SociologyTest Paper Aparna Gupta

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--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professor’s Classes--------------------

Mains 2017

Test 6

[Paper I]

Time allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250

Question Paper Specific Instructions

❖ There are EIGHT questions divided in two SECTIONS.

❖ Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

❖ Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are
to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each section.
--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professor’s Classes--------------------


Q1. Write short notes on the following: (10×5=50)

a) How did the emergence of industrial society change the family life in
Western Europe?
b) Explain the significance of conceptualization and formulation of hypothesis
in research.
c) How can we use reference group theory to understand fashion in society?
d) Critically examine the concept of historical materialism.
e) Social consequences of division of labour

Q2. (a) Analyze the manifest and latent functions of ‘security of the tenure of
bureaucrats’ in the light of Merton’s theory. 20

(b) Discuss social determinants of economic development. 20

(c) Critically examine the concept of ‘conscience collective’. 10

Q3. (a) Race is not a biological or genetic fact but a socially constructed myth.
Comment. 20

(b) Describe the functional prerequisites of social system as given by Talcott

Parsons. Examine in the context of a university as a social system. 20

(c) Write a short note on cybernetic hierarchy of control. 10

Q4. (a) In what respects do you think Weber’s conception of sociology differs
from that of Durkheim? Which one of the two is more satisfactory?
Substantiate your answer. 25

(b) Examine how open and closed systems of stratification are undergoing
transformation in the emergence of new hierarchical social order in societies.
--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professor’s Classes--------------------


Q5. Write short notes on the following: (10×5=50)

(a) “Self and Society are twin-born.” Examine the statement of Mead.
(b) Kinship and social capital
(c) Participatory democracy
(d) Impact of globalization on labour
(e) Education and social change

Q6. (a) “Science has empirical means to logical ends and religion has
non-empirical means to logical ends.” - Comment 20

(b) Examine the functioning of political parties in the democracies of the third
world societies. 20

(c) Examine the social dimensions of displacement induced by development.


Q7. (a) How does Parsons defend the nuclear family in promoting
industrialization? Is his thesis universally valid? 20

(b) Discuss the factors leading to growing religious revivalism in the

contemporary world. 20

(c) Discuss T. H. Marshall’s views on citizenship. 10

Q8. (a) Bring out a comparative analysis of Marxian and Parsonian views of
social change and examine the relevance of each view for social
development in the contemporary India. 25

(b) Examine the utility of the theory of relative deprivation in explaining

collective action in Indian society. 25

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