have to pay 10 The population of a country is under study.It is known that the annual birth
$500 each month, until there is no more outstanding amount owed to the rate in the country is equal to r times its population and the annual death
company. Let x be the amount owed to the company at any time t. r
Given that when the amount owed is $5000,the interest charged is $250, rate is equal to times the square of its population, where r and k are
find the differential equation satisfied by x. k
Mr Gong borrowed $12000, show that he will never clear his debt positive constants.
At time (in years) t  0 ,the population of the country is N ,where N  k .
Let x (t ) be the population of the country after t years.Assume that x (t )
7 An object with mass m is dropped from rest and we assume that the air may be treated as a continuous variable.
resistance is proportional to the speed of the object.If s (t ) is the distance dx
(a) Set up a differential equation to relate the rate of population increase to
dropped after t seconds,then the speed is v  s ' (t ) and the acceleration is dt
a  v' (t ) .If g is the acceleration due to gravity,then the downward force on the birth and death rates. By solving the above equation, show that
the object is mg  cv ,where c is a positive constant, and Newton’s second kN
x(t ) 
law gives N  (k  N )e rt
dv (b) In 1996, the population of the country was 5 million and the rate of
m  mg  cv population increase during 1996 was known to be 1.5% of its
population.Suppose r  0.02 , predict the population of the country in 2006.
(a) solve this equation to show that v  (1  e ct / m ) Give your answer to 3 significant figures.
c Answer:5.79
(b) What is the limiting velocity?
(c) Find the distance the object has fallen after t seconds
11 5kg 肥皂溶于 300L 水中后,以每分钟 10L 的速度向内注入清水同时向外抽出
混合均匀 10L 之肥皂水,问什么时候余下的肥皂水只有 1kg 肥皂?
8 A glucose solution is administered intravenously into the bloodstream at a Ans:48.282min
constant rate r. As the glucose is added, it is converted into other
substances and removed from the bloodstream at a rate that is proportional
to the concentration at that time.
formulate a mathematical model for the concentration C (t ) of the glucose
solution in the bloodstream. Suppose that the concentration at time t=0 is
C0 .

9 摩托艇以 5m/s 的速度在静水上运动,全速时停止了发动机,过了 20 秒后,

摩托艇的速度减至 3m/s。求发动机停止 2 分钟后艇的速度,假定水的阻力与
艇的运动速度成正比。 ans:0.233

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