Sector Performance

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A Project work to analyse Sector Performance in Equities at Angel Broking.

An industry group or sector consists of companies in closely related businesses such as oil and gas, technology, cement, steel, banking etc. Stocks within a sector tend to move together because companies within the same industry group are affected in similar ways by market and economic conditions. In recent months, weve seen surges in the prices of oil companies, gold mining stocks, retail stores, and financial services companies, among others. When those industries took off, most stocks in the groups went along. No matter what the overall market is doing, youll always find some industry groups moving up, and others heading down. A popular investment strategy is to pick the strongest stock in a strong industry. Investment in equities requires discipline, timing and the movement of the market. Equities are considered high risk asset class but it gives highest returns compared with all other asset classes. Purpose of our project is to identify the underperformed stocks which are having the scope to perform in the future.

Selection of stock from each selected sector which performs best for the investment purpose.

Selection of 5 different sectors according to the timing and movement in equity segment. Picking the sector and stocks through Bollinger (technical) analysis and classify them into better & inferior performance by its objective. To analyze stocks by evaluating a sector and various performance and risk attributes.

To get the potential profits for the investor for his investments made in equities.


What are the factors which influence the stock market? How to analyse the selected sectors valuations based on its fundamentals? What is Technical Analysis? What is the role of a Bollinger Analysis in Technical Analysis? What is Risk and how the impact of the risk can be measured? How Performance measure will be calculated? What is Markowitz Approach and its role in designing the Portfolio of an investor?

Primary Data: Primary data will be obtained from Employees of Angel Broking The clients of Angel Broking ltd, My personnel observation Secondary Data: For the secondary source information, Angel Broking website Books, News paper, Journals etc. Analysis & Interpretation: EPS and P/E ratio, Bollinger analysis Avg. returns p.a. returns based on market movement Mean, standard deviation, variance, co-variance and beta Sharpe method, Jensen method, Trynors method


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Introduction to Project Company Profile Sector Analysis. Fundamental and Technical Analysis of the Sectors. Portfolio Designing. Prime Data Base Research Objective Research Methodology Analysis & Interpretation

10 Recommendations 11 Conclusions 12 Bibliography 13 Annexure

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