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Name: ______________________________________Year/SET: _______________

Instructor: ______________________________________Date: ________________

Part I- MCQ
Direction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. ENCIRCLE only
one answer for each item. Strictly, NO ERASURES.

1. Given the global influence of gender in a person’s life, there are theories that have been
developed to explain gender development. What are the three main theories in which gender
development is more concerned of?
a. Biological, sociological, and cognitive theories
b. Sociological, cognitive, and psychological theories
c. Cognitive, psychosocial, and psychosexual theories
d. Moral, emotional, and cognitive theories

2. These theories posit that gender differences arise from the disparate treatment boys and girls
experience from individuals in their lives, coupled with the pervasive gender-stereotyped
messages present in their environment.
a. Biological theories c. Sociological theories
b. Cognitive theories d. Moral theories

3. These theories view children as active constructors of knowledge who seek, interpret,
and act on information to match their behavior to their understanding of gender.
a. Biological theories c. Sociological theories
b. Cognitive theories d. Moral theories

4. These theories believe that psychological and behavioral gender differences are due to
biological differences between males and females.
a. Biological theories c. Sociological theories
b. Cognitive theories d. Moral theories

5. What is the primary difference between growth and development?

a. Growth is a continuous process, whereas development stops after adolescence.
b. Growth refers to quantitative changes, while development refers to qualitative changes.
c. Growth and development are the same and can be used interchangeably.
d. Growth refers to qualitative changes, while development refers to quantitative changes.

6. He is one of the most influential modern scientists and well-known psychologist that put forth
a theory about how people develop a sense of self and believed that personality and sexual
development were closely linked.
a. Albert Bandura c. Sigmund Freud
b. Lawrence Kohlberg d. George Herbert Mead

7. Key to Freud’s approach to child development is to trace the formations of desire and
pleasure in the child’s life.
a. True c. False
b. Partly true d. Partly correct

8. Sigmund Freud compared the human mind into an/a ___________.

a. Ice c. Iceberg
b. Water d. Burger

9. According to Freud, which part of the mind contains repressed memories, desires, and
traumatic experiences that are not accessible to conscious awareness?
a. Conscious mind c. Unconscious mind
b. Conscience mind d. Preconscious mind

10. According to Freud, this is the part of the mind that contains a small amount of mental
activity we know about.
a. Conscious mind c. Unconscious mind
b. Conscience mind d. Preconscious mind
11. According to Freud, this is the part of the mind that contains memories and stored
a. Conscious mind c. Unconscious mind
b. Conscience mind d. Preconscious mind

12. It comprises of our needs that require constant fulfillment and operates on the pleasure
a. Self c. Id
b. Ego d. Superego

13. It is an internal representation of the moral values of the environment and judges what we
should morally do or not do. It is also called the conscience principle.
a. Id c. Moral
b. Superego d. Ego

14. It is the negotiator and decision-maker that operates on the reality principle, evaluating
conditions in the real world.
a. Id c. Moral
b. Superego d. Ego

15. Which situation best exemplifies the function of the ego?

a. A child, feeling conflicted between wanting to play outside and needing to complete their
homework, decides to compromise by finishing their homework quickly and then going outside.
b. A teenager impulsively spends all their money on video games without considering the
c. A preschooler throws a tantrum when their parent refuses to buy them a toy.
d. An infant cries when hungry, indicating their immediate needs.

16. Which situation reflects the operation of the id?

a. An infant seeks immediate gratification of their hunger by crying until they are fed.
b. A teenager meticulously plans their future career, considering various factors and potential
c. An adult uses humor as a defense mechanism to cope with a stressful situation.
d. A preschooler feels guilty after breaking a rule and seeks forgiveness from their caregiver.

17.Which situation best illustrates the superego's influence?

a. An adult impulsively buys an expensive item they cannot afford, driven by unconscious
b. A preschooler throws a tantrum when their parent refuses to buy them a toy, expressing
immediate needs.
c. A teenager feels guilty and ashamed after cheating on a test, reflecting internalized moral
d. An infant cries when hungry, indicating their basic biological needs.

18. In this stage of development, children spend more time and interact mostly with the same
sex peers.
a. Phallic stage c. Anal stage
b. Oral stage d. Latency stage

19. Which stage of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory is associated with the formation of the
Oedipus complex in boys?
a. Oral stage c. Genital stage
b. Phallic stage d. Latency stage

20. Which stage of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory does individuals are attached to their
opposite sex peers?
a. Oral stage c. Anal stage
b. Phallic stage d. Genital stage

21. In this stage of development, children derive pleasure from oral activities including sucking
and tasting.
a. Oral stage c. Anal stage
b. Phallic stage d. Latency stage

22. Which term in Freud's psychosexual theory describes a personality characterized by

obsession of cleanliness, orderliness, and a strong need for control?
a. Oral receptive c. Anal expulsive
b. Oral aggressive d. Anal retentive

23. Which term in Freud's psychosexual theory describes a personality characterized by

messiness, carelessness, and disorganization?
a. Anal retentive c. Anal expulsive
b. Oral aggressive d. Oral receptive

24. In Freud's psychosexual theory, which term describes a personality type that is
characterized by the tendency of smoking, drinking alcohol, and overeating?
a. Oral aggressive c. Oral receptive
b. Anal expulsive d. Anal aggressive

25. In Freud's psychosexual theory, which term describes a personality type characterized by
having a stronger tendency to bite nails, using curse words, and gossiping?
a. Oral receptive c. Anal retentive
b. Oral aggressive d. Phallic aggressive

26. According to Freud's psychosexual theory, which erogenous zone is associated with the
phallic stage of development?
a. Mouth c. Genitals (own)
b. Anus d. Genitals of the opposite sex

27. Which erogenous zone is associated with the oral stage of development?
a. Mouth c. Genitals (own)
b. Anus d. Genitals of the opposite sex

28. Which erogenous zone is associated with the anal stage of development?
a. Mouth c. Genitals (own)
b. Anus d. Genitals of the opposite sex

29. During the Latency stage, sexual urges are awakened.

a. True c. Partly True
b. False d. Partly Correct

30. According to Freud's psychosexual theory, which situation represents the Oedipus complex
in a child?
a. A boy develops an attraction to his mother and expresses hostility towards his father, fearing
b. A girl develops feelings of rivalry towards her mother and seeks to compete with her for her
father's attention.
c. A child experiences anxiety and guilt over unresolved conflicts related to early childhood
d. An adult struggles with intimacy and trust issues due to unresolved conflicts from infancy.

31. According to Freud's psychosexual theory, which situation represents the Electra complex in
a child?
a. A boy develops an attraction to his mother and expresses hostility towards his father, fearing
b. A girl develops feelings of rivalry towards her mother and seeks to compete with her for her
father's attention.
c. A child experiences anxiety and guilt over unresolved conflicts related to early childhood
d. An adult struggles with intimacy and trust issues due to unresolved conflicts from infancy.

32.He advanced a more detailed sociological approach to the self and noted that the self is not
at birth but developed from social experiences and activities.

a. Charles Cooley c. Albert Bandura

b. George Herbert Mead d. Lawrence Kohlberg

33. Which sociological theory proposes that individuals develop their self-concepts through their
perceptions of how others view them?
a. Social learning theory c. Differential association theory
b. Looking glass self-theory d. Symbolic interactionist
34. What do you think is the primary difference between "I" and "me" according to Mead?
a. "I" refers to one's individual and natural identity, while "me" represents the internalized social
b. "I" represents the subjective self, while "me" reflects the objective self as seen by others.
c. "I" refers to the conscious self, while "me" represents the subconscious self.
d. "I" represents the present self, while "me" encompasses both past and future selves.

35. Which stage of child socialization, as proposed by Mead, involves children internalizing
societal expectations and norms, leading to the development of a generalized sense of the
social order?
a. Preparatory stage c. Play stage
b. Game stage d. Generalized other stage

36. In Mead's theory, during which stage of child socialization do children primarily engage in
role-taking activities, simulating the actions of others and developing a sense of self?
a. Preparatory stage c. Game stage
b. Play stage d. Generalized other stage

37. In Mead's theory, during which stage of child socialization do children copy the actions of
people whom they regularly interact such as facial expressions, gestures, or sounds made by
their parents or siblings.
a. Preparatory stage c. Play stage
b. Game stage d. Generalized other stage

38. Moral development does not prevent people from acting on unchecked urges and immediate
a. True C. Partly True
b. False d. Partly correct

39. In Kohlberg's theory of moral development in gender, at which level do individuals base their
moral decisions on universal ethical principles, even if they conflict with societal norms?
a. Preconventional level c. Conventional level
b. Post conventional level d. Transitional level

40. In Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development in gender, which level is characterized
by a focus on avoiding punishment and seeking rewards?
a. Preconventional level c. Conventional level
b. Post conventional level d. Transitional level

41. According to Kohlberg, which level of moral development involves conforming to societal
norms and expectations to maintain social order and harmony?
a. Preconventional level c. Conventional level
b. Post conventional level d. Transitional level

42. In Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which stage is characterized by following rules
to avoid punishment?
a. Mutual benefit orientation
b. Punishment obedience orientation
c. Universal ethical principle
d. Law and order orientation

43. Which stage in Kohlberg's theory involves adhering to societal rules and laws to maintain
social order and avoid chaos?
a. Mutual benefit orientation
b. Punishment obedience orientation
c. Universal ethical principle
d. Law and order orientation

44. According to Kohlberg, at which stage of moral development does an individual consider
societal rules as relative and negotiable, and decisions are based on mutual benefit?
a. Mutual benefit orientation
b. Punishment obedience orientation
c. Universal ethical principle
d. Law and order orientation
45. In Kohlberg's theory of gender development, which stage involves children understanding
that gender is consistent over time and across situations, regardless of changes in appearance
or activities?
a. Gender consistency c. Gender stability
b. Gender labeling d. Gender truancy

46. How does Gilligan's Theory of Moral Development and Gender challenge Kohlberg's stages
of moral reasoning?
a. By emphasizing the importance of gender identity formation in moral decision-making.
b. By proposing an alternative model based on the progression from self-interest to ethical
c. By critiquing the male-centered nature of Kohlberg's stages and considering the female
perspectives through proposing the ethics of care.
d. By suggesting that moral reasoning is primarily shaped by biological factors rather than

47. Which term describes the ability to replicate or imitate the observed behavior in Bandura's
Social Learning Theory?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation

48. According to Bandura, which factor is necessary for an individual to have the desire or
reason to perform the behavior?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation

49. Which process in Bandura's Social Learning Theory involves focusing on and noticing a
model's behavior?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation

50. In Bandura's Social Learning Theory, which process involves remembering and recalling the
observed behavior?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation


Direction: The class will be divided into five groups. Each group will perform a role play about
the core dimensions of sexuality. Each group will be graded according to the rubrics.

Content Knowledge – 20 points

Role Play Performance- 20 points
Collaboration and Teamwork- 10 points
Total – 50 points


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