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Natal Chart Report

I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Yo u r B i r t h
Chart Report

What follows is your personal natal chart

information, as well as interpretations of
the positions and aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the

positions of the planets in your natal chart
by sign. The most personal of these are
the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign,
Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most people
already know their Sun sign.

If your time of birth is known, you will also

find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as
well as the positions of the planets in the
houses of your chart. Additionally, aspects
between the planets are listed and

If the birth time is unknown, we cannot

know the Ascendant or house positions.
The natal chart shown here is an Aries
chart in that case. Additionally, you may
not know the Moon sign for certain. This is
because the Moon changes signs
approximately every 2-1/2 days. Less
probable but still possible is a change of
signs for the other planets and luminaries,
depending on the planet itself (for
example, the Sun changes signs every 30
days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation refers to

an individual position in your chart. All of
these positions and aspects are some of
the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you!
Some of these interpretations will be
contradictory, just as people are
contradictory. A person can be timid in
love and aggressive in business, for
example. As well, we evolve and grow
throughout our lives, facing challenges
that help us to handle our positions and
aspects in a different way. We all have
choices, and one of the major benefits of
astrology is the chance to understand
ourselves so that we can work with our
natal charts and improve ourselves. Any
computerized report that interprets the
individual placements in a natal chart is
somewhat disjointed, simply because the
different parts that make up the whole are
not synthesized.

Some of the interpretations are more

detailed than others. You can use this as a
starting point and do some further reading
about different positions (such as Moon in
Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon
conjunct Mercury) in your chart by
exploring our own site, other astrology
sites, and by reading astrology books.

The tables show the technical details of

your natal chart, personalized based on
your birth data. Below the tables, you'll
find your free birth chart interpretive
report, and a chart wheel appears at the
end of the report.

migle Pronoun She

Vilnius, Lithuania 03/06/2003 14:20

Planet Positions, Ascendant,

& Houses

The following table shows the position of

the planets in your chart, by sign and
degree. You will also find the sign of your
Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of
each house in your natal chart only if the
birth time is known. The Roman Numerals
refer to the houses, where the Ascendant
is also the first house and the Midheaven is
also the tenth house. For example, if the
sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your
Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next
to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra.
If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a
Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II,
Leo is on your 2nd house.


Zodiac : Tropical

Sun Pisces 15°31'

Moon Aries 23°26'

Mercury Pisces 2°25'

Venus Aquarius 4°43'

Mars Capricorn 1°03'

Jupiter Leo 9°20' R

Saturn Gemini 22°17'

Uranus Aquarius 29°46'

Neptune Aquarius 11°57'

Pluto Sagittarius 19°51'

Lilith Taurus 2°35'

N Node Gemini 3°05'

masculine 7 fire 3

feminine 3 earth 1

cardinal 2 air 4

fixed 4 water 2

mutable 4


The following table shows the planetary

aspects in your natal chart. Interpretations
of these factors are found below. The
numbers listed under the column "Value"
serve as a relative rating system for each
aspect and are determined based on the
planets involved, the aspect type, and the
orb of influence. Negative values suggest
more stressful or challenging influences
while positive numbers show more flowing,
easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require you

to scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full natal chart wheel graphic

depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet Orb

Sun Square Pluto 4°20'

Moon Trine Mars 7°37'

Moon Sextile Saturn 1°09'

Moon Trine Pluto 3°34'

Moon Conjunction Lilith 9°09'

Mercury Sextile Mars 1°22'

Mercury Conjunction Uranus 2°39'

Mercury Sextile Lilith 0°10'

Venus Opposition Jupiter 4°38'

Venus Conjunction Neptune 7°14'

Venus Square Lilith 2°08'

Mars Opposition Saturn 8°46'

Mars Sextile Uranus 1°17'

Mars Trine Lilith 1°32'

Jupiter Opposition Neptune 2°36'

Saturn Trine Uranus 7°29'

Saturn Opposition Pluto 2°26'

Uranus Sextile Lilith 2°49'

1396 -372

Part of Fortune & South


The following table shows the positions of

the Part of Fortune (using the classic
formula) and the South Node of the Moon
(the True value).

Natal Chart Report


This birth chart report shows the positions

of the planets for migle.

The Sun

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of

individuality, and outward-shining creative

The Sun is in Pisces

As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac,

Pisces contains within itself a little
experience of all the signs. This gives
Pisces Suns the ability to identify with
people from all walks of life--from all
backgrounds--in some way. These
individuals are not only changeable and
adaptable, they have open minds and
tremendous understanding. But Pisces
itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns
may spend a good portion of their lives
yearning for understanding, and the other
part in a state of divine discontent.
Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the
Piscean world.

Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged

as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of
opinion. What you will find behind a
vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a
deep person with real dreams. Their
dreams are more than getting that picket
fence or making it up the corporate ladder.
Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose
and their dreams transcend the individual.
A deep love for humanity, and compassion
that knows no bounds is found with this
placement of the Sun. Pisceans are not
known to be cutthroat business types, nor
are they given to throwing themselves out
into the world in an aggressive manner.
But make no mistake about it, Pisces can
be extraordinarily successful when given
the chance to express themselves. The
arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama,
healing arts...these are all fields in which
Pisces can find expression. Their
imagination, attunement to humanity, and
remarkable intuition endow them with
enviable gifts of insight and creativity.

Pisces is a sensitive sign--both sensitive to

criticism and sensitive to others' feelings.
Easily touched by human suffering, at least
in theory, Pisces wouldn't hurt a fly. They
believe in people, are deeply hurt by
compassionless human behavior, and have
a hard time saying no. Harsh realities are
avoided either through escapist behavior
or self-delusion; but every now and again
reality does raise its ugly head, and hits
Pisces over the head. This is a sad time
indeed. Pisces retreats into their own
world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to
themselves ("I will never trust again!").
Rest assured, though, that these periods
are rather short-lived and even useful.
Pisces seems to derive energy from their
(generally short) bouts of self-pity. They
come back stronger, with a spring in their
step, ready to face the world again, and
just as, if not more, compassionate and
trusting as they were before. Some might
even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in
suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but
most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of
creative energy from sadness. Pisces is the
poet or artist with angst, although this
trait is often more apparent with Moon in

Some find Pisces' tendency to be late for

appointments, spaced out behavior, and
absent-mindedness amount to
irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to
know this, however. Who me? Pisces
wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns
absolutely care--their love knows no
bounds--but their retreats from ordinary
life (whether they are as simple as
daydreams or actual departures) that they
so seem to need every now and again are
not always understandable to no-nonsense
signs, such as Virgo or Aries. Many Pisces
seem almost allergic to things like
shopping lists, maps, directions, and
instructions, and for some brave souls,
even watches -- they prefer to feel their
way through life than to follow some plan.
We find plenty of artists, poets, and
musicians with Sun (and other personal
planets) in Pisces. Piscean themes are
woven throughout the songs of Billy
Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, for example.

Short description:

She is compassionate and sentimental.

She likes isolated occupations:
administration, archives, history. Spirit of

Potential issues: tendency to be led astray,

lack of experience or inability to apply
experience practically. Lethargy, over-
sensitivity, and emotionalism.

-31 Square between the Sun and Pluto

You may be prone to inner tension and

negative, self-destructive behavior. When
things are going well, you suffer from fears
that something will come along to change
that. Constantly worrying that the rug will
be pulled from under your feet can easily
become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You
possess tremendous power and strength--
when you learn to accept and use that
strength, instead of fear it, you can be one
of the most effective, insightful, helpful,
and healing person around! At times, you
can be intensely dissatisfied with your
personal accomplishments and expressions
of self. You put a lot of pressure on
yourself regarding your own endeavors.
You can be quite dissatisfied with your
creative self-expressions, and want to hide
your expressions from others until you feel
the output is "right". This is largely due to
a perceived inability to express or reveal
your true personality to others. You
struggle with a deep need to control
yourself and life itself. You are especially
sensitive to criticism, and feel the need to
"redo" yourself often. There is a marked
fear of losing control, and this might stem
from some traumatic event in childhood, or
the childhood might have been crisis-
ridden or emotionally-charged in general.
As such, you can be intensely fearful of, or
threatened by, change. This can express
itself through attempts to control your life
in such a way that you can manage your
fears of being taken off guard. Of course,
this generally backfires! You have an
intense need for privacy at times.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional

responses, unconscious pre-destination,
and the self-image. The Moon represents
the emotions, and the Moon sign shows
how a person expresses themselves when
at home, at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Aries

Nothing quite happens soon enough with

this position of the Moon. There is an
inherent impatience with getting what they
want. Life is a series of emergencies for
Lunar Ariens. They live in the moment and
have a hard time waiting for things to
happen. Whims of the moment take
absolute precedence in their lives. This is a
fiery position of the moon. Even if the Sun
or rising sign is more low-key, Moon in
Aries people possess inner passion and
fire. Emotional issues take precedence--
there is simply no pussy-footing around
when it comes to dealing with the feelings.
And, dealing with new sentiments and
needs stirs up a huge desire for activity.
Moon in Aries has a need for acting out
their needs, with no time to waste. It is
hard for them to see the long-term, or to
wait for things to happen. Instant
gratification rules!

Oddly enough, this is a very defensive

position of the Moon. These natives take
things very personally, and they deal with
problems by facing them right away so
that they can then get on with other
things. Their flare-ups generally end
almost as quickly as they started. Lunar
Ariens have an unmistakable independent
streak. They put themselves right out
there in the world, and make an
impression in whatever they do. Their self-
confidence is actually variable. Although a
strong personality is projected, Moon in
Aries people go through plenty of ups and
downs. Their moodiness is not like Cancer
or Pisces moodiness--they don't withdraw
into themselves or escape the world when
they're down. Instead, they are
temperamental. Some might say that
people with Moon in Aries actually enjoy
trouble and confrontations. Indeed, this
position is easily bored with environments
that are too peaceful. Their homes--
especially their childhood homes--are often
battlegrounds. They rule the roost, or at
least want to, and are not the most
peaceful of folk to live with!

Moon in Aries people are prone to have

plenty of crushes and other short-lived yet
intense desires. "Needs" and "wants" are
indistinguishable to Lunar Ariens at any
given time. In their minds, what they want
is so powerful that it becomes an absolute
need. In young adulthood, they can be
dangerous with a credit card. Whoever
offered the advice to freeze your credit
card in a container of water, and then let
the block of ice thaw before using the
card, unwittingly had people with Moon in
Aries in mind. The whole idea was to see if
the shopping whim of the moment would
pass by the time the card was ready to
use. Still, with this scenario, I wouldn't be
surprised to see Moon in Aries hacking
away at the ice. That is, if Aries actually
takes the advice in the first place!

Others will appreciate that people with

Moon in Aries rarely sulk or play any
drawn-out games of manipulation. You can
pretty much know what they want at any
given time. They are generally ruled by
their own emotional needs, and they're not
always as concerned about others' needs
during these "emergencies". Somehow,
they have people around them scrambling
to help them solve their problems. There's
an aura of childlike innocence around
Lunar Ariens, even when they're getting
their way again, that can be charming

9 Trine between the Moon and Mars

You are a passionate person who loves life.

Although your emotions are powerful and
immediate, your passion is generally
controlled and directed. You are a sexual
person who nevertheless doesn't get too
carried away or controlled by your
passions. Because your emotions are
strong and you know how to channel them
into constructive channels, you don't easily
understand such things as "crimes of
passion", impulsive behaviors, or
emotional excitability in others. You're
generally open, accepting, and natural in
your sexual expression. You need an
emotional connection in order to feel
complete on a physical level. You may
have an affection and talent for sports, but
other factors in the natal chart are
necessary to provide the motivation and

Short description: She is frank, honest, full

of vigor and ambition. She is strong-willed
and powerful at work. She is a little hard
on herself but perhaps more on others
whose capacity for action is not as great or

200 Sextile between the Moon and Saturn

She controls her feelings. She has a strong

sense of duty and self-esteem. Very
prudent. She can concentrate on a long-
term task, manual or intellectual, with
success. She perseveres and is serious in
most things she does, but is humorous,
satirical, steadfast, and upright.

55 Trine between the Moon and Pluto

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