Tendernotice_1 (2)

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Agreement No…………………….

Name of work :-
Name of Contactor ……………………………………………………………
Date of Start …………………………………………………………….……
Due date of Completion ………………………………………………………

S. Page
No. From To
1 2 3 4 5
1. Certificate of Astt. Engr. & Divisional Actt.
2. Tender Notice
3. Declaration of Contractor for validity
4. I.D. form 112
5. I.D. from 111
6. Bill of Quantity
7. General Condition for the tender
8. Special Condition for the tender
9. Special condition and specification for contract
10. Schedule of progress
11. Declaration of Contractor for Relationship
12. Specimen Signature of the contractor
13. Agreement General Stamp Paper
14. Stamp Paper
15. Acceptance Letter
16. Date of Start
17. Drawing/X-Section

Certified that I have checked the contract documents, schedule of quantities

and all other schedules and also all drawings attached with this agreement and found
in order and there is no technical irregularity.

Engineer-in-Charge of work



The Tender documents of this Agreement

No.…………………Dated………….containing Pages from ………to ………. have
been examined by me in respect of financial aspect and I hereby certify that there is
no financial irregularity.


This agreement made his …………………………………… day of …………………. year
…………………… between the Governor of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India) here-in-after called the
„Government‟ represented by the Executive Engineer on the one part and M/s ……………………………
…………… here-in-after called the „Contractor‟ on the other part.
WHERE AS THE GOVERNMENT OF UTTAR PRADESH is undertaking the construction of
………………………………………………. in District Siddharthnagar and his completed the
preliminary investigation in connection therewith and where as the Government is desirous of starting the
actual construction of those works and completing it at an early date for the benefit of the people and
whereas M/s …………………………………………………………………………………………………
have offered to undertake the construction of ……………………………………………………………….
and hereby undertake to work as per specifications and conditions mentioned here-in-after.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the parties as follows :-
The contractor shall perform everything required to be performed and shall provide and furnish
all the labour, materials, tools and equipment required to perform and complete, in a work man like
manner all the work covered by the contract documents, instrict accordance with drawings and
specifications and conditions of contract, technical provisions (including annexures and list of corrections
and amendments to specifications and drawings conditions of contract and technical provisions) which all
are a part of this contract documents shall do everything required by this contract and other documents
constituting a part thereof.
The work to be performed under this contract shall commanced by the contractor within 30
(thirty) days of the date of receipt of notice to proceed with the work and shall be deligently executed and
completed ready for handing over to the Engineer-in-charge before the dates provided in the conditions of
This contract consists of the following component parts, of which areas fully part of this contract
as is here in set out verbatim or if not attached as if here to attached.

Contractor Engineer
I.D. Form No.112

Public Works Department, Uttar Pradesh



Name of work……………………………………………………………………………..

Name of contractor……………………………………………………………………….


1. All works proposed for execution by contract will be notified in to form of invitation to tender pasted
on a board hung up in the office of and signed by the Sub-Divisional Officer/Executive Engineer. This
form will state the work to be carried out, as will as the date for submitting and opening tenders, and
the time allowed for carrying out the work also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the
tender and amount of the security deposited by the successful tender and the percentage if any, to be
deducted from bills. This set of contract documents consisting of various items of works and form of
the printed conditions of contract together with the form of tender to be used, signed for the purpo0se
of identification by the Sub-Divisional Officer /Executive Engineer and approved by authority
competent to the make the contract shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Sub-
Divisional Officer/Engineer during the office hours.

2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm it must be signed by each member thereof. In the
event of the absence of any partner it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of
attorney authorizing him to do so.

3. Receipt for payments made on account of work when executed by a firm must also be signed by the
several partners except where the contractor are described in there tender as a firm in which case the
receipt must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partner or by some other person having
authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.

4. Any contractor who submits a tender shall fill up the prescribed form of tender striking out the
alternative offer on page3 of the form not applicable to the case. Tenders which propose any alteration
in the works specified in the form of notice inviting tender or in the time allowed for carrying out the
work or which contain any other conditions of any sort or are not filled up in English or not
accompanied by the deposit of earnest money notified, will be liable to rejection. Tenders shall have
the name of the work to which they refer written outside the envelope.

5. (i) The Executive Engineer or his duly authorized assistant will open tender in the presence of any
intending contractors who may be present at the time and will enter the amounts of several tender in a
comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of tender being accepted, a receipt for the
earnest money forwarded herewith shall there upon be given to the contractor who shall there upon for
the purpose of identification, sign copies of the specification and other documents mentioned in rule-1,
in the event of a tender being rejected the earnest money forward with the such unaccepted tender shall
thereupon be returned to the contractor making the same.

(2) When tenders are received by the Sub-Divisional Officer he will open and deal with them in the
manner specified above and will submit them to the Executive Engineer for orders, The earnest
money if in currency notes shall be credited in the cash-book and paid into the treasury, a receipt
in account form no.3 being given to the party tendering if the earnest money is preferred in any of
the securities specified in rule9, it shall be entered in the register of securities Account forms 85
and 86 Earnest money received in currency notes shall be returned to unsuccessful tenders as
soon as their tenders are rejected the usual stamp receipt being taken.

6. The accepting authority shall be have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders.
7. The receipt of any accountant or a clerk for the earnest money paid by the contractor will not be
considered as any acknowledgment of payment to the Sub-Divisional officer/Executive Engineer and
the contractor shall be responsible for seeing that the procures a receipt signed by the Sub-Divisional
Officer/Executive Engineer.

8. The memorandum of work tendered for shall be filled in and completed in the office of the Sub-
Divisional Officer/Executive Engineer before the tender form is issued.

9. The amount of the earnest money should ordinarily be. Rs.

(a) When the amount of the tender does not exceed Rs. 2000 50
(b) When exceeding Rs. 2000 and not exceeding Rs. 5000 100
(c) When exceeding Rs. 5000 and not exceeding Rs. 10000 200
(d) For each additional Rs. 5000 or part thereof a further sum of 100

Such earnest money shall be deposited by the contractor in Government treasury or sub-treasury
as laid down in paragraphs 340 (b) (1) 344 and 345 (b) of the Financial Hand-book Volume V. part I
Account rules and the receipted treasury Chalan attached to the tender.

NOTE: The Officer calling for tender may, in special cases where it would be inconvenient for tenderers to deposit
money into Government treasury relax the rules and permit contractors to deposit earnest money with him
in cash or currency notes unto a limit of Rs. 10,000 instead or into a treasury such deposit should be treated
as “Public Works Department Deposits”


“I” or “We”
•Hereby tender for the execution for the Governor of Uttar Pradesh of the work specified in
the under written memorandum within the time specified in each memorandum at therein and
in accordance in all respect with the rate specification, designs and Instructions, in writing
referred to as in rule hereof and in clause 2 of the conditions of contract an with such materials
are provided for by and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions so for as
(a) If several sub work (a) General description
are included they should be
detailed in a separate list. (b) Estimated cost Rs.

(b) Vide rule 9 on page 10 (c) Earnest money Rs.

(d) Time allowed for the work from date of written
order to commence.
(C) Strike out the (c) Tendered
alternative and Rate
attach signature to it Ite Approxima (e) Sanctioned
N.B.(When Tenders m Item of work te number Unit Per (f) In figure In words
are to be submitted quantity Rs. P.
at a percentage
above or below the
rate in the
sanctioned estimate
the information in No.
all the columns
should be filled by
the sub-Divisional 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
officer/Executive 1. Qum
2. In the case of
work when
contractors are
required to quote
their own rates for 2. Qum
different items of
works the column
(I) should be left
blank for tenderes to
fill in.

particulars and
number. *……………………………………..tender at…………………………..percent above the rates enters
*Signature of above
witness to ** or

** Signature of
before * …………………………………….tender at the above rates.
submission of
contractor Should this tender be accepted* ………………………. Hereby agreed to abide by and fulfill
all and the terms and provisions of the conditions of in contract annexed to the approved set of contract
doCument or in default there of to forfeit and pay to Governor of U.P. or his successor in office the
sums of money mentioned in the said conditions.
+ Here enter
Recommended or
The sum of Rs. ……………….. is herewith forwarded in currency notes as earnest money, the
full value to which shall by retained by Govt. on account of the security deposit in specified clause I of
the said conditions of contract.
…………………………………….. ………………………………?
Dated the ……………….. day of ………………………….20
Witness ……………………………………….
Address ……………………………………….
Occupation …………………………………….
Date ……………. Sub-Divisional Officer ……………… Sub-Division………
*…………………………………… *Signature
Date……………………….Executive Engineer…………………Division
*…………+………………………………………………. *Signature
**………………………………………………………… **Signature
Date …………………….. Superintending Engineer ………….Circle

The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Dated the ………………….. Day of ………………………20


I.D. Form No. 111


Further Deposit CLAUSE I: The person whose tender is accepted there in after called the
„Contractor‟)shall with in one week afterhis or thir tender has been
accepted „ deposit weth the government of uttar Pradesh( herin after called
the „government )either in cash or in securities as provided in paragraph
614 & 615 of the financial hand book , volume vi such sum as will with the
carnest money deposited with the tender amount rupees--------&where any
security so depositd is not payable to bearer the contractor shallendorse or
transfer it to ssid government in such s manner that the sum represented by
it can be realized without the consent orassistance of the contractor .the
contractor shall slso permit government at the time of making any payment
to him for work done under the contact to deduct.
Deduction from 10% (Ten percents ) of all money so payable on account of security deposit
Payment as such dedcction along with the sum already deposied as earnest money to be
Security Deposit adjusted in te is last deduction will amount to 10% of the agreement cost

If the security is furished in the form of guarantee bond . the contractor

under takes to renew or t tarnish fresh guarantee to cover the period of time
extension, if any & failure on shi part to do so shall be construed as a
breach of this contract and without prejudice to any other remedy provided
in these conditions , the Engineer –in-charge shall have the right to withhold
payment and deduct the entire security amount from any money becoming
payable to thecontractor . the amount of the security money shall , if not
withheld on account of breach of contract be refunded after six months of
the date of the completion of the work or after payment of the final bill
which ever is later sudject to the ccondition that in case of buildings work
the first rainy season comprising of June, July, August & September is fully
covered within the period of sik months mentioned abovc. The amount of
security money may if not with held on account of brach of contract be
refunded after the expiry of the first rainy season comprising of the months
mentioued above or after the payment of the final bill which ever is later.
Provided that in case the payment of the final bill is not made
within six months of the completion of the works, 75% of the amount of the
security moner can be refunded with the prior approval of the authority next
higher to the personaccepting the contract on behalf of the government.
All compensation orother sums of money payadle by the
contractor to government under the terms of his contract may be deducted
from or realized by the sale of suffient part of his security deposit, or from
the interest arising there form or form any sum which may be due or may
become due to the contractor by government on any account what – so ever
and in the event of his securiy deposit deing reduced by reason of any such
deduction or sale as aforesaid, the contractor shall , within teu days there
after , make good in cash or government securities (endorsed or transferred
as aforesaid ) any sum or sums which may have been deducted from or
raised by sale of his security deposit and part there of .
Without prejudice to any other remedy provided by law , the
government may recover all dues hereunder form the contractor as the
arrears of land revenue(G O. No. A-2-2242|X83-17, (5) 17, dated 23.12.83.)
EXPLANTION: For the purpose of this clause if the workunder
his contract includes construction, reconstruction or repair of any structuture
having roof over it, the whole work will be classed as building work..
CLAUSE 1 (A) if not appropriated by the government underthe
provision of this contract, the security moncy or such balance there of as
may be left over after making the deductions will be refunded to contractor

after the Executive Engineer has satisfied himself that all the terms of this
contract have been duly and of the period of six months after the
completion of the work. ,
Provided that in case the Executive Engineer is satisfied even
before the expiry of period of six monhs that all the terms of this contract
have been duly and faithfully carried out by the contractor theas may
contractor with the previous sanction of the head of the Department as
provided in rule 23 appendix XIX of F.H.B. VOI V Part.1

Compensation CLAUSE 2 (A) : Time is essence of the contract. The contractor

for delay. Commence and shall complete the work covered by the tender on the date
fixed by
the Executive Engineer for the commenecement and completion of such
work and shall in the interval between those dates, keep the work up to the
schedule of quantities and dates shown in the progress statement to be
signed by the contractor and attached to the tender. If the work falls in
arrear of the progress statement either in quantity or in time, for every day
that the work is so in arrears the contractor shall be liable to pay as
compensation an amount equal to one percent or such smaller amount as
the Executive Engineer (whose decision in writing shall be final ) may
decide, on the estimated
be final ) may decide, on the estimated cost of whole work provided
always that the entire amount of compensation to be paid under the
provision of this clause, shall not exceed 10% of the estimated cost of
the work as shown in the tender.
(G.O.No. 5645 A N/XXIII-IB-550/62,dt. 1967)
(Clause 2 (B) to be used instead of 2 (A) when the later is form the nature of
the work impracticable.)
CLAUSE 3 : (i) In any case in which under any clause or clauses
Action by of this contractor, the contractor shall have rendered himself to pay
which whole compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit (whether
security deposit paid in one sum or deducted by instilments) the Executive
is forfeited. Engineer shall have power to adopt such of the following courses as he may deem
(a) He may rescind the contract by giving the contractor Seven
Days notice of rescission signed by the Executive Engineer and may then take the
whole of the contractor‟s security deposit for the use of Government as compensation
for the loss caused by the contractor‟s default,
(b) He may, after giving the contractor 7 days notice in wriing of his intention
to do so, measure up the work done by the contractor and then employ and pay
laborers and supply or procure material and carry out all or any part of the work
himself on behalf of Government debiting the contractor with the actual cost and
crediting him at the contract rates wit the value of work so done and may postpone
till completion of the work, so taken over assessment of compensation to be paid by
the contractor. If any work is so taken over by the Executive Engineer, the certificate
in writing of the Executive Engineer or of the Sub divisional officer as to its cost and
value shall be final and conclusive against the contract (G.O.No.5645-A.N./XXIII-
IB-550/62,DATED ,1967.)

(c) He may, after giving the contractor 7 days notice in writing of his intension
to do so, measure up the work done by the contractor, take the work out of
his hands, give a contract for its completion to another contractor and may
postpone till the completion of the work, the assessment of the
compensation to be paid by the original contractor
shall pay any expirees which may be incurred in excess of the sum which
would gave been paid to him if the Executive Engineer or of the Sub-
divisional officer as to the amount of any such expenses.

(ii) If the Executive Engineer does not desire to do so the work, the contractor
shall not be entitled o the compensation for any loss sustained by him or by
reason of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any
engagements or made any advances on account of or with aview to the
execution of the work or the performance of this contract. And shall not be
entitled to recover or be paid or be given credit for any sum for any work
there for actually performed by him under the contract, unless and until the
Executive Engineer or the Sub divisional officer acting under his order shall
have certified in writing the performance of such work and the value there
of. The contractor shall only be entitled to be paid the value as so certified.
(iii) If upon any occasion the Executive Engineer abstains from exercisting the
powers given to him by this claude such abstentions shall not prevent him
from exercising such power upon subsequent occasion if the contractor
again makes default nor shall such abstention absolve the contractor from
liability to pay compensation for any default which he may have made.
Contractor CLAUSE 4 : If the Executive Engineer exercises any remains
liable of the power given to him by clause 3 he may, if the 80 desires, to pay
take possession of all or any tools, plants, materials and stores in or
compensation if at the work or the site there of and belonging to the contractor or
action not procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the
taken under work or any part thereof, and pay or allow the contractor for the
Clause 3 same at the contract rates or in the case of these not being
applicable, at current market rates to be certified by
the Executive Engineer whose certified there of shall be
final and if the Executive Engineer does not desire to do so,
the Executive Engineer may by notice in writing to the
contractor or his clerk of the work foremen or other authorized
agent require him to remove such tools, plants materials or stores
from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice)
Powers to take and if the contractor fails to comply with any such requisition,
possession of or the Executive Engineer may remove them at the contractor‟s
require expenses and his risk in all respects by auction or private sale and
removal of or the certified of the Executive Engineer as to expenses of any such
sell contractor removal and the amount of the proceed and expenses of any such
plant sale shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.

Extension of CLAUSE 5: If the contractor desires an extension of the time

time completion of the work on the grounds of any unavoidable
hindrance to its execution having arisen he shall apply in writing
to the Executive Engineer within 30 days the existence of such
hindrance first becomes known to him, and
the Executive Engineer shall, if in his opinion reasonable
grounds are shown there of, authorize to extend this time limit up
to a period of six months or 50% of the time limit provided as time
of completion whichever is less and
thereafter Suply Engineer shall, if in this opinion (which
shall be final) reasonable grounds are shown there of, extension as
may in this opinion, be necessary or proper.
Final Certificate CLAUSE 6 : On completion of the work the contractor
shall send a registered notice to the Executive Engineer
(herein after called Engineer-in-charge) giving the date
of completion and shall also send a copy of such notice to
the Executive Engineer and shall request the Engineer-in-
charge to give him a certificate of completion. No. such certificate
shall be given nor shall the work be considered to be complete
until the contractor has removed from the premises on which the
work has been executed all scaffolding, surplus materials and
rubbish and cleaned all wood work, doors, window, walls, floors
or other parts of any building in upon or about which the work has
been executed or of which he may have had possession for the
purpose of the execution there of, and if the contractor fails to do
so on or before the date fixed for completion of the work, the
Engineer-in-charge may do so and may sell such scaffolding and
materials as have not been removed by the contractor and the
contractor shall forth with pay all expenses so incurred and shall
forth with pay all expenses so incurred and shall have no claimin
respects of any such scaffolding,
Surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum actually
rehashed by the sale thereof On completion the work shall be
measured by Engineer-in-charge, whose measurements shall be
binding and conclusive against the contractor.
Payment on CLAUSE 7: In the case of work estimated to cost more
intermidiate than rupees one thousand, the contractor shall, on submitting the
certificate be bill there of be entitled to receive monthly payment proportionate
regarded as to the part there of then approved for such purpose by the Engineer
advances in-charge whose certificate of approval and passing of the sum so
payable shall be final and conclusive against the contractor, but
any such payments will only be made as advance to be credited to
Government in the final settlement of accounts with the contractor
and not as payment for work completed and passed and the making
of any such payment shall nor either preclble the Executive
Engineer or sub divisional officer requiring to remove or
reconstruct or re-erect any work on the ground that such work is
bad or sound imperfect or unskilled or prevent Government from
enforcing any claim against the contractor on accent of any default
by him or conclude, determine or affect in ay of them as to the
final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in
any other way vary or affect the contractor. The Engineer-in-
charges‟s of the measurement and of the total amount payable for
the work shall be final and binding on all parties.

Inability to CLAUSE 8 : If the contractor abandons or is unable to complete

the work complete the work the Executive Engineer may certify in writing
the value of the work done by the contractor towards the
completion of the contract. Such a certificate shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor and he will not be paid more than
value of such work as so certified irrespective of thecontract rates.
Lumps sm in CLAUSE 9 : When the estimate on which a tender is made
Estimates. Includes lump sum in respect of parts of the work, the contractor
shall be entitled to payment in respect of the items of work
involved, or the part of the work in question at the same rates, as
are payble under this contract for other such terms of work unless
the part of the work in question is not in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-charge capable of measurement in which case the
Engineer-in-charge capable may pay such lump sum as he may
Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive against contractor
as to the amount to be paid.
Bills to be sub- CLAUSE 10: Every month on or before a date to be fixed
meted monthly. by the Engineer in-charge, the contractor shall, if so required,
submit a bill for all the works executed by him during the previous
month and the Engineer in–charge shall take or cause to be taken
all measurement necessary for checking the contractor„s bill and
adjusting his claim as possible. If the contractor does not submit
his bill within the time so fixed, the Engineer in-charge may after
giving the contractor 7 days notice in writing measure or depute

some one to measure such work in the presence of the contractor

whose singnature on the list of mesurment shall be sufficient
authority to be Engineer-in-charge to draw up a bill based on such
measurement and any bill so drawn up shall be binding on the
contractor. It the contractor fails to attend when such measurement
are taken, such measurement shall be binding on him and if he
attends but refuse to sign he list of measurement the matter shall be
referred to the immediate superior of the Engineer-in-charge,
whose decision shall be binding on the contractor.
Bills to be on CLAUSE 11 : The contractor shall submit all bills on the printed
form printed form which will be supplied to him at the office of the
Engineer-in-charge and all items in such bills shall be charged at
the rates specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work
orederd in pursurance of these conditions and not mentioned or
provided for in the tender, at the rates herein after provided for
such work.

Stores supplied CLAUSE 12 : If the specification or estimate of the work

By Government provides for the use of any special description of materials to be
Supplied from the Engineer-in-charge‟s store or if it is
required that the contractor shall use certain stores to be provided
by the Engineer-in-charge (such materials and stores and the prices
to be charged there for as herein after mentioned being so for as
practicable and for the convenience of the contractor sp citied in
the schedule hereto annexed but not so as in any way to control of
the meaning or effect of this contract) the contractor shall be
supplied with such materials and stores as may from time to time
be required by required by him for the purpose of the contract but
only for such purpose and he shall pay for the same at rates
specified in the said schedule or if no rate is so specified at cost
price as defined in clause 13 there of.
All materials so supplied to the contractor will become the
property of the contractor, but shall not on any account be removed
from the site of the work until the whole work is certified to be
completed by the Executive Engineer except with the written
permission of the Executive Engineer and he shall at all times be
open to inspection by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Executive Engineer shall, however, have the option to take
over any such materials. If unused at the time of the completion or
termination of the contract at the specified issue rate or the current
market rate which ever is less.
CLAUSE 12 (A) : In case where the contractor is himself
to supply the materials he must obtain the article sequined for the
construction of the work from the firms with which the Director of
industries has made arrangements while in the case of materials for
supply for which no such arrangements have been made by the
Director of Industries but in respect of which officers have in
consulation with consuming department prescribed, such
specification and/or test the material supplied by the contractor
must confirm to such specification and or test.
CLAUSE 12 (B) : Provided always that the contractor shall
not been titled to any compensation for damages caused or loss
sustained by him for late supply of materials or store by the
Engineer-in-charges for the reasons beyond his control.
CLAUSE 13 : All articles required by the contractor for the
contraction of the work and which the contractor is to supply
himself, shall be obtained by the contractor from the firms with
which the Director of Industries has made arrangements and if for

the supply of any articles no such arrangements have been made,

any such articles supplied by the Contractor shall confirm to the
such specification and or test if any as may be prescribed by the
director of industries in consolation with consuming department.
Work to be CLAUSE 15: The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in
executed in the most substantial and workman like manner and ineveerry respect and strict
accordance accordance with specification both ass regards materials and otherwise. The contractor
with spectifications shall also confirm exactly fully and faithfully to the design drawing and instructions
drawing orser etc. in the writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in his
office and the contractor shall be entitled to inspect same during the office
hour and he may at his own expenses have copies of the specification and of
all such designs drawings and instructions as aforesaid made for his own use.
Altrations in CLAUSE 16:The Engineer-in-charge shall have powered to make such alteration in or
Specfications addition to the original specification once drawing design and instruction as may appear
and designs to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor
. shall be bound to carryout the work in accordance with any instruc6ion which may be
. given to him writing signed by the Engineer-in-charge and such alteration hsall not .
. invalidate the contract and any additional work.
Do not invalid Which the contractor may be show directed to do shall be carried out by the contractor
date contract on the same condition in all respect on which he agreed to do the main work and at the
same rates as or specified in tender for the main work The time for the
Extensions of Completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion that the additional work
time in bears to the orig9inal contract work and certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be
consequence conclusive as to such proportion. If the additional work includes any items for which
of alteration no rate is specified hereunder the contractor shall carryout the work at the rate entered
in schedule of rates of the district but if the schedule does not contain any rate
for such work then the contractor shall not begin such work until a rate in respect
of such work has been settled by the manual arrangement between him and the
Engineer-in-charge with the approval of the officer accepting the contract and if
they are unable to agree upon a rate within two week form the date the contractor
receive the order Engineer-in-charge may by anotice inwriting cancel the ordeer
for such work and carry it osut in such manner as he may think best.
In the even of dispute the decision of the Superintending Engineer shallbe final and
binding on the contracttpr
CLAUSE 17 : The Executive Engineer action on the written order of his
immediate superior may at any time by notice in writing to the contractor either
stop the work alto gather or reduce so cut it down. I f the work his stopped
altogether the contractor will only be paid for work done and inspections
immediately incurred by him on or preparation for the execution of the work up to
the date on which such notice is revised by him Such expenses shall be Assessed

by the Executive Engineer who se decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. If the
work is cut down the contractor will be paid for the work as so cut down but in
neither case he will be paid any compensation whatever for the loss of profit
which he might have made if he had been allowed to complete all the work
included in the tender.
Action and CLAUSE 18 : If the Engineer-in-charge is satisfied that the construction of the any
Compensation part of the work is faulty or that materials used in the same are inferior to those for
Payable in which the specification providing or that any materials or articles provided by the
case of bed contravtor are not in accordance with the contract, he, not with standing that such
work materials or articles may have been passed, cerfied or paid for serve the
contractor with notice in writing specifying the work materials or artcles of. which he
complains and requiring the contractor to remove such defects or to replace such
materials or articles within a specified period of time.
If the contractor fails to comply in all respects with the respects with the
requirements to any such notice within ten days after the expiration of the period
specified in the notice the Engineer-in-charge may himself remedy suck defects ,or
as the case may be replace suck materials or articles and contractor shall pay all
expenses incurred by the Engineer-in-charge in so doing and the certificate
inwriting of the Engineer-in-charge as to amount of any such expense shall be final
and binding upon the contractor.
CLAUSE 18 : (A) Government shall have the right to accept at reduced rate
substandard or defective work and no cause and order any audit and technical
examination of work and running and final bill of the contractor including all
supporting voucher abstracts etc. to be made before or after the payment of the final
biil and if , as a result of such acceptance of substandard or defective work by audit
and technical examination any some found to have been oveer paid in resapectt of
any work done by the contractor under the contract or any work claimed to have
been done by him under the contract found not to have bbeen actually executed the
contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of the over payment and it shall be
lawfull for government to recoveerr the same from him in the manner prescribed in
clauses 11 above or any other manner legally permissible and it is found that the
contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contract inrespect of
any work executed by him under it the amount of such under payment may be duly
paid by government to the contractor.
Provided that the substandard or defective work accepted if not considered
to be seriously defective by the Engineer-in-charge and the rate of the work
accepted is suitably reduced by him to compensate the government such reduction
will be binding on the contract.

CLAUSE 19 : All work under or in the course of execution or executed in

pursuance of the contract shall all times be open for inspection and supervision by
the Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates and the contractor shall all times during
the usual working hours and on anyother occasion of which he shakll, have had
reasonable noticed either himself be present to receive order and instructions or have
responsible agent duly authorized in writing present for that purpose . Order present
given to any such agent have the same effect as order to the contractor himself.
CLAUSE 19(A) : No labour below the age of 14 years shall be employed on the work
CLAUSE 19(B) : The contractor shall pay to his labourer a fair wage
Claush 20 : In order that the work may be measured and the correct dimensions there
of taken the contractor shall not cover up any measurement until he has either
obtaineth consednt in writing of Engineer-in-charge or of his subordinate in charge of
the work or until he has givin to the Engineer-in-cha or to such subordinate five days
notice in writing that work is ready for measurement. If the contractor covers up any
work or places it beyond reach of the menasurement without such consent and before
the expiration of the period of such notice the contractor shall either as he may elect
strip such work at his own expense in order that it may be measured or sjall for feet
the price of such work and of materials used in its constructions.
CLAUSE 19 (C) : The contractor brfore he commences the work ahall (a) post in a
conspicuous place on thr work site a notice giving the retes of wages which have been
crtified as fair by the Executive Engineer and (b) send a copy of the notice to the
Executive Engineer.

CLAUSE 19 (D) : The Contractor shall be dound and shall be responsible to comply
with the provisions of the labour laws in force in the state of Uttar Pradesh including
the minimum wages. Act or any enactment in suppression extension or mobification
there of which may my be passrd at any time or from time to time by a competent
legislative body and may have effect in the state of uTtar Pradesh and the Rules and
Regulations made there under or any amendments or modifications there of for the time
bring in force. All expenses in connection with the compliance of such laws and rules
hall be borne by the contractor and the contractor shall neither demend nor claim nor
shall be entited to any additional payment for the reason thet he failed to take in to
account any such expenses in his tendr or that any subswquent amendment in such laws
or rules have changed the basis on which he worked out such expenses while
submitting his tender.
In every case in whinch by virtue of the Provision of the labour laws in force in the
state of Uttar Pradesh and the rules and regulations made there under the Government is
obliged to pay any sum in the execution of the work, Government will recover from the

contractor the amount so paid and without prejudice to the other rights of the
Government. The Government shall be at libertyto recover such amount or any part
there of by deducting if either from the security money deposited by the contractor or to
his credit under clause I of These conditions or from any other sum due by Government
to the contractor whether under this contractor otherwise.
CLAUSE 19 (E) : The contractor shall engage labour for the work through the nearest
Employment Exchange.
CLAUSE 19 (F) : The contractor will request the employment Exchange to provide
him labor on wages to be mentioned by him which by shall not be less then the fair
wages for the locality of the work to be fixe by the superintending Engineer in
consultation with the Distt. Magistrate concerned. He will also specify the supply of
labour ehich shall not be less than a week from the date of contractor‟s request for
labour at the Employment Exchange. If Employment Exchange fails to supply labour
witin specidied period the contractor will have option to engage labour from other
CLAUSE 19 (F) : The laour employed through Exchange will be kept at par with and
shall have no preference over the labour engaged by the contractor privately as regrards
their transport wages accommodation working hours and amenities. The contractor will
have option to dispense with the labour without any refence to the Exchange when such
labour is note required for the work and when he is not satiafied with it but he will give
due information of the discharge of the labour to the Exchange.
Notice to be CLAUSE 20 : In order that the work nay be measured and the correct dimensions
given before there of taken the contractor shall not cover up any part of the same or otherwise place
work is covered up it deyone the reach of Engineer-in-charge or of his subordinate in charge of the work
or until he has given to the Engineer-in-charge or to subordinate five days notice in
writing that the work is ready for measurement. If the contractorcovers up any work or
places it beyone reach of the menasurement without such consent and before the
expiration of the period of sich notice the contractor shall either as he may elect strip
such work at his own expense in order that in may be measured or shall for feet the
price of such work and of materials used in its constructions.

Direction of CLAUSE 21: All work to be executed under the contractor shall be executed under
work the direction and subject to the approval in all respect of the Engineer-in-charg for the
time being who shall be entitled to direct at what point and in what manner thaey are
to be commenced and from tiome carried on.

Decision of CLAUSE 22 : Except where otherwise specified in the contract the decision of the
Engineer- in Superintending Engineer for the time being shall be final conclusive and
charge to be binding on all parties ti the contract up to all question relating to the meaning of the
final specations designs drawings and instructions hereinbefore mentioned. The decision of
such Engineer as to the qualitiy of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to
any other question claim right matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or
relating to the contract designs drwings specification estimates instruction order these
conditions or otherwise concerning the work or the exection or failure to execute the
same whether arising during the progaess of the works or after the completion or
abandonment of the contract by the contractor shall also be final conclusive and binding
on the contractor.
Contractor CLAUSE 23 : If contractor or his work people or servant shall brick beface injure or
liable for damage destroy any part of building on or in which they may be working or any building road
done and for phone enclosure or grass land or cultivated graound continuous to the premises on
imperfections for which the work or any part of it is being executed or if any damage shall happen to the
three moths work while in prograess fromm any cause due to thenegligence of responsibility ( the
after certificate decision of the Executive Engineer shall be final) the contractor shall at his own
expenses make good such damage or in default the Engineer-in-charge may cause the
same to be made good and the contractor shall pay any expenses so incurred and the
certificate of the Engineer-in-charge as to the amount of such expenses shall be final
and binding on the contactor.
Contractor to CLAUSE 24:The contractor shall supply at his own cost all materials ( except such
Supply Plants, special material if any as may in accordance with the contract be supplied from the
ladders, Engineer-in-charge store) plant tools, appliances implements ladders cordage tackle
scaffoldings etc. scaffolding and temporary work requisite for the proper exexution of the work whether
original altered or subsitiuted and whether included in the specification or other
doCument forming part of the contract or referred to in those conditions or not which
may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or other doCuments forming part of the
conteact or referred to in those conditions or not wihich may be necessary for the
purpose of satisfying compiling with the requirements of the Engineer-in-charge as to
any matter as to which under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he
is entitled to require and heal pay for the carriage of all such things to and from the
work. The contractor shall also supply without charge workmen with the menans and
materials necessary for the purpose of setting out work and for counting weighing and
assisting in the measurement or aminination of the work or material at any time if the
Ant liable for contractor fails to to do so the same amy be provided by the Engineer-in-charge and
damages arising the contractor shall pay the cost of the same as certified by the Engineer-in-charge
from non provision whose certification shall be final. The contractor shall also provide all necessary

for light fencing fencing and lights reqired to protect the pubic from accident and shall bear the
etc. expenses of defense of every suit action or other proceeding at law that may be brought
by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect og the above precautions and shall
also pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit action or
proceeding to any such person or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid
to compromise any claim by any such person.
Female labour CLAUSE 25 : The contractor shall not employ female labour in the execution of the
Not to be employed works or any part thereof within the limits of cantonment
Work not be due-let CLAUSE 26 : The contractor shall not assign or sub-let the contract without the written
approvel of the ………………………Engineer and if the contractor does or attempts to do so
or becomes insolvent or commences any insolvency proceedings or makes attempts to make
any composition with his creditors or if he any of his servants or agents eiter directly or
indirectly gives offers or
Contract May promises any bribe gratuity gift loan perquisite reward or abvantage pecuniary or otherwise to
any way relating to his office or employments or if any such officer or person shall become in
any way drectly or indirectly interested in the contract without kaving frist obtained the
permission in writing of the Govnment the Executive Engineer may thereupon by notice in
writing rescind the contract and the security deposit of the contractor shall thereupon attend
forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Government and the same consequence shall
ensure as if the contract had been rescinded under clause 3 hereof and in addition the
contractor shall nott be entitled to recover be paid for of any work there for actually performed
under the contract.
Considered as CLAUSE 27 : Any sum payable by the contractor as compensation under any of these
conditions shall be deemed to be reasonable compensation for the act or default in respect of
which the same becomes payable without proof of the actual amount of damages or loss
Changes in Constit CLAUSE 28 : In the case of a tender by partners the contractor shall state the name of the
memders of firm and shall notify to the Engineer-in-charge any change in constitution of the
film as soon change occurs.
Action where CLAUSE 29 : In the case of any class of work for which thich there is no duch no
specification as is mentioned in rule I, such work shall be a no carried out in accordance with
the district specification and if there is no district specification the work shall be carried out in
all respect in accordance with instructions and requirement of the Engineer-in-charge
Definition of CLAUSE 30: In these conditions undess there is something in the subject or contrci repugnant
to such an interpeetion the expression work or work mean the work to be done or executed
under the contract whether such work is permanent or temporary and whether it is original
altered substituted or additional.

Contractor‟s CLAUSE 31 : The additions and deductions on account of the percentage referred to at page 3
of the accepted tendr will be clacuated on th gross and not the net amount of the bills for the
work done.
(Strile out this clause CLAUSE 32 (1) : In every acse in which by virtue of the Provisions of section 12 Sub-section (1)
of the workman‟s compensation act 1932 Government is obiged to pay compensation to a
workmen employed by the contractor by any sub contractor from him in execution of the work
Government will recover from the contractor the amount of the compensation so paid and
without prehudice to the rights of Government under section 12 subsection (2) of the said Act
Government shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it
either from the security money deposited by the contractor or to his credit under clause I Of
These conditions or from any other sum due by Government to the contractor whether unef
this conteact or otherwise.
(2) Government shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under section 12 sub
section (1) of the said aCt except on the written request of the contractor and upon his
giving to Govrnment full security for all cost for which Government might Becoe liable
in consequence of contesting the claim.
CLAUSE 33 : Not with standing any thing stipulated in the a foresaid clause government
shall have power to retain any sum due to the contractor and set off all claime againstn him
whether arising out of the particular contract or out of any other transaction or contract held
him alone or in partnership with other.
CLAUSE 34 (1) : If the contractor considers any record or ruling of the Engineer-in-charge
or of his representative in respect of any of the provisions of the contract to be unfair or
considers nay work demanded by him to be outside the requirements of the contract he shall
immediately ask upon such record or ruling being made or such work being demanded in
writing for written instructions or decisions on receipt where of the shall proceed without any
delay to confirm to the record or ruling or to perform the work demanded and wihin 15 days
after date of recipt of the written instructions or decision he may file written protest to the
Engineer-in-charge stating clarly and in detail the besis of his objections. Except for such
protests or objections as are made on record in the manner herein specified and within the
limit stated rulings instructions and or decisions of the Engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive
and bindig on the contractor instructions and or decisions of the Engineer-in-chargecontained
in letter transmitting drawing to the contractor shall be considered in written instructions or
decisions subject to protest or objection as here in provided.
CLAUSE 34 (2) : If the contractor is dissatisfied with the final decision of the Engineer-in-
charge on the protest or objection made by the contractor in accordance with the procedure
prescrided in clause 34 (1) the contractor may eithin twenty to the Engineer-in-charge
requesting that the matter be submitted to arbitration and furnishing detailed particulars of the
dispute or difference specifying clearly the point at issue. IF the contractor fails to give suce

notice within the perion of 28 days as stitulated above the dectision of the Engineer-in-charge
shall be conclusive and binding on the contractor.
CLAUSE 34 : (3) Every dispute difference or question which may at any time between the
parties hereto or any person claiming under them touching or arising out or in respect of this
deed or the subject matter there of shall be referred to the arbitration of Superintending
Engineer or any parson nominated by him. It will be no obkection to any such appointment
that arbitrato so appointed is a Gov.t servent who had to deal with the matters to which the
contract relate and that in the course of his duties as Govt. servant had expressed views on all
or any of the matters in dispute or difference. In the event of the arbitrator to whom the matter
is original referred being transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any
reason Superintending Engineer shall eiter enter upon the reference himself or appoint anoter
person to act as arbitrator. Such person shall be entitled to proceed eith reference from the
stage at is was left by his predecessor. No.. person other then a person appointed aforesaid
should act as arbitrator and for any reason that is not possible the matter is not to be referred to
arbitration at all. It is a Term of this contract that the Party invoking the arbitration shall
specify the dispute or disputes to be referred to arbitration together with the amount or
amounts claimed in respect of each such dispute.
Subject as aforesaid the provides of the Arbitration act 1940 or any statutry modification or
reenactment there of and the rules made there under and for the time being in force shall apply
to the arbitration proceedings.
The arbitrator may from time to with the consent of the parties enlarge the Time for making
and publishing the award.
CLAUSE 34 (4) : If the work under the contract has been complered when a dispute is
referred to arbitration the work shall continue during the arbitration proceeding and no
payment due to the account of arbitration proceedings unless authorized or required by the
CLAUSE 34 (5) : the cost of such arbitration shall be borne by the parties or party as decided
by the arditrator.
CLAUSE 35 : Quantities are liable to vriaion on either side without entitling the contractor to
compensation on this account.
CLAUSE 36 : Contractor shall himself make proper living accommodation water and sanitary
arrangements etc. for labour which ordinarily should be arranged through employment
exchange will give prefence to ex-serviceman. He. Will have to remove any undesirable
labour if ordered by the Department.
CLAUSE 37 : Claim not preferred within 48 nours of occurrence are lible to be rejected.
CLAUSE 38 : No Extre payment shall be made to the contractor for making profile and
namunas in connetion with the executiomn of the work. ( As per G.O. No. 355-38/65/-XXIII-
IB-LT dt 22.6.66)

CLAUSE 39 : During the course of construction if any necessity is caused due to any clause
or claims of work the contractor shall send a registered notice to the Engineer-in-chargeeithin
a front night of the origin of the claims. If he fails to do so or if he postpones submission of
such claims till the completion of the work he will be entiled to no compensation.
CLAUSE 40 : The contractor shall not influence or direct labour borne on the mudster roll or
by any other contractor by paying higher wages or providing extra facilties without the
permission of the Executive Engineer and if He does contrary to the above will be responsible
for the loss or damage caused or claimed by other parties and the decision of the Executive
Engineer as to the amount of such damage shall be final and dinding on both parties.
CLAUSH 41 : This agreement is subject to the standard specification. The clarance of site
shall be done by the contractor at his own expensas.
CLAUSH 42 : 2% of the gross amount of any bill i.e. including cost of amterial etc. shall be
deducted towards income tax under section 197. C of Income tax Act. 1972 subect to any
amendment made future.


The contractor agrees to persusade all his labor and other employees including casual labour
employed by him to adopt family planning techniques ( Including vasectomy and tube to my)
in lines with policies and progrsmme announced by the state to Engineer-in-charge(As per
G.O. 5032/76-23/C-3/1975/75 deted 8-9-1976)
CLAUSE 44 :30% of the payment due to contractor made in the from grains which shall be
made available to him from any of the good owns F.C.I. the grains at the rates made available
to contractor shall have to be accepted by the contractor as prescribed by the government.
Schedule showing (approximate) materials to be supplied from public Works Stores for works
contracted to be executed and the rates at wich they are to be charged for vide clause 12 of conditions

Particulars Rates at which the materials will be place of delivery

Charged to the contractor

Unit Rs P.

Please See Schedule „C‟

Sig. of contractor sig. of Sub-Divisional Officer Executive Engineer



all works will be carried out to the indian standerds and U.P. Irrigation Departmaent
detailed specification unless otherwise mentioned in attached specifications or amended there after by
compertent Auuthority. In the event of any conflict or contradiction condition annexed to the tender to
the tendr shall prevail.
1- For the pupose of this contract the following terms will have the meanings assigned to them as
under :-
1- (1) SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER :- The Administrative officer designate and authorized on
behalf the Government of Uttar Pradesh, who ahall in overall administrative charge of the work.
1- (2) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER :- The Officer so designated and authorixzed by the Government of
U.P. who shall work under the general administrative control of the superintending Engineer and will
be Engineer-in-charge of the entire operation pertaining to this contract.
designated by the Government of Uttar Pradesh be in actual charge of fueloprations.
1- (4) ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE :- Executive Engineer shall be Engineer-in-charge who may
delegate any of his power to his authorized Representative.
1- (5) CONTRACTOR :- Shall mean the tender whose Tender has been accepted and include
tender‟s heirs legal Representative successors and assingnees.
1- (6) THE WORK OR WORKS :- Shall be held to comprise not only work of contract but also
the accessories there to and matter and things pertaining to the works executed or to be cared out the
2- It is understood that before submitting his tender the contractor has fully acquainted
himself with the conditions at site including communications, climate, duration and intensity of rainfall
and also the depth of the variations in spring level. It is also understood the he hes obtained necessity
information regarding availability of materials and has obtained all pertinent strata charts on his own.
In is presumed that he taken all the above factors into consideration in arriving at the tendered rate.
3. Any Verbal information or assurance, given or said to have been given, by department
personal before, during or after the currency of the contract shall have absolutely on bearing on the
4- The contractor shall provided his own cost, suitable accommodation for his labour and
staff. He shall arrange for sanitation and water supply of the labour colony. The housing sanitation
sand water supply arrangement sjhall be such as to meet the approvat of the Engineer-in-charge and the
District medical Officer of Health of his authorized representatives.
5- If the sanitary arrangements of the contractor are not satisfactory the Engineer-in-charge
may, at the discretion employ the requisite number of sweepers unde the Supervision of the Deptt
Sanitary Insapetor for the duration of the contract and recover the Pay of the Sweeper from the
Contractor‟ bills.

6- The Contractor shall take reasonable pre-cautions for safety of his laborers and other staff
in cases of accidents and wages payable to the aggrieved partries, including cost or legal proceedings,
if any shall be the exclusive liability of the contractor. Reports of accidents, however, shall be prompty
submitted to the Engineer-in-charge.
7- The contractor shaill intimate the name his authorized Agent in writing to the Engineer-in-
charge the contractor or his authorized egents shall always be present at site during the currency of
8- The Contractor or his authorized agent shall sing the measurement book at the lible to
very No claim on account of such variations shall be entertained.
9- The quantites of different items in the bill of quantites are approximette and liable to very
No clim on account of such variations shall be entertained.
10- The contractor shall submit in duplicate every week, a report giving details of months
from the date of opening a tenders or submitting offer and contractor shall be bound to fulfill his
obligations as imposed on him by these tendr/offer doCuments, if called upon to do so during this
12- Rejected materials have to be removed within 3 days otherwise they will be got removed
through any agency at the cost of the contractor without any further notice.
13- Properdecline shall be maintained at work site and labour camp and any undesirable
man found on the work employed by the contractor will be libel to be removed immediate on the order
of the of the Engineer-in-charge. If the contractor failed to do so, this may be enough reason to rescind
the contract and forfeit the security.
14- No. Claim whatsoever, will be made by the contractor for idle labour for any reasons.
15- If a different ratio of cement and aggregate in concrete, R.C.C. or Mottar of brick
masonry or pointing or plaster is required by the Executive Engineer the rate will be increased or
reduced the cost of additional or lesser quantity of cement used in the mix, as per schedule quantities
for different type of mixes attached with this contract or as issued by the Engineer-in-charge.
16- The contractor shall work amicably and co-operate with other contractors working side by
side and shall carry out his work with least disturbance to them.
17- The work to be done will be chalked out by the department for contractor who shall
without cost to the Government provide such material and labor and give such assistance as may be
required by the Engineer-in-charge.
18- Bench marks and stakes shall be preserved by the contractor and in the event of thir
destruvtion or removal by him or him or his employees they will be replaced by the departmwnt at the
contractor‟s cost.
19- SThe contractor will, at all times maintain on the work, Technical staff and supervisor of
sufficient experience of similar other job to assure the quantity work done.
20- No. Claim shall be entertained on account of any fluctations in market rets of labour
material equipment.

21- All taxes including sales Tax, Income Tax, Royalty on all materials shall be paid by the
contractor and it is understood that all such taxes have been taken into account while
tendering retes.
22- Any cliim for compensation on account of any reason what so ever shall be in writing to the
Engineer-in- charge within 48 hours of occurrence of the cause for such claims in case of
prolonged cause of such claim the contractor shall submit daily report with full detail of the
claims, to the Engineer-in-charge. The reports shall be delivered to the Engineer-in- charge
not later than the day next to which they pertain. claims perform after the time prescribed
above ahall be rejected out right. the decision of the super tending Engineer on the claims
shall be final and legally binding on the contractor.
23- No claim shall be entertained for damage to work or material or other less suffered by the
contractor owing to flood rains or any other natual cause whatsoever occurring prior to the
final measurements and taking over of the work by the Engineer-in- charge.
24- It is essential that work must be completed within the anticipated time and no extension shall
ordinarily be given. The contractor shall take in to considerstion delsy cased by rain festivals
illness harvesting etc. and make his arrangements accordingly.
25- If necessary the contractor may be required to work at nigtht also to fulfill his obligations
assegais the progress of work. No extra payment for work in night shall be admissible to the
26- The contractor shall strictly adhere ti the progress schedule decided by the Engineer-in-
charge by 23rd. of every month Every month the contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-
charge a detailed programmer of work to be carried out during the following month This
shall be subject to approvel of the Engineer-in- charge.
27- The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the supply of sations good drinking
water and medical and for staff and labor. He shall make arrangement of the timely
inoculation of the labour to check our break of any epidemic etc.
28- Stock issued to the contractor will be used by him only for the work covered by this contract.
29- Construction equipment available with the department may at the discretion of Engineer-in-
charg. be given to the contractor on rent as specified in schedule D.
30- The contractor shall put in a written application for such items of equipment as he wants to
hir from the department. the equipment will be issued under the authority Engineer-in-
charge and will be returnable on his demand.
31- The contractor shall not be entitled to any claim or compensation due the dealer in supply, of
materials or supply of equipment.
32- All equipment will be issued from department stores on shall be returnable ti the same place
whan on longer required by the vontractor.

33- Rent for equipment will be charged on daily from the date of issued from the stores to the
date of receipt back to the stores both days inclusive. Rent shall be recoverable from the
contractive of whether it is put to actual use or not.
34- A monthly starement of rent of equipment shall be prepared and the amount shall be
recoverable from the the next bill of the contractor.
35- All equipment made available tio the contractor shall be maintained and operated by the
contractor and all expenditure incidentals to the operator maintenance of the rquiment will be
liability of contractor
36- The contractor shall not use the equipment placed at his disposal on work other than those
covered by this contract.
37- Engineer-in- charge may withdraw any equipment after giving twenty fours notice without
assingning any reason.
38- No claim for interest or damages will be entertained by the department with respect to any
money or balance which may be lying with the department owing to any dispute, difference
or mis-understanding detween the Engineer-in-charge on the one hand and the contractor on
the marking periodically or dianl payment or in any other respect what so ever.
39- It the contractor dies or commit any act of bankruptcy or being a corporation commenceces
to wind up except for reconstruction purposes or carries on it business under a receiver, the
executors assessors or other representatives in law of the sleek of the contractor or any such
receive liquidator or any person in whin the contract may become vested shall forthwith give
notice there of in writing to the Engineer-in- chargeand shall for, one month during which he
shall take all reasonable step to prevent stoppage of work, have the option of carrying out the
contract subject to hit or thir providing such guarantees as may be required by the Engineer-
in- chargebut not exceeding the value of the work at the time remaining unexecuted in the
event of stoppage of the work, the remaining unexexuted, in the event of stoppage of the
work, the period of the option under this clause shall be fourteen days only, provided the
should the above option not be exercised, the contract may be determined by the Government
by giving notice in writing to the contractor and the Engineer-in- chargemay exercise the
same power which he could excise and will have same rihght which he would have operated
if the work has beed taken out of the contractors hand.
40- Tentative drawing for the purpose of tenders are presently being supplied Drawings issued as
construction drawing from time to timewill supercede the ones previously issued. The
contractor will not be entited for any claim whatsoever on this account.
41- All work under this contract are subject to inspection by the T.C.C of the U.P. Irrigation
Department, Any defects pointed out by the cell, will have to be det ringht by the contractor.
Any recoveries due to defective materials or execution of work pointed out by the cell shall
be made good by the contractor or recovered from his amount due of that may become due to
the Deptt.



The tenderd rate for item shall include excavation as wall as disposal of all
Types of earthwork soil send, block kanker, shingle, boulder or any other formation mixed with any
percentage or in total cncountered tin foundations including all leads and lift. The rate shall including
handling of wet earth work. Disposal of excavated material shall be done as per direction of the
Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor for disposal of excavated material
within 200 meters from C.G. of excavated are to C.G. of disposal measured horizontally. No. disposal
is to be done beyond 200 metes unless and until written orders of the Engineer-in-charge are obtained.
Extre icads for disposal bcyond 200 meters if asked for shall be payable at currcnt departmental
schcdule of rate.
1.02 The excavated carth shall is disposcd off in making bound cmbankment or as per dircetion of
Engineer-in-charge.The area where earth is no being disposed of shall be cleared of all trees
roots bushes and vegetation humus and other objection able matter before laying disposed
earth . The root bushes and other objectionable material shall either be burnt or completely
removedfrom site to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, disposal in the stream with not be
permitted and no material shall be piled when the option Engineer-in-charge, is liable tto be
flown away floods timber fuel and other usefull material if obtain be suck clearance, shall be
the property of the department and shall be stacked at site approved by the Engineer-in-charge
and no payment shall bee made for these operation and it shall be done to be covered in the
rates of earth work.
1.03 The entire area to be occupied by the disposed earth work shall be cleared as per lines and
grades indicated in drawing of as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The top soil containing
vegetation and other objection able matter shall be completely stripped to a minimum depth of
15 CM and shall be disposed of at suck place as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge .
Nothing extra shall be paid fort.
1.04 Before disposal of earth started , profile the embankments shallbee made and maintained by the
contractor to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge for whick nothing extra shall bee paid.
1.05 The contractor shall construct offer bund or ring bunds to cordon off his working area from
spilling of the river canal during sectionof the offer bund or ring bund shall be got approved
from Engineer-in-charge before starting work . The earth required by contractor in
constructing such offer bunds ring bushall be taken from excavation in foundation .
1.06 The disposal of the excavated earth shall be done in successive horizontal embankment. A
subsequent layer in embankment shall not be started unless the provision layer has veen
completed manually . Mechanical compaction if needed shall be done by the department , and

in such case , the ratte of manual compaction as per schedule of rate shall be deducted from quarter
rate by contractor .
1.08 he pit of foundation is to excavated with stable site slopes at all stages during the progress of
work . No excattion with site vertical will bee done . The side slope shall be kept steepest
possible as directed by the Engineer-in-charge but should not be flatter then 1:1 at any stage
of work .The contractor shall take due care to protexct the exaction from damage by slips ring
cuts per other cases at his own cost and nothing on this account shal;l be payable to him avoid
slip and intermediate berm of 1.5 m width shall be lift at canal bed in the Foundation pit.
width shall working space of IM. width all arouns the foundation pit shall be ore vided at
foundation level.
1.09 The Excavation is to done only up to the desired level. Over excavation beyond desired level
will have to be filled up with concrete or such other material which the Engineer-in-
chargemay decide at cont. actors cost.
1.10 the bottom and side slopes upon or against which contracted/is to placed shall be finished
accurately to the established lined and grades and loose materials on surface so prepared shall
be moisturized eith water and tampad or rolled with suitable tools and equipment to from a
firm foundation for the concrete structure. Where the material is found to be unsuitable to
from a firm foundation, further excavation will be payable to the contractor.
Lines of cross section ahsll marked on the rouns at every 20 meters distance or closer directed
by the Engineer-in-charge along lines at light angles the control lines of the work.
1.12 Before commencement of work, ground levels shall be observed at each 10 meters peg or
plaster as desired be the Engineer-in-charge along cash section in presence of the contractor or
his authorized agent. These levels shall be singed by the contractor in taker of his plorred in a
sheat of graph paper both of which shall be signed by the contractor in taker of his acceptance.
The level will be taken with reference to the bench maks already establishes at site.
1.13 For the purpose of measurement of excavation crossection prior to commencement of work as
mentioned in clause 1.112 shall from the basis for computing quantity of earth work in
exaction with reference to the final cross section which shall be taken on completion of
excavation in a specified ares.
1.14 Final measurement shall be recrded by observing the finished level of excavation of each line
of cross section at the same location as taken in para.
1.112 These measurements shall be recorded on measurement book and plotted in the graph sheet
showing the enxitial ground levels, both of these doCuments shall be signed by the conractor
in taken of his acceptance.
If the contractor refuse to sing the doCuments, a remark to the affect shall be recorded by the
person y=taking the measurements. The total quantity of earth work done will be calculated by
superimposing the cross section takan on para 1.11.2

2.01 The contractor shall construct coffer bound or ring bound to cordon off his working area from
spilling of water.
For this earth excavated from foundation shall be used.

2.02 During construction period the maintenance and care of ring bound shall be done by done by
the contractor at his own cost.

2.03 The ring bound coffer dam shall be removed by the contractor whenever it is required after
completion of the work. Which shall be done of his own cost.



3.01 CEMENT GENERAL :- Cement will be furnished be the Government in accordance with
the provisions of chapter 9.2 materials and shall be used for all works.

(b) FORTH AND CEMENT :- Cement will confirm to Is 269 1953 and its subsequent

(c) SPECIAL TEST IS SEGMENTS :- Cement will be sampled as the stores and or the site of
work. All test will be made by or under the supervisor of the government and at its expense. No
contract shall be used by the contractor unill notfce has been given by the Engineer-in-charge that the
test result are satis-factory.

(d) TRANSPORTATIO OF CEMENT :- The cement shall be transported in trucks provided

with the adequate arrangements for prevention of detervation due to weather conditions.

(e) STORAGES :- Immediately upon receipt at the site of the work cement shall be stored in a
day warer tight and property ventilated structure with adequate provisions for the prevention of
absorption of moistures. All storages facilities shall be subject to the approval of Engineer-in-charge
and shall be such as to permit easy access for inspection and indentification Stroge shall be provided at
the site near the batching and mixing plant for a minimum O M.T. of cement.


(a) AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURES :- Te air entraining admixtures, if required, will be

furnishied by the government free of cost and will consist of an approved substance of compound
which will prcduce entrained air in the concrete as here-in-after specified. The contractor shall provede
facilities, satisfactory to the Engineer-in-charge for adding admixtures at the mixer, when so required.
The total calculated air content for that portion of the concrete containing aggregate smaller than that
passing through the 25 m. square mesh sieve will be a percentage of the volume of the concrete, as
determined by the Engineer-in-charge.

(b) OTHER ADMIXTURE (including Pozgolana)

Pozgolana and other admixtures will be used only as and when directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. These admixtures will be supplied by the government free of cost.

(c) TESTS :- Test of admixtures will be made by the Government in accordance with applicable
Indian standred specifications or as otherwise prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge.


(a) GENERAL : The term „coarse aggregate‟ is used to designate aggregrate that is reasonably
well graded from 5 mm to 25 mm or any size are off with……….in such limits Coarse aggregate for
concre shall be furnished by the contractor and shall consort of natural graval. The aggregate shall be
sepertely collected from 5 mm to 12 mm and 12 mm to 25 mm. These will be mixed in the co portion
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge or as per redesign.
Coarse aggregate for contracted shall be finished by the contractor and shall consist of natural
gravel. Coarse aggregate shall consist of uncoated, hard strong dense and durable places and shall
before from injurious amounts of dissent grated stores, soft, flop by or elongated particles slat alkaline
vegetable and other deleterious substances. The percentage of deleterious substances in any size of
coarse aggregateas delivered to the mixer shall not sexed the following values :-

Materials Percentage by weight

Material; Passomg O.S. Sieve………………….. 3

No. 8
Soft fragments ………………….. 1

Clay lumps ………………….. 1

Other deleterious substances ………………….. 1

The sum of percentage of all deleterious substance in any size, as delivered to the mixer, shall
not exceed 5 percent by weight.
Coarse aggregate may be rejected if it does not comply to the provisions made as per I.S. No.
383-1952 and any subsequent amendment issued there after.

(a) GENERAL : The term „fine aggregate‟ or sand is used to designate the aggregate in which
the maximize of particles is 5 mm The contractor shall be responsible for the investigation and
procurement of sand of the quality specified here-in. Depending upon availability and grading of the
clear aggregate. In the case of river sand, the source from which obtained shall b subject to the approval
Engineer-in-charge. The fire aggregate is Allahabad san loeal sand or a mixture of bothe in proportions
as required by the Engineer-in-charge shall comprise of all aggregate particles having a maximum size
upto 5 mm. All fire agreegate obtained from the river bed shall be washed to remove impurities; the
fire aggregate shall be clean, free from excise silt balicls orgaric and chemical impurities.
The sand shall consist of hard, dense darable, uncoated rock fragments. The maximum size of
deleterious substance in the sand a delivered to mixer shall not exceed the following values :-

Materials percentage by weight

Material; finer than I.S. 3.00

Sieve No. 8

Shall………………………………………….. 1.00

Coal and lignit……………………………….. 1.00

Clay lumps…………………………………… 1.00

Cinders and climbers………………………… 0.50

Albali and Coated gr.

In (deleterious)………………………………. 200

The sum of the percentage of all deleterious substances in sand as delivered to the mixer shall
not exceed five Sand may be rejected if it does not conform to the following test requirements carried
out as specified in I S 386-1952 and any subsequent amendments issued there after.


The sand should not produce a color draper than the standred in the colorimetric tast for
organic impurities.

(ii) SOUNDNESS TEST :- After 10 cycles the average loss of weight should not be more than
10% with Sodium sulphate and or 15% with Mg. So 4 solution.
(iii) SPECEFIC GRAVITY :- The specific gravity computed on the saturated surface dry basis
should not be less than 2-60.
(b) GRADING :- The fire aggregate as delivered to the mixer or as incorporated in mixed
concrete shall be fo uniform grading within such limits as may be specified by the Engineer-in-charge.
During normal sepration the grading of the fine aggregate shall be controlledes that he F-M. of a
samples out of 10 pf the five aggregate as delivered to the mixer shall be above 1-5 Any classifying
batching batching or other opretion on the fine aggregate required to the gradation shall be done by the
contractor and the cost there of shall be in culled in the unit prices for the items of work in which the
fire aggregate in used.
(c) SAMPLING :- All sampling of fine aggregate shall be in accordance with the applicable
provision of I-S 383-1952 and any subsequent amendments. All test will be made by and where the
supervision of the Govt. and at its expense. Routine control tests of the fine aggregate at various stanzia
in aggregate processing plant, strage ples, batching and mixing plant, will be made by the Govt. The
contractor shall provide such facilities as the Engineer-in-charge may consider for the ready
procurement of the reprbreblic test samples.
(d) STORAGE :- The fine aggregate will be stored in separated stock piles withing the limits of
the areas as approved b the Engineer-in-charge. The lemoval of the material from the storage area shall
be done in manner that will result in increasing the uniformity of the grading in so forms it is possible.
All aggregate shall remain in freo draining storage for at least 72 hrs prior to use sufficient live storage
so as lat for the work without replenishment for at least on week shall be mdntained.
3.05 WATER – Water for mixing conceret shall be clear and free from injuius oils, acids, alibis,
organic matters, salts or other impurities. The silt content in water shall not exceed 200 oppm by
weight. Water shall ho checked for silt or other impurities The contractor shall make etc and shall
provide pumps, pipe lines etc at his own cost.

(a) The proptioning of allmaterials eatering into the concrete shall be directed by the Ebgineer-in-
charge. The contractoe provide all necessary equipment and plant to determine and control the actual
amounts of material entering in each batch. The proportions will be charge whenever in the open of the
Engineer-in-charge. Such change is necessary in order to maintain the stand and quality required by
tease specifications.

(b) MEASUREMENT :- All materials entering into the concretes shall I batched and measured
by volume by mains of wooler Calibrsted pheymas.

(c) CEMENT CONTENTS :- The cement contents in the various schedule item of of concerete
will range from the approximate minimum of 160 kg. to an size type gradation of aggregates used, and
on the structural requirement as determine by the Enginee-in-charge.

(d) AGGREGATE CONTENT :- Concrete mixes will be designed to the largest size and the
maximum amount of course aggregate placable in the various parts of the structures.

(c) WORKABILITY :- The concrete mixes which have been designed and tested in the
government laboratory will be adjusted in the field from time to meet the varrying
conditions encountered during Constmclion as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Unless otherwise
provided the concrete shall be so, controlled that the stump at all time for works as per I S : 456-1978
and its subsequent amendments.

3.07 VIBRATION OF CONCRETE – Concrete shall be placed with the aid of mechanical
vibration equipment and supplemented by hand spreading and temping. In no case vibrtes to be used to
transport he concrete in side the forms. The intensity of vibration shall be sufficient to produce
satisfactory compaction without causing objectionable segregation.

3.08 MIXING :- The Concrete ingredients shall be mixed to roughly in batch mixer so as to
positively ensure unit from distribution of all the component throughout the man at the end, of the
mixing period.

Unless otherwise determine the mixing of each batch shall continue for less than number of
minutes stated below after all materialsm except the amount of water, or in the mixer.


1/2 Cubic Yard or Smaller 1 1/4 Minutes
3/4 11/2 Cubic Yard 1 1/2 Minutes
2-3 Cubic Yard 2 Minutes
4 Cubic Yard 2 Minutes


Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to forms as pidly as practicable by

methods which shall prevents segregation or lose of ingredients, There shall be no vertical drop greater
than (one point five) 1.5 Meter except where suitable equipment is provided to prevent aggregation and
where specifically authorized by the Engineer-in-charge.


Concrete shall be worked readily into corners and angles of the forms aid embedded
item ifany with permitting segregation. Concrete shall be pottured as close as possible to its final
posicon to minimum. The peng of concrete shall be controlled so that the concrete be effectively
compacted in to horizontal layers Free water collected in depressions in the forms shall be removed by
bailing before placing of fresh concrete. Once the concreting has been started in a particulars block the
contractor shall not stop it unless the block has been completed, if however, The contractor shall make
arrangement for serubbing the surface soon after the placement of concrete. Fresh layer of contrete
shall be laid only after the old surface of the concrete has been raked by chipping cleaned and washed.
A thin layer of slurry in one ratio one (1:1) cement mortar shall be ladd before placing fresh concrets in
such cases. No extra payment shall be allowed on account of this treatment wherever necessary.


Concrete shall be placed before initial setting has occurred and unless otherwise authorized by
the Engineer-in-charge within thirty minutes of reel ace from mixers.


Unless otherwise authorsrd, all concrete shall be pleased upon clean, damp au face ,from
standing or running wattre and never upon soft mud , dried porous earth that have not been subjected
to approved rolling and reming until desired , compaction has been obtained to the satisfaction of
Engineer in – charge . free water collected on he surface shall be pointed out be feve placing the
concrete impulses perminute when in operation while submerged in the corc te the intensity
(amplitude) of vibration shall be sufficient to produce autisfsctory compaction.the duration of
vibration shall be limited to hat necessary to produce adequate compaction without couging
objectionable segregation while compecting each layer of concrete the vibrating hand shalltouch
the euncrete in the Subsequent layer of concrete shall not be placed untill the previous layer has
been worked thoroughly as specified,


Concrete which is placed and compacted in accordance with those specificationsa and is in the
opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, of inferior quality shall be removed and replaced by the contractor.

The entire cost of removing and replacing such rejected conerte shall be borne by the contractor
including cost of all materials required in the replacement.


Concrete shall be sutibly protected from injury until final acceptance, giving particular care to
al permanently exposed corners and adges. All exposed concrete surface shall ordinarily be kept moist
continuously for at least 2 weeks after placing. In case pozolane is used in concrete the duration shall
be increased to at least 3 weeks All water used in during shall be free from excessive amount of sidt,
doleuring matter and other impurities which may stain the finished work. No fire or excessive heat
shall be permitted near or indirect contact with the concrete at any time.


Repair of concrete Wherever necessary and where permitted by the Engineer-in-charge shall
be performed by skilled workman and in the presence of an authorized representative of Engineer-in-
charge. The contractor all imperfeetions on the concrete surface as necessary to produce surface to the
requirement specified. Repaid of imperfections on farmed concrete surface as necessary to produce
surface to the requirement specified. Repaid of imperfection on farmed concrete shall be cmpleted is
soon as partical after removal of forms and when ever practicable within 24 hr after removal of forms
fines and encrustation shall be nearly removed from surface. Concrete that is damaged from any cause
and concrete that is honey-combed, fractored or otherwise defective and concrete which because of
successive surface depression must be exvated and built up to bring the surface to the b e prescribed
lines shall be removed and replaced with dry pack mortaror contrete as hcreinafter specified. Dry
pack filling shall be used for holes having at least one surface dimensions a little groater than the hole
depth, or holes left by the removal of fastoners for the ends of forms tieroids and or narrow slote duts
for repair of craks All material procedure and duration used in the repair of concrete shall be subject to
the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The cost of all materials labours and equipment used in the
department concrete which before final acceptance of work is found to be damage or defective not
within the specified limits, shall by born be the contractor.


The top surface of each block or the foundation shall be finished level. Coars gravel
protrouoling from the surface shall be worked dewnin to smooth surface during the vibration
operations. The top surface shall be rendered smooth by board finish.

4.01 The contractor shall cut bent and place all steel reinforcements as indicated in the
drawings or otherwise requird or as directed. the steel for reinforcement will be provided by
Government at the rate and site as per conditions of contract. this item will include cost, carriage of all
materials shaping, cutting, bending anl placing in position of reinforcement steel with the help of
spacer block and metal chaine including cost of binding wire
All steel used for reinforcement shall be free from oil, grease, dust, mortar, scales
kinks, rust, stop- scale or bonds other then that required as per drawing reinforcement drawings
showing bar placement other and bar dending details will be furniahed by the Engineer-in-charge. All
bares shall be bent to the shapes and dimensions as per drwings and directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Heating of bars for bending shall not be allowed the radius of all bends shall not be loss then 4 times of
the dimetre of the bar or as diected by the Engineer-in-charge.
(1) Before placing the reinforcement bars in pcsition all bars shall be thoroughly clared as
per para 402. All bars shall be of the size and length as directed. No. lubricatlcn shall be made,
unless approved by the Engineer-in-charge. All lubrication shall be placed in position well in
abvance of cometins to permit inspection and checking measurement in accordance with
detailed drawings used, secured in position such that they will not be disturbed during placing
and vibration of concreted, liced hars shall provide sufficient overlap to transfer stresses by
binding or welding.
(2) Vertical shear steel strrups and spacers shall be securely fastend to the longitudinal
bars by means of binding wire or tag welding if approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
whenever possible the contractor shall remove the spacer blocks provided their removal does
not disturb the oncrete. Exposed reinforcement in tended for dinding or dagbelling between
two placement of concrete shall be protected from being disturbed and shall be thoroughly
cleaned prior to subsequent concreting.
The position of joints-in reinforcement bars shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge. These shall be suitably staggered to avo the concentration of joints at any
one section.
The reinforcement bars shall be jointed by simply overlar welding or as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. The approximate bar diameter for which different types of joints may be
adopted are as below :-
Bars up to 30 mm. diameters overlaps joints.
Bars above 30mm. diameters weldedjoints.
The range is subject to the modification at the discretion of Engineer-in-charge.
The rate tendered by the contactor are per cubic metre of concrete laid on the basis of
consumption of cement as per design of mix for the respetive items of concrete as per
schedule of quantities and bids. In case aggregates of a slightly modified gradation acceptable
to the Engineer-in-charge is to be used by the contractor the extra quantity of cement required
due to gradation deing not as spectified would be on contractor account.
Test cequency Accenancericeria
Compressive 3 Cudes 1 in 5 samples may fall below the specified
Strength perday strength up to 90%


Cement concrete cubes cylinders shall be tested for 28 (Twenty Eight) days
compressive strength. The acceptance criteria for the concrete shall be as per clause 15 of IS-
456-1978 or its lastest amendments if any with a tolerance factor of 1.23 as per I.S. 10262-
1982 . Sub standered work shall not be rccepted but the Engineer-in-charge. In special cases
mayaceept the sub tendered work after satisfying himself regarding the performance of the
structure with a reduction in rate calculated as given below.

Reduced Rate :-
Observed average strength

Of all Test specimen x Contract Rate

Desired average strength
as per I.S. 456-1978
Measurement of concrete items will be made only to the line of structure as
indicated in the drawing or established by the Engineer-in-charge. In measuring concrete the
volume of all recesses, passages, chambers, openings, cavities, depre sions etc. except
embadments such as sheet piles reinforcement its dsancher bolts and soals will be deducted. In
The event foundation being excavated by ond required lmit as drawing or direction of
Engineer-in-charge the contractor shall full the same with the similar grade of concrete in
foundation and no measurement for payment will made on this account.
2.21 RATE
Tender rate shall be for complete work including cost of all material and
inclusive of all labor, cost of all T & P, handling of material at site of work mixing of concrete
in mixers, posing vubratuion and curing and dixing of pressure observation pipes excluding
cost of pipes to all works in accordance to specifications drawing and to the satisfaction of
Engineer in charge .
The length of overlap joints shall be 45 times the diameters of the bare or as per
instruction of engineer-in-charge and should be laid down by 16S.W.G,G.I whd.


Reinforcement bars above 30 mm diameter shall be provided with welded joints. The welded
joints shall be provided by placing the bars on and it position an placing by angle iron of equivalent
area. The length and thickness of weld shall be such that the strength of joints shall not be less than
that of the bars. Lap welding may also be alloved by Engineer-in-charge wherever found necessary
and shall be fone as per directions.

The welding shall confarmate I. S. 815 (1966) code of practice of metel for willing for
general construction in mald steel. The joints shall be staggred such that there are not more than 33%
spies in are section.


(1) Measurment of steel reinforcement will be made for the length of the steel required to
be placed according to the drawing or as per direction of Engineer-in-charge including standred book,
overlaps and bonds and payment for the same shall be made under item No.1 of schedule of bids, The
additional lngth of bars placed by the contractor without direction of the Egineer-in-chrage, may be
allowed to remain in the structures but will not be measured for payment. Extra steel used in hairs. To
hold reinforcement in the rods shutting in splices for welded joints shall be measured for calculation
of bonafide use, but shall not be paid.

(2) The weight as specified to by the manufacture slist of eatelogues shall be taken as
standred for purpose of computing the total weight used as reinforcement. In case the standred weight
specified by the flam is less by more than actual weight of bars and the fact is reported, prior to use of
steel by the contractor the actual weight shall be fixed by Egineer-in-charge on the basis of sample
checking and payment shall be made accordingly.



5.01 From for the concrete shall be provided by the contractor and shall be of wood, steel or other
approved material, The types shape, size, quality and strength of all material of which the
forms are made shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Forms shall be used
wherever necessary to confin the concrete and shape to the required lines. Forms shall have
sufficient strength to with stand the pressure resulting from placement and vibration of the
concrete and shall be maintained rigidly in correct position, Forms shall be substancial and
unyielding so the concrete place conforms to the besign mimensions and contors. Forms shall
be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortor from the conrete. The cost of all labour and
materials for forms and for any necessary treatment o coating of form shall be included in the
reneared unit rate in the schedule of quantities and bids for certering and shuttering under item No.1


After material forms sheating and lining of wood or sheat shall be of such quality that
nochemical detoreation or decoposition taken plae or the forms and its successfully with
stands mechanical vibration and other relevant specification for finised form surtace.


Embedded metal rods used for welding forms shall remain in position and shall terminate not
less than 30 mm in concrete clear of the formed surface where the maximum size of aggregate in the
concrete is 40 mm. or less and not less than 50 mm on the concrete clear of the formed faces of the
concrete where maximum size of aggrete is 80 mm or more, embedded fastners or the ends of rods
shall be such that their removal will leave holes of regular share Boltties shall becut off flushwith the
surface of the concrete after the forms are removed.

5.05 At the time concrete is placed in the forms, the surface of the forms, shall be free from
inerustation of mortar of grout or other forsien matrial that would contaminate in the concrete
or interferes with the fulfillment of the specification, requirement relative to the finis of
formed surface, Before concrete Is placed, the surface of the form shall be oiled commercial
form oilor treated with other form coating material that will effectively prevent sticking and
will not stain the concrete surface. For weld orms, form oil or other forms coating material of
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. For steel forms oil shall consist of refined mineral
oil suitably compound with one or more ingredient which are appropriate for the purpose of
other suitable form coating material.

Forms shall be kept in position until their removal is authorized and shall be removed with care so as to
avian injury to the concrete. Forms removal shall be authorized and forms shall be removed as soon as
practicable in order to avoid delay in the water curing and also to enable earlier practicable repair of
surface and imperfections as may be ordered by Engineer-in-charge.

For each job separately and the contractor shall not remove any forms earlier than the time so specified.
The form shall be removed with care without shock of vibration and without consequent injury to


Suitable scaffolding for centering and shuttering shall be provided by the contractor whenever
necessary and shall strong than the scaffolding if required by the Engineer-in-charge but the contractor
shall always remain responsible for the safety of workman and works as well as the payment of
compensation for any damage or injury which may becused by the failure of scaffolding nothing extra
shall be paid on this account of safety measure.


Form work shall be mesure for he surface area or concerete placed against the forms and shall be paid
under item contering and shuttering for concrete work for each job of concrete as provided in the item
of schedule of bed.

5.09 The rate centering & shuttering shall include all labour T & P and cost of form materials, scaffolding,
and other accessories required for completion according to specification.

5.10 In case of forms supplied departmentally to the contractor, shall be recovered from the contractor as per
schedule returned back to the departmental store in a broken and undamaged stage, failing which
recovery shall be made at the prevailing stock issue rate.

5.11 SLURRY :-
Use and consumption of cement in slurry mortar in cold joint shall be considered as benefited use for
which separate account shall be maintained by contractor duly verified by Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized respresentative. Cold joints will be provided and prepared before concreting as per
instructon of Engineer-in-charge.
5.12 All such cement used in slurry mortar shall be considered as benefited use and duly verified by
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative for preparation of cold joints will be issued free of
cost to the contoctor as per schedule „B‟


Longitudinal drainage shall be provided by embedding 100mm. dia 815 mm. long G.1. pipes. The
lower tip of the spouts should project below the bottom of the beck slab by not less than 100mm to
ensure that drainage water false clean of the slab. The upper end shall be made flush with the top of the
wearing coat. The spouts shall be embedded prior to concreteting.

The measurement shall be done by the number of drainage spouts embedded.

The rate shall include supply and fixing at site including carriage, labour and T & P etc.


7.01 The contractor shall fix expansion joints as per direction of the the Engineer-in-charge.
7.02 The measurement shall be done of the actual length of expansion joints embedded.
And shall included all handling cartage charges etc.


8.01 All works shall be curried out as per drawing and or as per driction of Engineer-in-charge.

8.02 Proportion of ingredient in cement concrete for railing will be in the ratio of RCC 1:2:4 by volume (A-
20 M-150) as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge.

8.03 The coarse and fine aggregate shall conform to specification as mentioned in chapter-3

8.04 It shall be the at most and important part of the works to establish correct alignment and problem of the
psoriasis, jails etc. as per provisions of the fixing and instruction of Engineer-in-charge to the
maximum accuracy.

8.05 Contractor will have to tender with neat flot of cement coating on complete railing after completion as
per instruction of Engineer-in-charege.

8.06 Tendered rate shall be for complete works, its curing forspecified period cost of ll the material &

8.07 Measureent and payment will be made per running meter length of the railing as per item No.
of schedule of bids and quantities.


9.01 GENERAL :-
Brick masonry will be carried out the cement mortar Ist class brick, sand used shall be of good quality
with F.M. of 1.25 Brick work will be done in allotment orders and at places as specified in drawings or as per
direction of the Engineer-in-charges. No extra payment will be made to the contractor for face work, splays,
chambering worked wing. Curves, slops, making corners or for cutting etc. or for any work which may have to
be dismantled and rebuilt owing to carelessness, or want of skill labour on the part of contractor or his
9.02 The work being carried out shall be open for instruct sheck and mortar tests.. In case the work is found
to be defective or the mortar on test is found to be weaker than the prescribed, the masonry will have to be
dismantled and done against the cost of contractor without any claim there of, if it isdecided to accept Defective
work done with inferior mortar under some special cirCumstances at the direction of Engineer-in-charge, Then
suitable reduction rate as prescribed by Engineer-in-charge shall be rate, which shall be acceptable to the

9.03 MORTOR :-
The mortar used shall consist of one part of cement and 4 part of sand by volume or is specified, sand
of approved quality and of water shall be super direction of the Engineer-in-chrage. The moronic mixed shall be
used as early as possible but latest within 30 minutes. In any case after 30 minutes the mortar will be rejected
and the contractor will have to bear the cost there of.

9.04 MASONERY :-
1. All bricks shall be soaked in clear water into the thanks for a period of at least 12 hr. before
used and the contractor shall provide thanks of sufficient capacity to admit of the simultaneous
immersions of two days requirement of bricks of the work and maintaining its normal rate of progress.
All good shaped and uniform colored bricks shall be picked out address for face work, is the Engineer-
in-charge. All brick work shall be constructed in English bond.
2. Every course unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer-in-charge charge shall be horizontal.
The vertical joint in he alternate course shall be in plumbs. The thickness of joints shall normally be

12.5 mm. but in order to suit the variation in size of brick joints verifying from 10 to 15 mm shall be accepted.
In any case neither over all mortar content shall be exceeded. Nor any bound to be not in accordance
with the specifications the masonry will have to be dismantled and done are in at the cost of contractor.
3. Brick work shall be carried out regularly and no still shall be allowed more than one matter in
bight when brick rosemary in one part of the work has to be delayed, the rosemary shall be stared at an
angle not exceeding 45% all angles forming junction of walls, the brick of each in accordance with the
practice in English bond.
4. All joints shall be cleared and resked up to a derth of 10 m. and all brick work shall be kept
clean of morta splashes.
5. During construction, brick work shall be protected from rain, sun etc. and shall be cured for at
least 14 days after execution.
The unit rate for brick work shall be for the completed item of work and shall be
inclusive of cost of all materials, carriage charges up to site, curing, labour, T & P scaffolding
and other incidental charges required for the completion of the work.


in cement sand mortar.

10.01 The cement pointing shall confirm to I. D. Specification No. 30 and shall be struck pointing.
10.02 The mortar shall consist of one part of cement and two parts of sand of fineness modulus 1.25,
by volume.
10.03 Pointing shall be measured on the length and height of surface pointed, deduction being made
for opening and cavities.
10.04 The unit rate tenders shall be for the completed item of work and shall be inclusive of cost of
all mateialsm their carriage, labour, scaffolding, T & P etc.

11.0 Laying brick on any pitching on side slope.

11.01 The brick on end pitching shall be racked as solidly and compactly as practicable Broken
bricks shall not be sad while racking in patching.

11.02 The tendered rates shall be for completed item of work including carringe handling, labour
and T & P for laying and placing them in position.

The quantity of brick on end pitching payable to the contractor shall be assessed in cubic
meter of pitched volume the basis of actual measurement as laid in site.

Construction Schedule
Construction of ……………………………………………………
At Km. ……………………… of ………………………………….


o. Ist Iind IIIrd laste
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarte
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Earth work in excavatiom of channel M Agree 80% _ 20% _
section above bed
2 Earth work in excavation of foundation. M³ -do- 50% 25% 25% _
3 Laying M-8 cement concrete in M³ -do- 50% 25% 25%
4 Ist class brick work in 1:4 cm. M³ -do- 25% 50% 10% 15%

5 Ist class brick work in 1:3 cm. M³ -do- 50% 50% __

6 ruled cement pointing M³ -do- 25% 50%
7 Centering &shuttering for R .C .C work M³ -do- - 25% 50% 25%
8 Cutting bending binding and placing of M .T -do- - 25% 50 25
steel reinforcement
9 Laying 150 R .C .C . M³ -do- - 25 50 25
10 Laying M-200n R .C .C . M³ -do- - 25 50 25
11 Supply & fixing drainage spout RM -do- - 25 50 25
12 Supply & fuxing drainage spout No . -do- - 25 50 25
13 Supply & fixing joint filler board M³ -do- - 25 50 25
14 Laying 230 mm thich dry brick pitching M³ -do- - - - 100%
15 Constructing Railing RM -do- - - - 100%
16 Road cutting M³ -do- 100% - - -
17 S/F locally available sand M³ -do- - - 100% -
18 Dewateroing Job - - - - -
19 E/W in back filling M³ - - - 50% 50%

12.01 The lump sump rate for the job of dewatering includes the cost of entire dewatering required
to done for carrying out the different items of the works of the tender for itss full satisfactory
condition. The rates includes the cost of all pumps, motor, cabbles, pipe lines and other electric and
diesel machinery required for the job the rate also and cost of all fuel and lubricant required to the
entire period till the satisfactory completed. Item of the tender satisfactory agreement . The rates also
will include sdthe expenses towards electric power consumption required to run the machine.
12.02 Items of dewatering shall include suitable pumping installation for drawl of water from the
foundation such as well as pointer shallow tube wells installation and opretion of pumping units,
constructions and maintence of drains, flomes or pipes for the disposal of water with the view to
ensure that the working area is reasonable dry for the excavation of foundation to be carried out and
laying cement concrete c.c. Block, too wall and entire area at a spacing auitable for affective
dewatering of the entire area.
The subsoil water table in the work area shall be maintained at a suitably low level to
ensure that it in no way interferes with constumption activities, does not end danger the safety of
works already constructed. The dispesal of the water drown from dewatering operation shall be made
to proper drawings outlet sufficiently beyond the work area as directed by Engineer-in-charge at site.
The disposal of pumped water shall be done through a net work of pipe lines. All the dewatering
opretions as mentioned above shall be contractors sale responsibility.
12.03 The contract shall submit his detailed plane for dewatering of foundation to the Engineer-in-
charge and obtain his prior approval betore implementation of his plane, mainly the drawl of water
from the foundation involving use of suitable strainer such as Tubewells, will be acceptable surface
pumping will not be permissible as it may result in movement of finds from the foundation.
12.04 The item shall include pumping to control seepage pressures under the structures which is the
process of construction and dequte pumping is to be contained till the sub structure develops required
dimensions as well as strength to with stand pressures. The items also includes baiting out water
from the area.
12.05 The tendred rate for this item is lumpsump. The item shall be payable as under pro-rate basis
i.e. in ratio of the value of excavation work (Item No. 1 & 2 of schedule of quantites and bids) as
given in the contract. The remaining of the lump amount under this provision, if dry shall be paid
after entire completion of excavation of foundation required to be complete under provisions of the
The 60% of the lump sump amout will be payable on the other items of work in the
schedule of quantities pre-rate basis in the ratio of the value of other item of work and total lump
sump amount of dewatering (Item No. 1&2) fo schedule of quantites and bids) The remaining of
lump sump amount under this part, if any shall be paid on completion of work under provisions of
the contract ay the direction of the Engineer-in-charge, that no dewatering is required for the
completion of remaining works, if any.
The reaming 10% of the lumps sum amount shall be paid after the copletion of the

12.06 For dewatering in this tender, due to delayed completion of the work for reason what
soever, the contractor will have no claim, for the extra dewatering done by him no
metter how so ever long the additional period of dewatering may be.


Sl. Name of equipment capacity & typeetc. Hire charges Month of Place ofNo.
1. (Concrete mixer (7/10) Deuse Rs. 1000/-per
2. Vibrators, withenghe Deisee Rs. 500/-per
3. Welding set (………..Amp)
4. Steel shutting plate nit & shauldg &

Conditions :
(i) Arrangements for carriage from Govt. Steres to work site and back after use shall be
done be contractor at his own cost.

(ii) The contractor will make arrangements for proper opretion maintance. Procetion,
repair and preservation of machine at his own cost.

(iii) The machine can be used for two continuous shift of 8 hrs.

(iv) The machinery will behanded over to contractor at Govt. Stores in reasonable good
working condition. The contractor shall be responsible for returning the same in good working
condition after completion of work.

(v) In case any equipment taken by the contractor on rent is damaged beyond repair in the
opinion of engineer-in-charge or is lost by him, recovery of the cost of the same shall be made
from the contractor account at rates decided by Engineer-in- charge, which shall be final and legally
binding on the contractor.

(vi) No claim of compensation shall be entertained on account of failure of delay in supply of the
equipment required by the contractor or given to him for use.

(vii) The contractor shall not use the machinery on hire by him, else where except on works
covered by this contract In case the contractor is found to misuse the equipment oven to him the rent
will be recovered at double the hire rates.

(viii) The hire charges shall be caculated far each calendar month or part there of at monthly rate
prescribed, the period shall be counted from the date issue from the Government godown, even it
the equipment is kept idle or returned before 30 days by the contractor minimum rent of one
month shall be recoverable from the contractor.

(ix) Any other machine or equipment, if available with the government case be rssued to
the contractor from prescribed tennme of such equipment shall be as feixed by the Engineer-in-

Schedule of Construction of Materials

Sl.No. Item Unit per Cement bags no.

1. Cement Concrete C.M. 3.40 With cruched aggregate
M.-7.5 (1:4:8) 3.25 With natural aggregate

2. Concrete M. 15 (1:2:4) C.M. 6.10 With cruched aggregate

5.76 With natural aggregate
3. Cement concrete M 20 C.M. 7.90 With cruched aggregate
(1:2:3) 7.56 With natural aggregate

4. Brick work in 1:3 c.m. 2.60

5. Brick work in 1:4 c.m. C.M. 2.00
6. Cement painting (ruled)in1:2 S/M 0.055
7. Cement plaster in 1:4 c=m (12mm) S/M 0.11

The actual consumption of the cement for concrete work shall be governed by the
mixedesing Above table only gives an approximation.
1.00 Excess consumption beyond actuall/bonafide consumption of cement steel shet pile up to 2% shall be
charged at the stock issue rate of the division. Excess consumption of cement the stock beyond 2% shall be
charged at double the stock issuerate given below.

(i) Stock issue rate cement Rs. / =per bags.

(ii) Stock issue steel Rs. =per M.T.
The consumption of cement, for making takes piller fixing platefro shall be considered as
The contractor shall maintain on account of consume piton of all materials issued by the
Department to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and in case of misuse the unaccented materials
shall be recovered at double the stock issue rate of the divisions mentioned above in para 10.
Empty cement bags shall be returned by the contractor in good serviceable conditions at
departmental stores failing which recovery @ Rs. 4=per bag shall be made. However on request from
contractor for bonafide use of empty cement bages on works, the empty cement bags shall be issued at Rs.
4=per bags after the Engineer-in-charge has approved and certified the benefited use of such empty cement
Cut pieces of issued & accounted for steel bars in length of two meters and above shall be
acceptable at the Departmental at stores.


At the end of each working season and after completion of work the consumption of cement will
bechecked on the basis of schedule of consumption as detailed in schedule „e‟ If on completion of works,
the quantity of cement issued to the contractor is in excess of the computed consumption plus an allowance
of two percent for variations and the balance is not available in the contractor‟s go down and is not returned
to the contractor at the rate Rs. Per Bag without prejudice as per clauses of this contract.

If on the completion of work the actual quantity of cement issued to the contractor is more
then the computed consumption on basis of mix design for concrete and on bias of schedule „C‟ for other
items, the cost of excess consumption shall be recovered @ Rs. Pebag up to two percent variation
over computed consumption any stock of cement available


Sl. NO. Name of Materials Unit Issue rate Penal rate Site of Issue
1 2 3 4 5 6
1- Cement in bag (50 kg.) No. Rs. 225/- Rs. 450/- Payagpur

2- Empty Cement bags No. Rs. 4/- Rs. 8/- Payagpur

3- Rein for cement steel M.T. Rs. 45000/- Rs. 90000/- Payagpur

4- Expansion joints R.M. Rs. 40.00 Rs. 80.00 Payagpur

5- Bearing Plates Sets.

1- The above materials will be issued to the contractor at Govt. go down indicated in col. (6) in case the
materials are issued to the place other than mentioned in the schedule deference in transport charges shall be
payable or recoverable as the case may be to or from the contractor. The difference shall be determined by the
circle in charge.

2. The material will be issued to the contractor only according to the requirement of work for half month
at a time contractor shall be responsible for the safe storage and custody od materials for which nothing extra
will be paid to him.

3. At every go down of he contractor a bound register shall be maintained in which daily receipt and
consumption of materials should recorded.

4. The labor for weighting or counting etc. a time of taking delievery of matrials from the store shall be
provided by the contractor at his own cost.

5. No claim shall be entertained for delay in supply of materials However suitable time extension shall be
sanctioned accordingly.

6. The following materials should be arranged by the contractor at this own expenses from the quarries
noted against cach.

Sl. No. Name of materials Name of quary

1. Coarse sand of F.M. between 2.2 & Hamirpur
2. Graded stone grit 4.75 To 50 M.M. Kabrai

3. Local sand

Contractor Executive Engineer


Unused in the contractor Go down, at the of works shall be returned to the departmental Go down at contractor
own expenses.
The cost of cement used on auxiliary of thanks contractor camp in salvation of plants etc. as approved
by the Engineer-in-charge will be recovered at the rate of Rs. Per bag. The contractor shall given spa rate
Indents for such requleeuents and beep a separate account of consumption of cement in such auxiliary works.

If on completion of works the quantity of steel issued to the contractor is in excess of the computed
conscription plus an allowance two percent for variations and the balance in not available in the contractor‟s go
down and not return to the departmental go dowqn the cost of such balance or difference shall be recovery from
the contractor at the rate of Rs. Per M.T. without prejudice to the clauses of this contract.


The consumption of other materials, which shall be issued to the contractor from of cost as per
condition of the contract, shall be checked on the basis of actual consumption at works and if the issued quantity
to the contractor by the department is found to be excess beyond two percent of the quantity actually consumed,
the cost of excess quantity beyond two percent shall be recovered at double the stick issued rate. The balance
stock shall be for-feted Any stock of such issued materials available unsed in the contractor‟s Go down at the
end of the work, shall be returned to the departmental store at the contractor‟s own expenses.


Certified that none of my relation except the following is employed

in…………………………………………………Uttar Pradesh.

Sl. No. Name Designation Place of posting

1 2 3 4







Note :- The following is the definition or relative :-

Father, mother, Siser, Brother in law, Son
Daughter, Father in law and Mother in law etc.

Contractor Executative Engineer

Specimen Signature of the contractor
Agreement General Stamp Paper
Stamp Paper

Ik{kikr jfgr

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dks ;g Hkh lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd mDr dk;Z dks izkjEHk djus dh frfFk---------------------
-------rFkk dk;Z iw.kZ djus dh frfFk---------------------------fu/kkZfjr dh tkrh gSA vc vki dk;Z
çkjEHk djus gsrq vf/kd`r gSaA
vuqcU/k dh ,d izfr dk;Z lapkyu gsrq vki ds fy, layXu dh tkrh gSA

layXu mijksDrkuqlkj Hkonh;

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izfrfyfi vuqcU/k dh çfr lfgr fuEu dks lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh
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vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk
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dk;Z dh MªkabZx fdlh Hkh dk;Zfnol
esa [k.Mh; dk;kZy; esa ns[kh tk ldrh gSA

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by AKHILESH KUMAR
Date: 2022.11.02 14:30:30 IST
Location: Uttar Pradesh-UP

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