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The column chart below illustrates the production and consumption of electricity in the top

ten countries in 2014. Overall, the quantity of consumption and production of electricity in
China was the highest at all, while the figure of Korea was the lowest.
China and United States were two countries with the highest rates, the figure of production
and consumption in China was 5,398 and 5,322, compared with 4,099 and 3,866 in United
The quantity of other countries was far lower than that in China and United States, with the
highest was Russia, about 1,057 and 1,038 of production and consumption. The quantity of
electricity in Japan was 936,2 and 856,7 and the figure of India was 871 and 698,8. The
amount of production and consumption in Canada, France, Brazil Germany and Korea
Republic fluctuated relatively close to each other, with the highest in each type of energy(
production, consumption) were 618,9(in Canada)and 582,5 (in Germany), compared with the
figure of the lowest were 485,1 and 449,5(both in Korea Republic).

Task 2
Nowadays, there were much debate surrounding the issue that between history and science,
technology which one is more important?In my opinion, both views have the main partly
correct and both subject brings much benefits for student.
On the one hand, we can not deny that History is one of the most important subjects. History
brings us a lot of knowledge and understanding about the development process of human
and stimulate our curiosity. This lead to we can improve our memory ability and makes us
become more knowledgeable in everyone’s eyes. For example, when we good at history, we
will be known as a wise man. In addition, learning national history can make we more proud
of our country and understand more about some mighty heroes.
In the other hand, studying history requires memorizing too much information can easily
make many people feel bored, so they prefer learning nature subject studying history. Firstly,
science and technology don’t require people to learn by heart too much, instead that they
require student’s thinking and creativity. Secondly, the knowledge about science and
technology are infinite so it require students and professor never stop to explore and do
some research. This lead to people think that learning science and technology is the best
way to improve wisdom and intelligence.
In conclusion, we should learn history subject to improve knowledge about human and
development process, simultaneously learning the nature subject to improve intelligence and
properly use the benefits of each subject.

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